View Full Version : Black Friday mayhem!

11-23-18, 7:26am
Well, apparently a gunman in Alabama shot some people at a mall over a holiday shopping dispute. Horrible, but not unexpected.

11-23-18, 8:57am
I hate Black Friday and everything it stands for.

11-23-18, 9:00am
I hate Black Friday and everything it stands for.

I agree. I usually do buy nothing day, but we did do our usual Friday grocery shopping this morning. The grocery store was positively serene, except there was Christmas music. I loathe Christmas music, and if I had to listen to it all day every day for a month, I might snap and shoot someone.

11-23-18, 9:37am
Was it an ammo sale for maximum irony?


Zoe Girl
11-23-18, 10:48am
I also do buy nothing, although I contacted someone about a used daybed, and I need gas if I go hiking. I worked at Target for 5 years so I am well over the holiday stuff. I try to buy local when I can, and then avoid the big days.

11-23-18, 11:19am
Yesterday afternoon I went to a major retailer's Web site and bought a replacement iPad for DW. It -- surprisingly -- was a breeze, with no difficulty finding the product and with the Web site keeping up with all the other bargain hunters on it. There's no way you could get me near a brick-and-mortar store today (or yesterday ftm -- I will not go to a store to shop on Thanksgiving) but it just made good sense to save 25% on a product we were going to buy soon anyway (DW's current iPad is literally just about worn out). That is all the Black Friday shopping I intend to do.

I guess I don't hold BF in the same contempt as others here; if it can work for me without severely bothering others, why not? Besides, BF is creeping all over the map. I can't count the number of pre-BF and CyberMonday sales I've gotten emails about, from vendors as disparate as big-box discounters to Web hosting services.

11-23-18, 11:22am
I hate it, but I'm going to work today (no overtime, I'm a contractor, time). And I hate that I'm going to work too.

11-23-18, 11:25am
Isn't black Friday so named because it's when retailers supposedly start making a profit?
I bought a few things on line yesterday, as well,
I wouldn't venture out and battle crowds to save a few bucks, ever. For any reason. For many, it seems to be sport.

11-23-18, 11:35am
For many, it seems to be sport.
Indeed. A popular post-meal pasttime in DW's family's Thanksgiving celebration is poring over all the BF print ads. Some of it is for saving $$; some of it is to get ideas for gifts to be purchased later; some of the plotting and planning undoubtedly is sport.

The other popular post-meal pasttime in DW's family is sport: watching football on TV. :(

11-23-18, 11:45am
Well, lets see. Wed afternoon a pre Friday sale on 70% off Xmas fabric for quilting and 50% off yarn for Mom's hobbies. But it was right next door to where we took Mom for an early nonstressful Thanksgiving lunch.

Thanksgiving morning at 6am skipped the electronics but got cat food and litter on a big sale.

On Friday, Hubby went to hardware stores for some tools on sale and some Xmas presents for the guys also on sale. Then exercise class and he went off to do building work for Habitat for Humanity.

Another sale is tomorrow at 7am again for fabric at 70% off.

Lots of other sales but we need nothing else. Hubby got his Xmas electronics online already. (I dont like talking to electronic boxes and like them even less when they talk back.)

11-23-18, 11:53am
Just got back from Kohl's. There were plenty of shoppers but it wasn't crazy, just a little bit busier than a normal weekend. I wanted to pick up a few things for the clothing drive for foster kids, especially socks and pajama pants, and it was easy to get in and out.

Also got something I'd been wanting for a while: a Photo/Video dashboard cam. It's from Smartgear, original price $50 and on sale for $25. It has 32GB of storage with continuous recording mode that records over the oldest videos when memory reaches full. So that was Lainey's present to Lainey!

11-23-18, 11:57am
I've got a different take on Black Friday this year as opposed to most of my life. I'm actually doing halfway decently these days and since I have not raised my standard of living one iota I've been a savings machine. Now Black Friday comes along and I don't feel guilty (or as guilty) buying myself things I have wanted. Cases in point - two sets of 1200 thread count sheets at $25 each, a back up Chromebook at $119.99 plus tax, a new HP Envy printer for $29.99 on very deep discount, and a metal detector for SO at $59.00 plus tax. I also picked up a 32 inch TV for my Mom for $79.99 plus tax. All these things were well discounted and all these things have been wanted for some time. Black Friday is a bit of a spectacle, but it has brought these items not only into closer reach but also into the territory of less guilt for buying them.

Just a different take is all. And I would not especially want Black Friday to take place more than once a year.

One tip I do have to anyone open to Black Friday - Target has great crowd control and is my favorite Black Friday retailer - followed by Big Five Sporting Goods (no crowds there at all at 5 AM this morning). Happpy Holidays to one and all, btw! Rob

Another tip - if you ever find anything interesting in a "men's gifts" area of a department store, these things go for 70% or more off on December 26th. Rob

iris lilies
11-23-18, 12:13pm
I am so out if it, not sure I have e er done shopping on Black Friday. The stuff I want isnt normally held at big box dtores or mall stoes anyway. And if I had to go to IKEA on Black Friday I think I would probably have a panic attack since I hate that place anyway in normal time even when I go there on a perfectly quiet weekday afternoons. Anyway

Anyway – here is my question: are there *really*deals on Black Friday that do not take place at any other time?

11-23-18, 12:23pm
I am so out if it, not sure I have e er done shopping on Black Friday. The stuff I want isnt normally held at big box dtores or mall stoes anyway. And if I had to go to IKEA on Black Friday I think I would probably have a panic attack since I hate that place anyway in normal time even when I go there on a perfectly quiet weekday afternoons. Anyway

Anyway – here is my question: are there *really*deals on Black Friday that do not take place at any other time?IL, my take is yes indeed there are. That TV, printer, metal detector and the high thread sheet sets I posted about above? I've been keeping track to get the best deals and over the past year, these are the best prices I've seen for these goods bought brand new. So, yes, in some areas my experience is that Black Friday does have deals to offer. Rob

11-23-18, 12:24pm
To expand on rob's point based on the income stats about people in the US I suspect a lot of people who 'go crazy' over Black Friday do so because it's sale sale sale sale! And this is the one time of the year that they feel they can splurge on stuff that their family want/need. Sure they'd love to just be able to buy what they want when they want and not be especially price conscious all year long, but that just isn't half the country's reality.

Teacher Terry
11-23-18, 12:36pm
We never shop on BF. We are going to a movie. 2 of our theaters have lowered their prices to $5 before 5pm.

11-23-18, 12:38pm
I did see at least one retailer say they wouldn't open Thursday (don't remember which one) so their employees could be home with their families. I don't generally shop BF. I am at work where it's nice and quiet. There has been a lot of buzz in my town the last few years promoting Shop Local Saturday, which his nice.

11-23-18, 12:43pm
I did see at least one retailer say they wouldn't open Thursday (don't remember which one) so their employees could be home with their families. I don't generally shop BF. I am at work where it's nice and quiet. There has been a lot of buzz in my town the last few years promoting Shop Local Saturday, which his nice.One area in which I will shop local this year (and over the course of the year beyond the Holidays) is soap. I've been buying locally made soap from an entrenpreneur/activist soap maker I know and my skin loves it! I've decided that in this New Year this is the one luxury I will allow myself beyond higher class looking teeth tended to at a fraction of the price in Mexico - I will be supporting this person's small business and using this locally made soap exclusively. Did I just cross the line into middle class? Rob

iris lilies
11-23-18, 12:59pm
Fru fru soap s indeed middle class stuff, yet still another item I do not get and do not want as a gift. I used bar soap until I gave up the battle with DH who claims to need Dial for his feet. So, we use
Dial in the shower and have in recent years changed to liquid soap, but I feel guilty about that, more silly unnecessary stuf going into the landfill.

Teacher Terry
11-23-18, 1:34pm
Fancy soaps usually have fragrance which gives me a asthma attack. I give them away. I do like liquid soap but just refill the same containers.

11-23-18, 1:35pm
Anyway – here is my question: are there *really*deals on Black Friday that do not take place at any other time?
A qualified yes, IMHO.

The difference, I think, is in the breadth of the sales. For example, I've gotten BF emails from software vendors offering 30% off their product line; that typically does not happen more than one other time in the year, and it's usually tied to a new-product release, not everything in their line. A company from which I've purchased cooking thermometers occasionally has sales on products here and there, usually in a limited choice of colors or capacities; for BF it's their lowest price, maybe only by a few dollars, but on all the colors and capacities. Sometimes discounts are offered on an entire brand of merchandise, not just what the seller wants to move or which they think will attract the most buyer attention.

Some of the cheapest TVs and electronics being offered by the big-name stores -- the "doorbusters" -- typically are older stock or less-featured models or SKUs built for them -- but some models are current. The iPad we bought yesterday likely won't come at that discount again until Apple offers it through the Refurbished section of their Web site, and that will be a few months from now and probably not a 25% discount that soon anyway.

So, yes, you still need to be a careful shopper. You might be able to match or better a price by waiting (for example, TVs are supposedly cheaper around Superb Owl time). But, in many cases, you'll find lower prices or upgrades on things that don't often see them.

11-23-18, 1:48pm
Interestingly, LL Bean has been doing 25% off sales for various holiday weekends, e.g. Labor Day, Veteran's Day, but they are only offering 20% this weekend.

11-23-18, 2:24pm
Well, apparently a gunman in Alabama shot some people at a mall over a holiday shopping dispute. Horrible, but not unexpected.

"Not unexpected." That is a sorrowful statement of truth.

11-23-18, 3:50pm
I do not venture out to shop from Thanksgiving until after Valentines day. However there was a sale on Thanksgiving at a local store that had a very nice recliner for $189 until noon. We were out delivering Meals on Wheels and stopped by to look since it was on our route. Saints be praised, it was actually very well made, the right color and size for the spare bedroom I wanted it for. DONE. Everything else is via Amazon but very little because we only do Christmas socks. Everybody is grown and we prefer a holiday get-together with lovely food and board games. Even that night is not on a calendar holiday. Less stress.

11-23-18, 7:08pm
Simplemind, that sounds like a lovely Christmas!
We went downtown today and Christmas shopped, away from the mall and the big box stores. It was really great--people were out with their dogs, everyone was enjoying the warm (for us) day, I bought some locally made jewelry out of local stones for Christmas gifts, some local coloring books for the grandchildren, locally made toys for the grandchildren, and two local author books for my dad. There was a good deal at the bookstore--buy 40 dollars worth and your year's membership free, and if you are a member, you get 10% off every day.

It was nice to be downtown with everyone, kind of a return to holiday shopping used to be when was a kid. I had saved up cash in an envelope, and that was like being a kid again, too.
we had chinese food on the way home. All in all, a really nice day!

11-23-18, 7:56pm
I made my ritual henley t-shirt order to Duluth Trading.

11-23-18, 10:17pm
To expand on rob's point based on the income stats about people in the US I suspect a lot of people who 'go crazy' over Black Friday do so because it's sale sale sale sale! And this is the one time of the year that they feel they can splurge on stuff that their family want/need. Sure they'd love to just be able to buy what they want when they want and not be especially price conscious all year long, but that just isn't half the country's reality.

I might be more convinced of this if I was convinced it was anything anyone really needs (items of clothing or light bulbs or something maybe ... but that's never what gets the hype so it never leaves that impression. Maybe appliances come closest).

11-23-18, 10:40pm
In my experience, the real "deals" are in electronics, and in years past, I've bought game controllers, games, etc for grandsons. Now that they are grown and have all been making their own money for 3 or more years, they don't have any particular Christmas wants.

I'm trying to tell my daughter that this is the time to move to "Stockings only" - small things that we put in the stockings for each other, and not totally stuffed with candy anymore. I have my eye on $5 small sturdy LED flashlights at Ace...

11-23-18, 11:33pm
As I am a new grandma, I can't help but think of how we train up our babies to be consumers...it makes me sad. I saw all the ads and thought it ironic that on this same day the news of our impending climate change realities came out...yet shopping trumped all.

11-24-18, 2:23am
Years ago, I tried for three years until I got it through my head, to go pay the property taxes, as I figured their would be no line. I still don't get how it is a county holiday, when it isn't a federal one.

My big BF purchase, new brake lines. Mine ruptured on Monday, thankfully in the driveway, rather then on the road.

11-24-18, 3:02am
As I am a new grandma, I can't help but think of how we train up our babies to be consumers...

It is training and a brainwashing and oftentimes really a sort of trance (but I do think it is because life in this society is pretty unrewarding otherwise, it's just work work-work-work, and so you want to feel like you get something for that work is probably how it goes. And what do you get for that work? Just money, some at least of which of course you need).

But yea consumerism is a frame of mind that can be slipped in and out of even if not easily. Every home decorating magazine is of that mindset (I don't think that's the only example of the mindset of course, it's just a very pure distilled form of the trance for me - bah that sounds like I do a lot of home decorating, I don't really, it holds a trance like appeal when reading that stuff though).

I've never been more broken of the consumerist mindset/trance EVER than by long term unemployment. But it's easy to slip into with a little feeling economically safe - which I actually don't have, so I'm not really here nor there, in this liminal state. But I have a different type of spending mentality that does sometimes think about stocking up though - on stuff I wont' be able (or willing anyway - I'll wear rags and stuff rather than buy clothes) to buy when unemployed. But much else I can't even think about buying and so don't. The clarity after unemployment on such things is the cleansing after a fast (ha since that is often a topic here) or after a rain. But the fast itself is misery and unemployment I would wish on my worst enemy but not on anyone I didn't hate - because it's not something people should have to go through. And the revelation isn't: I should save for a rainy day. I did anyway, I think this has real limitations. It's rather: consumerism is pretty pointless, ain't it? That's how it came to seem because I wasn't allowed it for all that time.

But will I get lectured on not understanding the poor poor people who couldn't afford electronic gadgetry otherwise or something if they didn't hit black friday sales. Well ... I choose to work black friday because I was that hard up for money since I don't know where I'll be when this contract is over. So my black friday decisions were actually money and desperation driven, they just weren't about shopping.

Chicken lady
11-24-18, 6:48am
We were driving back from visiting ds yesterday. We (I) used the smart phone to buy Dd high quality long underwear for Christmas at a 25% discount. It will make her outdoors in all weather job much more pleasant.

we also bought a tow and a tire.

i am making a special trip into town to shop a sale at a small business I love, but it’s not really “supporting” it - I “support” it more when I shop there at regular cost year round.

11-24-18, 8:12am
I went into work on Black Friday. Short day and didn't make up for the whole day off for Thanksgiving, but it is something to add to the paycheck. Then cooked the "free" turkey from the grocery store - which will be shared with my neighbor. While it was cooking, I watched movies and crocheted an afghan for my niece - a very belated housewarming gift. I have been described as the "worse consumer ever" as I really dislike shopping for anything. I look around at all the "stuff" and only see things I'll be trying to declutter later.

11-24-18, 9:08am
I have been described as the "worse consumer ever" as I really dislike shopping for anything. I look around at all the "stuff" and only see things I'll be trying to declutter later.


11-24-18, 9:53am
As I am a new grandma, I can't help but think of how we train up our babies to be consumers...it makes me sad. I saw all the ads and thought it ironic that on this same day the news of our impending climate change realities came out...yet shopping trumped all.
USians live in a consumer-/consumption-driven economy. If we don't keep buying, the wheels grind to a halt. I'm not saying that's a good thing; just how our economy runs. So there is (what seems to us simple-living folk to be) an undue emphasis on buying things even if what is already owned is perfectly usable. :(

Climate change, on the other hand, is old news and disputed by way too many people. Getting a great deal on a new TV seems far more achievable than addressing climate change to a positive level of resolution. So, yeah, Black Friday is going to carry the news day whenever it happens...

11-24-18, 10:03am
Thanksgiving Day I drove 2 hours to have dinner with my goddaughter and her extended family. Spent the night, then drove 2 hours to work yesterday morning. We worked until 4 (they let us out 1 hour early).

I went by the dive shop after work to take 2 tanks in to get "doubled up" (to wear as 2 tanks on my back, bolted together), to try in the pool over the winter to see how it works out (for more advanced stuff a bit in the future). I had been given the wing (air bladder) and manifold to connect the 2 tanks by an online friend (an older diver who has a lot of gear sitting around unused). The wing is 10-12 years old and needed a few bits replaced. Manifold didn't fit my tank valves (threading is different). Shop gave me a very good deal on the manifold I had to buy and I can sell the one I was given, which will cover me having to buy one. Current model of the wing I was given retails for $330, so friend saved me a lot of $$! They gave me $$ off on the wing parts I had to buy, too.

11-24-18, 10:16am
I'm glad you posted that not everyone has the option of buying optional extras during Black Friday. I hope for a more stable and prosperous New Year for you, and everyone in a similar situation.

Teacher Terry
11-24-18, 10:19am
Lots of people here went to the movies. We could barely find 2 seats together. Beats shopping.

11-24-18, 9:30pm
I might be more convinced of this if I was convinced it was anything anyone really needs (items of clothing or light bulbs or something maybe ... but that's never what gets the hype so it never leaves that impression. Maybe appliances come closest).

If people were completely practical I'd agree. But I included what people both want and need for a reason. People want to buy their loved ones not just the stuff they need but also the stuff they want. No, one's kid doesn't need they latest electronic gadget but they surely want it. And if the parent has a limited budget then Black Friday sales may be the only time they can afford the gadget. And the only time they're willing to splurge for it. Like it or not there's a very real expectation that some wants will be under the tree on Christmas morning and it takes a pretty hard hearted parent to not try to meet at least some of them if they can at all afford to. Especially if they've been saying 'sorry, we just can't afford that,' all year long. If it weren't for the wants in our families/our own lives, everyone's home would look like Ultralite's with only the minimal of functional furniture and absolutely nothing that brings joy other than a cute dog sitting in the corner.

11-25-18, 8:34am
"If it weren't for the wants in our families/our own lives, everyone's home would look like Ultralite's with only the minimal of functional furniture and absolutely nothing that brings joy other than a cute dog sitting in the corner."

No joy? Who are you to say that Ultralite's home is joyless based on his possessions and life choices?

11-25-18, 10:28am
Wow, fell into the BF weekend trap yesterday. Went to a damaged freight store I visit, to get office supplies. Walked out with paper clips,($6.50 for 2000) a tb Samsung SSD for a laptop I have been wanting to order/build this year ($103) and a dvd series I have long looked for there. ($20 verses $30 at Amazon) Also a very basic laptop with some specs showing it more at the mid price point, priced at the lowest end point, for work and the boss whose divorce is finishing. (last computer he used was ex's, three years ago, we rarely need one for work, but that is changing slowly, and this keeps mine at home) ($263.99 for I5-8250U 4gb, 1tb with 16gb ssd that I just need to put Libreoffice and Gnucash on as well as different browsers)
Alan, I think there is one memory spot open, how much memory would you recommend for a basic use laptop with Windows 10?

Then a couple years magazines, for a special needs customer who likes a particular car style. I only see these on sale through the discount sites around this time. These and the laptop are both reimbursing items.

11-25-18, 11:34am
Alan, I think there is one memory spot open, how much memory would you recommend for a basic use laptop with Windows 10?I think it depends on how the machine is going to be used. If it will primarily run the open source programs you mentioned in a small office, I'd say 4GB would be fine, but if you're going to run lots of programs at the same time or use it for gaming or video intensive activities, I'd go with 8GB.

11-25-18, 11:58am
People want to buy their loved ones not just the stuff they need but also the stuff they want. No, one's kid doesn't need they latest electronic gadget but they surely want it. And if the parent has a limited budget then Black Friday sales may be the only time they can afford the gadget. And the only time they're willing to splurge for it. Like it or not there's a very real expectation that some wants will be under the tree on Christmas morning and it takes a pretty hard hearted parent to not try to meet at least some of them if they can at all afford to. Especially if they've been saying 'sorry, we just can't afford that,' all year long.

well then it's kind of a manifestation of a toxic culture (u.s. culture to the extent it breeds those expectations - ban advertising!). Well ok I can accept that. And sometimes we can resist that culture as adults and sometimes we can't (especially kids).

11-25-18, 12:18pm
"If it weren't for the wants in our families/our own lives, everyone's home would look like Ultralite's with only the minimal of functional furniture and absolutely nothing that brings joy other than a cute dog sitting in the corner."

No joy? Who are you to say that Ultralite's home is joyless based on his possessions and life choices?

I was thinking of that quote about not owning anything that isn't either useful or that brings joy to one's life. The photos UL posted show a household that appears to have only useful things in it. The only extravagances in them were a dog, a couple of extra dining room chairs and a few extra hangers. There didn't appear to be anything that didn't have a specific functional purpose. Who knows. Maybe there are, in fact, frivolous, joy-bringing things in his home but he chose to leave them out of the pics because they don't fit the persona he wishes to present to us.

Teacher Terry
11-25-18, 12:42pm
Some people don’t care about their home and decorating, etc. Nothing wrong with that and I just assumed that was how UL felt.

11-25-18, 1:07pm
I was thinking of that quote about not owning anything that isn't either useful or that brings joy to one's life. The photos UL posted show a household that appears to have only useful things in it. The only extravagances in them were a dog, a couple of extra dining room chairs and a few extra hangers. There didn't appear to be anything that didn't have a specific functional purpose. Who knows. Maybe there are, in fact, frivolous, joy-bringing things in his home but he chose to leave them out of the pics because they don't fit the persona he wishes to present to us.

Perhaps I should have given you the full tour!

Fishing stuff. Can't wait until spring! Trout!!!!

Backpack hanging there is for "jet-setting all over the world with the sole purpose of pissing off Yppej."
Also a folding kick scooter which is fun for riding on nice spring and summer days.
There are a couple of hand weights there for work outs.

A luxury!

11-25-18, 5:09pm
I was thinking of that quote about not owning anything that isn't either useful or that brings joy to one's life. [...] There didn't appear to be anything that didn't have a specific functional purpose. Who knows. Maybe there are, in fact, frivolous, joy-bringing things in his home but he chose to leave them out of the pics because they don't fit the persona he wishes to present to us.
Why do things that bring us joy have to be "frivolous"? It's a joy to me to use a sharp, well-balanced chef's knife, and that's about as utilitarian an object as can be found in most homes (excepting fancy handles and Damascus steel). Is there no intersection between "useful" and "joy-bringing"?

11-25-18, 5:14pm
Why do things that bring us joy have to be "frivolous"? It's a joy to me to use a sharp, well-balanced chef's knife, and that's about as utilitarian an object as can be found in most homes (excepting fancy handles and Damascus steel). Is there no intersection between "useful" and "joy-bringing"?

Steve, helluva good point here. :)

I really like my little crock pot. And in my life it is about as utilitarian as it gets!

11-28-18, 1:30am
I think it depends on how the machine is going to be used. If it will primarily run the open source programs you mentioned in a small office, I'd say 4GB would be fine, but if you're going to run lots of programs at the same time or use it for gaming or video intensive activities, I'd go with 8GB.

Thanks. I think I will go ahead and upgrade it as I don't know quite what the future for it will bring (and memory is a cheap boost).
This made me go look at one I have been looking at, for a couple of years or better (since they started a crowdfunding effort). I was shocked that they came through, then thought they were overpriced and wouldn't last, and then have been arguing with myself this year, in part because they fail to actually list valuable/needed specs for an educated purchase.
Black Monday, sale and wanting one for over a year, pushed me to reward Purism.