View Full Version : Blizzard In New Mexico!

12-28-18, 2:56pm
Wow, have we got walloped up here in the mountains! Second snowstorm in as many days, much colder so it is slightly-easier-to-deal-with powder but I opened my side door this morning to a two foot snowdrift against it.

Luckily, we were fairly forewarned and my boyfriend stopped at the grocery store on the way home from Albuquerque after work yesterday to pick up some fresh veggies so we can make good meals while we are snowed in. The gallery is closed today, as is every other place in Madrid, except the general store, which is only 120 steps from my place.

I am warm and dry, have drinking water and food, so I am going to completely enjoy our snow day!

12-28-18, 2:59pm
Wow! Very strange, but glad you're prepared! In NJ we are getting rain, and it's an also unseasonably 60 degrees.

12-28-18, 3:18pm
Nothing better than having no place to go, a loving companion, good food, and a blizzard raging outside!

12-28-18, 3:22pm
The desert will love all that moisture, won't it? Glad that you are secure and comfy.

12-28-18, 4:31pm
Meanwhile--and I hope I don't jinx it--we're having the mildest winter imaginable.

Zoe Girl
12-28-18, 4:33pm
And you know real snow from living in Michigan!

I heard about the snow, seems like a lot for NM. My only NM friend (other than you) is out of state. There is something cozy about being snowed in.

My parents were stopped while driving home to Iowa and had to spend the night mid-Nebraska. I think they are okay driving the rest of the way, they drive it a lot and know when to stop.

12-28-18, 4:57pm
My cousin in Ruidoso said same - historic for them.

Teacher Terry
12-28-18, 5:37pm
One NY eve we got a huge snowstorm which was unusual. You couldn’t drive anywhere. We walked 2 miles to a restaurant for a leisurely meal and walked right down the middle of the street. Then walked home. It was fun.

12-28-18, 6:19pm
One NY eve we got a huge snowstorm which was unusual. You couldn’t drive anywhere. We walked 2 miles to a restaurant for a leisurely meal and walked right down the middle of the street. Then walked home. It was fun.

That does sound like fun. Nothing like the silence of a snowfall.

Float On
12-28-18, 9:00pm
I was in Philly in a blizzard once. So fun walking around the convention area to see who still had any food left. Crazy few days!

Zoe Girl
12-28-18, 11:45pm
The blizzards I have been in are not in areas I could walk to any stores. However as a kid in the 70's I loved the big one in Michigan. I think my mom cried when the radio announced the closing of schools. We dug a trench between our house and the neighbor so we could do sleepovers.

12-29-18, 11:42am
It got down to 5 degrees last night...bbbbbrrrrrrrrr! I've had all the faucets dripping since last night. I think I'll open the gallery today since I got the deck and stairs cleaned off, and most of my driveway is done. I highly doubt I will get any business today but the sun is shining brightly and the highway is passable but hard-packed ice. I am still not going to drive my Honda Sedan down the mountain any time soon.

ZG, I remember those crazy snowstorms in the '70's back in Michigan - one storm left a 15 foot high snow drift behind the elementary school and boy, we had fun with that! Another time, the me and the other neighborhood kids were building snowmen, and one kid wanted to make the biggest one so we just kept rolling a ball all over the neighborhood until it took six or seven kids to push it. It ended up on the neighbor's front lawn, six feet tall by then, so we dug out the center and made a snow cave and then added steps going to the top. he last of it didn't melt until late April!

12-29-18, 3:13pm
Got to 8 here last night and a light powdering of snow. Already 35 and melting with lots of sunshine. The weather here is so interesting.

12-29-18, 10:18pm
Our highs are not quite reaching 60 and we feel cold. Phoenix is an anomaly this time of year.

12-31-18, 9:58am
We have another winter storm warning! This evening through all day NewYear's Day, another 3 - 10 inches possible! It just all depends on which little valley one lives in up here - last storm Madrid got pretty walloped but down the mountains and towards Santa Fe it wasn't as bad. This time SF is expected to get another 8 inches. I got to town yesterday to stock up on more food and water, and to try to find a better snow shovel but all the stores are sold out.

I am looking forward to tonight and tomorrow - I am going down to the local bar for happy hour and then me and the boyfriend are going to watch a movie tonight (providing the internet isn't too slow) and eat some ice cream. And I plan to go to bed before midnight. I'm not much into the holidays anymore. Then tomorrow is going to be a "me" day, contemplating the goals for the new year and wrapping up paperwork, cleaning and purging unneeded stuff, and general regrouping.

12-31-18, 2:23pm
Wow! I had no idea you had such harsh Winters in NM. It must be so beautiful!

My DH is from Pueblo CO, not so far away, and it's pretty mild.

12-31-18, 3:11pm
As far as I know, it is not a usual occurrence. This is my third winter here and the most snow I have seen. Last year we had virtually no precipitation from October until last July, so we desperately need the moisture coming from all this snow to seep way underground to replenish the wells.

The snow has been falling gently for the past hour.

12-31-18, 6:36pm
Going to minus zero here in Colorado Springs tonight. But very little snow so far.

1-1-19, 12:17pm
Woke up to a brand new of drifts on the decks just outside my doors. It is very windy and the fine powder is swirling all around, the roads as far as I can tell are really bad. The people that live off the grid around are marooned yet again, unable to leave their places...I am glad I live right on the state highway.

Today is a cozy, stay-home day in which I will putz around cleaning, organizing and regrouping my thoughts regarding my goals for the year.

Oh look, the sun is trying to peak out between the swirling snow! Beautiful!

Zoe Girl
1-1-19, 7:45pm
Pinky toe, i was in colorado springs for retreat the last few days, brrr. Our meditation space is a nice convertedto garage with a wood stove. I could walk to garden of the gods and had an hour hike every day but today.

Also one of my friends drove up from New Mexico! When she wanted to get a hotel there were no rooms, so she took a nap and pushed on.