View Full Version : Is Patricia There?

10-31-18, 4:27pm
Have you gotten these calls? I've gotten quite a few over the years. they just called today. Someone calls and says "Is Patricia there?" When you say "No", they then say "Well maybe you can help me"........and they're wanting a donation. When he called today and asked, I just said "Now you know she isn't!!" and hung up and blocked the number (which won't matter because they have millions of other numbers.)

I need to think of something better to say.......like "Yes, she's here, just a minute", and get my air horn and let it rip into the mouth piece. haha Or......say "yes, I'll get her"........and leave the phone on the table and go away.

10-31-18, 5:44pm
That is a new approach to hear about. Amazing what is tried.

11-1-18, 6:23am
I always request that our number be removed from their list. I actually feel that helps - at least a little.

Zoe Girl
11-1-18, 8:05am
A few years ago someone named David used my phone number to sign up for a survey service. I am still getting calls and texts for him, argh. Sometimes you can get removed but it is always different numbers. Same with the time I was comparing health insurance plans, I have been getting calls for 3 years! Patricia is a new one for me.

11-1-18, 10:00am
I've simply stopped answering the phone if I don't recognize the number and am not immediately expecting an unknown number (for example, if I'm waiting for the plumber to call me with an ETA for my visit -- and, even then, (s)he'd better have a local area code and a real number).

It's amazing to me how quickly the bad actors have screwed up one of mankind's biggest inventions.

11-1-18, 10:13am
I read that a growing portion of these calls are not voices of actual humans. Robots so to speak.

11-1-18, 10:18am
The air horn won't work as the phone system eliminates highs and lows now. (talked to a LEO friend who said shots sound like knocks on a table)
Do the table trick.

Zoe Girl
11-1-18, 10:22am
Steve I also do that, I got caught up for awhile when I was looking for a job. I answered all the calls then. I can go back to ignoring,

11-1-18, 10:39am
Steve I also do that, I got caught up for awhile when I was looking for a job. I answered all the calls then. I can go back to ignoring,

oh I'd only ever answer calls maybe less than half the time, if I was feeling adventurous, when looking for work. From having my resume on job boards, I got several ridiculous job spam calls a day (and I don't mean anything that ever would lead to anything real, bad recruiters were just calling anyone with a keyword in their resume and throwing resumes randomly all over the place) that answering the phone was ridiculous. If they were serious (and even if they weren't) they could leave a message I figured - anyone serious and more than half of the spam calls did and at least I avoided wasting time.

11-1-18, 11:59am
Our answering machine is always on, we NEVER pick up unless we know who it is. It saves time and energy.

11-1-18, 12:33pm
My favorite answer is, "Nope, she's doin' a nickel upstate."

I use that when they ask for "the person who's responsible for ...." or me or whatever.

11-1-18, 2:48pm
LOL that's a good one Kay.

The scammers/telemarketers have caught on that if they call with a number that has your local prefix on it, you're more likely to answer it. That's true. I always think it's someone locally calling me.
But I've caught on to this.......If you say hello, and no one answers immediately, hang up quickly. Then I block that number.

11-1-18, 3:24pm
That same prefix scam doesnt work for me. I still have my phone number from when we lived in NJ so if someone calls with my area code and prefix i know it’s a scam. If i could block all 9,999 of these numbers in bulk i would.

11-1-18, 4:00pm
If i could block all 9,999 of these numbers in bulk i would.
It's possible on smartphones. There are apps that do just that -- block and area code and exchange. I've recently started using one (WideProtect, for iPhones) and have been pleased at the quiet I've experienced. I also, however, seem to get fewer legitimate calls (doctor, etc.) ringing through, but they can leave voicemail so eventually I know they've called. That's just annoying when I'm expecting a callback and I don't want to babysit the phone -- but I'm not sure it's something WideProtect is doing.

11-2-18, 9:26pm
FWIW, there's an article at AARP.org about stopping spam calls:
https://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/info-2018/tips-to-stop-spam-calls.html?cmp=EMC-DSO-NLC-WBLTR--FRD-MCTRL-110218-F1-3334847&ET_CID=3334847&ET_RID=10195574&mi_u=10195574&mi_ecmp=20181102_Webletter_M_CTRL_Winner_339600_46 8014&encparam=%2blJIKO%2fnCsvAx3gD1zkBfw0ScAXz%2bXnySgt 20IEkRmE%3d

I've got a new twist: apparently the person who owned my number before has now got debt collectors coming after her. Meaning, they're dialing my number of course. I've already answered one such call around noon today to inform them they have the wrong person. They apologized and agreed to correct their records, and then I blocked the number. Naturally, I checked my phone about an hour ago and there was another call from this same number showing up in my call log. Appears they are happy to have connected with a live person and it will remain to be seen if they do actually stop calling me.
I think the FCC needs to take a test case against these spammers/scammers and hammer them with fines and jail time.

2-4-19, 10:56am
I got another one of these the other day. When he said "Is Patricia there?" I just yelled "Dammit.....you know she isn't!!" and hung up.

When they call again, I've been thinking about saying "No......she died last week." And start crying, going on and on about Patricia and her hard life and how will we get on without her???!
DH said........"But then they would probably continue their spiel." >8)

Teacher Terry
2-4-19, 11:05am
We do what Steve does.

Mrs. Hermit
2-4-19, 4:15pm
Our landline number was given out by someone who didn't pay their debts. One time I got a collection caller who wanted to speak to X. I replied "I do too--so I can tell her to stop giving out my number!" Once the agent stopped laughing, she offered to remove my number from the lists. It worked for that batch of debt collection calls!

2-4-19, 4:20pm
Argh..those darn spam calls. We donated to Emily's List to support female candidates and they must have sold our name because we soon got deluged with donation calls (let no good deed go unpunished??)..now we let the calls go to the answering machine and pick up if a friend or expected vendor speaks after the message.

We even quieted the ringer as the constant ringing was aggravating me.

Sure do hate paying for a service that we're cowed into not using due to constant spam calls. There outta be a law..

2-4-19, 5:04pm
HappyHiker......is your number on a do-not-call list? That doesn't completely get rid of them, but seems to get rid of quite a few.

About donating........I have quit donating to anything. Even if it was an environmental organization, they would use up my donation in no time on mailings to me, asking for more. It's ridiculous.