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8-11-20, 5:17pm
I'm happy with this choice. How about the rest of you?

8-11-20, 5:23pm
Me too.

8-11-20, 5:33pm
No. She is a careerist with no true principles so she is a good pick for Biden who is the same. I am definitely voting Green Party this year. Howie Hawkins also has a female woman of color as a running mate, Angela Walker. Previously Angela Davis was the Communist Party's VP pick, and Winona LaDuke was the Green Party VP nominee. So all the news stories about Kamala Harris being the first woman of color on a presidential ticket are wrong.

8-11-20, 5:44pm
I'm happy with this choice. How about the rest of you?

Would have been my last choice. Not impressed. It doesn't matter though. Even if she should be promoted to president.... she is better than the serial adulterer in the white house now.

Teacher Terry
8-11-20, 5:55pm
She’s better than what we have. My son hates what she has done to people she prosecuted for low level crimes and now is voting 3rd Party. I told him I will move his bedroom to the shed:))

8-11-20, 6:05pm
Yeah, my reasoning is, she's a good pairing with Biden. She's more energetic, she is a great debater, she is experienced enough so that if Biden didn't make it through his term, I have confidence she could pick up the baton. I think her "bad cop" image will be a good contrast to Biden's "good cop."

I do think that as idealistic as I believe I am, there is a time for pragmatism, and this election is one of those times. With a different Republican president I might have picked Howie Hawkins, but this is not one of them.

8-11-20, 6:08pm
Catherine do you doubt that Biden will carry Vermont and its electoral votes, that you are not considering Hawkins?

8-11-20, 6:10pm
Catherine do you doubt that Biden will carry Vermont and its electoral votes, that you are not considering Hawkins?

Hmmm... I'll have to think about that. Good point. Do you know if Vermont is as blue as other states like New Jersey? I think it's pretty divided.

8-11-20, 6:23pm
I kind of like Harris, I think for the most part she's been a good and responsible public servant. I know she's played a bit with going full leftie recently but that's just her way of fitting in with cool kids I think. I'm a bit surprised though that during these recent times of anti-police, anti-law & order, anti-just-about-anything-that-defines-a-civil-society, she would be the choice of a candidate concerned with capturing the affection of the most vocal members of his base.

I'd also think that Biden didn't make that choice. I think Harris was chosen by those representatives of the Democratic Party who realize they're not tasked with choosing a vice president, but rather choosing Biden's first term successor and realizing that the true far-left leaning prospects won't cut it.

8-11-20, 6:33pm
Alan makes sense. It’s all one big game. But I like Biden/Harris better than Trump/Pence.

Back in 1991, my government professor made it very clear that no one in Washington is like us. As much as they may argue with each other, they are on one side and everyone else is on the other side. They have their own special health insurance, for example, while the rest of us hope for Medicare someday. I wonder if that professor was a libertarian.

8-11-20, 6:39pm
I'm kind of surprised. If he had wanted to scoop up undecided Trump voters, I would have thought Klobuchar would have been a better pick.

8-11-20, 6:45pm
Maybe he thinks her tough on crime past as a prosecutor will be a plus to some of those people.

8-11-20, 6:45pm
I myself and SO and family all resoect and approve of Kamala Harris as Biden's VP choice. I've spoken to a few people in the neighborhood expressing relief with Kamala as the choice. There is a very practical reason for this.

Much of the 85006 is not currently working due to the pandemic and the nature of the jobs mostly held in the neighborhood. Ms. Harris has repeatedly supported 2k checks for most Americans, per month and retroactive to March 2020. This increases distance from the street for vulnerable 85006 residents. Of course Ms. Harris will enjoy 85006 support.

Beyond that, she's sharp and debates well. I'd very much like to see her make an utter fool of Mike Pence!!! And even my Cousin Astrid in Vienna approves - not that that matters. It's just nice to hear approving words from a relative with better citizenship, and citizenship in a country that actually dealt with covid head on.

Biden/Harris 2020 for an America that you don't have to be (as) embarrassed by. Rob

8-11-20, 6:51pm
Hmmm... I'll have to think about that. Good point. Do you know if Vermont is as blue as other states like New Jersey? I think it's pretty divided.

Here is information on how blue Vermont is:


And of course it is the home state of Bernie Sanders and Howard Dean.

8-11-20, 7:22pm
She was my number two pick for the Democratic presidential candidate, so I approve--although I'd rather see her as AG or maybe a SCOTUS slot. Really, though, if we get a SCOTUS pick, it should be Merrick Garland, since he was robbed of a seat.

Amy Klobuchar turned down the position, I believe.

8-11-20, 7:30pm
Bad timing for Klobuchar, who let Chauvin get away with one murder, then he turned around and did it again to George Floyd. Kamala's prosecutorial record is also blemished, as Tulsi Gabbard and others have pointed out.

8-11-20, 11:17pm
It must’ve been a good choice. Trump has pronounced her a nasty woman. Any time he doesn’t like someone it’s a pretty good clue that they are good people.

Edited to add, the news just pointed out that trump has previously donated $6000 to her campaigns.

8-12-20, 8:00am
I was unimpressed with her during the debates but she's a fighter and can probably stand up to the usual verbal abuse from Trump and Pence. Wasn't even in my top three favorites, but probably a decent strategic gamble.

8-12-20, 8:25am
I'm kind of surprised. If he had wanted to scoop up undecided Trump voters, I would have thought Klobuchar would have been a better pick.

Jane is right--Klobuchar stepped aside because she believed the slot should go to an African American.

8-12-20, 10:02am
She worked closely with Beau Biden, a fellow attorney general, to negotiate a bank bailout. They became good friends, and Beau was a big supporter of hers. That counted for something with Joe.

ETA: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/11/kamala-harris-beau-biden-friendship-joe

8-12-20, 10:41am
Thanks, Catherine, I had missed that.

8-12-20, 10:45am
.... Beau was a big supporter of hers. That counted for something with Joe.

So can we expect a "What Would Beau Do" presidency?

8-12-20, 11:08am
So can we expect a "What Would Beau Do" presidency?

IMO, that's a better prospect than "How can I lie, cheat, and steal even more and get away with it?" presidency.

8-12-20, 2:36pm
IMO, that's a better prospect than "How can I lie, cheat, and steal even more and get away with it?" presidency.

... along with my daughter and son-in-law.

8-12-20, 2:46pm
On the plus side CA gets to get rid of her. But otherwise very disappointing but expected. Biden was never going to pick someone good like Warren anyway, has to please Wall Street and silicon valley and that would never fly. Plus he insisted on a women VP, complete stupidity, eliminating so many good choices because of gonads.

8-12-20, 3:24pm
On the plus side CA gets to get rid of her. But otherwise very disappointing but expected. Biden was never going to pick someone good like Warren anyway, has to please Wall Street and silicon valley and that would never fly. Plus he insisted on a women VP, complete stupidity, eliminating so many good choices because of gonads.

I still hope Biden will make good use of Warren--that's a lot of talent going to waste, otherwise.

8-12-20, 5:23pm
I still hope Biden will make good use of Warren--that's a lot of talent going to waste, otherwise.

Indeed. I would like to see her as commerce secretary or possibly labor.

8-12-20, 7:23pm
I'm really disgusted at the misogynistic stuff I'm seeing on FB about Harris, saying that she got where she is via sexual services to those in power. And I'm seeing these things posted by husbands, men with daughters. It's so disheartening.

8-12-20, 7:37pm
Trump played to his base picking Pence and Biden is playing to his black female base. Neither candidate has a big vision. Both are playing it safe and small. Going bold with a woman of color would have been Tulsi Gabbard.

Teacher Terry
8-12-20, 11:48pm
My son said he actually is going to vote for Biden despite Harris because trump has committed so many treasonous acts and can’t be allowed to continue.

8-13-20, 5:36am
Whether you agree or disagree with her, I read her resume and credentials and she is extremely well qualified.

One aspect about her and Biden that is missing with the current administration is they know how government runs. Call it the swamp if you like, but it is far more difficult to get things done if you are always trying to demean and blame everyone and even stabbing your own staff in the back. Plus they have a much better chance of putting well qualified people in key positions. Ripping up treaties and throwing out the ACA is easy. Strengthening treaties and shoring up healthcare is far more more difficult. Calling women of color nasty is easy. Being respectful of women while being critical of their policies requires grace and class.

I will be interested in seeing their performance as they hit the campaign trail. Should be a refreshing break from the more guns, more Jesus, non Caucasian’s and immigrants are bad, more money for rich people, and women who are strong and smart (except Ivanka) are nasty platform.

8-13-20, 6:00am
I would not call Harris "extremely well qualified". She lacks foreign policy experience.

8-13-20, 8:06am
I would not call Harris "extremely well qualified". She lacks foreign policy experience.

True. I doubt she can see Russia from her house.

8-13-20, 8:35am
True. I doubt she can see Russia from her house. Haven't we already discussed the danger of confusing Saturday Night Live skits with real news?

8-13-20, 8:47am
Haven't we already discussed the danger of confusing Saturday Night Live skits with real news?

So much danger in my post. But my point stands. Kamala is way more qualified than at least one previous VP candidate. And I bet she even knows how to spell potato.

8-13-20, 8:49am
And I bet she even knows how to spell potato.
When was the last time we saw a Dan Quayle joke? Well done!
I wonder if the "Greatest President Of All Time" ™ could spell 'Navy-Corpse-Man' in Austrian? >8)

8-13-20, 9:20am
I would not call Harris "extremely well qualified". She lacks foreign policy experience.

she knows a lot about the law and knows how to present a concise point. Hillary had a huge amount of foreign policy experience but it did not help her. What foreign policy does Mike Pence or Jared Kushner have? Jared who was supposed to broker a Mideast agreement. And procure coronavirus supplies. Can you say faulty tests?

8-13-20, 9:33am
It would seem Kamala is pretty good at negotiation, a skill that is sorely needed in foreign policy--and is clearly lacking in the current administration.

8-13-20, 10:44pm
True. I doubt she can see Russia from her house.LOL. SO and I were rolling on the floor laughing - good one. And beyond that, good point, too. Rob

8-13-20, 10:57pm
LOL. SO and I were rolling on the floor laughing - good one. And beyond that, good point, too. Rob

If we’re going to make jokes about ancient history candidates I wonder what trump would look like in a tank? Or more relevant, dressed in an unbadged SWAT team uniform holding a big gun pretending to be a federal goon defending American cities from the super scary ‘antifa’?

8-14-20, 5:21am
Saying that other VP candidates were unqualified does not mean Kamala Harris is. That's like saying because she's not Donald Trump then Marianne Williamson is qualified to be president.

8-14-20, 7:19am
I predicted Trump would play the birther card against Kamala. I should have documented it to prove I'm right every now and then.

8-14-20, 9:37am
I guess Oakland is a foreign country now. What idiocy. I blame Newsweek for giving this crackpot theory air.

8-14-20, 10:07am
I'm really disgusted at the misogynistic stuff I'm seeing on FB about Harris, saying that she got where she is via sexual services to those in power. And I'm seeing these things posted by husbands, men with daughters. It's so disheartening.

Speaking from my own experience, it seems to be a "male ego" thing. When in the service, I was often confronted with "Who did you sleep with to get promoted?"; and similar when being presented before meritorious boards, receiving awards, etc. I don't understand why some men feel so threatened (speaking in a non-physical sense) by women who simply do their job and do it well.

8-14-20, 10:24am
Along the same lines, some troll always comes out from under his rock to call Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "dumb" on social media, when she could likely wipe the floor with him academic achievement-wise and/or intellectually.

8-14-20, 11:03am
On the topic of how detrimental social media can be: I just saw a meme from one of my conservative old high school friends: "I'm confused: How can a Jamaican father and an Indian mother make an African American child??"

Where do I even start with how illogical this is? And how do I refrain myself from pointing out the answer to that question? But you should have seen the comments agreeing and talking about how "lefties can make up anything they want."

8-14-20, 3:21pm
What about Susan Rice for Secretary of State?

8-14-20, 3:22pm
Along the same lines, some troll always comes out from under his rock to call Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "dumb" on social media, when she could likely wipe the floor with him academic achievement-wise and/or intellectually.

I loved this:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Thursday responded to President Trump's insult calling her a "poor student" by challenging the president to release his own college transcripts.

“Let’s make a deal, Mr. President: You release your college transcript, I’ll release mine, and we’ll see who was the better student,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

8-14-20, 3:33pm
The rest of that tweet was--“Let’s make a deal, Mr. President: You release your college transcript, I’ll release mine, and we’ll see who was the better student,” she wrote. “Loser has to fund the Post Office.”

8-14-20, 3:50pm
The rest of that tweet was--“Let’s make a deal, Mr. President: You release your college transcript, I’ll release mine, and we’ll see who was the better student,” she wrote. “Loser has to fund the Post Office.”

That is even better. That was not included in what I read.