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1-9-20, 6:39pm
Any thoughts about these two stepping back from the duties of royalty?

I think that it must be hard to be an also-ran subject to the intense public media interest. Can they successfully step back?
Do you think Princess Di’s experiences were a factor?
Any advice for them?
Frankly I think the public wants the glamour pageantry- from the royalty or movie/sports star or excessive wealth creating fabulous mansions etc.

I enjoyed the ritual and pageantry of British royalty but am not a monarchist.

1-9-20, 7:11pm
Who gives a hoot about the German usurpers?

1-9-20, 7:13pm
Harry has no future other than to be quiet and open pagents or stand behind his brother. He is not even the spare anymore. I think he is sixth in line for the throne now. Megan has even less to do.

He married a professional woman who needs an occupation. So they both are looking to give meaning to their lives and probably a freer life than wandering between houses in England. The tabloids are also a big issue over there.

Not sure how they are going to "earn an income" but that is their issue.

Teacher Terry
1-9-20, 7:56pm
I read that they set up a website to sell items. If they don’t perform royal duties I doubt they will continue to get their big royal allowance. Should be interesting.

1-9-20, 8:08pm
What duties are they stepping away from, exactly? Being on display at various events? Mascots for a sort of national amusement park? Presiding over various colorful rituals?

And what is their new role? Some sort of famous for being famous internet influencer thing?

1-9-20, 8:20pm
I can't decide if Harry is using Megan as an excuse to leave the Royal family because it has never been something he wanted since he was "just the spare" his entire life. I don't understand how Megan couldn't understand from the day she started dating Harry that her life would forever be under a microscope. Diana was a prime example for that. She made the choice to marry into the Royal family and is now complaining about everything that it entails.

1-9-20, 10:29pm
I never liked Meghan. Has nothing to do with race, before anyone brings that up. She has none of the class Kate has. I really disliked the political BS at the wedding. Not the place for it.

She was already a celebrity so she was no stranger to media attention. She had to have known what she was getting into.

She thought she was going to come into a hundreds of years old institution and be progressive?

She’s got Harry’s balls in her purse. The sex must have been pretty good.

I listen to BBC Radio online daily. The thing people keep coming back to is that H&M did this without the Queen’s knowledge. Apparently she was blindsided by this.

iris lilies
1-9-20, 11:28pm
I read that they set up a website to sell items. If they don’t perform royal duties I doubt they will continue to get their big royal allowance. Should be interesting.
I don’t believe much of their income is derived from the taxpayers. Harry gets economic outpatient care from his mother’s estate and his father. But their houses and travel and security are likely a huge expense paid for by the taxpayers.

The duties they are stepping away from are attending public events, sponsoring charities and representing them.

I think it’s fine if they’re doing this why Not? But I didn’t know they did it without informing the queen that seems stupid.

1-10-20, 3:16am
I never liked Meghan. Has nothing to do with race, before anyone brings that up. She has none of the class Kate has. I really disliked the political BS at the wedding. Not the place for it.

She was already a celebrity so she was no stranger to media attention. She had to have known what she was getting into.

She thought she was going to come into a hundreds of years old institution and be progressive?

She’s got Harry’s balls in her purse. The sex must have been pretty good.

I listen to BBC Radio online daily. The thing people keep coming back to is that H&M did this without the Queen’s knowledge. Apparently she was blindsided by this.

Honestly I don't think many people had even heard about her show before she started dating Harry. At least nobody I know.

1-10-20, 6:56am
Oh dear, please let's not turn this into a diminishing of a person. That is happening enough on social media and scandal rags. We don't know either of them enough to judge.

I was examining the impact of such a step in terms of the role of royalty. Some of the other royal lines have reduced their numbers, gone low-key such as Denmark, I believe. I have read reports about Charles examining how to reduce the number of those on the taxpayer's dime or some variation of that reasoning.

1-10-20, 7:19am
Oh dear, please let's not turn this into a diminishing of a person. That is happening enough on social media and scandal rags. We don't know either of them enough to judge.

I was examining the impact of such a step in terms of the role of royalty. Some of the other royal lines have reduced their numbers, gone low-key such as Denmark, I believe. I have read reports about Charles examining how to reduce the number of those on the taxpayer's dime or some variation of that reasoning.

I am not so sure why people hate her so much. They loved Diana. They really love Kate. But hate Meghan. Obviously we don't really know what is going on in their lives but with Meghan's family (minus her mom) speaking out against her, Harry's recent estrangement with William, and now this, it does seem like something is going on because of her. Harry and William were inseparable growing up and still pretty close after William got married. Just seems like there is something with Meghan that warrants the criticism. I just hope that this step back from the family is what Harry really wants and not just a ploy by Meghan to get her control over him. I am sure if Harry will always be welcomed back into the family but it might be with the condition that it is just he and Archie. I do find it interesting that Meghan has such an issue with her life being under a microscope constantly when she knew that was exactly what would happen when she started dating a Royal. Diana is proof that it can get out of hand and Meghan was well aware of how that ended.

1-10-20, 7:55am
Wow, I wish I had not started this thread. There is enough hate in the world for all kinds of issues. I had no intention of adding to it.

Hatred has to be learned, Golden says: “We are all born with the capacity for aggression as well as compassion. Which tendencies we embrace requires mindful choice by individuals, families, communities and our culture in general. The key to overcoming hate is education: at home, in schools, and in the community.”

The hand that slaps also has the potential to become the hand that comforts. It all depends how you choose to use that hand.

This point is also made in this anecdote, Native American in origin: A grandfather talking to his young grandson tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him, struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other is the wolf of fear, greed and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one you feed" is the reply.

I couldn’t agree more with these two sentiments. The more you hold onto hatred, the more likely it is that the hot coal of the emotion will burn you. And the more you feed it, the stronger it becomes.

1-10-20, 9:25am
I read that they set up a website to sell items.

Hmm, I somehow don't see them as being eBay sellers, or anything like that. What are they going to sell, befitting their status? Vintage coronation/Jubilee tickets?

I see Harry as being the modern-day Edward VIII, deciding his priority in his life is going to be the woman he loves. So what? He has no meaningful place in royal life, given he is far down in the line of succession. He might as well focus on his own life now.

As for Meghan, I have no opinion of her. I don't know her. razz, maybe they'll wind up in your neighborhood--Canada seems to be a really great neutral territory for them, given its ties to the Crown and the big ocean that separates them.

All this talk simply makes me wish my MIL was still around, given how much she loved the British monarchy, and all the stories surrounding it.

1-10-20, 9:45am
Hmm, I somehow don't see them as being eBay sellers, or anything like that. What are they going to sell, befitting their status? Vintage coronation/Jubilee tickets?

I see Harry as being the modern-day Edward VIII, deciding his priority in his life is going to be the woman he loves. So what? He has no meaningful place in royal life, given he is far down in the line of succession. He might as well focus on his own life now.

As for Meghan, I have no opinion of her. I don't know her. razz, maybe they'll wind up in your neighborhood--Canada seems to be a really great neutral territory for them, given its ties to the Crown and the big ocean that separates them.

All this talk simply makes me wish my MIL was still around, given how much she loved the British monarchy, and all the stories surrounding it.

Honestly neither do I. I am not a person who is big into "celebrities" and worry about myself and those around me more than strangers in the world. I wish the networks felt the same. I can see weeks and weeks over coverage on this and how the Queen is reacting to it.

iris lilies
1-10-20, 11:08am
Oh dear, please let's not turn this into a diminishing of a person. That is happening enough on social media and scandal rags. We don't know either of them enough to judge.

I was examining the impact of such a step in terms of the role of royalty. Some of the other royal lines have reduced their numbers, gone low-key such as Denmark, I believe. I have read reports about Charles examining how to reduce the number of those on the taxpayer's dime or some variation of that reasoning.

There is always room to downsize. In any household whether a big royal one or a modest 2 br bungalow, things and habits and rituals and processes can always be jettisoned.

I think it makes a lot of sense for Harry to step out and become a minor royal. Wouldnt it have been nice if prince Andrew had done that some time ago, there wouldn’t be all this High level embarrassment about his shenanigans with Jeffrey Epstein.

Isn’t it princess Anne’s children who are just regular folks? And I barely remember the names of the queens youngest two children, or is there just one of them? Edward I’m thinking of.

Yes they need to reduce their numbers

Teacher Terry
1-10-20, 11:13am
We loved Suits and always watched it. I don’t think that the queen is going to approve of them selling items under the Sussex name which is what they plan to do.

iris lilies
1-10-20, 12:28pm
Oy, the plot thickens. H &M ( maybe they can hawk clothing dor that line) took baby Archie to
Canada, then flew back to the UK to make their announcement. The Queen officially has authority over Archie.

This is Cloak and Dagger stuff. It is the basis of a tv movie, “Saving Archie” Or some such thing where
Meghan Markle woild be played by television actress—Meghan Markle!

I like it.

1-10-20, 12:53pm
If The Crown is any indication of what royal life is like, I wouldn't blame them one bit for wanting out. It seems like a horrid way to live.

And like razz, I'm surprised at the hateful comments directed at Meghan. I thought we were a bit more evolved here on this forum. Meghan has no class? Meghan has her husband's balls in her purse? Those comments say more about the person saying them than about Meghan.

Aren't we advocates for living the chosen life? For respecting those who wish to take the road less traveled? And aren't we old enough to be respectful, rather than catty?

Teacher Terry
1-10-20, 1:47pm
I read yesterday that the queen has legal custody of any grandchildren that are born which strikes me as odd. I think the reason that many people don’t like Meghan is that Harry was happy before her and now seems quite miserable. He also lost a close relationship with his brother. Spouses can and do ruin family relationships. My brothers’s wife ruined ours.

1-10-20, 2:33pm
If The Crown is any indication of what royal life is like, I wouldn't blame them one bit for wanting out. It seems like a horrid way to live.

And like razz, I'm surprised at the hateful comments directed at Meghan. I thought we were a bit more evolved here on this forum. Meghan has no class? Meghan has her husband's balls in her purse? Those comments say more about the person saying them than about Meghan.

Aren't we advocates for living the chosen life? For respecting those who wish to take the road less traveled? And aren't we old enough to be respectful, rather than catty?

+1. This thread is disappointing.

1-10-20, 2:37pm
And like razz, I'm surprised at the hateful comments directed at Meghan. I thought we were a bit more evolved here on this forum. Meghan has no class? Meghan has her husband's balls in her purse? Those comments say more about the person saying them than about Meghan.

It also embodies a model of gender roles and relations that I thought we'd moved past.

iris lilies
1-10-20, 2:39pm
I read yesterday that the queen has legal custody of any grandchildren that are born which strikes me as odd. I think the reason that many people don’t like Meghan is that Harry was happy before her and now seems quite miserable. He also lost a close relationship with his brother. Spouses can and do ruin family relationships. My brothers’s wife ruined ours.

I think we have to be careful not to see too much through our own lenses. How would we know if there is really a split between the brothers?

Prince Harry has talked before about lesving The Royal Family’s firm. I think it is great that his own little nuclear family gave him the impetus to GTFO.

Teacher Terry
1-10-20, 3:23pm
If you watch their body language when together you can see something is different. Also I think harry briefly eluded to it in a interview.

1-10-20, 4:36pm
Sky news says they stand to make 500 million in first year marketing their Sussex brand. I think it's really sad how they treated the queen, who is same age as my mom and a very heroic figure. I remember my mother telling me that during the war,they stayed in London during the bombing because their subects couldn't leave.
Not a fan of Harkles.

1-10-20, 4:55pm
I am not so sure why people hate her so much. They loved Diana. They really love Kate. But hate Meghan.

Perhaps it has a bit of something to do with the color of her skin, and not the content of her character?

1-10-20, 4:55pm
Well, in my opinion, they have made a decision on what they would like to try to do with their lives and I wish them the best! It can be scary taking a new path in life - especially such a public one - so I wish them well and lots of happiness.

1-10-20, 7:43pm
Harry is the prince who was consorting with prostitutes and a drug dealer in Las Vegas before he met Megan. People including other members of the royal family should be glad he is happily married and not devolving into another Prince Andrew. Diana would have liked to go to North America and if she had she might still be alive today. Fergie earned a living as a weight loss spokesperson. There are other ways to be a royal than the path the Queen would like.

1-10-20, 8:58pm
A lot of speculation going on and I don't believe a word in the press. I think they will find their niche. More power to them wanting to get out of the Royal spotlight. I think the press has been brutal to her.

1-10-20, 9:06pm
It might be something like this:

Kind of their job is to be royals, and they don't want to do their job anymore, but pay them anyway.

Denmark seems to have the whole royalty thing worked out best (as with everything else), you can be a royal and have a job as a pilot.

Yes, one might say America has the royalty thing worked out best :laff:, EXCEPT ... I'd rather have royals having scandals all the time than President weekly scandal. If the collective Id had to go somewhere I'd rather it not have actual power ... But they get all that and Boris, yes unfortunate there. Denmark has it right ...

1-10-20, 9:30pm
It might be something like this:

Kind of their job is to be royals, and they don't want to do their job anymore, but pay them anyway.

Denmark seems to have the whole royalty thing worked out best (as with everything else), you can be a royal and have a job as a pilot.

Yes, one might say America has the royalty thing worked out best :laff:, EXCEPT ... I'd rather have royals having scandals all the time than President weekly scandal. If the collective Id had to go somewhere I'd rather it not have actual power ... But they get all that and Boris, yes unfortunate there. Denmark has it right ...

Perhaps you’re thinking of The Netherlands. The king (Wilhem something?) is a pilot for KLM.

1-11-20, 5:50am
Interesting article ANM. Thanks for posting.

1-11-20, 8:10am
Interesting article ANM. Thanks for posting.

I agree.

Since Charles and Philip have talked about downsizing the Royals, - perhaps, just maybe, - Harry and Meghan have indicated that they see the writing on the wall and are insisting that they be part of the conversation and consultation rather than simply pawns in the game.

iris lilies
1-11-20, 10:38am
Perhaps it has a bit of something to do with the color of her skin, and not the content of her character?
Or maybe she fits a role. Every good Duchess needs a bad Duchess for the storyline to progress.

1-11-20, 10:50am
Can a semi-mystical bond between monarch and subject ultimately survive being defined down to a brand?

Can ancillary royals limit their obligations to the system while at the same time leveraging their royal status commercially and politicaly Kardashian style without subtracting something from the House of Windsor?

1-11-20, 12:32pm
This BBC article talks about where H&M’s money comes from.


1-11-20, 12:44pm
Perhaps you’re thinking of The Netherlands. The king (Wilhem something?) is a pilot for KLM.

that could be, royals is not my expertise. :D

1-11-20, 2:19pm
Perhaps it has a bit of something to do with the color of her skin, and not the content of her character?

My thoughts as well.

1-13-20, 9:53am
Thought that you might find this interesting. I didn't see the play myself but am amused by the coincidence.

1-14-20, 11:05am
This article was interesting. I hadn't realized that there were only 5 media outlets that are given access to the royal family. No wonder the paparazzi are so obnoxious.

And if the double standard presented by the article is accurate, no wonder they want out.

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/meghan-markle-kate-middleton-double-standards-royal?fbclid=IwAR0DBjbNUIRpPtJBE0zoYjKQ18giUyQYjHc WuWZJteZ-IPUHSIeZ1OuHKVQ

1-14-20, 5:03pm
Amazing jp1.

1-23-20, 12:35am
And now Meghan is "uppity". Didn't take long for the right to prove bae correct...


1-23-20, 7:20am
And now Meghan is "uppity". Didn't take long for the right to prove bae correct...


Sean Hannity! of Fox News is a credible source of any info????? Give your head a shake!!!!! Leave Meghan and Harry to work out their lives as we do wish for ourselves without disparaging opinions voiced for sensationalist reports.

1-23-20, 7:51am
Sean Hannity! of Fox News is a credible source of any info????? Give your head a shake!!!!! Leave Meghan and Harry to work out their lives as we do wish for ourselves without disparaging opinions voiced for sensationalist reports.


1-23-20, 11:44am
I think that whatever Meghan and Harry are, they should be left alone and allowed to fade into obscurity. I would be happy to never see another picture of them, to never hear them asking for money for their foundation or chastising people for jet travel or hearing their uninformed opinions or plagiarizing instagram posts, to let them go serve the public or themselves or whatever it is they want in peace and quiet. God bless them and keep them, hopefully far away from the news.

1-23-20, 3:49pm
I think that whatever Meghan and Harry are, they should be left alone and allowed to fade into obscurity. I would be happy to never see another picture of them, to never hear them asking for money for their foundation or chastising people for jet travel or hearing their uninformed opinions or plagiarizing instagram posts, to let them go serve the public or themselves or whatever it is they want in peace and quiet. God bless them and keep them, hopefully far away from the news.

I feel the same way about the Kardashians and the Trumps.

1-23-20, 5:38pm
Sean Hannity! of Fox News is a credible source of any info????? Give your head a shake!!!!! Leave Meghan and Harry to work out their lives as we do wish for ourselves without disparaging opinions voiced for sensationalist reports.

Like him or not, Hannity has a popular show. And I don't think that popularity stems from millions of people who disagree with it feverishly watching in order to be outraged at the asshattery. SO occasionally turns on fox to see what sort of absurd stuff they're peddling. Personally I have to leave the room. If I didn't I would need to double up on my HBP med that day.

1-24-20, 4:28pm
What is the fascination with royals anyway? I find it really strange to hone in on people's private affairs regardless of their status in life. IMO, it is not newsworthy.

1-24-20, 5:30pm
What is the fascination with royals anyway? I find it really strange to hone in on people's private affairs regardless of their status in life. IMO, it is not newsworthy.

What's the fascination with any celebrity? I don't get it either.

iris lilies
1-24-20, 5:53pm
I don’t find this generation of royals to be interesting mainly because I don’t find people in their 20s or 30s to be interesting with exceptions for a couple of crazy bloggers. But I was certainly interested in the Royals of my generation.

Teacher Terry
1-24-20, 6:45pm
Just read that a doctor in Australia filed a objection to their patent on the Sussex name for their website. Will be interesting on what grounds.

1-24-20, 7:52pm
Just read that a doctor in Australia filed a objection to their patent on the Sussex name for their website. Will be interesting on what grounds.

That one has been rescinded but others are being presented...

Ben Evans, senior associate and chartered trademark attorney at Blake Morgan, said the IPO had considered the Sussexes' application for an unusually long time before publishing the trademark, perhaps because of rules over the term "royal".

He said someone might formally oppose a trademark registration because they have a competing brand with which it might be confused, or because they object to the description - since the couple are no longer senior royals.

But unlike a full objection, filing a notice of threatened objection requires no fee and no evidence, he said.

"You could just do it to be difficult," said Mr Evans. "It looks like the IPO might be quite busy on this one.

iris lilies
1-24-20, 7:57pm
Just read that a doctor in Australia filed a objection to their patent on the Sussex name for their website. Will be interesting on what grounds.

Well see this is why the H &M show receives derisive comments. Retiring from royal public life to quietly raise their family is one thing. Attempting to Trademark their name, the name bestowed on them by the Queen, seems —tacky. Trademarks. Websites for commerce. All of it not nice.

1-25-20, 9:48am
Well see this is why the H &M show receives derisive comments. Retiring from royal public life to quietly raise their family is one thing. Attempting to Trademark their name, the name bestowed on them by the Queen, seems —tacky. Trademarks. Websites for commerce. All of it not nice.


Teacher Terry
1-25-20, 11:17am
Tacky is the word and I bet that the Queen isn’t happy.

1-25-20, 12:16pm
I agree that selling merch under the Sussex brand is incredibly tacky and smacks of Trumpism. If they want to branch out, learn trades, or even dabble in celebrityhood, fine, but if you're going to go your own way, go your own way.

1-25-20, 5:39pm
I agree that selling merch under the Sussex brand is incredibly tacky and smacks of Trumpism. If they want to branch out, learn trades, or even dabble in celebrityhood, fine, but if you're going to go your own way, go your own way.

Agreed. Reminds me of Celeblogger Gwyneth Paltrow who has been so derided for Goop. The "nouveau-riche-ness" of it all only makes me think that Meghan was behind it. It doesn't seem like an idea that would come to someone who has lived his life as a royal.

iris lilies
1-25-20, 5:56pm
Agreed. Reminds me of Celeblogger Gwyneth Paltrow who has been so derided for Goop. The "nouveau-riche-ness" of it all only makes me think that Meghan was behind it. It doesn't seem like an idea that would come to someone who has lived his life as a royal.

oh Gwennie and her Goop. So snark worthy.

1-25-20, 9:09pm
Amused how the women on this site are seeing Harry as this poor little innocent boy being led astray by the evil woman. He is 35 years old and has been exposed to stuff most of us will never see. Do you really believe that he was picking posies in Afghanistan with all the soldiers? Has he been sheltered from everything? Do you really have that little respect for the training that he has been exposed to all his life for his royal role?

She will have her hands full to support him as he makes the transition from a life with limited freedom and specific family, public and social expectations to finding his own niche and self-worth in the world. Walk in her shoes for a change. Try it. Why are some women are so cruel to other women? Why can't we support each other instead?

iris lilies
1-25-20, 9:37pm
Amused how the women on this site are seeing Harry as this poor little innocent boy being led astray by the evil woman. He is 35 years old and has been exposed to stuff most of us will never see. Do you really believe that he was picking posies in Afghanistan with all the soldiers? Has he been sheltered from everything? Do you really have that little respect for the training that he has been exposed to all his life for his royal role?

She will have her hands full to support him as he makes the transition from a life with limited freedom and specific family, public and social expectations to finding his own niche and self-worth in the world. Walk in her shoes for a change. Try it. Why are some women are so cruel to other women? Why can't we support each other instead?

I don’t see Harry as a pawn at all, he’s a grown up man. Maybe his choices are somewhat foolish, maybe not. He will have to find his way in the world like other men have to find their way in the world.

I know that you’re sorry you started this thread, so I’m sorry for your sake it took off in a direction you don’t like.

But I never buy the line that women have to support other women because they are women.

Teacher Terry
1-26-20, 12:35am
None of us know what the truth is and frankly I don’t really care.

1-26-20, 6:15am
None of us know what the truth is and frankly I don’t really care.

I agree. Razz, I am genuinely confused by your comments on the posts here, specifically calling us "cruel to other women." Huh? To some of us, they both appear to be acting in a money-hungry fashion, and to some they appear to have been cruel to their elderly grandparents and getting on in age dads. I do not understand why you are attacking posters as being anti-women?? Why on earth should we not have opinions that are based on what we see and read in the media? Why should we care anything about these people, and emote over M?

It honestly makes no sense to me. I don't emote over the Kardashians or other not-very good actresses. I don't care if H continues to play polo or work in charity or dances around Las Vegas some more--why on earth are these people important, and why should I defend someone whose behavior seems to embody greed, disloyalty, fake drama, and shallowness?

I think you are a very nice person, so please don't be offended by what I've said--maybe as Americans, we just don't really care about the royal family the way Canadians do?

1-26-20, 7:16am
Amused how the women on this site are seeing Harry as this poor little innocent boy being led astray by the evil woman. He is 35 years old and has been exposed to stuff most of us will never see. Do you really believe that he was picking posies in Afghanistan with all the soldiers? Has he been sheltered from everything? Do you really have that little respect for the training that he has been exposed to all his life for his royal role?

She will have her hands full to support him as he makes the transition from a life with limited freedom and specific family, public and social expectations to finding his own niche and self-worth in the world. Walk in her shoes for a change. Try it. Why are some women are so cruel to other women? Why can't we support each other instead?

As for my comment, I'm not making her a villain, and if I came off as cruel to her, I didn't mean to. I wish her all the best with Harry--I think they have very good prospects for a successful marriage, especially now since they'll be able to live their own lives.

But I still say making a decision to brand your birthright and profit from it seems very American to me, that's all.

1-26-20, 7:23am
But I still say making a decision to brand your birthright and profit from it seems very American to me, that's all.

Oh goodness, I don't! Ugh.
Amended to say you may be right, but I really, really hope not.

iris lilies
1-26-20, 11:15am
I was very interested in Diana, the Princess of Wales, to the point that people around me thought I was a fangirl. The thing is, I was much more interested in The Cult of Diana. But I didnt bother to explain the difference between fangirling and engaging in astute observations of the woman ( haha!) because in the end, it was really all the same thing wasnt it? I was fooling myself to think it wasnt.

I read every Diana book there was at the time and there were a lot of them, something like 25+. I knew when James Hewitt’s book came out that it was true because some things just have the ring of truth, even though his story was told in a flowery and kinda silly way.

My brother-in-law was in London at the time of her death and he stood in line to sign the condolence books. One of the lines he put in the book was “ Iris remembers.” I actually thought about flying to London for the funeral.

When she died I ran out to buy a British flag and hung that on my house with a wreath of fresh flowers, refurbished every few days.

No fangirl here! Nope, not me! Haha It is funny how good I am at self delusion.

1-26-20, 11:59am
What IL and Jane said. I too will leave it there.

1-26-20, 12:21pm
I had strong opinions about Diana, too. Gonna leave it there.

1-26-20, 2:16pm
Tybee, your post #61 reminded me of having coffee together to sort out a disagreement. Thank you for that approach.

A close family member living in the US and I had this same conversation that she initiated last week. She mentioned all the points that each of you has raised so do understand where you are coming from.

I do agree that the commercialism of the Sussexroyal brand is an aspect that is odd.

I am fairly sure that they are receiving professional advice on the development of a path/s to a financial future with results that may startle royal watchers.

I have seen wives struggle to support husbands who have retired or been forced into early retirement or been unemployed for some time. Too often, the cocktail hour which used to start at 7pm eventually started at noon or earlier with all the negative consequences that ensue. It is a serious and painful lonely struggle for the wives.

To start out a marriage in the limelight with the challenges that lie ahead for this couple has triggered my sympathy. Harry has made his decision and it had to be his decision alone. He alone had a lifetime of direct involvement to give up plus a troubled, albeit gilded, history. He felt that he had no choice. It took courage with longterm consequences for both of them and the royal family.

I would feel that same empathy for any family going through such challenging change.

1-26-20, 2:36pm
Tybee, your post #61 reminded me of having coffee together to sort out a disagreement. Thank you for that approach.

A close family member living in the US and I had this same conversation that she initiated last week. She mentioned all the points that each of you has raised so do understand where you are coming from.

I do agree that the commercialism of the Sussexroyal brand is an aspect that is odd.

I am fairly sure that they are receiving professional advice on the development of a path/s to a financial future with results that may startle royal watchers.

I have seen wives struggle to support husbands who have retired or been forced into early retirement or been unemployed for some time. Too often, the cocktail hour which used to start at 7pm eventually started at noon or earlier with all the negative consequences that ensue. It is a serious and painful lonely struggle for the wives.

To start out a marriage in the limelight with the challenges that lie ahead for this couple has triggered my sympathy. Harry has made his decision and it had to be his decision alone. He alone had a lifetime of direct involvement to give up plus a troubled, albeit gilded, history. He felt that he had no choice. It took courage with longterm consequences for both of them and the royal family.

I would feel that same empathy for any family going through such challenging change.

Thanks, Razz, I am so glad I did not offend you. I think it's interesting how maybe how we see this is influenced by whether we grow up American or grow up in the Commonwealth. Maybe, for those who are in the Commonwealth, the royal family is part of one's extended national family, so they are afforded the care and loyalty one gives one's own family.

And you are right, it is so hard when some is retired or forced into early retirement or is unemployed--making such a shift is stressful on the whole family.

1-26-20, 5:24pm
It always seemed to me that Harry was happiest when he was in the military away from his family. There he was just Harry (as much as he could be I suppose) and he had an important function. One that ribbon cutting in the public eye couldn't hold a candle to. I think he wanted out of the senior royal position for a very long time, at least once William got married and George arrived. He seems to yearn to be more than window dressing and who could blame him? I think the foundations for wanting to split off had been rumbling for some time. Hats off to him for wanting to forge a life of his own.
Regardless of who Meghan was before or who people think she is now, I think one thing she said is very telling. She said she knew there would be press and it wouldn't be easy but she at least thought it would be fair. It has been vile and ramping up by the day. I also think the whole thing rests on another comment - It isn't enough to just survive something, that is not the point of life. You've got to thrive, you've got to be happy. I think that was Harry in a nutshell. Single or married he was just surviving and now that he has Meghan and Archie he wants to his family to thrive. He has come from a buttoned down emotionally barren dysfunctional family. He is now experiencing something that he wants to belong to only him and he wants to protect it. I don't see him as walking away from something as much as walking towards it.
So many seem to be gleefully waiting for him to crash and burn because he made a mistake with her. The racism has been breathtaking. I wish them the best. Long may they thrive and prove everybody wrong.

1-26-20, 5:32pm
Maybe Harry will be able to do some kind of police, fire, or rescue work in Canada.

1-26-20, 6:21pm
Tybee: I have to mention that I have no sense of caring or loyalty for our current extended national family in the US. ;)
I never heard of either Harry or Meghan until recently. I'm going to assume Harry is one of Diana's kids, but I don't really know for sure because I was most certainly not a fangirl. I know she was married to Charles, they had some kids, she died in a car crash and I believe their marriage was not a happy one. That pretty much sums up my knowledge of the royal family.
I would never have realized that Meghan wasn't Caucasian if it hadn't been pointed out to me; not that it makes any difference, but initially I was puzzled by the talk of racism.

1-26-20, 7:55pm
I would never have realized that Meghan wasn't Caucasian if it hadn't been pointed out to me; not that it makes any difference, but initially I was puzzled by the talk of racism.
It's been my experience that most talk of racism is unfounded, usually as a simplistic response to more complex situations.

1-26-20, 9:03pm
I'm going to assume Harry is one of Diana's kids, but I don't really know for sure because I was most certainly not a fangirl. I know she was married to Charles, they had some kids, she died in a car crash and I believe their marriage was not a happy one. That pretty much sums up my knowledge of the royal family.

Wow. To me that's like saying "Who's John Lennon?" :).

Partially because I married into a British family, I have definitely dabbled in royal fandom. When Diana died, like iris lilies, I did a bit of grieving. I made my kids get up at 5am to watch the funeral on TV.

iris lilies
1-27-20, 10:11am
Wow. To me that's like saying "Who's John Lennon?" :).

Partially because I married into a British family, I have definitely dabbled in royal fandom. When Diana died, like iris lilies, I did a bit of grieving. I made my kids get up at 5am to watch the funeral on TV.

That is funny, rosa, your lack of interest about the Diana years and spawn. Funny in a good way. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.

Teacher Terry
1-27-20, 12:05pm
I felt bad when Diana died as she was finally happy.