View Full Version : Heartburn

5-26-11, 8:23pm
I have certainly heard of it, but I have never had it until last night. Now at 56 years old I finally got a bout of it. Man that is uncomfortable.

What do you do when you get it?
Any way you can avoid getting it?

i will check with my dr if it comes back, but bummer or what?
advice please.

5-26-11, 10:30pm
Ugh! Kally, I feel for you! I am in my third trimester of pregnancy and have heartburn all.the.time. It really can make for a miserable day (and night!).

My doctor told me that it helps to not drink liquid with meals, not to eat too close to bed time, and to prop my back up with pillows at night. Personally, I avoid tomato-based foods and citrus fruit as those seem to make it worse.

There are medications that you can take, but if you don't want to go that route, I've had good luck with milk and vanilla ice cream. I also take chewable papaya tablets. They naturally assist with digestive upsets, and I do find that they help some. Tums work, too, but I have been told that taking too many can contribute to the development of kidney stones. I don't know how true that is or if it only pertains to pregnant women, but I didn't want to take the risk.

5-27-11, 5:02am
I take Maalox tablets. They work quickly and are long lasting. You should see a doctor though if your discomfort continues or reoccurs often.

Foods that trigger it for me are tomato sauce, citrus, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and anything that is really spicy. Never eat close to bedtime.

5-27-11, 6:30am
I had a lot of heartburn when I was having gallbladder problems*. Pending surgery I changed my diet and it went away and I've not had a problem since so mine was diet related. Also, a close friend was having severe heartburn and found that it was actually angina. Diet changes and OTC medications usually work but the best thing to do is see your doctor to make sure.

*Tomato based foods, sweets, eating close to bedtime and overeating.

5-27-11, 10:31pm
A teaspoon of honey before bed fixes my indigestion. I usually take the onset of indigestion to indicate that I should lose a kilo or two. But while I'm losing it the honey treatment always works

5-27-11, 11:36pm
some people benefit from drinking a glass of water to which a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar has been added. the theory is that we are deficient in acids, which keeps us from digesting food so it just sits there. modern diets being so rich in sweets and salts, and not much in the way of vinegar anymore. it goes against logic (taking acid to combat acid?) but it works for some people.

5-28-11, 7:50am
Also eat smaller meals and always chew well.