View Full Version : Any Travel Planned?

Teacher Terry
11-13-19, 1:47pm
We were at my kids last night and my DIL mentioned that they had found cheap tickets to Poland non stop and a brand new plane. She asked if we wanted to go with them and now we are sitting right behind them. I was teasing my son that maybe I should kick his seat like he did to me in the car when he was little:)). We have been to Poland twice but haven’t seen the whole country. We will go to Warsaw, Kraków again, Prague and of course her hometown. We are going for a month. I am so excited! Do you have any travel planned?

iris lilies
11-13-19, 1:51pm
A month! That is great.

my next trip, planned only in my head, is the Baltic countries plus maybe Krakow. I loved Prague but probably wont go back, too crowded.

Teacher Terry
11-13-19, 2:40pm
Kraków is my favorite city. This will be our 3rd visit. I have heard that Prague is prettier. We have never been gone that long before. I have to hire a friend to move in for the dogs for 17 days and then my son will be back. Since I am 65 I want to travel while I can. Baltic countries sounds great. If I was rich I would take the dogs and spend 2 years seeing all of Europe:))

11-13-19, 2:47pm
We're done for this year: trip to Canada for a wedding in June and a cruise around Britain. The next few years will be long weekends in driving distance and maybe within the U.S. if we find a steal of an airfare. Time to save up for the next adventure!

Teacher Terry
11-13-19, 2:53pm
I have only spent one day in Canada because it was a cruise. Would definitely go back. How was the Britain cruise?

iris lilies
11-13-19, 3:58pm
This year was the year of 2-3 day motel stays for me, trips mostly near St.Louis. Not an exciting year. I had 7 of these trips, all related to plant and garden club activities. I cant even get excited about cable tv in hotel rooms because we now have cable at our hermann house and I have not watched it.

I do actually kinda get excited about hotel beds now, though. The Hilton is great, a recent trip to a Drury
inn provided good sleep, and the Holiday Inn Express had a great bed.

It aint’t Prague, though.

11-13-19, 4:34pm
Well, this is a busy travel month for me. Some places interesting, some not so much (although honestly, all places are interesting in their own way). So, I'm going to be in The Bronx Sunday, Tennessee Monday, LA Tuesday, Rockland County NY Wednesday, Saratoga the following Saturday... Then Japan for a week in December, and Connecticut and Chicago.

Then I hope I'm done.

Teacher Terry
11-13-19, 4:40pm
I had a friend that went to Japan for 2 weeks. She is half Japanese and took her kids. I loved the pictures. Wow that’s a lot of business travel.

11-13-19, 4:44pm
This past year has been the year of the RV. Wanted to get out as much as we could to see if we liked it. Now my eyes are turning back to travel where a plane is required. We love the RV but it will never replace our other types of travel and we have missed that. 2020, here we come.

11-13-19, 5:09pm
2020 will see an Alaska cruise and if that works out maybe a trip to northern Europe including St Petersburg and Scandinavia. I am not a cruise person so will try out the first with a friend for a week and then reevaluate the idea.
Mostly, I love being home and seeing quality theatre.

11-13-19, 6:18pm
Travelling with my son has become increasingly difficult due to his health issues. I need a new travelling buddy, or maybe he will be better by spring when I would next take time off. So nothing at this time except an overnight partying with friends so I can drink and not drive.

11-13-19, 6:50pm
Leaving Dec 1 to Belize and late December plan on staying in TX until mid-March. DH will have dental work done and we can be away from the miserable midwest winter!!!

Teacher Terry
11-13-19, 7:38pm
Razz, we loved the Alaskan cruise. We didn’t do the land portion and now regret it. We have now decided to hop over to Ireland and Scotland since it’s so close. Frugal, I don’t blame you for wanting to skip the winter. Ypejji, sorry to hear about your son’s health issues.

11-13-19, 8:23pm
We're all so different. We hated the Alaska cruise-dropped a small fortune in excursions to get off the damn boat. We're not gamblers or drinkers and I can hardly stay awake past 9 so the shows were missed by me. Total waste of $. (the trip was a sister's dream for her 65th bday which is the only reason we went). She selected the most expensive week of the entire summer :-(

2020 will be a big travel year for us: NASCAR race in the spring-haven't decided which one in the South is next. June is our 40th anniversary. Hubby has decided on Glacier and Banff 7-10d, not mapped yet. Family reunion in McCall Idaho (we have 1 every 5 years in the West somewhere).

And if our alma mater wins a Bowl game, we may hit that in December!

11-13-19, 8:59pm
Very cool to hear about everyone's trips!

I have saved up the funds for a trip and I am just saving up some vacation time, which I should have by January. My plan is to go to Southeast Asia, Thailand maybe to Cambodia or Laos too.

I am thinking I may also do some speed dating events there, or join a dating site. Maybe I can come back with a lovely lady.

iris lilies
11-13-19, 10:16pm
Very cool to hear about everyone's trips!

I have saved up the funds for a trip and I am just saving up some vacation time, which I should have by January. My plan is to go to Southeast Asia, Thailand maybe to Cambodia or Laos too.

I am thinking I may also do some speed dating events there, or join a dating site. Maybe I can come back with a lovely lady.

I watched a couple of documentaries about Thailand’s lady boys. The lady boy culture is kind of interesting.

11-13-19, 10:18pm
I wash a couple of documentaries about Thailand’s lady boys. The lady boy culture is kind of interesting.

Uh... what?

11-13-19, 11:49pm
I don't think there is ever going to be much travel if I plan to go with my boyfriend. Though, I'm low maintenance and want little most of the time anyway, sheesh I dream just of taking the train somewhere. But don't say 3 day weekend staycations aren't sustainable. That they are if anything is. -Totally sustainable here-. A year of contract work and my values became clear between needs and wants anyway, need time to go to the doctor and to stay home if I'm sick and occasionally a mental health day, want - everything else.

But I have two weeks and a few sick days of time off a year, my bf has time off he never takes pretty much. I thought this was hyper-obedience, I mean taking time off there isn't unheard of, you don't have to be so hyper-obedient and "exemplary employee" to "The Man" that you never even use your time off (if contract well um it's precarious, it's a different mentality). But no, it's actually a plan to save vacation time pay if laid off which could happen someday (it always could). So I don't know that much shared time off is every going to be the case. I will use what time off I have though even if I staycation by myself.

Teacher Terry
11-14-19, 1:17am
We don’t gamble either and go to bed earlier. But on a cruise we stay up later and take advantage of the night life which is awesome.

11-14-19, 5:38am
ANM can you carry your vacation over to the next year? It is good for people to save some in case of calamity. For instance, many disability plans don't kick in for a week. However, I can"t carry any over so I use it.

iris lilies
11-14-19, 6:39am
Uh... what?
I “watched” documentaries...fixed it.

11-14-19, 8:17am
I “watched” documentaries...fixed it.
You are just talking about the transgender women of Thailand? I am not knowledgeable about that.

But I am interested only in cis-gender women.

11-14-19, 10:59am
I don't think there is ever going to be much travel if I plan to go with my boyfriend. Though, I'm low maintenance and want little most of the time anyway, sheesh I dream just of taking the train somewhere. But don't say 3 day weekend staycations aren't sustainable. That they are if anything is. -Totally sustainable here-. A year of contract work and my values became clear between needs and wants anyway, need time to go to the doctor and to stay home if I'm sick and occasionally a mental health day, want - everything else.

But I have two weeks and a few sick days of time off a year, my bf has time off he never takes pretty much. I thought this was hyper-obedience, I mean taking time off there isn't unheard of, you don't have to be so hyper-obedient and "exemplary employee" to "The Man" that you never even use your time off (if contract well um it's precarious, it's a different mentality). But no, it's actually a plan to save vacation time pay if laid off which could happen someday (it always could). So I don't know that much shared time off is every going to be the case. I will use what time off I have though even if I staycation by myself.

Depends on the job you have if this is a legal practice (if employer keeps vacation "on the books" and does not pay you outright).

11-14-19, 12:11pm
Oh when I've left a job for whatever reason, even involuntarily, I've been paid for untaken vacation. I thought you had to be pretty much(?). I just don't tend to use untaken vacation as a saving account and deprive myself of paid time off now for what *might* happen someday (job loss), that's what a savings account is for. Saving a few days off for sickness though I agree is just prudent.

But it probably actually is a significant reason for what's going on with Americans not using what vacation time they get that you always hear. Are they just workaholics or are they afraid of getting in trouble if they take time off, or what people ask? Maybe none of the above, but seeing unused vacation time as in effect an emergency fund.

11-14-19, 6:04pm
Some companies now offer unlimited vacation time. They have no accrued liability on their books and don't have to pay anything out to terminated employees. Pressure keeps people from taking large amounts of time.

11-15-19, 12:00am
DH and I want to take a big trip sometime next year to celebrate our birthdays. Problem is neither one of us has a burning desire to go any specific place so deciding where to go isn't easy. So, we will let budget and weather determine our choices.

Teacher Terry
11-15-19, 12:09am
My oldest son has been to 28 countries. After this trip we will have been to 7. I think my bucket list is longer than my life:))

11-15-19, 8:17am
If we are ever dogless and can save up some money, I want to do cruises of Alaska and Scandinavia. Would like to go to Ireland and Scotland. Would like to revisit England and look up ancestors' graves, now I know who they are. Would like to go to Martha's Vineyard again now that I know ancestors settled it, and that they are also my husband's ancestors--so that would be doubly fun.

I guess these are sort of bucket list items.

11-15-19, 10:22am
I watched a couple of documentaries about Thailand’s lady boys. The lady boy culture is kind of interesting.

A few days ago I started chatting with a woman from Thailand. She checked off a lot of boxes!
Child-free by choice
Prefers vegetarian food
Lives simply
Pretty and attractive
Conversations went well
Likes dogs

I will say though, when I first saw her pictures I thought... Is that my "transdar" going off? Very subtle.

I asked her if there was anything unique or different about her that I should know. She deleted her profile (maybe blocked me) right after I asked.

San Onofre Guy
11-15-19, 9:07pm
I’m going to Anchorage next week to speak at a conference, plan for Mt Rushmore in April, a Viking cruise from Venice to Istanbul in April 2021. We will do other trips but those are planned at this time

11-16-19, 11:15am
We hated the Alaska cruise-dropped a small fortune in excursions to get off the damn boat. We're not gamblers or drinkers and I can hardly stay awake past 9 so the shows were missed by me. Total waste of $.
On our most recent cruise, we walked through the casino as necessary to get to other places; we never visited "on purpose" (though I find that very carefully built environment a fascinating study in people and psychology and worth a visit for that alone). We rarely attend the shows. A good jazz trio or pianist such will get my attention but the revues and cruise ship versions of game shows or talent shows don't interest me at all. Instead we visit the ship's library or go to the club at the back of the ship (that requires three elevator rides) and we read or just watch the scenery go by.

For us, the value of a cruise is unpacking once in a guaranteed hotel room, not having to figure out much in the way of meals and transportation if we don't want to, and having destinations that change. But, yeah, after seven or eight days of cruising, I'm done with the atmosphere. I know some people live for the communal celebration; I'm not one of them. So far cruises are still worth the money to us, but I can travel just as well without the boat -- for me, it's a conveyance. The enjoyment of cruising, it seems, is on a spectrum. :)

iris lilies
11-16-19, 12:03pm
I would never do an ocean cruise, but the Viking river cruises that are hotels on the water are somewhat appealing.

We ran our own “cruise” 15 years ago when we did a canal trip in the U.K. DH captained the boat and I was the lock manager.

Teacher Terry
11-16-19, 12:20pm
I love reading about everyone’s experiences.

Float On
11-16-19, 1:07pm
Not too much planned for now except NC in May for DS#2 grad and Banff in July for his wedding...unless they change plans again. So far it was Iceland, then FL, now Banff. I've only been to Banff over christmas so rather looking forward to the summer visit.

11-16-19, 4:38pm
I have plenty of travel plans - in my dreams. LOL. In reality - not so much. Love reading about everyone else's travels!! Thanks so much for sharing.