View Full Version : Poll (What SL category do you fall under)?

6-8-11, 4:13pm
When it comes to SL qualities and attributes, which category do you fall under?

Fair to middling?

6-8-11, 4:26pm
What would each category entail exactly?

6-8-11, 4:30pm
I overlooked setting up a sort of bible (in the thread) as to helping guide everyone towards a specific category of choice.

Traditionalist. One who is dedicated to practicing good old-fashioned frugality and simplicity.
Modernist. One who practices frugality and simplicity, but steers towards modernity. i.e. Adding extras into ones lives such as cell phones, iphones, etc.
Fair to middling. Falling under this category suggests that you are still dedicated towards being both frugal and simple, but you aren't die-hard.

6-8-11, 5:14pm
Hi Mira. Darn it all anyway! You beat me to the punch! http://www.clicksmilies.com/auswahl/lachen001.gif After posting this thread topic I realized I overlooked setting up a bible of sorts to help guide those interested in taking part in the poll towards a specific category that best reflected their SL qualities.

Edited to add laughing smiley!

6-8-11, 5:15pm
I'm a fair-to-middling modern traditionalist ...

6-8-11, 5:46pm
I voted modernist. In some ways I am pretty old school, but not when it comes to tech. I love the iPad, iPhone, laptop, roku box. My dad and I spent the evening watching the Apple keynote on the iPad hooked up to the plasma tv. Ironically while drinking beer made by Trappist monks, who's simple, old fashioned, ascetic lifestyle would make any SL traditionalist proud. :)

I love that I can use this iPad I am typing on right now to talk to you, Mrs. M, someone I would never have met otherwise but am happy to know, right from my favourite chair. Then I can use it as a cookbook while making dinner, as a stereo while I take a bath and pass it on to my kid so she can write a song, video chat with her aunt and virtually dissect a rat. Then Grandpa can use it to read Winnie the Pooh to the kids before bed, take a picture of the baby after he falls asleep and e-mail it to my mom. I mean seriously, how cool is that?

6-8-11, 5:56pm
Modernist: My idea of heaven would be back at my great-aunt's uninsulated beach house, under the eaves, lying on the old turn-of-the-century four-poster listening to rain tapping on the roof...

... surfing the web.

BUT maybe I should have voted fair-to-middling, because I think the internet takes too much of my time. Back in the 60s/70s when I was a teen spending summers at my great-aunt's cottage, I spent lots and lots of time sewing my school clothes on her old Singer, reading up a storm, teaching myself a language, and just "being"....

Come to think of it, I'm glad I didn't have the internet back then!

6-8-11, 6:00pm
I put "fair to middling" because I'm only die-hard about my refusal to be die-hard about anything.

6-8-11, 6:03pm
Love it Serendipity!

Originally posted by Stella.
I love that I can use this iPad I am typing on right now to talk to you, Mrs. M, someone I would never have met otherwise but am happy to know, right from my favourite chair.What a nice thing to say. :) Thank you. I have to admit I fancy tech things too, the internet being mine.

I voted traditionalist. I'm sooo old-school/old-fashioned. Aside from the internet/email, I'm pretty much still living back in the 60's. Locked in time one might say. A traditionalist to the bone.

6-8-11, 6:09pm
So nice hearing from you Catherine and Kestra!

Originally posted by Catherine.
My idea of heaven would be back at my great-aunt's uninsulated beach house, under the eaves, lying on the old turn-of-the-century four-poster listening to rain tapping on the roof...The stuff life is made of! :)

Kestra. You just put a smile on my face! Thanks for that.

6-8-11, 6:25pm
I do not understand the differences with these. I mean, just cause you are not traditional, doesn't mean you are giving in to everything. I hardly spend any money but would not describe myself as frugal or traditional. I do not own a cell phone so I don't know if I can say I am modern. And I am not loose enough to say that I am middling about.

6-8-11, 7:06pm
I'm frugal in most things except committed to buying organic food - as well as raising it - and we're headed to the Apple store to get iPhones... I'd love an iPad, but am not willing to spring for it quite yet.

6-8-11, 7:43pm
Heydude. I started this thread poll as a fun sort of topic, and yes, there is seriousness to it, but it was for fun. Just a little something I though of starting to get everyone involved. (A mixed gender type topic where everyone could get in on the action). From reading your post I say you are a traditionalist.. (But again, this was meant as a fun thing). :)

Redfox. Modernist?

How about you Heydude, modernist as well?

6-8-11, 9:46pm
Clearly modernist, but poor near-vision will probably keep me from ever taking to a smartphone.

6-8-11, 9:51pm
Clearly modernist, but poor near-vision will probably keep me from ever taking to a smartphone.That may be a good thing! A blessing in disguise if you will. :)

6-8-11, 11:32pm
That may be a good thing! A blessing in disguise if you will. :)
Of course, I find having my friends and family using a technology I have a lot of difficulty with to be frustrating:|(.

6-9-11, 12:05am
I understand BB, but life doesn't end with techy things. :) (Sending you a big warm hug). http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-hug005.gif

6-9-11, 1:03am
Not really into tech, not much for buying shiny new technology or anything, it's not that strong a temptation really. And I still really like paper books.

But I do really like the internet. I mean just the vastness of the information available.


6-9-11, 1:06am
D. All of the above.

It depends on the day.... ;)

6-9-11, 9:57am
Another vote for 'all of the above'.

Whilst I am traditionalist in many ways, I also think I'm middle of the road in others and modernist, too!

6-9-11, 10:15am
ApatheticNoMore. You know what? The word middling is starting to grow on me, I mean I'm really starting to like it! It has a funky sort of smoothness to it that suggests personified coolness! :)

Gina and Ishbel. Cheaters! :laff:

6-9-11, 10:42am
Traditionalist with a coloring of modernism - i.e., 4 year old cell phone but tractors with air conditioned cabs.

6-9-11, 11:01am
Hi Goldensmom. It's funny, but I thought of you when I put this poll tread together, and I had you pegged as being a traditionalist! :) So glad you dropped by to post.

6-9-11, 2:19pm
I'd be a traditionalist since I don't really have much tech stuff in my life other than a cell phone I keep for emergencies. No home internet acess (currently using the library and their computer 'cause my laptop died and I'm not fixing it), no cd player or cds (I'm mostly deaf so don't listen to music), no cable Tv and only a couple of channels with the rabbit ears, etc... BUT, that's more because I'm a minimalist (and lazy so don't like to hassle with things) rather than a traditionalist. I don't cook from scratch (actually don't cook at all), do most things the easiest way possible with the least amount of fuss, and would have a housecleaner, gardener, cook, and all around handy-person to do everything for me if I wasn't so darn frugal :-)! I value my free time above all else and whatever I can do to make more of that available and make my life easier I will use - if it's cheap!

6-9-11, 9:34pm
I understand BB, but life doesn't end with techy things. :) (Sending you a big warm hug). http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-hug005.gif
Thanks! While my issues with near-vision are not much worse than those of the average fiftysomething, I find them VERY frustrating.

6-9-11, 10:17pm
Spartana. Nice to see another traditionalist make the list! :) Loved reading your entry.

Bronxboy. I hear you. I find as I'm getting older my eyes aren't nearly as keen anymore as compared to what they used to be.

6-10-11, 2:11pm
Spartana. Nice to see another traditionalist make the list! :) Loved reading your entry.


Yes considering I don't facebook, tweet or anything like that. No games (x-box, etc..). I'm more the type who prefers my interaction with other people face to face and IRL. Miss that sort of thing with everyone wanting to "sociallize" online all the time. Ah the good old days :-)

6-11-11, 12:20am
Originally posted by Spartana.
Ah the good old daysYes indeed...