View Full Version : Happy Veteran's Day

11-11-18, 8:00am
And happy Marine Corps Birthday yesterday! Semper fi. And a huge thank you to my fellow veterans and those currently serving and the families.

11-11-18, 8:10am
And happy Marine Corps Birthday yesterday! Semper fi. And a huge thank you to my fellow veterans and those currently serving and the families.

On behalf of DH, thank you, happystuff. DH served in the Marines in the 70s. I think most people who know him would be surprised to hear that--he was a party animal and theatre geek, completely self-absorbed and apolitical when he wandered impulsively into a recruiting station in Westchester County. He had a bad feeling about the way his life was going. In fact, because of a wound on his forehead that was fresh from a bar fight, the recruiter asked, before signing him up, "Are you in trouble with the law, son?"

His mother--a widow with a 7 year old at the time--was completely blindsided by this and very, very unhappy. But he still followed those footprints to Parris Island. He said it was the hardest thing he did--but also the best. He's proud of being a Marine and always will be, and he should be.

Yes--a big thank you to all of you who have served.

Teacher Terry
11-11-18, 10:45am
My ex was in Vietnam as a marine. I was in the 4th grade:))

11-11-18, 4:19pm
I do thank the veterans.

11-12-18, 1:41pm
I got some free stuff yesterday for having served. That impressed my little girl.

dado potato
11-13-18, 12:43pm
Everyone Sang

Everyone suddenly burst out singing;
And I was filled with such delight
As prisoned birds must feel in freedom,
Winging wildly across the white
Orchards and dark-green fields; on -- on -- and out of sight.

Everyone's voice was suddenly lifted;
And beauty came like the setting sun:
My heart was shaken with tears; and horror
Drifted away … O, but Everyone
Was a bird; and the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.

-- Siegfried Sassoon

11-13-18, 4:57pm
I remember my dad would get so upset that I got Veterans Day off (working at a bank) while he had to work even though he was a veteran!

11-13-18, 7:44pm
I was thinking on Veterans Day with all the media attention, how lonely it must be to be a Quaker or other pacifist.

11-13-18, 11:23pm
I’m a Mennonite pacifist by history. I never felt lonely. I just enjoyed the day off.

Now I’m a pragmatic agnostic. So on this holiday, I thought about the pros and cons of our modern world, grateful for a free country paid for by others, but equally horrified by the amount of bloodshed between humans in the last few thousand years.