View Full Version : Would you travel right now?

7-10-20, 9:03pm
I asked this question down below on 3/11, in the midst of packing for my last trip to Algodones. I'm asking it again to get an idea if opinion here has changed on this issue. I personally would not except for.legit health care in Mexico reasons - other than that I wouldn't at the moment even visit Tucson. How about you'all? Rob

7-10-20, 9:18pm
I would not

7-10-20, 9:19pm
I might do a staycation within a few hours of home before winter but little else. I am so comfortable and content at home right now. I have loved the past few months of peace and quiet.

iris lilies
7-10-20, 9:21pm
It depends on too many factors Rob. So yes, the possibility is there, But there are probably enough reasons to keep me from doing it.

7-10-20, 9:25pm
I would not.

7-10-20, 9:52pm
Yes, I just returned home today from a 5 week, 5,260 mile round trip exploration of mostly North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Of course we took our house with us and we felt quite comfortable. From an illness standpoint I think it was safer overall than taking public transportation across town.

7-10-20, 9:53pm
I travel by car, and yes, I will. I'm going to the Straits of Mackinac (between the two peninsulas of Michigan) the last weekend of the month. 8 hour drive.

I absolutely would not fly right now, but I loathe flying under normal circumstances.

Teacher Terry
7-10-20, 10:45pm

7-10-20, 10:57pm
Alan's way (the kitchen and hotel room in the back)? Yes.

Drive a long distance or fly to a hotel room somewhere? Not now, no.

7-11-20, 2:08am
very few countries are letting Americans in now, and some of those who do would require two weeks quarantine or else have very bad coronavirus outbreaks of their own. Many states won't let you in without 2 weeks quarantine, from New York on one side of the country, to Hawaii out there in the Pacific. Travel the few places within the country it is doable, nah probably wouldn't.

7-11-20, 6:18am
Tradd I was there a few years ago and it was stunningly beautiful.

I have not used any of my vacation time yet hoping for things to get better, but if I don't by the end of the year I lose the days. DS may have some family business to attend to in Florida and if I go with him (we would drive not fly) my employer would make me quarantine for 2 weeks unpaid when I return. He is mentally ill and I don't like the idea of him travelling alone that distance. It is a mess.

7-11-20, 6:51am
I would drive if one of the kids or my parents had an emergency. Short of that, probably not.

7-11-20, 7:11am
Driving. And to an area that was not currently a hot spot? Probably. Getting on a crowded plane? Nope.

7-11-20, 8:19am
We are traveling on an overnight to Maine for our daughter's shower, and my son is trying to talk us into traveling to Southern VT for his brother's 40th birthday in late August, and we'll be back in Maine for my daughter's September wedding (immediate family only). Other than that, absolutely no plans for travel in the foreseeable future. Wouldn't even think of getting on a plane.

7-11-20, 8:54am
I would definitely go to something in a low-Covid area right now, if I knew that the community was like mine, enforcing, contract tracing, etc. So for me, if I were a Vermonter, I would go to family events in Maine and Vermont.

I would go to the UP right now, except we're still working and it's stressful to try to work and vacation at the same time, haha.

7-11-20, 10:39am
We went ahead with our road trip to see the grand-twins in Texas which turned into a hotspot of the nation right after we left. Stayed at hotels and Air BnB's there and back. Used plastic bag over hand to pump gas. Frequent hand sanitizer. Took a lot of food with us but stopped a few times at take out places for dinners. Wore masks everywhere. The only thing that gave us high anxiety was using public restrooms here and there. Also SIL's insistence on going to the gym while we were there which I believe to be a place that should not even be open right now. There were lots of out of state plates on the road and many not wearing masks in public places. Except for a grocery run, we will stay home for two weeks as recommended just in case.

7-11-20, 12:06pm
We are experienced travelers and will not get on a plane for anything. It was never easy and now is horrible. Plus the countries we are interested don't want us either.

Have a brother in AK and to see him we would have to stay in 14 day quarantine. We did suggest he come down to the lower 48 if for no other reason than we have much better and more available health care facilities. Other brother is in northwestern Florida and if an emergency we could drive.

iris lilies
7-11-20, 12:36pm
Driving. And to an area that was not currently a hot spot? Probably. Getting on a crowded plane? Nope.
Yes, me too.

Unfortunately I don’t really like driving more than six hours so that means I’d have to stay in a motel. I’m really OK with staying in a motel for one or two nights. But then I think about where am I going on this vacation?

If I was a true outdoor girl and I liked mountains and lakes and hiking and etc., I might go there. I still haven’t ruled out a cooling Great Lakes vacation in August or September. But really, I would only do one of those vacations for about three days and then I’m bored. I need sidewalks under my feet and architecture to look at and restaurants to sit at and etc. ...city life...in order to enjoy my vacation.

If they would let me in to Canada I think this is a time where I might drive up to Nova Scotia and then back down to New Hampshire to see our friends. But DH says we can’t get into Canada! Ha ha and that is fine, I understand why the Canadians are restricting their border, assuming he’s right about that.

7-11-20, 1:05pm
He is right, you cannot go to Canada at this time.

7-11-20, 2:22pm
Iris, if you want architecture, go hit Mackinac Island. You like Victorian houses, plenty of those there!

7-11-20, 2:27pm
And only nine cases of Covid and no deaths, just checked.

7-11-20, 2:28pm
We have canceled all our travel plans to the east coast and just got our last refunds back the other day. We do have a couple of camping trips planned that are within an hour or two of home. I'm saddened to think I won't be in a plane for a loooooooong time.

7-11-20, 2:49pm
And only nine cases of Covid and no deaths, just checked.

Where is that?

7-11-20, 2:55pm
Mackinac County.

7-11-20, 3:05pm
Mackinac County.

Ah! Thanks for checking. I’m going to be diving up there and have friends up there right now doing the same.

7-11-20, 5:37pm
No travel. Don’t even make unnecessary runs to the grocery store.

early morning
7-11-20, 8:21pm
No real travel for the foreseeable future. Right now, we stay home as much as possible. We are planning some day driving tours, but not sure when we'll actually feel like going - we can take food and drink, but our little Hyundai does not come equipped with restroom facilities, so that's an issue to contend with...

7-12-20, 11:14am
Would like to do some solo camping within 0 - 3 hours from home, but probably won't. This past week, heard of two more people that I know in quarantine with their families in my area. I almost feel like I'm being stalked! So, I'm probably staying home for the next couple of months - no to travel.

3-6-21, 1:30pm
8 months later I thought it might be time to revive this thread. If everyone who wants a vaccine can get one by summer or early fall it seems travel should be back then as a guilt free pleasure. I had Portland, Maine on my wish list but the Winslow Homer Studio will be closed all of 2021 and that is one of the sights I definitely wanted to see.

Do you plan to vacation this year? Will you travel farther than you normally would to find places that are open for tourism?

3-6-21, 2:05pm
We've rented a cottage for a week just outside Acadia NP in Maine. We'll be hiking primarily, and we are going early June, so less crowded on the trails. The cottage has cooking facilities so we have flexibility. If we've been vaccinated by then, we may go out for a few meals, but its also nice to just stay in after a long day of hiking.

3-6-21, 2:08pm
After I'm fully vaccinated, yes, if there was somewhere I really wanted to go.
Before being fully vaccinated, not unless I had a very compelling reason like a close relative who was dying or having to move to another city for reasons beyond my control.
It would also make a big difference if I was going to stay with friends/relatives or would have to stay in a hotel.
My decision would also be affected by how far it was (Iow how many meal & bathroom stops I would have to make along the way).

iris lilies
3-6-21, 2:13pm
We are not planning on vacation this year because all of the plant Society conference as we would normally go to are cancelled. I suppose it’s possible we could get a wild hair and go some place, New ?england? in the fall, but since we are doing major renovations to two properties I doubt that we will want to get away from that. Or maybe we do want to get away from it!when travel resumes to Europe that’ll be the real vacation we wanna take.

The American Iris Society is meeting in Las Cruces New Mexico in 2022. At one time that would’ve been a trip I would never miss, but unfortunately we made a trip to Las Cruces as recently as 2017. That was the worst vacation I’ve had in a long time and I swore I would not go back. It’s not Las Cruces itself so much, it was driving days Through desert to get there.

They grow Aril Iris in the dry desert and those things are pretty interesting to me because I can’t grow them. But then I ask myself do I want to go to a major conference to see plants that I cannot grow? A dilemma…

3-6-21, 2:23pm
We're taking our grandson to the Smoky Mountains for a few days at the end of this month, then my wife and I will hit the road in early June for points unknown, returning around the end of July or early August.

3-6-21, 2:44pm
I'm speculatively planning:

- A month-or-so trip to Europe in the Fall to visit my daughter, who has been trapped in a stone barn in the UK for the last year by the pandemic and lockdowns there. We missed her ritual summer visit home last year (and this year likely), and a planned research expedition in Scandinavia last Fall.

- A road trip with my partner throughout the American Southwest. If need be, with a van/RV.

- Some boating expeditions up the Inside Passage, if Canada opens the border

3-6-21, 3:26pm
We're doing some big updates to our house this year, so there won't be money for big travel. I'd also like to give the current vaccines a little longer to see how they handle new variants of the coronavirus. We did book a special to a B&B outstate. We may take a trip to the Kansas City area to visit relatives (or attend a funeral; whichever happens first). We'll drive both places. But I think that will be about it.

3-6-21, 3:36pm
Talking of going to a few states to see National Parks... yet tbd.

3-6-21, 3:59pm
We've rented a cottage for a week just outside Acadia NP in Maine. We'll be hiking primarily, and we are going early June, so less crowded on the trails. The cottage has cooking facilities so we have flexibility. If we've been vaccinated by then, we may go out for a few meals, but its also nice to just stay in after a long day of hiking.

Nice! Now that's my kind of vacation! Are the black flies not out yet in June?

3-6-21, 4:11pm
Are the black flies not out yet in June?

Black flies in New England are usually in May. :D And there are fewer bugs in general near the ocean (this cottage is on a cove).

3-6-21, 4:17pm
No plans for vacation. I don't think we'll fly for pleasure this year. DH really isn't into vacations lately. He feels like we live in a vacation, especially in the summer. I'd love to do a long weekend in Southern Vermont for old times' sake but obviously that's a driving vacation--not a flying one. Meanwhile I have a lot of frequent flier points that I'd love to use up.

If I get asked to travel for business, I would consider it, but won't feel comfortable with it until have herd immunity.

Teacher Terry
3-6-21, 4:49pm
Taking a wait and see attitude to see what is open. Would like to do a Canadian cruise with my youngest son but they have to let Americans in first:)).

3-8-21, 1:40pm
I'm hoping to get a couple long weekend camping trips in. Not too far away, but far enough - LOL.

3-8-21, 1:54pm
Disgusted to see a few of the states we wanted to go to are taking away the mask mandate and opening up even more. So, that trip is off the table.

3-8-21, 2:27pm
Well I guess lots of states are opening up everything, including California at this point, so we have a mask mandate but now they want to allow concerts and stadiums etc.. I have tried and tried, racked my brain to understand how this virus transmits (not as an expert of course, but just to understand the situation), and tried to understand how state policy has made any sense in light of it. I think I know less and less all the time. All those things I though I figured out I have to learn again. I'm literally getting dumber or something.

But state policy like allowing concerts does NOT make any sense? That probably is, I'm quite willing to vote them all out and can't even say I'm entirely unsympathetic to recalling Newsom (as if I ever voted for him in the first place - nope - even Jerry Brown thought that guy was an airhead) even though it's being done for the wrong reasons, I'm just trying to give the powers that be the benefit of the doubt though. As soon as EVERYONE WHO WANTS ONE can get a vaccine, and 2 weeks after the last shot of such availability has passed, open up everything. No it makes no sense to keep stuff closed at that point. BUT WE ARE NOT AT THAT POINT AT ALL, they are still rationing the darn vaccines to certain groups while they seem to be trying to kill everyone else who isn't in those groups.

3-9-21, 9:02pm
I reserved two nights of camping at the City of Rocks State Park down near Deming, NM in mid-May. K. is not a camper so this is a solo trip for me. I need to somewhat reclaim the girl I used to be. I have camped there before; the campsites are quite far apart in these really cool rock formations, so social distancing is no problem. It's only a couple of hours drive from home so it makes a great little quick getaway.

My mind still loves the idea of tent camping, but I have to admit that physically it is getting really hard to crawl in and out of a tent. I got rid of my Thermarest sleeping pad and bought an inflatable Coleman air bed that you can blow up using your car's cigarette lighter and an electrical adapter. Trouble is, it is basically as big as the floor of the tent so I need to figure out how to blow it up while INSIDE the tent because it is really hard to fit it through the tent door blown up outside. I'll have to get a longer plastic hose, I guess.

I am looking forward to this, as it reminds me of my solo travels from Michigan every year to the desert Southwest. I need that sense of adventure back in my life!

iris lilies
3-9-21, 9:18pm
I reserved two nights of camping at the City of Rocks State Park down near Deming, NM in mid-May. K. is not a camper so this is a solo trip for me. I need to somewhat reclaim the girl I used to be. I have camped there before; the campsites are quite far apart in these really cool rock formations, so social distancing is no problem. It's only a couple of hours drive from home so it makes a great little quick getaway.

My mind still loves the idea of tent camping, but I have to admit that physically it is getting really hard to crawl in and out of a tent. I got rid of my Thermarest sleeping pad and bought an inflatable Coleman air bed that you can blow up using your car's cigarette lighter and an electrical adapter. Trouble is, it is basically as big as the floor of the tent so I need to figure out how to blow it up while INSIDE the tent because it is really hard to fit it through the tent door blown up outside. I'll have to get a longer plastic hose, I guess.

I am looking forward to this, as it reminds me of my solo travels from Michigan every year to the desert Southwest. I need that sense of adventure back in my life!

Siouzq I’m rooting for you in taking off on your little solo adventure.

3-10-21, 10:47am
I reserved two nights of camping at the City of Rocks State Park down near Deming, NM in mid-May. K. is not a camper so this is a solo trip for me. I need to somewhat reclaim the girl I used to be. I have camped there before; the campsites are quite far apart in these really cool rock formations, so social distancing is no problem. It's only a couple of hours drive from home so it makes a great little quick getaway.

My mind still loves the idea of tent camping, but I have to admit that physically it is getting really hard to crawl in and out of a tent. I got rid of my Thermarest sleeping pad and bought an inflatable Coleman air bed that you can blow up using your car's cigarette lighter and an electrical adapter. Trouble is, it is basically as big as the floor of the tent so I need to figure out how to blow it up while INSIDE the tent because it is really hard to fit it through the tent door blown up outside. I'll have to get a longer plastic hose, I guess.

I am looking forward to this, as it reminds me of my solo travels from Michigan every year to the desert Southwest. I need that sense of adventure back in my life!

That sounds great! Maybe instead of a longer hose would it be possible to get a longer cord, or an extension cord, for the machine?

5-9-21, 10:09am
Will be camping soon. Group I'll be with have all been vaccinated, plus all have separate cabins/tents/etc. Have been told social distancing will still be practiced and masks worn when warranted or more often as each individual feels necessary. Should be fun as it is a group of individuals who really care about each other and each other's safety and health!

Teacher Terry
5-9-21, 12:21pm
Taking Amtrak with a friend to visit another friend in California for 5 days.

5-9-21, 1:28pm
You can buy an electric air pump, suitable for mattresses, for about $20 on Amazon.

5-9-21, 3:49pm
Leaving tomorrow to go for a few days bird watching a few hours away. We will stay in a motel with outside exit... has great reviews. We're both vaccinated so plan on eating in restaurants. It is not going to be warm enough for outside seating. SO LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING AWAY!!!

5-9-21, 4:31pm
I hope everyone enjoys their getaways!

5-9-21, 4:56pm
We are enjoying a week of cooking classes (among the various offerings) at the John C. Campbell Folk Art School in NC. It is only the second week open since last year and they are trying hard to make it safe for everyone. We drove to get there as I do not want any plane flights. Perfect time of year for windows open and lots of ventilation and eating on the porch.

iris lilies
5-9-21, 5:51pm
We are enjoying a week of cooking classes (among the various offerings) at the John C. Campbell Folk Art School in NC. It is only the second week open since last year and they are trying hard to make it safe for everyone. We drove to get there as I do not want any plane flights. Perfect time of year for windows open and lots of ventilation and eating on the porch.
That sounds absolutely perfect! Wonderful!

5-9-21, 5:58pm
I am planning a couple day trips to parks in state. Dates to be determined based on weather, and who all will be going is not nailed down yet either.

5-9-21, 7:58pm
We just returned from a weekend in Payson AZ. My oldest grand-nephew got married. Travel was easy although plenty of people in the airport and on the plane still do not understand that the nose is connected to the lung and therefore is included in the mask. Flight Attendant announced the requirement 3X. Told a man in the row beside us 3X and said "I'm not telling you again". Not sure why adults have so much trouble following a simple instruction when children are 100%.

Being fully vaccinated and skilled at precautions, we were very comfortable traveling. Another wedding in Dallas in 7 weeks. Yippee!

5-9-21, 9:37pm
Glad to read that folks are safely getting out and about. Enjoy!

5-10-21, 7:56am
Nice to read about all of you having outings as Ontario is still in lockdown and restrictions. Still, the numbers are coming down slowly, the vaccinations are going up slowly so we should gradually open up as well.
Basically, I am content; gardening, doing lots of online activities and anything that I need is available curbside. Life is serene and very simple for which I am grateful.

5-10-21, 8:56pm
Basically, I am content; gardening, doing lots of online activities and anything that I need is available curbside. Life is serene and very simple for which I am grateful.

Me, too. I'm glad some businesses can get back to business. As for me, I still haven't been to a restaurant since March 11, 2020. I haven't gone anywhere on vacation and don't plan to. I'm starting to feel like DH who always asks, "Why would I want to leave the island??" I certainly have enough to do here. My clients haven't asked me to travel for research yet and if they do, I'll decide on a case-by-case basis.

We did drive down to NJ for DS's birthday this past weekend. That's the extent of our travel so far.

Teacher Terry
5-10-21, 11:57pm
Catherine, do you miss restaurants or is it something you don’t care about. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

5-11-21, 6:50am
Catherine, do you miss restaurants or is it something you don’t care about. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

I joke with DH that I would like to go to a restaurant once a year. Since we've moved up here, we just don't go often, because unless we drive 30 minutes to Burlington, our choices of restaurants are a pizza sports bar, an American/Thai casual restaurant and a couple of "fancy" restaurants that we're just not compelled to go to. When we went to NJ last winter, however, we blew our annual restaurant budget in two months in Asbury Park and really enjoyed it.

We just don't miss it up here! And layer on COVID and we just don't need to go and don't want to go. I mentioned maybe going to this cool drive-your-boat-up place I'd like to go to this spring, and DH feels it's too expensive (it isn't).

In general, I'm not a foodie, so every time I go to a restaurant, I think about how much money I could save by staying at home and cooking myself. Now, if there were more Indian restaurants up here, I'd definitely make an exception.

5-11-21, 8:14am
I mentioned maybe going to this cool drive-your-boat-up place I'd like to go to this spring,

If you're talking about the drive your boat up place that is located down a dirt road, decorated like a tiki bar, the place is really reasonably priced and very casual. If its not that one, message me privately so I can recommend it to my brother. :)

5-11-21, 9:31am
If you're talking about the drive your boat up place that is located down a dirt road, decorated like a tiki bar, the place is really reasonably priced and very casual. If its not that one, message me privately so I can recommend it to my brother. :)

I know that one--and the one I'm talking about is not it. I'm PMing you now!

5-13-21, 8:53pm

Here are a few of the birds we saw recently on our short getaway. I think Catherine requested pix???
Cedar waxwing
Yellow rumped warbler
Hairy woodpecker
Orchard oriole

5-13-21, 9:11pm

Here are a few of the birds we saw recently on our short getaway. I think Catherine requested pix???
Cedar waxwing
Yellow rumped warbler
Hairy woodpecker
Orchard oriole

Amazing pictures!! Thanks for posting!!

5-14-21, 7:04am
Thanks for sharing your pictures, Frugal-one!

dado potato
5-14-21, 10:34am
Keukenhof Garden in the Netherlands plans to welcome visitors in 2022. Meanwhile, it is awesome for armchair travel.


5-14-21, 12:01pm
Keukenhof Garden in the Netherlands plans to welcome visitors in 2022. Meanwhile, it is awesome for armchair travel.


It is absolutely beautiful although closed for 2020 and 2021 but the work and display continues. Can you imagine the crowd that will attend in 2022? I have to confess that I am glad of the shutdown as those with the technology shared their virtual displays online. I won't ever attend it so especially enjoyed the virtual being available.

5-16-21, 4:44pm
Went camping this weekend with fully vaccinated friends and some family. Was a much needed get-a-way.

5-17-21, 7:08am
Frugal, what beautiful photos!!!!