View Full Version : 2010 Successes

1-4-11, 2:48pm
As I start buckling down on my goals for 2011, I'm taking a moment to look back. I'm happy to say I met many of my goals, both big and small, in 2010. I started riding my bike again. I taught myself how to sew a bit, how to make soap, and how to can jam. I decluttered and rearranged to my tastes every main room in my house. All very enjoyable!

What did you do in 2010? If you didn't get something done that you wanted, are you planning on trying again this year?

1-5-11, 8:14am
I think it is a good idea to take a brief look at what we DID accomplish. I tend to pay more attention to what didn't happen (like that 20 pounds I didn't lose).

In 2010, though, a lot happened for me. I climbed the blessed mountain (this after knee surgery and a fear that I'd not be able to do it). I left my job to work full time at my practice (thus leaving a 340 mile roundtrip weekly commute). We started building the addition to the house (the karmic gift that keeps on reminding me about patience, patience, patience). There are many ongoing things that I have to continue to work on but those three were pretty big.

Thanks for the idea for the thread!

1-5-11, 9:40pm
1) I got thick, luxuriant grass to grow in the bald patch by the road after 6 years.
2) Paid cash for everything I bought.
3) Learned how to blog!!!!

1-21-11, 11:27am
I'm so unused to appreciating what I've already done that at first I wasn't sure I achieved anything in 2010.

I completely organized and documented the office of the charity I volunteer for.

I turned the church library from a dark dirty storeroom into a functioning and attractive library. I cleared the short fire exit hall that had become a junk refuge.

I made and kept my tiny condo clean, clear and spruced up.

I have higher scores than I did before on http://www.betterme.org/cleansweep.html. I've been using it for years and gradually my subconcious has worked to make it happen.

I got all the unneeded stuff out from under the sinks, out of the closet and drawers. I can find everything now and only have things I love or use.

1-21-11, 12:43pm
Wow. Launched the second teen into the world. Reclaimed his room and turned it into a calm, comfy media room/office. Also his bathroom is now a gorgeous guest bathroom - all very inexpensively. I have been radically decluttering, and it continues! Also, we had a simple holiday season with $$ we saved for that purpose. I started a new job last January, which seems to be okay.

1-26-11, 2:05am
Lost 40 pounds! :)

3-6-11, 1:37pm
Made contact with a couple of old friends.
Much better health, thanks to a kineseologist I saw for a while.
Learned how to do exercises most days to recover (livelong) from hip surgery due to a fall.
Took back Xmas presents I couldn't use, got REI store credit toward new shoes at the sale of returned items.
Started eating more simply, very few processed things (which also means less plastic brought into house).
Consistently came up with 5 things before sleep every night that I was glad had happened that day.