View Full Version : Long distance walking?

6-20-19, 6:53pm
Have you walked across a state or a country?

I read a book about long distance walking by Satish Kumar called Path Without Destination.

It got me thinking, how difficult would it be to walk across an entire state or whole country?

Obviously Delaware would be easier than Montana, but still...

6-20-19, 7:25pm
Well, a friend and I were chatting and walking along with my dog last year. It was a gorgeous day, lovely temp, scenery and breeze on the old rail trail. Four hours later, we decided that while a nice day has great possibilities, any longer was not in the cards.

Years ago, when DH and I were broke but had lots of energy we walked for miles in a day, had a coffee and then walked back. Walking across a geographic area simply never occurred to us.

So, in answer to your question, no.

Float On
6-20-19, 7:35pm
I've got a friend with a goal to walk a 5K in every county in TX. He's about to hit 100! Still has a long way to go.

Teacher Terry
6-20-19, 8:52pm
We walk daily. When we go on a trip we often walk 20k steps/day. That’s enough.

6-21-19, 5:59am
A Facebook acquaintance of mine did this vacation a few years ago and I thought it sounded really cool:

https://www.celtictrailswalkingholidays.co.uk/walking-holidays/hadrians-wall-path/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwgLLoBRDyARIsACRAZe5hNqym-0ceTFOo4JOEn6Fxkk7eQkq6oPuQihqhT1c4aOc9nXu2HhwaAqV MEALw_wcB

6-21-19, 7:14am
UL, it occurred to me this morning that a number of people that I have met make an effort to hike a portion of the Trans-Canada Trail each year. I have walked on some parts of it but never had the goal of doing more.

Sad Eyed Lady
6-21-19, 9:31am
Reminded me of a book I read long ago, Peter Jenkins "Walk Across America", and the very interesting situations and characters he met along the way.

6-21-19, 1:02pm
If you have a chance, read this guy's blog. A couple years ago he did the triple crown (App trail, PCT and Continental Divide) in ONE year. He recently finished and broke a record hiking FKT (fastest known time) on the Arizona Trail.

I've met him. He's pretty fascinating. I follow his travels on Instagram and worry about him like a mother would. At times he becomes hallucinatory, and he's lost a bunch of weight on these various treks. But he's always lucid enough to blog his experience. And his photos are coffee table book-worthy.


6-21-19, 1:21pm
Then there's Peace Pilgrim who walked across the country and back 3 times I think. Ironically, she died when someone offered her a lift to a speaking engagement she was going to be late for otherwise and they were in a car accident.

6-21-19, 4:28pm
Walking is my principal form of recreation. I'm hoping to walk the Camino de Santiago next year after I retire.

6-21-19, 4:36pm
I take a walk for 30-60 minutes each day with my dog.

But I do wonder what it would be like to walk a real distance, through interesting places, like from Toledo to Cleveland mostly along Lake Erie or from Jacksonville to Miami along the coast.

6-21-19, 4:37pm
Walking is my principal form of recreation. I'm hoping to walk the Camino de Santiago next year after I retire.

Ambitious! Very cool. Are you Roman Catholic?

6-21-19, 6:14pm
Walking is my principal form of recreation. I'm hoping to walk the Camino de Santiago next year after I retire.

OH! I want to do that too!!!!

6-22-19, 12:59pm
My sister is going to walk the Camino this summer! And my new boss's boss did it a couple years ago when he was between jobs. I'd never heard of it before and now it seems like I hear about it everywhere...

Personally I've been looking seriously into walking a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail. The whole thing is more than I would care to do, but I'd like to start at Yosemite and spend a month or two headed north. Perhaps as far as the Oregon border. The idea of completely separating from my day to day life for a period of several weeks to focus on something like this is definitely appealing.

6-22-19, 3:07pm
Ambitious! Very cool. Are you Roman Catholic?

I'm not RC, but the Camino has become very popular with walkers of all stripes because it has such as well-developed tourist infrastructure. You can rough it and stay in the pilgrim hostels, but there are also lots of B&Bs and hotels and other more upscale options. So it's a way to do a distance walk through lots of interesting areas, regardless if you have a spiritual purpose.

6-23-19, 8:31am
Walking is my principal form of recreation. I'm hoping to walk the Camino de Santiago next year after I retire.

I loved the movie - The Way with Martin Sheen.

3-26-21, 11:35am
Old Post but jumping in, I have studied the North Country Trail since it runs up through MI. I have hit small sections of it just day walking. SO rural I am not that brave sadly.( we currently have a lady missing from a trail I walk through almost daily:( ), I am currently virtual walking the USA. Walking is so stress relieving for me the longer the walk the farther the stress disappears.

3-26-21, 11:56am
My little dog and I walk about 7km or 4 1/3 miles a day every day and love it. I get an idea in my morning meditation and reflect on it during the walk. I visit with other regulars as we pass by each other.

Love watching the seasons come and go and all the gradual changes taking place. On Tuesday, I chuckled at the sudden thought that I was coming out of hibernation as my enthusiasm increased with hearing the different bird songs, saw that the trees were budding and it felt as though the world was waking up.
I have about 5 different routes all within an urban setting in our small town where I feel safe at all times. I have my cellphone with me as well. When friend is free to walk, we will return to the old rail trail.
Dado has interesting thoughts about his walks and discoveries.

3-26-21, 12:40pm
I have a similar routine to Razz. Last night I was walking and hadn't gotten too far when I bent down and picked up something that looked really interesting, some form of vegetation. It had a neat shape, fanlike, with distinct brush-like patterns. I kinda stroked it for a minute as I walked and realized it was just part of a fir tree that had blown down and run over multiple times by car tires. Still, it was neat to appreciate it visually for that moment.

Later on in the walk, I found a number of what looked like plastic packaging bags on the ground and I picked them up. I ended up filling them with trash and by the time I got home the bags filled my trashcan halfway!

3-26-21, 4:47pm
Interesting to see this thread resurrected. I was all set to walk to Camino last year after my planned retirement in the summer. Bought the guidebook, and in fact was scoping out airfares the very day before my company closed its offices on March 11, 2020, with an eye on leaving in late August-early September.

I'd still like to do it, but there are several stumbling blocks. Worsening back problems, aggravated by being trapped indoors so much of the time, have made walking more than a few miles a day problematic. I embarked on physical therapy for the back issues last fall but decided it was prudent to suspend treatment until after the winter surge subsided. Now that I'm vaccinated I'm starting the therapy up again.

The other obvious issue is that travel to Europe will likely continue to be risky, probably well into next year. But maybe by the fall -- we'll have to see.

3-26-21, 5:20pm
Just came back from our walk in really strong winds. To avoid the wind, I decided to explore a new large townhouse condo survey that I drove through about 9 months ago. It looks like a prison with dark grey identical units all in a double row in a large oval with inner circle looking out and the outer circle looking in with the roadway between. They are priced at around $500,000 with a garage, one bedroom and 10 foot square patio. It is completely sold out with the final units to be completed this year. They will be brutally hot as no space for shade trees and a breeze will be blocked by the design. Two more similar townhouse condo developments in different parts of this town for the same price.

Walking is a good way to explore and look as though you are doing something valuable.

3-26-21, 5:53pm
Ah, I hope you can, oldhat!!