View Full Version : Trump is the Chosen one

11-25-19, 6:34am

whether or or not I think these things are justified:

i have tried to understand why why some people hated Hillary.
I have tried to understand why some people are so against the “nanny” state.
i have tried to understand why people hate illegal immigrants.
I have tried to understand why people feel Christians are prosecuted because someone wants them to bake a cake with a same sex couple on it.
I have tried to understand why a figure like Trump represents to party of family values.

However God has chosen Trump? Can anyone explain this? I am totally befuddled by this one.

11-25-19, 8:51am
I think he's supposed to bring about the End Times. It does kind of feel like it some days...:0!
Or God has a cruel sense of humor.

11-25-19, 10:27am
I have always been befuddled by overtly Christian folk who feel they need to pronounce their beliefs for all to hear/see. However, Ricky came from a part of Texas where that is a way of being. There is a lot of it in the city where I live now too. Prayer circles at the grocery store, etc...and yes, they do seem to support Mr. Trump whole-heartedly. I don't get it but I stand by "we all get to choose..."

11-25-19, 10:34am
I have always been befuddled by overtly Christian folk who feel they need to pronounce their beliefs for all to hear/see. However, Ricky came from a part of Texas where that is a way of being. There is a lot of it in the city where I live now too. Prayer circles at the grocery store, etc...and yes, they do seem to support Mr. Trump whole-heartedly. I don't get it but I stand by "we all get to choose..."

I feel lucky to have lived my whole life in an area where people don't feel compelled to ask about one's spiritual beliefs, or to proselytize about theirs.

11-25-19, 11:03am

whether or or not I think these things are justified:

i have tried to understand why why some people hated Hillary.
I have tried to understand why some people are so against the “nanny” state.
i have tried to understand why people hate illegal immigrants.
I have tried to understand why people feel Christians are prosecuted because someone wants them to bake a cake with a same sex couple on it.
I have tried to understand why a figure like Trump represents to party of family values.

However God has chosen Trump? Can anyone explain this? I am totally befuddled by this one.

If God did indeed choose Trump through his midwestern children and the Electoral College, I’m sure he had his reasons. I won’t pretend to understand them.

As to your other questions, I can only provide my own answers:

I disliked (she really wasn’t interesting enough to invest much hatred) Hillary for pretty much the same reasons I disliked Trump. Dishonesty, corruption, incompetence; albeit in a more professional hackish package.

I dislike the nanny state because I prefer a government that doesn’t have the power to make me eat my vegetables.

I’m not so much against illegal immigrants as I’m against illegality in general. Why people are so eager to confuse that with racism is puzzling to me.

I rather tend to think using the power of government to force people to act against their conscience on a matter as trivial as cake design is a little aromatic of persecution. Especially in the repeated attempts to make an example of a particular baker to strike fear into the hearts of the others.

As to family values, I have to admit you’ve got me there. Unless we’re talking about Corleone, or perhaps Clinton family values. Or maybe there are some professed Christians who view Trump as a lesser threat to their values than the folks going after recalcitrant bakers or the Knights of Columbus.

Teacher Terry
11-25-19, 11:29am
Stupid people think stupid things.

11-25-19, 11:41am
What is this Clinton corruption you speak of? She's always just seemed like a hard-working, middle of the road Democrat to me--not exciting, but perfectly acceptable. I guess decades of right-wing fantasies have left their mark. (Vince Foster? Pizza joint basement? Please...)

11-25-19, 11:43am
Stupid people think stupid things.

The reaction against the kind of thinking that produces that kind of statement has been a primary source of fuel for Trump’s gaudy political career. You would have thought people presuming their intellectual superiority would have figured that out by now.

11-25-19, 12:05pm
The reaction against the kind of thinking that produces that kind of statement has been a primary source of fuel for Trump’s gaudy political career. You would have thought people presuming their intellectual superiority would have figured that out by now.
And yet they haven't and I suspect the vast majority never will.

11-25-19, 12:20pm
What is this Clinton corruption you speak of? She's always just seemed like a hard-working, middle of the road Democrat to me--not exciting, but perfectly acceptable. I guess decades of right-wing fantasies have left their mark. (Vince Foster? Pizza joint basement? Please...)

Nothing so colorful. Her lucrative sideline as Scheherazade to the investment banking industry. The astonishing ability of the Clinton Foundation to produce personal wealth. The fortunate destruction of inconvenient records, both paper and electronic, at convenient times. Commodity investments with loaves-and-fishes levels of return.

11-25-19, 12:22pm
And yet they haven't and I suspect the vast majority never will.

As Rick Perry might say, pride goeth before a fall.

11-25-19, 12:57pm
As Rick Perry might say, pride goeth before a fall.

ha ha, good one.

As as far as intellectual superiority I think many sides of our current political atmosphere are to blame. Some people are incredulous that the validity of every sentence of the Bible and their belief in Jesus Christ is ever questioned. How could people be so stupid as not to believe in Jesus? Some truly believe the only reason trump has such opposition is they are poor losers. How could they not see what a bright stable genius savior sent from the almighty father he is? Both the right and the left believe the others news coverage is wrong, false and only fools would believe such propaganda. And some truly believe white is the superior race, how could you be so stupid as not to realize that? And some think only an ignorant racist moron would ever consider voting for Trump. Some think if women just will it they would be unable to get pregnant when raped.

You know, very few people would say our immigration system was perfect before Trump. The difference is in the solution. The same for our healthcare system, taxation, military complex, education system, welfare system and so on.
Some of these things may be improved, some may be much worse by the policies that are being put in place. .