View Full Version : Different take on Mexico coming from me.....

5-28-19, 1:43pm
That's right, I've got a different take on Mexico to offer today from my usual.

Yesterday I found an article online concerning a well off, well educated journalist from the UAE (Dubai) with no criminal record and a history of legitimate, work related international travel - detained by Mexican immigration officials at the Cancun Airport, and interrogated extensively with an emphasis on religion (journalist in question being a middle-aged male Muslim) and place of birth. One key piece of information for anyone interested to ponder - this journalist is a British citizen travelling on a British passport.

Given the British passport, as per Mexican immigration law, this person does not require a Visa to enter Mexico. However, this person was forced to take the same plane back home to Dubai - a long direct flight to Paris, where French officials were waiting for him and escorted him to a waiting area where he was under surveillance, and then led by French police to the plane from Paris to Dubai.

Points I'd like to make - A). It's not just the US or Canada or Britain or a few other scattered first world nations doing this - Mexico is now doing this, too, and B). According to the story, the only reason it seems this person was denied entry - the "M" word (Muslim).

Gotta say I am disappointed in Mexico. I will still go and I am still grateful for it's existence and I will still sing it's praises as Mexico has been there for me when my own country was not......but I am also dating and time stamping this and will not forget it. Rob

Teacher Terry
5-28-19, 1:52pm
So now this guy can’t leave the country?

5-28-19, 1:58pm
So now this guy can’t leave the country?Hi TT. From what I understand, he was forced to board a return flight to Paris and then forced by French police to board a return flight to Dubai. I don't know this gentleman's legal status in the UAE - all I know is that he carries a valid and current British passport and is a British national. So last I know he's back in the UAE, and was ejected from Mexico.

One reason I posted this to begin with is it's not just America or a few other countries doing this now - Mexico is now getting in on the act, too. Rob

5-28-19, 2:06pm
I suspect he was denied entry for something other than his religion...

But yes, shockingly, other countries exercise border control, and some of them have intelligence information and act upon it, right or wrong.

5-28-19, 9:31pm
Unfortunately fear and distrust are not nation-specific.

I agree with bae that there was probably more to it than religion. Surely he's not the only muslim trying to enter mexico. That undoubtedly occurs on a regular basis. If I were to guess I would guess that it has to do with what he has written as a journalist. I was listening to an episode of NPR's On the Media the other day from a few months ago and apparently Mexico is also doing the same thing with American journalists who have been covering the border "crisis", due to what appears to be the wishes of the current executive branch of the US government.

5-29-19, 5:32am
How about giving us the name of the journalist and the article you mentioned so we all can read it and make do our own research? This is like "I heard someone say something sometime somewhere and everyone should believe it".

5-29-19, 1:51pm
How about giving us the name of the journalist and the article you mentioned so we all can read it and make do our own research? This is like "I heard someone say something sometime somewhere and everyone should believe it".Fair enough, sweetana3. Try googling this and the blog article should pop up to click on - Why I was refused entry into Mexico as a British passport holder. I just tried that and the article popped up. This journalist's name can be found in the article along with more information than I have posted above. Rob

5-29-19, 2:08pm
Thanks for the pointer, Rob.

Here's the article:


It is a self-reported account, a "special report" to Al Arabiya English, the Saudi news outlet. It is also the only account of this incident to be found on the Internet.

Take that for what you will.

For me, leaping from this one account to "Mexico is doing it too", with "it" presumably meaning being obnoxious to Muslims, seems unwarranted at this time.

5-29-19, 2:17pm
I so agree with bae.

6-1-19, 11:06am
Cross enough borders and things like this will likely happen. Eventually some government will take issue with you.

6-2-19, 9:56am
Cross enough borders and things like this will likely happen. Eventually some government will take issue with you.That actually makes sense to me and I've heard others say this before - that if you travel often enough, eventually the boom will come down on you for whatever or no reason at all. Not a comforting thought for someone such as myself who loves to travel and would travel more given the time and the resources. Rob