View Full Version : Planted Veggies this year not flowers, Oh My

5-11-20, 5:45pm
Long time gone from here, so hello to all that remember me (ctg492/BikingLady).
We moved and my large flowers gardens did not sadly. I actually told myself that was a good run of like 30 years of flowers and restarting with each move, no more. This home had a small area that had landscape flowers, so I went at it with manure last fall. Winter arrived and I started to rethink my garden goals. Then the Cover-19 stay at home happened and total rethinking, Vegetables!
I have winter squash, summer squash, a new Lemon cucumber, 4 different types of peppers, 4 tomato types, carrots, radish, leaf lettuce, chives and Detroit beets. We had freeze last night and tonight in MI then let the season begin!
Being a flower lady at heart, I now want to take up all the flowers I put in last summer and the bulbs and use that area for veggies. But I still need the flower beauty! If the veggies do well (DEER) I have tiller ready and next fall look out wasted grass area.
Yes Deer are very bad here in this city. The deer have taken over no joke, the cull was 60 in the fall, would never know. I have temp fencing up and will debate on real taller fencing later as we had just put up split rail for the dogs last year. I have Liquid Fence by the gallon ready and then I got two solar power motion sensor jet sprayers. I hope these will do the trick.

5-11-20, 6:38pm
Sounds as though you have an arsenal so wish you well with production and discouraging the deer.

5-11-20, 11:37pm
We use the motion sensors/jet sprays and they work very well.

5-12-20, 6:17am
Nice to hear from you, Biking Lady. I was wondering where you went!

iris lilies
5-12-20, 9:01am
We use the motion sensors/jet sprays and they work very well.
Tell me more! Does it work long term?

we are plagued by deer in Hermann.

5-12-20, 10:23am
IL we use these in the garden for birds/deer/coyotes/rabbits and in the front on the pond for raccoons and heron. We wouldn't be without them. We have used two different brands. The Scarecrow and The Hoont. 3214

5-12-20, 10:50am
We have used water sensors in NJ (the Scarecrow is the one we used), and I do think they work well. We had one for 4 4x8 raised beds.

My personal opinion, as an ex-suburanite, is that if you are serious about deer resistance, you have to build an enclosure/fence.

Interestingly, in Vermont, I've planted lettuce and tomatoes and eggplant and cucumbers in a wide open area, and we have had NO critter problems, with no fence, pepper spray, or other deterrents. Speaks to the encroachment of humanity on wildlife habitat.

5-15-20, 7:26pm
Simplemind, yes that looks like the sprayers I purchased.

5-15-20, 7:26pm
Thank you

iris lilies
5-16-20, 1:24am
We have used water sensors in NJ (the Scarecrow is the one we used), and I do think they work well. We had one for 4 4x8 raised beds.

My personal opinion, as an ex-suburanite, is that if you are serious about deer resistance, you have to build an enclosure/fence.

Interestingly, in Vermont, I've planted lettuce and tomatoes and eggplant and cucumbers in a wide open area, and we have had NO critter problems, with no fence, pepper spray, or other deterrents. Speaks to the encroachment of humanity on wildlife habitat.

well you’re probably right about ultimately building an enclosure. DH tells me he’s going to build a fence enclosure where I can plant lilies but man, would I like to have sensors and sprayers to give some protection to hostas. I have such a beautiful shaded area under a big tree, would love to have hostas there

5-16-20, 5:33am
My problem is birds. As soon as a tomato is ripe, they like to take a bite out of it. Not eating the whole thing of course, just a few bites. So I now take them inside to ripen.

peppers, tomatoes and green beans grow spectacularly well here. I have three small patches of three bean varieties and three different peppers, four different tomatoes and all are great. After some early success they were a problem so I added some calcium and so far almost ready to pick again.

Incidentally instead of going to a nursery I ordered flower seeds online very early with my veggie seeds. My marigolds and zinnias are breathtaking. When you are home 24/7 for a few months it is easy to not neglect seedlings.

I also planted a dwarf lemon. Did you know if you rub a lemon leaf between your fingers they are also very fragrant citrus smelling?

5-16-20, 7:54am
Oh sounds lovely flowerseverywhere. I ordered everything, I generally order flowers or seeds that are not available in the local places, but never veggie plants. I am still waiting on the plants umm I sent Burpee a message and I understand the covids delays, but. The seeds arrived on time. I moved and had a nice display of Hardy Bananas at the last home. I had originally seen these at Michigan State Hidden Lakes and fell in love. SO I ordered these from MI Bulb and planted yesterday, so excited and hoping for same results as before, facing the east.
I will say flowers my passion for years, brought a much bigger bang come spring then my vegetable garden is doing for me;)

iris lilies
5-16-20, 8:09am
Oh sounds lovely flowerseverywhere. I ordered everything, I generally order flowers or seeds that are not available in the local places, but never veggie plants. I am still waiting on the plants umm I sent Burpee a message and I understand the covids delays, but. The seeds arrived on time. I moved and had a nice display of Hardy Bananas at the last home. I had originally seen these at Michigan State Hidden Lakes and fell in love. SO I ordered these from MI Bulb and planted yesterday, so excited and hoping for same results as before, facing the east.
I will say flowers my passion for years, brought a much bigger bang come spring then my vegetable garden is doing for me;)

Flowers are where it’s at, baby!

early morning
5-16-20, 1:29pm
I've not had a vegetable garden for a few years but now that I'm retired I'm planning to plant a few things... tomatoes, peppers, who knows. I am starting with very raised beds in a tall leaky stock tank I was given a few years ago. I lean over enough in the lily bed - which I'm mulching shortly, which helps. Picking up a load of topsoil for the tank on Monday. I'm actually excited about having a raised bed in a large container. The raccoons just upend small ones. I like the sprayer idea, but I pay a lot for water, sadly, and the line to the hydrant leaks, so I'm not sure the expense of new line/maybe new hydrant would be worth it. At the moment, we just turn the water access off/on in the basement and it's only on when we're actively using it. Welcome back, BikingLady! It's always nice to have returnees!

7-12-20, 7:44pm
I've posted around here before that I have two brown thumbs. I haven't ever really had any successful gardens. This year seems to be different! I have several containers all around the back yard and things are growing!! I'm amazed - ROFLOL! Already harvesting some of the lettuce, spinach and "spicy" crisp (1st time I've ever heard of this!). Two cucumbers already growing in one pot, radishes already harvested and can't-remember-what has been planted in the same container. Shared garden box has more cucumber, three pepper plants and tons of tiny green baby tomatoes!! And the yellow pear tomatoes planted in the tire have sprouted.

I think I am hooked! lol.

7-12-20, 9:44pm
I have a pot garden added this year with peppers, leaf lettuce, a patio tomato which is loaded with fruit and a climbing Japanese Black Trifele which had lots of bloom but no fruit. I finally googled for a solution and am now painting the bloom to pollinate and fruit is forming. I have 3'x16' bed with areas of leaf lettuce, spinach and Swiss chard which are done so need to replace with fresh seeds that I must buy - maybe carrots, radishes and kohlrabi. The climbing and bush beans are doing well. I am having fun in my gardening efforts.

7-13-20, 11:06am
3333 (Forgive me if I posted this already...) Our first round is beginning to dwindle and we are starting succession planting. Pests have been brutal this year. Slug hunting with a salt gun has been my husbands favorite nocturnal pastime before locking up for the night.

7-13-20, 11:52am
3333 (Forgive me if I posted this already...) Our first round is beginning to dwindle and we are starting succession planting. Pests have been brutal this year. Slug hunting with a salt gun has been my husbands favorite nocturnal pastime before locking up for the night.

Setting up all those boxes must have taken some time and effort! Well done.

Teacher Terry
7-13-20, 12:41pm
I don’t like to garden but love flowers. So every year I buy 5 big pots of flowers to put on my wall on the patio. Then I water them until October and then throw them away.

7-14-20, 10:01am
3333 (Forgive me if I posted this already...) Our first round is beginning to dwindle and we are starting succession planting. Pests have been brutal this year. Slug hunting with a salt gun has been my husbands favorite nocturnal pastime before locking up for the night.

Wow! You have given me something to strive for! Is this just all in your back yard?

7-14-20, 10:35am
Yes Happystuff. I have two other areas similar to this growing other types of veggies. Each year I put in more and I have to chart out what shouldn't be planted together. I also try to keep things the deer enjoy closest to the house. We also have many different varieties of dwarf fruit trees. Most no higher than four feet so I can reach everything. Lots of trial and error. The garden used to be in the middle of the very large lawn which looked fabulous during growing season and horrible over fall, winter and spring. So now everything is up near the house on either side and along the back deck. There are 21 raised beds and many large pots with tomatoes and peppers on the deck. Don't ask me why but my favorite time of the day is early morning and I go out and work in the garden in my PJ's for about an hour. There is always something new to discover.

7-14-20, 12:49pm
Yes Happystuff. I have two other areas similar to this growing other types of veggies. Each year I put in more and I have to chart out what shouldn't be planted together. I also try to keep things the deer enjoy closest to the house. We also have many different varieties of dwarf fruit trees. Most no higher than four feet so I can reach everything. Lots of trial and error. The garden used to be in the middle of the very large lawn which looked fabulous during growing season and horrible over fall, winter and spring. So now everything is up near the house on either side and along the back deck. There are 21 raised beds and many large pots with tomatoes and peppers on the deck. Don't ask me why but my favorite time of the day is early morning and I go out and work in the garden in my PJ's for about an hour. There is always something new to discover.

Wow! That must be a big yard! I'm working slowly... beginning. LOL. If I can get a raised bed in before fall, I'll be happy! I think I'm a "slow and steady" gardener. As I've stated elsewhere, I definitely don't have a green thumb, but seem to be getting lucky this year. LOL. Thanks for sharing!