View Full Version : Health/Wellness Support for June

5-28-11, 9:44pm
Hi all

lhamo, your thread got me thinking that maybe we could just have a general health/wellness support group. We are all working on similar but different things and encouragement might help some of us stay accountable.

I have a mini health goal for tomorrow. I am going to go over to the Y and get a tour and scope out the parking situation, the shower room, etc.

Also have a tentative racquetball date with a friend.

Hope others will join . . .

5-28-11, 10:43pm
I'm trying to improve in this area too. I've recently decided to only work 4 days a week at the most (my job is very flexible and I'm very well liked by all the managers, so I've been told by numerous people I can do whatever I want) so I can do other things with my life including exercise. Recently a hot yoga studio opened up just a 10 minute walk from my place. I should have checked it out sooner, but I finally got things rearranged to have more time. I signed up on Monday for the cheap trial week and have gone to class Monday, Friday and today. I'm also going to go tomorrow. Want to try all the different types of classes at the cheaper price. I want to keep that up, especially at least doing a class on my day off work if I'm not doing another exercise. I've also been better about walking a little bit further on my way home from work (adjusting what bus stop I use) and doing the stairs when I get home (10th floor). If I'm not doing other exercise I'm still trying to do Wii Fit stuff for 20 minutes - better than 0. But I need to keep doing this kind of thing regularly. Also want to check out the YMCA come winter, since a treadmill would be nice in January.

Oh, also and eating a bit better - less processed stuff - more raw salads and beans. Only want to lose about 4 lbs but I do notice that difference as my weight's pretty stable within a 5lb range. With all these changes I've been feeling pretty great lately. It's so much easier in the summer. In the winter is the tough part. But in the winter I'm thinking about working 3 days a week, but longer hours, since I hate leaving the house, which will give more days for exercising. And also taking a yearly vacation to a warm place, which I've never done as an adult.

5-29-11, 2:04am
I'm starting P90X Monday so I'll def be down for some group support.

5-29-11, 6:37am
I'm in for sure!

Ran 30 minutes this morning. Pushed up to 10km/hr -- my fastest rate yet -- for the last minute. My stretch goal for June is to be able to get to that speed consistently for an entire 30 minute run. Since I started running at a pretty slow 6.5 km/hr pace just a month ago, and can now manage 8-8.5, I think I might be able to do it. But I'll be pretty happy if I can work up even just to 9. I guess what I'll aim for is increasing the time I run at 10 km 1 minute each session. If I can run most days that should put me very close, and hopefullly by June 30 I can crank it out.

I am starting the Protein Power plan tomorrow. Going to be interesting to see what going to a protein-oriented, very low carb diet does for me. Calculated my body fat percentage at almost 40% -- ugh! -- so plenty of room for progress there.

We're going to Hawaii in August, so I have great motivation to get these extra pounds of fat GONE -- had DS take photos of the gruesome reality this morning. HOpe to have something postive to compare it too over the coming weeks and months.


5-29-11, 11:00am
I take two Yoga classes each week and was wondering how hot yoga was. We had a hot yoga studio near where we used to live and I'd only see young buff men going in and out of the place so I was wondering about that Yoga discipline.

5-29-11, 11:05am
I'm trying to improve in this area too. I've recently decided to only work 4 days a week at the most (my job is very flexible and I'm very well liked by all the managers, so I've been told by numerous people I can do whatever I want) so I can do other things with my life including exercise. Recently a hot yoga studio opened up just a 10 minute walk from my place. I should have checked it out sooner, but I finally got things rearranged to have more time. I signed up on Monday for the cheap trial week and have gone to class Monday, Friday and today. I'm also going to go tomorrow. Want to try all the different types of classes at the cheaper price. I want to keep that up, especially at least doing a class on my day off work if I'm not doing another exercise. I've also been better about walking a little bit further on my way home from work (adjusting what bus stop I use) and doing the stairs when I get home (10th floor). If I'm not doing other exercise I'm still trying to do Wii Fit stuff for 20 minutes - better than 0. But I need to keep doing this kind of thing regularly. Also want to check out the YMCA come winter, since a treadmill would be nice in January.

Oh, also and eating a bit better - less processed stuff - more raw salads and beans. Only want to lose about 4 lbs but I do notice that difference as my weight's pretty stable within a 5lb range. With all these changes I've been feeling pretty great lately. It's so much easier in the summer. In the winter is the tough part. But in the winter I'm thinking about working 3 days a week, but longer hours, since I hate leaving the house, which will give more days for exercising. And also taking a yearly vacation to a warm place, which I've never done as an adult.

Nice! I think hot yoga sounds intriguing. Love yoga but sometimes feel like it isn't really doing anything. Soooo jealous of people who can work part-time.

I'm in for sure!

Ran 30 minutes this morning. Pushed up to 10km/hr -- my fastest rate yet -- for the last minute. My stretch goal for June is to be able to get to that speed consistently for an entire 30 minute run. Since I started running at a pretty slow 6.5 km/hr pace just a month ago, and can now manage 8-8.5, I think I might be able to do it. But I'll be pretty happy if I can work up even just to 9. I guess what I'll aim for is increasing the time I run at 10 km 1 minute each session. If I can run most days that should put me very close, and hopefullly by June 30 I can crank it out.

I am starting the Protein Power plan tomorrow. Going to be interesting to see what going to a protein-oriented, very low carb diet does for me. Calculated my body fat percentage at almost 40% -- ugh! -- so plenty of room for progress there.

We're going to Hawaii in August, so I have great motivation to get these extra pounds of fat GONE -- had DS take photos of the gruesome reality this morning. HOpe to have something postive to compare it too over the coming weeks and months.


I have taken pics in the past, too. Veeeerry interesting. I liked taking mine always in the same tight clothes and always in the same spot and pose so I could see a difference. There were a few times that I did. It was smart of you to do that!

5-29-11, 11:46am
I take two Yoga classes each week and was wondering how hot yoga was. We had a hot yoga studio near where we used to live and I'd only see young buff men going in and out of the place so I was wondering about that Yoga discipline.

I've done a fair bit of yoga before, off and on since childhood, but never hot yoga. The place nearby does have some non-hot classes too, so I tried each type. I didn't mind the hot yoga because I'm a person who's cold all the time so I'm not particularly heat sensitive. And I used to do a lot of karate so I'm used to sweating ALOT and also regulating my breathing to avoid becoming light-headed. The people at my classes (from the one week) were mostly women, but of varying ages and weights. I think it would be harder for someone who hates heat (it's supposed to be about 37C at this place) or aren't used to sweating excessively. I'm not sure if the yoga part benefits that much from the heat or not since a regular yoga room is pretty warm. But I do think it might improve my circulation (hands and feet always cold) and also in the winter it will be nice to be too hot instead of always cold. It would probably be worth checking out if you were interested. I was much more concerned about the quality of instruction, attitude of instructors, etc, than whether it's hot or non-hot. I hate driving, so a place that I can walk to even in winter, is a huge benefit to me. Really, the place would have to pretty crappy before I'd go somewhere else that I had to drive to.

5-29-11, 12:52pm
I vaguely had the thought this morning that maybe I will go Paleo for June. Just because I'm unemployed and hence it should be easier if I ever want to try such things to try it now (I can't claim I could maintain it while employed or even that I necessarily want to maintain it for life). The thoughts were "I wonder how I will feel, if it will improve mood and energy and to the extent I thought about looks I thought: maybe make my skin and eyes brighter or something" (even though they usually look perfectly fine as is, although occasionally with some mild rosacea).

I didn't even think about weight, and going Paleo is not much of a goal, because if I cheat the thought of it being some kind of mistake never even occurred because again I'm only doing it as an experiment with no more emotion that if I grew eggplants as an experiment or something and they turned out to be duds, oh well, I can always buy eggplants. I very seldom experience strong cravings for particular food these days anymore anyway (perhaps if some major crisis happened I might, I don't know). Now, I have some honey goat yogurt to finish up first (I guess some small amounts of honey might be allowed on Paleo :confused: but dairy is a no no).

5-29-11, 2:39pm
Hmm ... I'm wanting to make changes in this area too, but I also want to be realistic.

I had a baby in March, and the weight came right off afterward, but I think I've had a few bouts with postpartum depression. For most of the last few weeks, I've been taking walks every day, and I think that really helped, but over the past two weeks, I haven't been walking and it's really affected my mood.

So I think my goal for the next month is to get some form of cardio exercise 6 days a week.

And also, though I've given up sweets, I haven't been eating all that well otherwise. Often I go a whole day without eating more than one serving of vegetables, so that needs to change. I'm going to aim for five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day, and I consider that a minimum.

5-29-11, 3:05pm
. Often I go a whole day without eating more than one serving of vegetables, so that needs to change. I'm going to aim for five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day, and I consider that a minimum.

I don't want to come across as critical, but going from 1 to 5 servings is a pretty big leap. Perhaps a goal closer to what you're already eating? I know for myself, if my goal isn't smallish and possible I'll just give up completely. For example, when it comes to exercise I'm much better off planning to do 20 minutes. If I try to do 60 minutes, it's so much easier to do 0. Of course, YMMV.

5-29-11, 6:11pm
So today's update - tried to go to a class at the yoga place today but found it all locked up. Disappointed. But I came home and did 80 minutes of Wii Fit stuff instead. Not that intense but way more than I usually do and much better than sitting around (which I do tons of on weekends normally). Yay me!

5-29-11, 6:51pm
Calculated my body fat percentage at almost 40% -- ugh! -- so plenty of room for progress there.

Ihamo, how did you go about calculating this?

5-29-11, 7:49pm
I'm doing well on weight and diet - lost about 8# on the allergy elimination diet, which puts me at my most comfortable weight - but I'd like to add regular meditation practice and get back to daily walks. I fell out of that habit last month when the weather was really crummy and my mom was visiting; our guest bed shares a room with the treadmill, and my early morning habit didn't work with her sleep hours. So! Exercise, meditation.

5-29-11, 8:13pm
Went to see the Y. Now I know how it works, so that is a load off. I can use my punch card to make some visits over the coming weeks/months. Wasn't very busy, so I liked that. But it was a Sunday of a holiday weekend . . .

Did 20 min. on the stairmaster and 15 on the elliptical. Sweated . . . like, dripping sweat.

Had a good shrimp dinner. It was low calorie. I got it out of a Weight Watchers cookbook I had hanging around.

5-29-11, 10:24pm
I managed to get out for a walk today. All told, it was about 45 minutes of walking but only about 15 minutes of it could really be called cardio (because that part was uphill). I'm going to try to get in 45 minutes of uphill walking sometime this week.

5-29-11, 10:35pm
Way to go, everyone! Keep it up!

5-30-11, 9:58pm
Went on a longer walk today - about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Still not feeling better mood-wise, but I will give it time.

Looked up on a map tonight some "loops" I can do at the top of the mountain in my neighborhood. The walking uphill is good for getting my heartrate going, and having a few different routes will keep me from getting too bored, I think.

5-31-11, 6:41am
Glad to see this thread...with school letting out for the summer I am going to focus on some health goals.
1. Give up my evening ****tails for chamomile tea.
2. Eat no packaged or processed foods.
3. Count my calories to around 1400 per day.
4.Exercise in some way every day.

5-31-11, 4:56pm
Ihamo, how did you go about calculating this?

Oops, sorry -- I missed this!

There is a formula in the Protein Power book that you can use based on your height, current weight, and measurements of certain parts of your body. There is a table you have to refer to in order to do some conversions. It is kind of complicated. I think there may be calculators on the web that do similar things.


5-31-11, 5:03pm
So far I have survived the first two days of my low carb attack diet. The first day/night were really rough. It is really like detoxing when you cut almost all the carbs out at once! I had a really bad, nearly sleepless night. The worst it got yesterday was when I was sitting at my desk at about 11:30 starting to write an email and I found myself feeling really dizzy and unable to focus. Blood sugar drop, I know from past experience. So I started my lunch early and within a few minutes of starting to munch on my salad I was feeling better. I have even managed to keep running, even though they say most people can't handle exercise when first getting on the plan. I have kept my runs shorter, and stepped down the pace when I get tired.

Last night I came home and found our helper had made -- of all things -- french fries for the kids. She hardly ever does that. Why on the second day of my low carb diet!?!?! It was torture, but I controlled myself. At one point when I was clearing platees I almost snagged one from my DD's plate, almost a reflex action, but then I stopped myself. I think I probably am one of those people who needs to treat refined carbs and starches like an addictive substance. I swear, the pull is as strong as any drug. But the horrible cycling is, too. I am starting to feel the fog lifting a bit, and I think this is going to be good for me long term. but man, 20-30 grams of carbs a day is TOUGH! I thought I was eating a pretty healthy diet before, but now I see how deluded I was.


6-1-11, 7:04am
Kestra - No pressure to answer AT ALL ... but can you tell me what type of position/field you are in? I am currently a SAHM and wanting to get into a field with the flexibility you describe.

Prior to SAHM, I have been in sales, marketing and events.

6-1-11, 7:48am
Kestra - No pressure to answer AT ALL ... but can you tell me what type of position/field you are in? I am currently a SAHM and wanting to get into a field with the flexibility you describe.

Prior to SAHM, I have been in sales, marketing and events.

I really just lucked into that level of flexibility. It was a long hard journey to get to this point.
For industry/position I'm an insurance claims adjuster, in a very specialized field (I try not to disclose too much online, just in case). But it's not the industry that matters much - it's the company - their attitude, how desperate for good staff they are, and my own work ethic and respect that I have gained from management over 5 years. Also, in my case quitting helped.

Here's how I came to this point:
1. Had experience and skills directly related to the position - got full time permanent job.
2. Spent 4 years learning every job in the department, working lots of overtime, long weekends, gained extra respect by finding a big-time fraudster. I'm just really good at what I do there.
3. Decided to go back to school full time for a completely different career. Told company I was willing to work part time, but was fully prepared to completely walk away if need-be.
4. (Here's the really lucky part) Company immediately offered me a new contract of part time casual work for about 20% higher that I was previously making per hour (even including loss of some benefits). In Canada, so health care not an issue. Only lost some additional insurance and small amount of pension which I don't really need anyhow. They never once demanded that I work particular days or a minimum amount of hours.
5. During school I didn't abuse the casual contract. I tried to always work the same days so they knew when I was coming in. Minimum 12 hrs on busy school weeks, with full time over Christmas and other breaks. The nature of the job, plus some additional craziness happening at the company at that time meant we were always behind and there's was always tons of work to do, so they were happy with any hours I could put in.
6. Didn't get a summer job with my course (which is required to continue to second year) so decided to just continue working part time. Have been very upfront with all management and they can't force me into a full time contact now.

On the personal side, I make sure to live well below my means - no debt, lots of savings. Just to pay my bills I only need to work 2 days a week. 4 days a week is still enough to retire early. Because I have so much in savings I'm still able to walk away at any time.

Probably a longer answer than it's needed, but comes down to luck, the specific company, my finances and my work performance.

6-1-11, 8:30am
@lhamo, is it common for people to call a household staff member a "helper?" I just ask because I have a Chinese friend here in the US and this is exactly what she calls her, well, helper as well. But since it's not a common thing to say in English, I wonder if it's something influenced from Chinese. Ok, totally off topic! :D

I measured my food yesterday though did not track it. I did have a waaaaay too big strawberry shortcake last night :( Should have measured that one . . . will measure again today.

I felt dizzy yesterday and again this morning! Weird!

Tonight after my meeting I am hoping to get in an evening run. I need it. Haven't been sleeping well and hoping it will help chill me out. Of course what would really chill me out is hearing if I got an interview for the job I'm trying to get! cow-hi

6-1-11, 8:44am
I'd like to join in! Everyone's plans sound so interesting. Basically, my goals are to lose between 15-20 lbs. and tone up (not sure how to measure my ideal fitness level).

I just came off of several months of hard working (it's computer-based work) - including evenings and weekends. I started taking some OTC medication for pain in my hands every day & realized I'm not as young as I used to be, although I always think I can do the same level of intensity that I used to. For every tough work project, the recovery period is getting longer and longer.

On the plus side, I did try to get in exercise bike workouts regularly & was able to do that up to the last few weeks of this period. This past week was a week off, and I turned down work when offered to get a decent rest. It ended with a fun weekend with friends & I even logged 15 miles walking!

Food wise, I also need to cut out some refined carbs. My kryptonite is noodles/pasta and rice. Not sure about totally doing paleo, but I will look into that diet for tips. I tend not to be able to stick to one diet (enjoy reading about vegan, raw, ETL, but don't do anything religiously - I'm definitely an omnivore), but need to get more serious about cutting out unnecessary calories and carbs. I had a low blood sugar drop yesterday for the first time in a long time.

Thanks for listening!

6-1-11, 5:20pm
kellie, I'm not sure where I picked up "helper" but that really is what she is -- we'd be stuck without her help on lots of different fronts. She helps us with cleaning, picking up the kids from school and watching them if we're not home, cooking, general household errands, and sometimes shopping (rarely as I like to do that myself). In Chinese we just called them "auntie" (ayi), but that isn't a common term for most people outside China, so I switched to using helper. Nanny doesn't work anymore, as her duties are no longer primarily kid related. Housekeeper doesn't really work either.

Yesterday I think I went into ketosis -- sometime about midmorning I noticed a gross smell and realized it was my breath! Stinky breath is one of the main signs that your body has gone into fat burning mode. And this morning I am down a full kg -- I finally broke 70kg, first time in at least two years! It is mostly water at this point (once your body starts burning the fat the kidneys release a bunch of water), but feels good anyway. I slept better last night, too -- decided to put on the air conditioning to cool down the bedroom, because one of the reasons I'm not sleeping well is it is too hot. My sleep is more important than electricity costs, I think.

I actually had really fun eating yesterday. I had some slices of cold, rare steak I had made the night before along with a tomato and mozzerella salad, and a few cherries. Needed a pick-me-up around 10, and had a handful of almonds. Huge salad and more cherries for lunch. Then ANOTHER salad for dinner -- went out with a friend and the salad was what really called to me. Cobb. With lots of bacon. YUMMMMM I even ate the avacado, which I usually don't like. It was wonderfully filling and yummy. I need to master making better salads. And make a bunch of bacon to put on things.


6-1-11, 5:40pm
I keep reading this thread but have held back on posting...I don't really know how to formulate my health-related goals. Almost all my current issues can be chalked up to the impacts of stress, but I don't know yet what to do about that.

So, here's my first goal: call Kaiser and find out about the "mind-body medicine for stress" class mentioned on their website. I can only try it out if it's free or *very* cheap and held at my local medical center. I will call later this afternoon.


6-1-11, 10:51pm
@bastelmutti, welcome!! I also am a carbs junkie. I have found the Mediterranean diet (http://www.oldwayspt.org/mediterranean-diet-pyramid) to be helpful as a graphic . . .

@Kara, baby steps. Glad you are in and that you are going to call.

@lhamo, yes, sleep is so important. I have never struggled regularly with my sleep but have been over the last few weeks. I think it might be partly my thyroid replacement hormone, but also it's stress. Anyway, I am really appreciating what good sleep really means lately. I wish you luck in sleeping better.

I did get in that run. Late, but done. And my brain has calmed. Now I will take a shower and get in bed.

Today we had a potluck at work for a meeting. These are very, very, very hard for me, but I told myself to take what I wanted on one plate and then I didn't go back. It was super hard but helped that it was across the room! And initially I thought I was still hungry but as the evening wore on I realized I wasn't. I was just thinking of the food and trying to come up with a reason to have more of it. :)

6-1-11, 11:48pm
Congratulations, All, on your progress.

I've taken a walk every day since Sunday, and am finally starting to feel better mood-wise. Hallelujah.

6-2-11, 6:34am
Guys, I think you all are doing great. I think it is important to focus on the fact that ANYTHING we do that has a positive effect on our short- and long-term health goals is a big plus, no matter how small it might be. That five minutes of slow measured breathing while you try to destress -- a plus. That 50 yard walk from a spot a little farther out in the parking lot -- a plus. One less bite of dessert -- a plus. It all counts, and its all moving you in the right direction. And before you know it all those little pluses slowly start to add up to feeling better and BEING better overall. So stay encouraged and stay motivated and keep making those positive changes. We're all here to offer support.

I am finishing up day 4 on my low carb diet. Doing amazingly well so far. Slept much better last night and my energy level was pretty good today, though I did need to eat lunch early again. No big -- I think it probably makes sense for me to shift my lunch a half hour earlier anyway, since I get in to the office so early. I did fine with my workout this afternoon, though I took it relatively easy because I don't want to overdo. I'm not really finding that I'm craving carbs any more.

Kids are going to be gone all day on an outing with friends on Saturday, so I'm planning to pre-make some of my meals for next week. Kind of looking forward to experimenting a bit, actually. I made sesame ginger roasted chicken drumettes tonight and they were a hit -- in spite of being a totally improvised recipe! It is nice when I find things that work for me that the kids like, too.


6-2-11, 7:51am
Yesterday I went for an evening walk since I hadn't done any exercise yet that day. It would have been easier to not do it, but I wanted to take advantage of one day where it wasn't a windstorm or raining all day.

lhamo, you're so right about doing anything at all. That's the only way I get motivated is to focus on small things.

6-2-11, 8:46am
I'm not really finding that I'm craving carbs any more.

Kids are going to be gone all day on an outing with friends on Saturday, so I'm planning to pre-make some of my meals for next week. Kind of looking forward to experimenting a bit, actually. I made sesame ginger roasted chicken drumettes tonight and they were a hit -- in spite of being a totally improvised recipe! It is nice when I find things that work for me that the kids like, too.


I agree that once you cut some carbs out, you don't crave them as much anymore. I found that to be true with Eat to Live.

MMmmmm, that chicken sounds good! I have read a few bits and pieces about low carb, but it's hard for me to take the plunge. I was vegetarian for a while (5 yrs., then didn't cook or eat meat at home for another several) during the "eat all the carbs and veggies you want - protein isn't important" phase of nutrition & that habit is hard to break, even though I know I need to have protein with every meal and snack to avoid blood sugar crashes.

Good point also about the small steps!! Excellent thing for us perfectionists to remember! Sometimes there's "good enough".

6-2-11, 5:23pm
Just thought of a phrase for us perfectionists:

Good enough is better than diddly squat!


6-2-11, 5:41pm
Great news! The "Mind-Body Medicine for Stress" course is offered at my local medical center, it's free to members, and it works with my schedule (every Wednesday for 6 weeks from 6-8 pm, starting on 7/6). Nice when things work out like that. I don't know really what the curriculum is, but I definitely need help and with free, I can't lose. Looking forward to it.


6-2-11, 6:18pm
Nice! That sounds like a good class - be sure to post the tips you learn!

6-2-11, 6:22pm
Nice! That sounds like a good class - be sure to post the tips you learn!

I definitely will share anything useful.

Kelli, thanks for starting this thread. I needed a kick in the pants. Online check-ins don't usually interest or motivate me, but this came at just the right time and some how got through to me.


6-2-11, 7:25pm
Just thought of a phrase for us perfectionists:

Good enough is better than diddly squat!


LOVE it! I so need to remember this. I tend to blow a whole day if I make one mistake. I think "well, I already x, I might as well y." Should put it on my fridge!

6-2-11, 7:25pm
I definitely will share anything useful.

Kelli, thanks for starting this thread. I needed a kick in the pants. Online check-ins don't usually interest or motivate me, but this came at just the right time and some how got through to me.


So glad! It was lhamo who inspired me, so looks like there is lots of inspiration goin' on here ;) Congrats on getting into the class.

6-3-11, 8:06am
Down to 160 again, right on the button!! Some of it is water weight fluctuation but I always see the scale move when I pay attention to my food portions like I have been this week.

Hoping to break 160. That would be a major psychological boost for me. A year and a half ago I made it into the 150s but not since. Would like to be at 140 ultimately.

6-3-11, 8:20am
1.5 hours of hot yoga yesterday - it was a really tough class. Even the experienced yoga people were having to lie down during class. I only skipped 2 exercises. Took a long time to recover though.
I'm also liking how I look in the mirror again, so I know I'm doing something right. And haven't bought a chocolate bar at work all week - darn vending machines.

6-3-11, 8:52am
Down to 160 again, right on the button!! Some of it is water weight fluctuation but I always see the scale move when I pay attention to my food portions like I have been this week.

Hoping to break 160. That would be a major psychological boost for me. A year and a half ago I made it into the 150s but not since. Would like to be at 140 ultimately.

Wow, we are almost exactly the same. I did ETL a while back and lost 15 (down to 140 - noticeable difference), then crept back up to 155 - this winter 160. Ideal would be 135-140, but really I'm happy with whatever is sustainable (ETL wasn't for me) with the changes I make if I am more fit. I hope to ditch size 14 and never look back. Winter in the Midwest is a killer!

6-3-11, 8:52am
PS I did 30 min. on the exercise bike plus weights yesterday. Foodwise, I didn't eat great, but not terrible. Pasta and white rice did figure into the equation, though. Must buy some brown rice at least.

6-3-11, 9:56am
That's interesting -- I'm pretty much in the same range as you guys, too, kelli and bastelmutti! I started out at 74 kilos in January (about 163 -- non-pregnant high for me) and am now down to 69 (about 152). My realistic ideal is 130-135 ish, but with good muscle tone. At that weight, I should be around an 8 or maybe a 6 (depends on how much they have messed with the sizes since 15 years ago, which is the last time I was at that weight. I am currently a 12, though 12s are starting to feel loose, especially around the butt. My 14s are very loose.

I have a feeling I am probably quite a bit shorter than you guys, though -- I'm only 5'3".

Victory at dinner tonight. Work dinner at a newly opened barbeque place. Way more starch-heavy stuff on the menu than I was anticipating. But I stuck to the plan. I had NO carby appetizers, just some veggie sticks and one buffalo wing (that had a bit of breading on it, but should be within my limits) and then had brisket and more veggie sticks for my main course. Not a single bite of fries, nachos, quesadillas, etc. that were being shared as appetizers. Drank water. Left feeling full and satisfied, but not stuffed (first time in a long time after a meal like that). And weighed in at 69 kilos even after that, which means in the morning I should be below that. So, holding steady or maybe even a little better after what could have been a challenging day meal-wise.

Didn't get to work out today, but I can have a good solid workout tomorrow since the kids are gone all day.


6-3-11, 10:05am
I'm about 5'5". I'm aiming for about an 8 also. Mostly I wear 12 now.

Nice job at dinner! We are unfortunately going to Burger King (I know, I know - DD's choice tonight), but I will have the veggie burger to lessen the damage.

6-3-11, 7:37pm
I am 5'4"! :)

We ordered takeout BBQ from a new place. Really good, but a TON of food. We put half away for tomorrow.

I had a light lunch.

6-3-11, 10:25pm
That is funny, I realized that I assumed most here were taller than me, but I guess not:-) I am 5'4 on a good day:-)

6-6-11, 2:00am
Did 30 min. on exercise bike & weights yesterday, took today off except for a walk. Plan to do the workout again tomorrow.

6-6-11, 7:49am
Not a good weekend nutritionally; family get-together - always so much unhealthy food. Since I'm not overweight I think it's fine to eat some cake and stuff but it's really not good for my body, as much as I love to eat it. At least it's a new week now. Back to veggies. Exercise was ok - checked out the Y for the first time on Saturday - did a weight class - pretty sore from it. 45 minutes of Wii Fit on Sunday.
I feel hungover this morning from all the salt and sugar and socializing yesterday. Be nice to get back to a normal routine.

6-6-11, 7:55am
Same here, Kestra, with the nutritional quality of this BEAUTIFUL weekend we had. I am going to have a smoothie instead of cereal this morning. For lunch, veggies & yogurt and a fruit. Dinner will be a grilled chicken breast, maybe on the charcoal grill. Yummy.

6-6-11, 7:56am
I thought of something else. I feel a lot more swollen in the feet and hands this year than in other summers. I will need to be keeping an eye on this.

6-6-11, 10:55pm
Well, I ate all those things today + more. Whoops.

Super hot here. We just went for our evening dog walk at 9:30 p.m. Very late for us and the dog is still about to die. He's black so we avoid summer sun that makes him even more hot.

I know I need to work on my core. I can feel my body telling me this. But then I have been bloated and icky from who knows what that I've been eating (IBS flaring?) . . . anyway these are nifty little videos. I need to commit to doing one tomorrow. Pretty easy, full of modifications if you find them not easy, I shouldn't even say they are THAT easy because some are challenging but ANYWAY they are short and they are free!


6-7-11, 6:13am
Hit 68 kilos this morning -- that means I broke 150 lbs! First time in a long time.

Ran every day for the last four days. Splurged on new running shoes on Saturday and they are GREAT -- so much more comfortable on my feet.

Didn't give in to numerous temptations over the weekend. Not even pizza. I had a salad.


6-7-11, 7:47am
I dropped 2 more pounds. I've been walking every day... even in yesterday's disgusting heat - and working in at least a few minutes of meditation most days (sometimes I fall asleep!).

6-7-11, 7:52am
Well, I ate all those things today + more. Whoops.

Super hot here. We just went for our evening dog walk at 9:30 p.m. Very late for us and the dog is still about to die. He's black so we avoid summer sun that makes him even more hot.

I know I need to work on my core. I can feel my body telling me this. But then I have been bloated and icky from who knows what that I've been eating (IBS flaring?) . . . anyway these are nifty little videos. I need to commit to doing one tomorrow. Pretty easy, full of modifications if you find them not easy, I shouldn't even say they are THAT easy because some are challenging but ANYWAY they are short and they are free!


I've been meaning to try those out. Thanks for the reminder.

6-7-11, 9:26am
Haven't really kick-started the diet yet. Sometimes I think the best one is the one Germans joke about - FDH (Friss die Hälfte) - "Eat half"! :-)

BUT I did do my workout again yesterday. Might mix it up today by looking up yoga or something similar on Netflix. It's VERY hot out today, otherwise I would walk.

6-7-11, 5:32pm
short term health insurance coverage (http://www.mnui.com/products.asp?prod=amigo)

Hi all

lhamo, your thread got me thinking that maybe we could just have a general health/wellness support group. We are all working on similar but different things and encouragement might help some of us stay accountable.

I have a mini health goal for tomorrow. I am going to go over to the Y and get a tour and scope out the parking situation, the shower room, etc.

Also have a tentative racquetball date with a friend.

Hope others will join . . .
I think it is always a good idea to do things in groups. It just keeps us accountable. I think that is why things like weight watchers etc help people. If others are holding you accountable, you are more likely to do well. This is especially important when it comes to your health.

6-7-11, 6:04pm
Yeah, lhamo and Rosemary!

Here, puzzling over what I can make for supper that wouldn't involve a heat source! :doh: Boo!

Maybe takeout? :devil:

No, seriously, we are a health support thread. I won't get takeout. Still thinking . . .

6-8-11, 5:02pm
Salad? Sandwiches? Cereal straight from the box (ooh -- shouldn't have typed that, now I'm craving cereal!)

Seriously though, I am really enjoying my daily salads. I punch them up with yummy stuff like bacon :)

Steak is another option if you eat meat -- a few minutes under the broiler and its done, so it doesn't heat the house up too badly.

Didn't make it to the gym yesterday. Came home to find out that the summer camp at the kids school is ridiculously expensive this year, and the focus was not right for DD (younger kids have an ESL focus, which is NOT what she needs), so decided to go ahead and sign them up for the camp run by the Embassy's employee association. First week was already starting a waiting list, so hightailed it over to the registration point to make sure they won't get locked out (organizer says first few kids on the waiting list shouldn't have a problem getting in). So taxi back and forth into town during rush hour. Ugh. And then running around getting dinner/lunch supplies for the rest of the week. Walked a fair amount. I'll do a longer session at the gym today. DH says he can really see the difference in my body shape/tone. And this morning I put on a skirt I haven't worn for awhile and it is quite loose where it used to be pretty snug. So things definitely are shaping up!


6-8-11, 6:03pm
Just did over an hour of Wii Fit. It was boring and annoying but I didn't really have a good excuse to not do anything since I only worked half the day. And it's carb time of the month, so eating hasn't been as good as it could be.

6-8-11, 6:09pm
So far today I have resisted sweets except one teeny brownie. We even had a root beer float party for some kids in our morning newscast group and I skipped one. Too crazy dishing up to actually have one!

Smoothie for breakfast, Babybel cheese for snack, veggies and watermelon and Chobani yogurt for lunch, grilled pork chops for dinner and chips (?) Need to come up with a better idea there.

Maybe a run later as it cools down.

6-9-11, 1:50pm
Again, did the workout today, but not sure where I'm going with my eating habits. I think I just need to reduce portions and cut some snacks out, but it's tough working @ home.

6-9-11, 3:05pm
My realistic ideal is 130-135 ish, but with good muscle tone. At that weight, I should be around an 8 or maybe a 6 (depends on how much they have messed with the sizes since 15 years ago, which is the last time I was at that weight.

I don't know. My weight fluctuates near 120 pounds and I'm a size 6-8 (8? yes sometimes I need to buy that large a size - sigh :(). I'm not very muscular though, a bit soft. I'm 5'4" (so yea, those would be "petite" sizes).

6-9-11, 6:39pm
Again, did the workout today, but not sure where I'm going with my eating habits. I think I just need to reduce portions and cut some snacks out, but it's tough working @ home.

When I'm home I graze :( Don't envy you figuring out that one.

Went running this morning before work. It was a miracle! Felt good.

6-10-11, 9:30am
Aagh -- insane couple of days at work the last two days (billed 12.5 hours today, left home at 5:30 and didn't get back until 9 pm...) and haven't made it to the gym since Tuesday. At least I got several big chunks of work wrapped up today and now wont have to work on the weekend, so I can do two good days at the gym to make up for it. I really feel bad when I don't make it now.

Low carb diet still going well, though I did have a couple of crackers with my cheese just now. And I"m having a glass of wine. I'll go back to being good tomorrow. Too wiped tonight to be 100% disciplined.


6-16-11, 12:20pm
How is everyone doing? I have kept up with exercise at least every other day. Food - still up in the air!

6-19-11, 10:54am
Uh oh, all, it's been a while . . . com back, friends! Hang in there!! New habits are so hard!!!!!

Bastelmutti, I am doing ok. I was slacking. Did do one workout since I last posted here, but am renewed in my efforts and just went for a run now. I have a goal to run an ENTIRE 5K (have run/walked several, but have never run a whole course). That would logically mean that I need to run more.

DSis and DM and I went out to lunch yesterday. My DSis is really being dedicated to her weight loss right now, using SparkPeople, and that inspired me to take another look, too. Isn't it amazing how people influence and support us? Also I was observing my DM, who is probably at her biggest now and having trouble with things like bending over and wearing a seat belt. I don't want things to get out of hand like that for me! I'd rather suffer battling my 20 pounds that I'd like to cut out than face needing to lose 100 or more.

On the positive front, I felt I could go for further stretches running this morning. It's amazing how even if a few days too many go by between workouts, I can still feel I improve in the next workout. I'm not talking months, but maybe a week or ten days sometimes . . . it tells me that ANY efforts I'm going are making a difference, even if that difference is not readily visible.

Also, almonds are amazing! They are really, really filling. I had some before my run because I can't do an empty stomach, and it was perfect. I'm only just a teeny bit hungry now.

6-19-11, 4:07pm
It's been an okay week. I did some exercise and healthy eating but could have done better.

The main thing though I decided today, is I need to stop weighing myself. I was never a scale watcher - never owned my own scale and only weighed myself sporadically before. But then last boxing day I bought the Wii Fit plus, which has a scale feature and little charts to track weight and other things. So I started using it since I like charts. Before I would just judge weight based on how I looked, felt and how my clothes fit, and was pretty good at maintaining. Then today, on the Wii Fit, my weight is 2.5 lbs higher than any other time since December. I'd like to hope that if I'm actually working out more I'd gain a bit more muscle mass, so that is really a very small amount of weight to gain and might actually be a good sign. But wanting the numbers to be smaller is just so hard-wired. Back when I was doing karate regularly I was in the 145-155 lb range, and I was definitely in good shape then. Now I'm only around 135 but in overall poorer condition since I don't exercise nearly as much now. So a bit of an increase isn't necessarily a bad thing but I just hated seeing that number. No more weighing!

Also, I'm having trouble with being moody and apathetic for no reason. Just some days I don't want to do anything, even though it makes me feel worse physically. But tomorrow's a new week, so will go back to doing some type of exercise first thing in the am. Tried a couple of Spark People videos this last week and they were good so I want to keep trying some other ones.

6-19-11, 5:40pm
Oh, dear. Exercise and meditation have fallen out of my view this past week. When I'm most stressed, and need those things the most, they become the hardest. A long-time friend died in tragic circumstances last week.

We are sticking closely to the diet, because it's habit by now and too much work to start over; glad i managed that much.

6-19-11, 6:31pm
Oh Rosemary, so sorry to hear this. Good news on the elimination diet, though.

Kestra, I find weighing myself stressful, too. Maybe I will take on your technique!

6-20-11, 11:22pm
Hi all,

Had a LOT of eating out this weekend, but I'm done for a while now. Went for a run yesterday morning when I got up. May do this tomorrow morning, too. I like to get it out of the way and it is still cool.

My friend invited me to racquetball tonight and I went, despite feeling overscheduled. So glad. I can feel muscles I haven't felt in a while. We also swam for a tiny bit and then hot tubbed. She bought guest privileges for her gym so either of us can propose racquetball games whenever and we know we can go there. I feel a little guilty that she added that at $20 a month but she did it all on her own and not by any means just for me. She is doing it for herself. This way she is confident she can invite friends along whenever she wants. It helps the friend and it helps her have motivation and company to make it there herself. So I briefly thought of offering to pay her something, but we'll see. If I go with her super regularly, maybe I will offer then. But I wasn't in on the decision, I told myself, so I don't need to feel like I need to offer to pay anything toward it.

6-21-11, 6:57am
I'm holding steady weight-wise and keeping up with exercise, but I'm on a business trip in the US this week and eating is quite a challenge. I went for a one hour walk/run up to Central Park from my hotel yesterday, and will have walked about 40 minutes by the time I get back to my meetings. Stupid hotel gym doesn't open until 7am, which was a pain. The walking was nice, though. Off to DC this afternoon and looking forward to morning runs on the Mall for the next few days.

One encouraging bit of news -- put on a pair of pants I haven't worn for awhile that always used to fit quite snugly and they are SOOOOO loose! That was quite encouraging to see. I bought them 3 years ago and they weren't this loose at the time, so that means I am definitely down to a 3-year weight low. Hope it keeps going down and I need to get a whole new work wardrobe :)


6-21-11, 9:58am
Yeah, lhamo! Enjoy DC, I love that place. Happy pants news!!

6-30-11, 9:30am
Still in a holding pattern, pretty much. We're eating pretty healthy this summer, but not any particular plan or diet. Mostly we're focusing on buying whole foods & only getting "good" meat/eggs when we get them.
Have not been on the exercise bike in a few days, but I have 6 mi. bike rides outside planned w/ DH today and tomorrow!

6-30-11, 9:35am
Still in a holding pattern, pretty much. We're eating pretty healthy this summer, but not any particular plan or diet. Mostly we're focusing on buying whole foods & only getting "good" meat/eggs when we get them.
Have not been on the exercise bike in a few days, but I have 6 mi. bike rides outside planned w/ DH today and tomorrow!

6-30-11, 5:08pm
Rough time both diet and exercise wise during my trip -- surprisingly hard to avoid carbs when you can't make your own food, and my schedule plus jetlag made keeping up with exercise difficult. Plus lots of sitting, not easy to keep water intake up, etc. Came home to find the scale back up at 70kg, but a big part of that was bloat from the flight, I think. Now back down to 68 again, but not as good as when I left. Sigh. I'm back on the low carb routine again now, though, and should be settling back into my exercise routine (jetlag on this end has made that difficult again).

Hope to make good progress in July.


6-30-11, 6:01pm
@lhamo, I am coming off a road trip out east myself and found the same thing. It was carb city and boredom eating in the car - also eating what my aunt and uncle graciously provided (and it was delicious), but no control there.

Back at it!! All we can do is keep trying. I am noticing that I am able to lose a few pounds more easily than before, so am hopeful that I'll get back to a good place sooner rather than later.