View Full Version : The end of the year

Chicken lady
12-21-18, 7:03am
The year “ends” in my particular frame of reference, at 5:22 today.
i won’t be able to mark it with fire as I will be at the grocery store, on my way home from work, buying food for a party we are having tomorrow.

i am ready for this year to end, and hopeful that I will fair better in the next one. There have been some accomplishments this year, and some progress, but a lot of setbacks to go with it.

i’ll be starting my new year surrounded by family and friends at our party - the beginning of a ten day period of family, friends, food, gifts, and pilgrimages to visit relatives. Then, on western new year, we return home to clean up, restore order, and return to the rhythm of everyday life.

Teacher Terry
12-21-18, 10:21am
That sounds like a great way to spend the next 10 days! We usually spend Xmas eve with the kids but they have to work and are moving so we decided dinner out and a movie. Then on Xmas day having 10 people over for lunch. Our anniversary is the 27th so bought tickets to a show and dinner at a really great restaurant that we love. Lots to look forward to.

iris lilies
12-21-18, 1:00pm
I like this idea of a calendar that goes with the season. DH and I already much live very close to weather and seasons and base our annual activites on it. I wish the whole Holiday Hell would go away.

When my Christmas frenzy friend moves away, I think we will be able to divorce ourselves from pretty much the whole shebang. As it is now, when people ask “what are you doing for Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year’s Eve?” I usually dont have an answer since they are clearly thinking about it more than I am.

I dont much care about my birthday and am alway caught by my friend’s query “what are you doing for your birthday?” And hell, I dont know. Since my birthday is at the traditional peak of iris bloom, that is what I am doing. Iris.

Float On
12-21-18, 1:05pm
Who takes care of the animals while your gone for 10 days? I remember farm life...never a real vacation until dad hired a man to help out.

Edited to add: Oh, and Happy Holidays! Have a wonderful time of reflection and visiting.

I just spend the morning at church shredding 01-03 financials (7 bags of shredded paper) and making new files for 2019. I love New Years!

Chicken lady
12-21-18, 1:36pm
Oh, I won’t be gone for ten days! Part of that my kids will be with me and part we will travel to visit our parents/siblings/nieces/nephews. The times I will be gone I hire my dd2’s best friend to cone over with her little sister and do my chores.

i really like to sit by a fire on the solstice and reflect on the year past and the year to come, but I am just not going to have time for that tonight.

12-21-18, 2:47pm
Last year I did a solstice ritual here at home and then went to a service at a Unitarian church and that was really nice. This year I'll be spending the afternoon baking cookies. I haven't had hardly any sugar these past few months, even fruit, so this feels like a real treat, which I think is how it's supposed to be. And then this evening we will attend the solstice service at church and visit Christmas in the Park; they're both downtown just a few blocks apart. Our city's Christmas in the Park is very nice and DH and I used to go when we first started dating so it will be a fun night.

Just got back from a nice long walk with the dogs and really enjoyed the beautiful morning. It's overcast and cool and just a tiny hint of fog and mist. Love it.

And my house is so pretty and cheerful so it feels really cozy to be home with nothing to do but have fun decorating cookies and watching cute dogs take naps! :)

12-21-18, 5:00pm
I'm celebrating that this wretched year is almost over. I'm going to toast myself with a brandy eggnog and give thanks that I'm still of sound mind. Cheers!