View Full Version : Biden Hypocrisy

11-9-20, 6:42pm
Biden campaigns complaining people can't hug their grandchildren due to covid:


Biden celebrates his victory hugging his grandchildren indoors, none of them wearing masks:


Do as I day not as I do is his modus operandi.

11-9-20, 7:05pm
There’s a lot of factors to consider.

My story:

I didn’t see my grandkids from June til September. When I saw them in September I hugged them. A lot.

My Reasons:

Spouse and I had been isolating for 2 months and I was 2 months post covid infection.

Grandkids had been home for the whole summer, and then school from home for this school year started in September

Son works outdoors mostly alone and wears a mask

Daughter-in-law gave up her job to teach the grandsons at home so she pretty much is isolated

Grandsons played outdoors with a few neighbor friends

Almost no indoor time in grandsons household with others, and they had the windows opened 24 hours a day all summer

So we decided to visit and hug a few times in sept. and early Oct.

That is now over because their house is closed up for the winter and they do see the neighbor kids to play.

We need to each determine the risk in our individual situations. And not judge others without all the info.

11-9-20, 7:31pm
We need to each determine the risk in our individual situations. And not judge others without all the info.


For all we know, his grandkids are part of his "pod". Or everyone tested and quarantined properly before getting together for the election week festivities. Or a dozen other reasonable things.

I'm likely to go visit my father in CA, and likely to retrieve him to move up here with me. We are engaging in best-practices quarantine/isolation/testing protocols to make this happen.

But that's not why the thread was started, eh?

11-9-20, 7:52pm
With proper procedures and precautions you can hug people as mentioned above. Why would you jump to the conclusion that he wouldn't do that off a photo with no information? This is how venomous BS is spread.

11-9-20, 8:08pm
They live in separate households, and during the campaign they supposedly only saw Joe on the porch:


Joe was also hiding out in his basement. Since then he resumed actively campaigning and you see him standing shoulder to shoulder with people like Kamala.

Right after the election is called Joe doesn't need to be careful around his grandkids anymore. Off the porch into the house and let's hug it up! Right after the election Pfizer announces a 95% effective vaccine.

I'm not going so far as to say the virus was a hoax to do in Donald Trump, but I can see why some people think that.

11-9-20, 8:20pm
"Hiding out in his basement"...

Uh huh.

Tell us more....

11-9-20, 8:24pm
Please tell the other countries dealing with the pandemic that they can stand down..... it was just a hoax. Or was Trump so evil that the entire globe conspired to get him out?

BTW, my sister is staying home in quarantine for two weeks so she can come over, pick up her birthday present and watch Hamilton Friday night. Hope that passes muster.

11-9-20, 8:25pm
I'm not going so far as to say the virus was a hoax to do in Donald Trump, but I can see why some people think that.

"What is Paralipsis?"

A common bogus rhetorical device.

11-9-20, 8:40pm
The photos might be worth the risk to the grandkids. Remind everyone you're related to Joe and you might get rich some day a la Barisma.

11-9-20, 8:47pm
The photos might be worth the risk to the grandkids. Remind everyone you're related to Joe and you might get rich some day a la Barisma.

And....there it is.


11-9-20, 9:03pm
Yppej, we get it. The two things in the world you most are masks and Biden.

11-9-20, 9:12pm
Yppej, we get it. The two things in the world you most are masks and Biden.

Are you missing one word in this question, jp1? Did you mean to include "love"?:devil:

11-9-20, 9:26pm
Today's issue of the CS Monitor included this editorial and I thought that it might be a wonderful suggestion to give some relief from all the demonization that we have had to endure:

"In his first speech after the election, Joe Biden asked Americans to end “this grim era of demonization.” It was a timely request for civility. Yet what stood out was that he did not name names. He did not shame anyone but rather merely pointed to the practice of name-calling. He kept the demon of demonization separate from those who resort to it.

Mr. Biden has admitted he has struggled with separating the political from the personal. He often tells the story from his early years in the Senate when a colleague, Sen. Jesse Helms, denounced a bill granting rights to Americans with disabilities. Senator Biden was ready to attack him for lacking empathy when Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took Mr. Biden aside to inform him that Senator Helms had adopted a child with a disability.

Mr. Mansfield also told Mr. Biden: “Your job here is to find the good things in your colleagues – the things their state saw – and not focus on the bad.” Mr. Biden said it was “the single most important piece of advice I got in my career.” Now, as he heads toward the Oval Office, he is passing along that advice to all Americans."

Oh please give us some mercy from the mask and older members of the populaiton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find the good things that going on that their state saw.

11-9-20, 9:48pm
Are you missing one word in this question, jp1? Did you mean to include "love"?:devil:

LOL. Not sure I can even blame that one on autocorrect... Yes, I must've meant love!

11-9-20, 11:31pm
He's the President elect, he may have instant daily testing with instant results. So should all of us by now, but we don't. But is that so unlikely for the next President? (Trump allegedly was doing testing multiple times a day but that seems not true in retrospect, who knows what was ever true in the Trump Whitehouse, wheels within wheels).

But mind you IF the whole world did conspire to oust Trump I would say "good going! cheers!".

11-10-20, 12:17am
Trump lost the election because of covid. It’s not a surprise that his ceremony to celebrate hack Barrett into the Supreme Court was a superspreader event. And it’s equally not surprising that election night at the White House is now also emerging as a potential superspreader event. Those clowns couldn’t keep themselves safe, why would anyone expect them to keep anyone else safe? (And of course pence probably has it but it’s being kept secret because that’s republican style. When was he last out in public?)

Biden, being a smarter guy, has undoubtedly implemented a safer protocol for keeping people around him safe.

But sure, masks suck and don’t work. And no one who’s at risk is going to socially distance. Whatever.

11-10-20, 12:29am
Enough rancor. Let's get on with getting along. I am hoping as the Trump love fades, the nastiness will fade too.

11-10-20, 1:13am
I have been thinking of this a lot today - the hypocrisy in Washington by both sides of the aisle. The only thing that saves them is that the American voter has a very
short memory.

There are just to many irregularities with the voting to not suspect some level of foul play. The vote counting should be open for observation, just as the Democrats would want if the shoe was on the other foot. I have lost faith in the systems that count the votes, the biased states that oversee the process and the media that reports on them. Trump was elected in my opinion because he was an outsider, I kept hoping a true statesman would emerge, but he only got worse.

The more that is gleaned from Hunter's laptop the more disgusted I become. Yet the news media chose to look away from this story, their man was already chosen. If and I say if there is any truth to what some are reporting, this is a very serious crime. The level of baggage that is tolerated depends on which side of the aisle you are seated.

Seriously both parties nauseate me right now. I am disillusioned by the whole process. :(

11-10-20, 2:05am
I'm happy Trump is gone. He's a lying piece of disgusting scumbag.

11-10-20, 4:38am
Here is an article on the fallacy that instant testing will save us. The only thing it got wrong is that it is all elites, not just Republicans, who think the social distancing and no hugging rules do not apply to them:


11-10-20, 6:36am
I have been thinking of this a lot today - the hypocrisy in Washington by both sides of the aisle. The only thing that saves them is that the American voter has a very
short memory.

There are just to many irregularities with the voting to not suspect some level of foul play. The vote counting should be open for observation, just as the Democrats would want if the shoe was on the other foot. I have lost faith in the systems that count the votes, the biased states that oversee the process and the media that reports on them. Trump was elected in my opinion because he was an outsider, I kept hoping a true statesman would emerge, but he only got worse.

The more that is gleaned from Hunter's laptop the more disgusted I become. Yet the news media chose to look away from this story, their man was already chosen. If and I say if there is any truth to what some are reporting, this is a very serious crime. The level of baggage that is tolerated depends on which side of the aisle you are seated.

Seriously both parties nauseate me right now. I am disillusioned by the whole process. :(

After obsessively reading the 538 election blog for four days last week I would respectfully disagree with you for a couple of reasons. First, they patiently tracked the whole voting process and explained, and in many cases, predicted everything that happened. And yes, there were observers from both parties in every state watching what was going on.

Perhaps the best analogy I’ve read as to why the election results started red and then went blue would be if one were told the story of a football game all out of order one might not believe the end result. And that’s exactly what happened with the election. In Pennsylvania, for example, the mail-in votes could not be opened until Election Day. Because trump had told his supporters not to trust mail-in voting the Election Day votes were solidly for him and that was all that was reported on election day. As the week went on more and more mail-in votes got counted
And not surprisingly those leaned heavily towards Biden because, again, trump had succeeded in convincing his voters to vote in person on Election Day.

The other reason I personally am convinced that the election was legitimate is because what morons would go to the trouble of cheating the presidential election but not bother to also cheat the senate election. The difference in the senate and president results are all the republicans who simply could not tolerate four more years of trump. They haven’t become Democrats. They just love the country enough to realize that they needed to get rid of trump.

And one last thing. It’s not hunter’s laptop. For a variety of reasons. Not least because people who live in California don’t go to a shop in Delaware when their computer breaks. The reason gulliani couldn’t sell that shit-burger of a story to any real news outlet is that it’s just not a credible story.

Chicken lady
11-10-20, 7:22am
90% effective. They are saying the vaccine is 90% effective.

11-10-20, 10:55am
Here is an article on the fallacy that instant testing will save us. The only thing it got wrong is that it is all elites, not just Republicans, who think the social distancing and no hugging rules do not apply to them:


You hate these rules, but seem to go out of your way to find people/events that you deem are flaunting them. Might I suggest you stop looking at what others are doing and concentrate on your own thoughts and actions. You really are starting to sound like you need to develop some healthier coping mechanisms. And I say this out of concern.

Teacher Terry
11-10-20, 11:01am
CL, that’s the best news I have heard in a long time!! It was all over the news and looks promising.

11-10-20, 11:05am
I wasn't a Biden supporter particularly, but he seems to be a steady, compassionate, decent man who will surround himself with smart, hard-working people--a welcome change. I like that celebrations broke out all over the world in the wake of his victory.

The election was more transparent and less subject to manipulation than the last one, certainly--because mail-in voting is hard to * with, which is why Trump is so against it, IMO.

All this QAnon BS about laptops and kiddie porn and pedophilia in general are just so much noise. (What is their obsession with pedophilia anyway?) I'm glad social media has finally awakened and marginalized them and other purveyors of lies, libel, and violence.

iris lilies
11-10-20, 11:30am

The election was more transparent and less subject to manipulation than the last one, certainly--because mail-in voting is hard to * with, which is why Trump is so against it, IMO.....

I would not say that it’s “hard” to fk with since dimwits in St. Louis seem to be able to do it. Rob‘s friend Bruce Franks from my legislative district went through a new election because his opponent in the first one lied and cheated with absentee ballots.

The fallout from that is burned into my memory of problems with “mail in ballots” of which absentee is a subset, burned in my brain because —it is all about me! —I had to vote for a Democratic candidate who is pretty damn flaky. Oy vey, painful.

irregularities with absentee ballots colored an entire election here. That “irregularity” was later determined to be fraud.

And that’s a system that is pretty well controlled. The blanket mailing of ballots in states that are not set up to do that, as example given by Rosa who received multiple ballots in her household, seems crazy Toto me. That is not worrisome to anyone besides me?

OK, whatever.

I reiterate from another thread that states Not set up with accurate and current voter rolls, and not able to carry out an accurate mass mailing to accurate voters, set themselves up for bad stuff. States that have been mailing out ballots for years are different animals because they have their system set up. Jane perhaps you only see what’s within your own state. My own state doesn’t have a list of current voters because that’s not how our system is set up.

11-10-20, 11:37am
I would not say that it’s “hard” to fk with since dimwits in St. Louis seem to be able to do it. Rob‘s friend Bruce Franks from my legislative district went through a new election because his opponent in the first one lied and cheated with absentee ballots. ...

I reiterate from another thread that states Not set up with accurate and current voter rolls, and not able to carry out an accurate mass mailing to accurate voters, set themselves up for bad stuff. States that have been mailing out ballots for years are different animals because they have their system set up. Jane perhaps you only see what’s within your own state. My own state doesn’t have a list of current voters because that’s not how our system is set up.

I agree that COVID threw some locations into disarray because of the sudden need for more mail-in infrastructure, which caused problems. I still prefer mail-in to the eminently hackable voting machines.

11-10-20, 11:42am
There is so much multi-sided hypocrisy surrounding this virus that the chances of ever discussing it intelligently seem minimal. Groups I approve of gather safely, but yours are superspreaders. This or that politician failing to exercise or abusing powers he may or may not legally have. The mask scolds and mask skeptics. The great chicken-and-egg dilemma of shutdown and economic recovery. The politics and science and fear and hate.

The only statement about this situation that I can accept any more as completely sincere is “I wish I owned more Pfizer”.

11-10-20, 11:52am
The only statement about this situation that I can accept any more as completely sincere is “I wish I owned more Pfizer”.

haha! Indeed.

11-10-20, 3:18pm
I believe the Pfizer vaccine is the one that has to be kept at unfathomably cold temperatures. It seems possible if other vaccines prove workable soon, they may be more likely to be used, just because the distribution will be so much simpler, without such requirements. Some of those vaccines are being developed in China though (which is already giving emergency vaccination) so we won't have access, but I don't think all.

11-10-20, 3:38pm
I believe the Pfizer vaccine is the one that has to be kept at unfathomably cold temperatures.

Dry ice sublimates at -78 degrees Celsius. The Pfizer vaccine allegedly requires -70 C. So existing mechanisms will suffice, nothing unfathomable.

11-10-20, 3:45pm
Dry ice sublimates at -78 degrees Celsius. The Pfizer vaccine allegedly requires -70 C. So existing mechanisms will suffice, nothing unfathomable.

DH and I were just talking about that. They are going to be kept in "coolers" with dry ice on the bottom, and thermal lids on the top, in warehouses the size of football stadiums.

So, if you've missed out on getting in on Pfizer stock, you might be able to find a dry ice company that's public.

11-10-20, 4:47pm
This article contains far more info to clarify what is being discussed. The dry ice is only good for part of the distribution chain. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccines-distribut/why-pfizers-ultra-cold-covid-19-vaccine-will-not-be-at-the-local-pharmacy-any-time-soon-idUSKBN27P2VI

11-10-20, 5:57pm
Here is another example of Biden hypocrisy:

You cannot tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. She can have an abortion.

Yet you can tell people what they have to do with their bodies - cover parts of them with masks.

And before you say masks impact others' lives, well so do abortions. An abortion is 100% fatal. Covid is not.

Before you say it is an imposition to carry around a baby for 9 months, this is the ninth month of mask mandates in many states.

11-10-20, 6:57pm
Wow, convincing logic.

11-10-20, 8:02pm
It's not 9 months, it's 18 *YEARS* (plus 9 months).

Chicken lady
11-10-20, 8:07pm
Also, the government keeps requiring me to wear clothing in public. Very annoying. And uncomfortable. And expensive.

11-10-20, 8:13pm
Here is another example of Biden hypocrisy:

You cannot tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. She can have an abortion.

Yet you can tell people what they have to do with their bodies - cover parts of them with masks.

And before you say masks impact others' lives, well so do abortions. An abortion is 100% fatal. Covid is not.

Before you say it is an imposition to carry around a baby for 9 months, this is the ninth month of mask mandates in many states.

You rank with trump IMO.. I wish you were gone. Totally moronic.

11-10-20, 10:39pm
It’s surprising to know that yppej has a son considering how she mocks the significance of pregnancy by comparing it to wearing a mask. I don’t know anyone else who has been pregnant who would make that comparison.

11-11-20, 10:14am
Here is another example of Biden hypocrisy:

You cannot tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. She can have an abortion.

Yet you can tell people what they have to do with their bodies - cover parts of them with masks.

And before you say masks impact others' lives, well so do abortions. An abortion is 100% fatal. Covid is not.

Before you say it is an imposition to carry around a baby for 9 months, this is the ninth month of mask mandates in many states.

You started a thread about someone else's hypocrisy but still haven't addressed your own. While displaying a very selfish outlook in your posts, you still don't seem to be dealing with things well. Sending prayers your way.