View Full Version : Bizarre

1-27-20, 3:34am
A few days ago we got up early to visit the local cemetery (we are now in the Rio Grande area of TX). I found a reference that this was a good place to look for birds. As we pulled up I commented on a large bird resting on a stump, inquiring if it was a hawk? Turns out it was a vulture. Looking up we realized there were HUNDREDS of vultures in the surrounding trees.... how apropos! There were a myriad of other birds too. It was really something to see! We had a blast. Now, who can say that while visiting a cemetery?

1-27-20, 4:42am
Very cool!

1-27-20, 7:07am
Interesting! We have turkey vultures that migrate in winter and return in the spring each year. They do amazing work in cleaning up animal carcasses from various causes throughout the warmer seasons. I wonder if this is where they migrate to spend the winter?

1-27-20, 7:27am
Yeah, I always thought they headed to Texas and Mexico, so that would make sense.