View Full Version : Flu Shot

10-24-19, 9:54am
For the first time ever, I had a reaction to my yearly flu shot about 24 hours after I got it. Even as bad as I felt last night (chills, sweating, headache, plus a stomach bug that I don't think was technically related), I knew it would pass quickly. I am now living with a Type I diabetic and it is imperative that he doesn't catch the flu, which can be deadly for him. He HAS to get his flu shot tomorrow, no more putting it off, as it takes about two weeks to really kick in!

Teacher Terry
10-24-19, 12:06pm
That’s too bad on top of everything else that you don’t feel well. I just got the pneumonia shot but don’t do flu shots.

10-24-19, 3:14pm
On one or two occasions I've woken up with mild chills following my annual flu shot, but the feeling always passed by morning. Arm usually gets a little sore, but nothing serious.

I get this year's shot Tuesday.

10-24-19, 3:20pm
Last year the flu shot was 29% effective. I am not putting all those unknown toxins(?) in my body!

10-24-19, 3:34pm
Thanks for the reminder. I’m flying a lot for work. Maybe i’ll get vaccinated this weekend.

10-24-19, 4:18pm
I got vaccinated a few weeks ago with no ill effects.

10-24-19, 4:45pm
Yes the flu vaccine felt like nothing. I was like "is that it, are you sure it's not a placebo?" :)

And I only got it because I was told "everyone comes in sick in this office" and that "last year everyone kept getting sick all the time and sickness kept going around the office". And it's not a big office. Probably everyone coming in sick because we only get the state minimum 3 sick days and people don't want to use vacation days.

People, people, don't come in sick, allocate a few vacation days, plan ahead ... Having worked without any paid time off, I have learned how valuable and necessary it really is, more is better of course and long vacation would be nice (ha), but to have it at all.

10-24-19, 5:38pm
I am required to have it.

And when I went on shift last week, the department's doc snuck up on me and gave me 4 other vaccinations for wacky diseases.

I sometimes have reactions to injections of purely-boring medications - sore arm, swelling, and so on. Sometimes even if it is saline. I'm pretty sure I could run a study showing bad side effects for saline injections, but that doesn't mean it's toxic, or harmful.

Get your flu shots if you are at risk, or circulate amongst people who are, if you have the opportunity to do so. Science says it is a good move.

10-24-19, 5:47pm
I got my first flu shot courtesy of the US Air Force during the swine flu epidemic of 1976. I got so sick I really thought I would die and swore I'd never get another. My wife convinced me to get my next one in 2015 after two years in a row of flu symptoms. I've gotten one annually since, my latest one was last Saturday.

Teacher Terry
10-24-19, 7:27pm
Frugal, I totally agree it’s not very effective and I won’t do a vaccine that is needed yearly. It would really add up if you did it every year.

10-24-19, 8:37pm
The flu vaccine is not a live virus hence you cannot get sick from it. Also, when you get the vaccine, massage your arm for awhile immediately after the injection. You won't have a sore arm.

10-24-19, 8:43pm
The flu vaccine is not a live virus hence you cannot get sick from it.Sure you can, it's just not the flu but rather your body's reaction to the vaccine.

Teacher Terry
10-24-19, 9:08pm
My mom got sick every year from the flu vaccine until she quit taking it.

10-24-19, 9:11pm
Sure you can, it's just not the flu but rather your body's reaction to the vaccine.

I stand corrected. This is hardly what I would call sick though..............

The flu vaccine can't give you the flu. But you might develop flu-like symptoms — despite getting a flu vaccine — for a variety of reasons, including: Reaction to the vaccine. Some people experience muscle aches and a fever for a day or two after receiving a flu vaccine.

10-24-19, 9:11pm
Research is a valuable and readily available thing. Evidence based practice fully supports the flu vaccine. I’m 100% for it, based on research. Got one every year since 1995.

Personal anecdotes mean nothing to me.

10-24-19, 9:17pm
I stand corrected. This is hardly what I would call sick though..............

1976 me disagreed with that assessment.

10-25-19, 9:43am
The flu vaccine is not a live virus hence you cannot get sick from it.

Last year I might have agreed with you, but I had flu like symptoms after getting both the shingles shots this year and understand it is rather common to have these side effects from this vaccine. It's a killed virus but some sort of immune system reaction rather than a viral illness I guess. I still plan on getting the flu shot.

10-25-19, 12:49pm
My assessment is that every year a vaccine is produced that doesn't reliably target whatever strain of flu is going around, but if you get a shot every year, maybe sooner or later you'll hit the jackpot and get one that works. I haven't had a flu shot yet, haven't had a cold or flu since--I don't know, 1994?

10-26-19, 12:27am
My assessment is that every year a vaccine is produced that doesn't reliably target whatever strain of flu is going around, but if you get a shot every year, maybe sooner or later you'll hit the jackpot and get one that works. I haven't had a flu shot yet, haven't had a cold or flu since--I don't know, 1994?

Flu vaccines are either trivalent or quadvalent. They develop them based on the most common strains of flu in the southern hemisphere for our season.

The severe flu illnesses and deaths of healthy younger Americans in recent years has me taking the vaccine every year now. I'm approaching 60. I don't want to be in the ICU or dead because of the flu.

10-26-19, 4:11am
My assessment is that you are a moron if you don't get a flu shot.

Hampered as I am in my reasoning by access to data.

10-26-19, 8:34am
Call me whatever kind of name you want, but no flu shot here. :)

10-26-19, 9:38am
My assessment is that you are a moron if you don't get a flu shot.

Hampered as I am in my reasoning by access to data.

I'll wear that label proudly. I've been opposed to over-medication since I broke a blood vessel kicking a doctor who was trying to immunize me against something or other, and it's gotten me this far.

10-26-19, 12:43pm
My assessment is that you are a moron if you don't get a flu shot.

Hampered as I am in my reasoning by access to data.

Say what you want. I am not putting all that garbage in my body for a 29% chance it MAY help me. Just like what they tell you for your pets.... give them all these shots every year. Did that for our last lab and he only lived 10 years versus others who only had the rabies (as required) after the initial shots. They lived to 17 and 19 years. The same applies to us. In this instance, I believe less is more!

Teacher Terry
10-26-19, 1:09pm
Frugal one I totally agree. I know that I mentioned before we lost a healthy 3 year old dog due to a vaccine. With my puppy I vaccinated through the first year and I am done. I am not doing any more rabies either. The 2 I have are related to the one that died and my vet understands. I take the pneumonia shot because you don’t need it often. I got the first one at 46 after getting pneumonia. I just got the second one. I won’t do any yearly vaccines.

10-26-19, 2:34pm
I may get immunized for something in the future (pneumonia?), if I'm in a situation where I come into contact with lots of people, but not until then.

I'm aghast at all the pills, procedures, and shots that people--especially old people--accept as just part of life.

Every week it seems, another "miracle drug" is implicated in serious side effects. This week it was gout medication and heart attack/stroke. Hmmm--sore toe or instant death? Tough decision.

10-26-19, 3:27pm
There is also the stress impact of worrying about getting sick all the time, if everyone is coming into the office sick constantly. The flu vaccine and one less thing to worry about (yes I can still get a cold). That has to count for something health-wise, not being on edge: "omg coworkers are all sick, omg, it's coming for me" all season. Peace of mind.

And no I don't think a flu will kill me, I think it will make me sick as a dog, and needing to take the paid time off others refuse in their selfishness to use (sure a more generous company PTO policy would probably improve the situation some). The thing is I very rarely get sick, but when I do it's a doozy. And yes we work in close quarters (closer than I'd like).

10-26-19, 4:45pm
I had an especially bad case of the flu once. I was sicker than a dog and have gotten the flu vaccine every year for a couple of decades since with no adverse effects that I know of. And I haven't the flu again. They say even though it might not be totally effective it reduces the symptoms if you do get it. I can see how it might be life threatening for some people. We all make our choices around modern medicine and I've refused other recommended medicines, but I've not seen any verifiable evidence of adverse effects from the flu shot other than a few anecdotal stories. There are the antivaccers who don't buy into any vaccines. I think they are related to the flat earthers.

Best wishes for whatever choice everyone makes.

10-26-19, 5:40pm
I had an especially bad case of the flu once. I was sicker than a dog and have gotten the flu vaccine every year for a couple of decades since with no adverse effects that I know of. And I haven't the flu again. They say even though it might not be totally effective it reduces the symptoms if you do get it. I can see how it might be life threatening for some people. We all make our choices around modern medicine and I've refused other recommended medicines, but I've not seen any verifiable evidence of adverse effects from the flu shot other than a few anecdotal stories. There are the antivaccers who don't buy into any vaccines. I think they are related to the flat earthers.

Best wishes for whatever choice everyone makes.

I had the worse case of flu in my life after getting a flu shot. My DH had the same happen. Last year the effectiveness was 29%. It is not worth putting all the crap in your body for that little of reward IMO. And, no, I am not related to flat earthers. We each need to make our own assessment of the worthiness of big pharma. Flu shots are big business.

10-26-19, 6:08pm
I had the worse case of flu in my life after getting a flu shot. My DH had the same happen. Last year the effectiveness was 29%. It is not worth putting all the crap in your body for that little of reward IMO. And, no, I am not related to flat earthers. We each need to make our own assessment of the worthiness of big pharma. Flu shots are big business.

I really have no desire to convince anyone to get the flu shot as long as they are aware of the consequences and making an informed choice. Anymore with the internet there are plenty of reliable resources to explore.

I believe the anti-vaccers are generally against all vaccines. I hope they all are not inventions of big pharma.

Teacher Terry
10-26-19, 6:28pm
I have received most vaccines and vaccinated my kids. We are over vaccinating our pets. I would get the shingles vaccine if I wasn’t highly allergic to one of the ingredients. My sister got that vaccine and a day later half of her face has a big bright red nasty rash and her doctor doesn’t know what it is.

10-26-19, 6:51pm
One thing I do try to do during a lot of cold and flu season is reduce exposure to crowded places as much as possible. It's not all avoidable, I know, but I'd wager airline cabins are breeding grounds for a variety of ailments. It's a lot easier in retirement to avoid crowded stores especially around the Holidays and weekends when every place seems busy. I'm not obsessive about it but am onto the hand washing routine fairly good after being out. Seems like fairly simple things to try to beat the odds.

10-26-19, 7:23pm
I really have no desire to convince anyone to get the flu shot as long as they are aware of the consequences and making an informed choice. Anymore with the internet there are plenty of reliable resources to explore.

I believe the anti-vaccers are generally against all vaccines. I hope they all are not inventions of big pharma.

I don't consider myself an anti-vaccer. I have had all my shots and gave them to my kid. I have travelled the world and took vaccinations to prevent contracting diseases. The flu shot is not worth the risk vs reward IMO. Every year they tell you to put this stuff in your body. Like the dog scenario above.... who knows what this does to a person cumulatively? 29% effectiveness is not high enough to warrant taking it.

10-26-19, 7:23pm
One thing I do try to do during a lot of cold and flu season is reduce exposure to crowded places as much as possible. It's not all avoidable, I know, but I'd wager airline cabins are breeding grounds for a variety of ailments. It's a lot easier in retirement to avoid crowded stores especially around the Holidays and weekends when every place seems busy. I'm not obsessive about it but am onto the hand washing routine fairly good after being out. Seems like fairly simple things to try to beat the odds.

I also do whatever I can to build up my immune system.

10-26-19, 8:47pm

Flu kills

Teacher Terry
10-26-19, 11:45pm
Some of us are willing to take the risk.

10-27-19, 8:16am
It's not all avoidable, I know, but I'd wager airline cabins are breeding grounds for a variety of ailments.

Was with a sibling getting a prescription for her dh and realized one of the most germ-filled places is probably the line at the pharmacy - lol. I went and browsed the aisles on the other side of the store. ;)

10-27-19, 8:55am
Was with a sibling getting a prescription for her dh and realized one of the most germ-filled places is probably the line at the pharmacy - lol. I went and browsed the aisles on the other side of the store. ;)

No foolin'. It's maybe a little ironic that the places where people tend to get the flu shots have more people present that are sick. Could be why some people report flu or cold symptoms after getting the shot. If the CDC is to be trusted, they have a sections on misconceptions of the flu shot. I have had my own reasons to take some medical advice with a grain of salt, so I understand. But, the more people that get the shot the fewer sick people will be around to give it to others.

10-27-19, 9:04am

I remember reading this a while ago, but always good to go back and refresh my memory. Thanks for posting it.

Still - no flu shot here.

10-27-19, 10:02am
As one of bae's morons, I diligently wash my hands when I return home from weekly errands, during which I take scrupulous care not to kiss anyone or rub my hands all over them. So far, it's working.

10-27-19, 10:32am
But, the more people that get the shot the fewer sick people will be around to give it to others.

It's called Herd Immunity. 95% is considered the minimum for prevention. The drop in vac rates is what caused the resurgence of measles. Given the historical exemplars for irradicating diseases, I'd say they work.

Yes, Flu vac is always a best guess on which strains to compile the quad and trivalent vaccines. I'll take my chances on not getting sick. Watching young healthy women die in the ICU from the flu cured me!

10-27-19, 10:37am
I'm with frugal-one. I'm definitely not an anti-vaccer, and I have done enough research on vaccines to know that they are effective for the most part. I get angry with anti-vaccers who skip the childhood immunizations, because they don't seem to realize the horrific consequences of all those diseases that killed children or maimed them.

I guess my not doing the flu shot is partly due to what frugal-one said about the limited efficacy of the vaccine, along with a bit of hubris on my part. I don't mingle with people much, except for the decreasingly frequent plane travel I do. I feel I have a very strong immune system still, although I know that is diminishing over the years, just because of the aging process. And the third reason I don't do it is because I am lazy about medical stuff. I haven't seen a doctor in 3 years, and I know I should.

DH needs to get his flu shot, OTOH. So maybe when he goes to get his, I'll get one. Maybe.

10-27-19, 3:19pm
I wonder what all these vaccinations do to our own immune systems as there are so many of them now. It is crazy how many vacs kiddos have to get now.

10-27-19, 3:30pm
Supposedly we are naturally exposed to many more pathogens than we have vaccines.

But the interesting issue to me is how many people are agitated over too much government intervention when it comes to firearms, but the same anti-government bias doesn't seem to extend to forced or coercive medical treatment.

iris lilies
10-27-19, 3:54pm
Supposedly we are naturally exposed to many more pathogens than we have vaccines.

But the interesting issue to me is how many people are agitated over too much government intervention when it comes to firearms, but the same anti-government bias doesn't seem to extend to forced or coercive medical treatment.

There is too much federal government intrusion in our lives. The feds making laws about mandated vaccines would be more of the same, unwelcome.

10-27-19, 4:03pm
Flu vaccine efficacy varies from year to year, and is usually higher than 29%. 80,000 people die annually in the U.S. from flu complications.

10-27-19, 4:21pm
Kids are required to be vaccinated to go to school, forced medical treatment of adults by and large doesn't even exist (even forced psychiatric treatment is usually pretty limited is my understanding - it's why the streets are full of crazies) so that's why noone bothers to get upset about it for the most part.

10-27-19, 4:24pm
Apparently there's a new approach to flu vaccines in the works. This appeals to me more than never-ending vaccinations, but Pharma will probably price it accordingly:


10-28-19, 6:32am
Apparently there's a new approach to flu vaccines in the works. This appeals to me more than never-ending vaccinations, but Pharma will probably price it accordingly:


Makes me think of that Star Trek episode The Mark Of Gideon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mark_of_Gideon

10-28-19, 11:43am
Makes me think of that Star Trek episode The Mark Of Gideon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mark_of_Gideon

Yeah--that may not be far off the mark some day.