View Full Version : Fake Hate Crimes

2-18-19, 8:59am
The Chicago Police are currently trying to determine whether a racist/homophobic attack reported by an actor was in fact staged by him. There are seemingly numerous cases on campus where students and even faculty manufacture graffiti or threats against themselves. Lena Dunham’s publisher had to walk back her claim of being raped by a College Republican. There have been other such incidents.

What possesses people to do that? A play for sympathy? A chance to fake courage in adversity? Ideological zealotry requiring a victim and villain narrative? An insatiable appetite for credulous Twitter followers?

It would seem to me that the risk of exposure would greatly outweigh any benefits to be gained from this sort of thing. Why do people do it?

2-18-19, 9:23am
I suppose it releases some anger for feeling like certain people (as themselves) are treated unfairly, and maybe their anger just targets someone innocent, so they can feel somehow vindicated for the injustices they are feeling??
It sure makes knowing what the truth is harder and harder.
The thing with the actor in Chicago........I was really surprised to hear that it's looking more and more like a set-up. Supposedly this actor was being let go from the show he was on, and he was hoping this notoriety would help him to keep his job.
So.....your question is a good one, and I'm not sure the answer is the same for everyone who does it. But it's very disconcerting.
I was all ready to believe this actor guy......then it seems his story all started to unfold.

And from the opposite angle.......it makes it harder for people who are telling the truth about something that has been done to them.
This is a crazy world we live in.

2-18-19, 9:33am
Being a victim is very empowering in our current culture.

2-18-19, 10:04am
Crimes of all kinds are falsely reported--probably on a daily basis--for various reasons, by dysfunctional people looking for attention, pity, revenge, or monetary gain. I thought this one sounded fishy from the start, but maybe it will turn out to be true.

Such attention-seeking doesn't cancel out the fact that there are lots of real victims out there, just because you don't happen to be one of them.

iris lilies
2-18-19, 10:06am
Being a victim is very empowering in our current culture.

iris lilies
2-18-19, 10:09am
Crimes of all kinds are falsely reported--probably on a daily basis--for various reasons, by dysfunctional people looking for attention, pity, revenge, or monetary gain. I thought this one sounded fishy from the start, but maybe it will turn out to be true.

Such attention-seeking doesn't cancel out the fact that there are lots of real victims out there, just because you don't happen to be one of them.

Yes Jane so true. It is sad and wrong that liars and drama seekers put themselves forth in front of true victims, obscuring their story and taking up limited resources.

But I find third party interactions, the politicians and social warriors who drag victims’ names through the mud of unwanted publicity, to be the worst. They are lower than low. These third party idiots cause embarassment and discomfort, when the victims themselves want no part of the circus.

iris lilies
2-18-19, 10:20am
I remember when the actress Tara J Hensen apologized for her son’s claim of victim at the hands of a police officer. The LosAngeles cops had that interaction on video and it showed nothing but polite treatment of her son. It was classy of her to apologize.

My adle brained mother claimed she was treated badly by a local cop who pulled her over for some kind of driving violation and kept her there, for hours! While we will never know what took place, my brother was deeply skeptical of her story since he knows that particular police officer and says he is always the kindest and most polite of the local gendarmes.

In my mother’s case, I can see where a large man in a uniform who is peering through her car window and asking questions is intimidating in itself, and in her adled State she makes a bigger case of it in her mind than it was. Soon after stopped driving because her car mysteriously would not start! How about that!??? After a while she forgot about getting it fixed.

Teacher Terry
2-18-19, 11:25am
I find the whole thing disgusting and if true will probably kill his career.

2-18-19, 11:31am
I find the whole thing disgusting and if true will probably kill his career.

And maybe it should. What a boneheaded move.

2-20-19, 10:51am
I see the FBI and USPS are now investigating whether he sent himself a threatening letter.

2-20-19, 11:44am
They said they found a magazine in the 2 "perps'" apartment. They didn't say that the letters were missing that may have been used in that possibly fake letter. I wonder why not?

You know....it's pretty scary that someone can appear so honest, but be a total liar. Why don't they get a lie detector test?
If it is determined that he set all this up..........he's got a major psychological problem, and not just making a bad choice.
I have a question........with the comment the 2 perps supposedly made, about MAGA.......was he thinking that it would be assumed they were white? I wonder what drew the police's attention to the 2 black guys, since the only video showed things at night from the back.
Lying seems to be out of control in today's world. :(

2-20-19, 12:12pm
Lying seems to be out of control in today's world. :(

As is the alacrity with which we accept lies that conform with our preconceived notions.

I hear that Covington Catholic kid is suing the Washington Post for a truckload of money.

2-20-19, 7:18pm
What I don't get about the Chicago attack. If you're a black, gay actor, why the heck would you arrange for two black Africans to attack you? Black guys wearing MAGA hats, yeah, right!

2-20-19, 7:26pm
What I don't get about the Chicago attack. If you're a black, gay actor, why the heck would you arrange for two black Africans to attack you? Black guys wearing MAGA hats, yeah, right!

Hope he was a better actor than a scriptwriter.

2-20-19, 7:47pm
Local news (WGN Chicago) just said the actor has been charged with disorderly conduct for filing a false police report.

Guy also has a history of lying to the cops. Back in the mid-2000s, he claimed to be his brother when he was pulled over.

2-20-19, 8:38pm
What I don't get about the Chicago attack. If you're a black, gay actor, why the heck would you arrange for two black Africans to attack you? Black guys wearing MAGA hats, yeah, right!

Tradd.....I'm thinking that he possibly expected them to think the attackers were white, but the police found out different. I wondered the same thing at first.

2-20-19, 8:46pm
The disorderly conduct charge is a felony.

2-20-19, 8:50pm
Local news (WGN Chicago) just said the actor has been charged with disorderly conduct for filing a false police report.

Guy also has a history of lying to the cops. Back in the mid-2000s, he claimed to be his brother when he was pulled over.

Goes to show you can sound honest, reasonable and articulate, and be crazy..........

2-20-19, 9:45pm
The disorderly conduct charge is a felony.At first I was a bit miffed that a disorderly conduct charge could be a felony - but if Jussie Smollett did what it looks like he did, what he did to me equals a felony - and I say this as an anti-police brutality activist. It's not cool to stage a hate crime, and I really resent that someone this well paid and with such a powerful voice (meaning he can make himself heard by many much easier than we all can) engages in such behavior. Makes no sense, what was he trying to accomplish or prove by staging a hate crime and basing lies on a house of cards? (no reference to actor Kevin Spacey, also in the news off and on for less than reputable reasons).

Tradd, is this incident getting really played up in Chicago, just curious? Rob

2-20-19, 9:46pm
As is the alacrity with which we accept lies that conform with our preconceived notions.

I hear that Covington Catholic kid is suing the Washington Post for a truckload of money.$250 million......yikes! That's what I heard the kid is suing for. Rob

2-20-19, 9:51pm
Local news (WGN Chicago) just said the actor has been charged with disorderly conduct for filing a false police report.

Guy also has a history of lying to the cops. Back in the mid-2000s, he claimed to be his brother when he was pulled over.I can understand charges being filed for falsifying a police report and I even agree with charges being filed in this case. But I'm not not down with judging him for lying to the police in this separate incident - at least not without knowing more details such as those having emerged in the recent Smollett incident. Police are fully able to lie to everyday citizens and get away with it - given the proven history of police non-compliance with the law/numerous incidents of police brutality, I'd recommend hearing more before judging him for lying to the police. Rob

2-20-19, 10:32pm
$250 million......yikes! That's what I heard the kid is suing for. RobI think someone's trying to make a point. The media has been going out if its way to convince gullible folks that anyone in a red hat is an awful person and we've seen several examples of people being harassed and hurt because of their choice in headwear and since people like you will protest just about anything but, someone needs to take a stand and maybe take away some pensions. Dontcha think?

2-21-19, 6:36am
I read that Jussie jokes are being banned on Instagram. Stuff like “Maybe his attackers were 1/1,024 white supremacist”.

2-21-19, 6:51am
I'd recommend hearing more before judging him for lying to the police. Rob

He tried fingering his own brother, so I doubt social justice was his primary motivation.

2-21-19, 7:28am
The 2007 incident was for a DUI.


2-21-19, 9:39am
I wonder if our latest white male terrorist manque'--a self-described white nationalist--wears a MAGA hat...


2-21-19, 9:58am
I wonder if our latest white male terrorist manque'--a self-described white nationalist--wears a MAGA hat...


Well, if he was “dreaming of a way to kill every last person on Earth”, you could hardly accuse him of the bias people want to associate with red hats. That statement smacks more of radical environmentalism.

2-21-19, 10:09am
Well, if he was “dreaming of a way to kill every last person on Earth”, you could hardly accuse him of the bias people want to associate with red hats. That statement smacks more of radical environmentalism.

Yeah, I guess he's fond of hyperbole. His hit list was composed of Democratic politicians and media figures, however. The Norwegian child-killer Breivik was one of his heroes.

3-27-19, 10:39am
I see the prosecutors elected to drop the charges in exchange for $10K and community service. The Mayor and police seem none too happy about it.

Maybe Mr Trump should look into hiring Mr Smollett’s fixers.

3-27-19, 10:49am
I see the prosecutors elected to drop the charges in exchange for $10K and community service. The Mayor and police seem none too happy about it.

Maybe Mr Trump should look into hiring Mr Smollett’s fixers.

Because the report is being reported as no provable charges and the politican's in D.C. not being happy, isn't the same results?
I doubt Mr. Smollett has changed many minds about him, the same as Trump has.