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Chicken lady
7-5-20, 9:55pm
My family is healthy and sheltered and safe.
Grandson coming in the next two weeks.
walked the trails on my land and ate black raspberries today.
while machines cleaned my clothes and dishes.
so many things blooming.
then I made two rounds of cheese from milk from my goats.
13 new chicks in the brooder, have to check the incubator again in the morning.
garden looking good.
dh caught a fish from our pond for dinner.
and an adorable baby skunk came by for evening chores.

7-5-20, 10:42pm
I love this, and often talk to myself in a similar way. It resets my mind. For me, no matter what’s happening at work, it goes like this:

My husband, our children, their spouses, our grandchildren, and I are employed, insured, housed, fed, and healthy. It’s a good day!

7-6-20, 8:00am
I am sitting out on my patio looking at the flowers (lilies, lavender, butterfly weed etc) blooming, my little beagle roaming and exploring every nook in the backyard, the birds are stopping for a drink in the birdbath, my first tomato is ripe, the row of trees is in full glorious leaf, the hydrangeas are flowering white and pink and family and I are well, safe and blessed.
Friends are treasured gifts. Local businesses like my internet provider phoned yesterday to ensure that a problem was completely resolved, another advised me of a loyalty program to which I was entitled and of which I was completely unaware. I can order stuff online and have it delivered to my local store for easy pickup if it is not locally available and return to the store if not suitable.

I am grateful for the abundance s of blessings as well.

7-6-20, 9:36am
I'm safe in quarantine, in passable health, and have all the books I can read. What more could I ask?
There's always something to be grateful for, but doing so publicly feels like bragging to me.

7-6-20, 9:40am
Not doing as well as some, but doing better than others; don't have a lot, but then don't want a lot; am grateful for what I have and especially grateful for the wonderful people in my life. I'm definitely happy and pretty darn close to being satisfied and content.

7-6-20, 10:57am
I'm safe in quarantine, in passable health, and have all the books I can read. What more could I ask?
There's always something to be grateful for, but doing so publicly feels like bragging to me.

Jane, I often feel the same so hesitate to respond and then realize that I love hearing/reading other reports of the simple joys in another's life. CL started the thread with the simple joys that she treasures and I loved it. As Tammy wrote, "it helps reset one's life".

Teacher Terry
7-6-20, 11:57am
CL, what a awesome list! I am grateful for my family, friends, little doggies, health, and all that I have. Last night my son and I sat outside for 5 hours talking and it was so nice.

7-6-20, 12:04pm
Jane, I often feel the same so hesitate to respond and then realize that I love hearing/reading other reports of the simple joys in another's life. CL started the thread with the simple joys that she treasures and I loved it. As Tammy wrote, "it helps reset one's life".

You're right--simple joys are the best.

iris lilies
7-6-20, 12:21pm
My simple pleasure this week has been my foster dog. He is just the dog I need right now – sweet, pretty, low energy, very easy.

My gardens are looking OK As far as weeds go. Big lilies are full out so I will be able to enjoy them another couple of weeks.

7-6-20, 1:36pm
I have an abundance of weeds/grasses. I've done my ten minutes of whacking away at them for the day. That feels good.

7-6-20, 1:57pm
I have plenty to eat, and plenty in my pantry. I have a garden that is starting to produce more than I can eat fresh. I have lots of time (retired) to garden and to process food. I have a beloved family member visiting in the area for a couple of weeks that I love to spend time with. I got to enjoy 4th of July with my sister's grandchildren and see the little one use a sparkler for the first time. I have everything I need, and a great deal of things I like/want. My husband and I are healthy and active. I've lost about 10 pounds since stopping work because I'm no longer sitting all day. I have a comfortable hammock on my porch where I enjoy naps and just bird watching during the day and firefly watching in the evenings.

early morning
7-7-20, 6:54pm
All of my days have been like Saturdays since the end of February (and I retired) - I have an abundance of Saturdays! I am so thankful to be able to say that. It will be a pinch, but soooo worth it, especially in light of the pandemic. I was not so pleased at the time, as I enjoyed my job (I really didn't have a choice in leaving) but the stars were aligned or something, and I find I have not missed working at a formal job at all. All in all, things are good - all three of the adults living here are introverts and happy at home.

dado potato
7-7-20, 8:58pm
I have a patch of Star Gazer Lilies. Two days ago there was a hard rain and hailstorm that beat them down. Two stems were bent down into the mulch, and I figured those individuals never would gaze at the stars again, I put them in a vase on the dining room table. I love the added color, while it lasts. Incidentally, hanging from the dining room ceiling, up in a corner. twinkles an etched glass Bethlehem Star from the Moravian Book Shop. I think they are star-gazing, in a way.


iris lilies
7-7-20, 9:23pm
I have a patch of Star Gazer Lilies. Two days ago there was a hard rain and hailstorm that beat them down. Two stems were bent down into the mulch, and I figured those individuals never would gaze at the stars again, I put them in a vase on the dining room table. I love the added color, while it lasts. Incidentally, hanging from the dining room ceiling, up in a corner. twinkles an etched glass Bethlehem Star from the Moravian Book Shop. I think they are star-gazing, in a way.


oh, beautiful! That lily looks like “Black out” Asiatic Lily.

7-8-20, 3:36pm
I make a point of practicing gratitude daily. Especially if I'm having trouble sleeping, I'll count all the things I'm grateful for and list is infinite. And recognizing abundance is pretty easy for me. I spent the first 7 years of my life in a remote village with no running water, electricity, etc., so every day I'm astounded at the abundance of the life I have now. My abundance cup runneth over.

I don't see talking about abundance and gratitude as bragging though. Well, maybe if your life is ALL unicorns and rainbows, then yeah, I don't want to hear it. But I definitively have my struggles and demons and I need to be open about that for my own sanity. Being aware and acknowledging the good stuff helps balance things out. That's why I started the Daily Rave years ago; it felt like it was becoming too easy for us to stay stuck in ranting mode. Just now I had a strong desire to post on the rant thread and decided that I would release the frustration from my mind instead, and resist the urge to feed it. In that spirit, I'm glad that good people outnumber the xxxholes in the world! Abundance of good people. Yeah, that's a good thing.

This is a really nice thread to have.

9-8-20, 7:39pm
I make a point of practicing gratitude daily. Especially if I'm having trouble sleeping, I'll count all the things I'm grateful for and list is infinite. And recognizing abundance is pretty easy for me. I spent the first 7 years of my life in a remote village with no running water, electricity, etc., so every day I'm astounded at the abundance of the life I have now. My abundance cup runneth over.

I don't see talking about abundance and gratitude as bragging though. Well, maybe if your life is ALL unicorns and rainbows, then yeah, I don't want to hear it. But I definitively have my struggles and demons and I need to be open about that for my own sanity. Being aware and acknowledging the good stuff helps balance things out. That's why I started the Daily Rave years ago; it felt like it was becoming too easy for us to stay stuck in ranting mode. Just now I had a strong desire to post on the rant thread and decided that I would release the frustration from my mind instead, and resist the urge to feed it. In that spirit, I'm glad that good people outnumber the xxxholes in the world! Abundance of good people. Yeah, that's a good thing.

This is a really nice thread to have.

I'm with you, Geila. I've written a good bit about Abundance in the context of the stages of financial independence, abundance being the apex. I've really tried to focus it around gratitude and taking action on that gratitude. We've begun giving deeply to non-profits we'd like to support. I don't think that's bragging, like you said, it's sharing what we've been fortunate to earn and spreading a message of doing the same.

I've also found gratitude journaling to be quite helpful in a meditative and fulfilling way.

9-8-20, 8:23pm
My gratitude is more emotional than physical. PTSD which I got at 3 hurts. Most of my life, until about 10 years ago, every day was an exercise in avoiding the pain, trying to hide the pain, denying the pain, etc.

I still have it, but it's in the background now. It no longer hits me the moment I wake up. I no longer have to push it away to sleep. You have no idea how much joy there is in simply not hurting all the time!

I am grateful for the physical too. We have enough. There's food, shelter, warmth and love here. As a spoiled American, I pretty much have always had those. But not hurting? That's my daily miracle!

11-23-20, 2:41am
Probably everything depends on the ability to be satisfied with what is at the moment. If you appreciate what you have and have a grateful spirit, then in any situation you can remain happy.

11-23-20, 6:03pm
Today the Colorado sky was blue, the weather warm and Pike's Peak wore a crown of clouds. We walked for several miles. Tomorrow, the crazy wind and maybe snow comes but we will be tucked inside with everything we need to weather the storm. Feeling fortunate...

dado potato
11-23-20, 6:28pm
Probably everything depends on the ability to be satisfied with what is at the moment. If you appreciate what you have and have a grateful spirit, then in any situation you can remain happy.

I agree with this point. The converse of it is: you can be convinced that there is scarcity, or that the pleasures you now enjoy can be taken from you... so you feel anxiety rather than gratitude.

My little Aero Garden has chives, arugula, thyme and curly parsley. The empty pots that are marked "2 Bibb" now have seeds of romaine (planted 3 days ago, after second attempt with Bibb lettuce did not germinate.) Even though it could be the bleak midwinter out in the garden, the hydroponic set up seems viable in the basement!


11-23-20, 6:35pm
Do you like your Aerogarden? I've been contemplating some kind of indoor garden setup--or maybe as a gift.

11-23-20, 6:52pm
I love your little garden, Dado!
I've been feeling grateful to live in the era of modern dentistry. Yes the abscess sucked and the root canal was no fun, but so glad I didn't have to resort to a barber with a piece of string and a bottle of whiskey!

11-23-20, 6:54pm
I've been contemplating some kind of indoor garden setup

If you're looking to grow something like greens for salad, I recommend the book Indoor Salad Gardening. You don't need any grow lights to do this, and the supplies are relatively inexpensive. This is the fourth or fifth year I've been doing this over the winter.

11-23-20, 7:21pm
If you're looking to grow something like greens for salad, I recommend the book Indoor Salad Gardening. You don't need any grow lights to do this, and the supplies are relatively inexpensive. This is the fourth or fifth year I've been doing this over the winter.

I was thinking herbs for me, but maybe a salad garden for a friend who might also want to grow a few cannabis plants. I'll check out the book.

11-23-20, 7:24pm
Is this the Perkins version of Indoor Salad Gardening? If so, Amazon has the Kindle edition for 99 cents.

11-24-20, 5:21am
No the one I'm talking about is by Peter Burke.

dado potato
11-24-20, 1:04pm
Do you like your Aerogarden? I've been contemplating some kind of indoor garden setup--or maybe as a gift.

I received my Aero Garden as a gift. Basically you click the pieces together and plug it in. Then, it's all push-button, add the water or add the "plant food" when the console says to. (It is not like Mr McGregor's Garden!) I get a kick out of how fast plants grow in the pre-seeded Aero Pots. I was happy with the arugula I planted from seed... but my Bibb lettuce did not germinate. I suspect the temperature was too warm for germination.

I am trying romaine in the containers that failed for Bibb Lettuce. The germination is 3 for 3! The variety is "Red Rosie" in pellets from Johnny's out of Winslow, Maine.

11-24-20, 2:09pm
Thanks for weighing in; I'm thinking it's the Aerogarden or LED grow lights and an herb planter...