View Full Version : SNL: Debate Spoof Cold Open

10-4-20, 9:02am
This was hilarious, and all of the players did a fantastic job. (Jim Carrey as Biden is amazing)

I also think they did a pretty decent job of keeping it from being TOO irreverent, given the circumstances of Trump in the hospital.


10-4-20, 9:41am
Many of us wish we had that magic pause/mute button. LOL.

10-4-20, 9:56am
There are a few politicians over the years that I can't look at without seeing the SNL people who impersonated them... Dana Carvey as Bush41 for instance. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. The year 2000 duo of Bush43 (Will Farrell) and Al Gore (Darrell Hammond). I think SNLs best contribution to comedy has been its political satire.

Jane v2.0
10-4-20, 10:34am

Teacher Terry
10-4-20, 1:45pm
It was so awesome! They are so good at politics.

Jane v2.0
10-4-20, 2:35pm
Many of us wish we had that magic pause/mute button. LOL.

Or, in some cases, a remote-controlled trap door.

10-4-20, 3:11pm
Loved it

10-4-20, 6:19pm
Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford.

10-4-20, 9:08pm
They did a terrific job last night!

10-4-20, 9:26pm
I’m reading that the Critics didn't like for two reasons:

1. It made both men look equally bad, when they believe that Trump behaved much worse
2. The addition of Kamala Harris took the spotlight off the true problems with Trump’s multiple interruptions and refusal to denounce racism.

10-4-20, 9:44pm
I’m reading that the Critics didn't like for two reasons:

1. It made both men look equally bad, when they believe that Trump behaved much worse
2. The addition of Kamala Harris took the spotlight off the true problems with Trump’s multiple interruptions and refusal to denounce racism.

Valid points. I watched it purely for entertainment-no evaluative thoughts!

10-4-20, 10:30pm
Agreed. Made me laugh.

10-5-20, 5:20am
For some reason I didn't find it that funny. Maybe because the actual debate was so outrageous that it couldn't be topped.

iris lilies
10-5-20, 10:19am
For some reason I didn't find it that funny. Maybe because the actual debate was so outrageous that it couldn't be topped.
I couldn’t watch the debate and after hearing about it I’m really glad I did not watch it. So this Parody Lulls me into thinking it was bad but not THAT bad. Even though it probably was THAT bad.

10-5-20, 8:01pm
I couldn’t watch the debate and after hearing about it I’m really glad I did not watch it. So this Parody Lulls me into thinking it was bad but not THAT bad. Even though it probably was THAT bad.

It was worse than that! I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say there was no actual debate at all.

10-6-20, 12:04am
I love SNL's opening skits - often the only ones I can stay awake for. The Political skits are the best. Some of the Hillary, Sarah Palin and Bernie skits were laugh out
loud funny. After seeing that skit I thought the remote with a mute is really what I needed when I watched the debates. Trump was the worst, but Biden wasn't much better.
I finally had to just walk away. All I could think was, this is the best we got? Seriously? Mute.

Teacher Terry
10-6-20, 9:33am
Biden had a difficult time with trump constantly interrupting. Who could keep their train of thought with the crazy one going constantly off the rails?

Jane v2.0
10-6-20, 1:14pm
Biden had a difficult time with trump constantly interrupting. Who could keep their train of thought with the crazy one going constantly off the rails?

Those interruptions were no accident. In the debate prep, Christie encouraged him to interrupt early and often to throw Biden (who famously has speech issues) off his game. Biden has since apologized for referring to Trump as a "clown." I think that showed restraint.

Teacher Terry
10-7-20, 12:29am
I know that. I spent 7 years in speech therapy for stuttering in elementary school. I use the same techniques that Biden does when talking.

10-7-20, 11:02am
My son also received speech therapy and you can still here the therapy at work when he talks--but no stutter. He does not do well when interrupted, either.