View Full Version : What Are You Successfully Simplifying Right Now?

6-9-20, 6:31am
I have been watching a show that airs late and is not available on demand. Last night I turned it off and decided I am going to pass on it going forward. There are enough other things I can do that don't impact my sleep schedule.

6-9-20, 8:39am
My to-do list. In addition to the projects being finished now that I have additional free time, I'm looking at projects which have been on the list for years (in some cases) and deciding that, if they haven't bubbled toward the top in that time, they probably aren't even important enough to track. Take 'em off the list. If they raise their big ugly rear ends some day in the future, they'll go back on the list, presumably with a higher status than "someday".

6-9-20, 8:57am
I am simplifying my musical instruments. Have sold a violin and two guitars, working on selling a mandolin. Probably should sell a viola and my keyboard.

6-9-20, 9:08am
I'm simplifying our outdoor items. Specifically, bought a new shed about 2 weeks ago. Am in the processing of removing items from the old shed and tossing, selling, or putting in the new shed. Old shed was about 8.5' x 10'. New shed is 7' x 7'. Am down to needing room for several snow shovels and a "currently-broken-but-dh-wants-to-fix-after-its-been-sitting-5-years" snowblower. Smaller and less will definitely simplify things!

6-9-20, 9:22am
Yppej, your simplifying of technology at the end of the day is exactly what I'm also working on! I'm involved in a self-mastery program at the moment, and they stress the importance of AM and PM "bookends" and one of the core pieces of the PM bookend is shutting off technology an hour before bedtime because the "blue light" as well as the content of the TV, etc messes up your sleep, just as you said.

I'm also simplifying food routines. For instance: I'm committed to eating less junk, and a way to do that is eat a salad a day. The barrier to that is I always have to dig the stuff out of the fridge, cut and dice, decide what I want in it, etc. etc. So I dug out all my plastic Chinese take-out containers, and I made a little "salad bar" by preparing in advance all the things I'd want in a salad, so now, I just take out the lettuce and the 5-6 containers with sprouts, green peppers, olives, roasted red peppers and pine nuts, and it takes about 3 minutes to make my salad.

6-9-20, 10:05am
Bill paying. I've finally switched over to paying them electronically--one of those things I should have done years ago.

6-9-20, 10:12am
Gardening. Most all my baby seedlings I have tended for the past few months are in the ground so other than watering it is now up to them to do their thing.

Teacher Terry
6-9-20, 12:17pm
Got rid of 80% of my Knick naks so dusting is a breeze. No one would ever know and my place is not bare at all.

6-9-20, 4:44pm
I guess life is simpler in that I hardly ever have to go anywhere anymore. That is pretty cool. I love being at home and experiencing the feeling of time abundance.

6-9-20, 5:24pm
Great idea on the salad bar Catherine.

6-9-20, 8:00pm
Grocery shopping since we are having it delivered and now that the garden is coming in we are eating out of it instead of buying salad makings once a week. I did buy a food saver/sealer and will be freezing the excess. Having groceries delivered (mostly dairy and produce) reminds me of the good old days of having a milk man and getting it in the box on the porch. I would love to have that back again.

6-10-20, 9:08am
We actually had a milkman back in 2003, in the Chicago suburbs, Oberweis Dairy. It was so wonderful.

6-10-20, 9:27am
I've seen ads for milk delivery around here. A new thing? I hope it's a trend.

iris lilies
6-10-20, 9:57am
Oberweiss still operates around here.

6-10-20, 10:46am
Oberweiss still operates around here.

The coffee ice cream and cottage cheese are to die for.

6-10-20, 10:51am
Simplified my garden this year. The past 3 garden years have been ruined by travel to emergency situations with my parents. This year, I've worked around what has come up and reseeded itself, so it looks a jumble, but I have annual and perennial poppies, borage, dill, white sage, artemesia, taragon, and have cleared dirt and added zinnias and cosmos, basil and tomatoes, and a central spot for jarradale pumpkins.

So out weeding now, but did not do a whole lot of planting this year, and just keeping up with where it headed by itself with the flower and rose beds, too. Lost my foxgloves, gained some hollyhocks. Only thing in pots I planted are nicotiana, rue, and an heirloom poppy from the national heritage site in Sleeping Bear Dunes.

Seems to be just the right amount of work.

6-12-20, 9:03pm
Books. We’re finally putting in a wall of bookcases so I can shelve the keeps and eliminate dupes!

6-13-20, 7:21am
I remember as a kid going with my mom to the neighboring farm and getting a can of fresh milk. When we got home, she would ladle it from the can into milk bottle and cover with foil. One of my sister's used to always go in and take the cream that settled at the top of the bottles. Nice memories.