View Full Version : Mask Duration

12-5-20, 1:23pm
My first poll ever.

12-5-20, 1:34pm
Not enough options for me to vote. As I don't wear masks because of mandates, my choice would be "until I'm certain the covid issue is under control enough to start going out without a mask".

For you - based on your poll question and options - mask wearing is "political", while for me mask wearing is "health and safety for myself and others".

12-5-20, 1:44pm
Not enough options for me to vote. As I don't wear masks because of mandates, my choice would be "until I'm certain the covid issue is under control enough to start going out without a mask".

For you - based on your poll question and options - mask wearing is "political", while for me mask wearing is "health and safety for myself and others".

Agree 100%. I may also wear one even if COVID is under control--like in crowded conditions during flu season--though I'm not too concerned about catching the flu. I'm really tired of mayors, governors, and other officials being excoriated for trying to stop an out-of-control epidemic, personally.

12-5-20, 1:46pm


12-5-20, 2:59pm
I will be wearing one regardless of politics. I've been wanting to the last few years just during cold/flu season but was feeling self conscious about it. Now I don't think mask wearing in the future is going to bat an eye from anyone. I always hated hand sanitizer and I doubt I'll be without that in every coat pocket and glovebox. I'm around too many high risk people.

Teacher Terry
12-5-20, 3:05pm
I agree with Happy. Seeing all the people dying is sobering as well as losing a friend.

12-5-20, 5:28pm
Another with Happy.

12-5-20, 5:38pm
I am with Happy. I do not need anyone to tell me the value of wearing a mask. Sure it is not comfortable all the time. I take it off when there is no human anywhere around me, when I am actively eating or drinking and occasionally when actively exercising but only when there is good ventilation and lots of space. I am mostly staying at home. We go out only at normally inconvenient times for others.

12-5-20, 6:20pm
I think we are for a long time going to look like those "strange" Asians who wore masks every day when there appeared to be no reason to. Not everyone will, but I think we might hit the 20%-30% that I observed of people wearing masks voluntarily in Tokyo when I was there.

Kind of like the people who lived through the Depression who couldn't shake pinching pennies.

I did vote "for the first 100 days" simply because I can't resist a poll. But I do think Biden is going to frame it as an unenforceable mandate.

12-5-20, 6:32pm
I did vote "for the first 100 days" simply because I can't resist a poll.

So far I've be able to resist the blatantly slanted and biased ones. ;)

12-5-20, 7:01pm
I am thinking more than 100 days and Biden is really irrelevant; people will want to keep going with the hard work they have been doing to avoid infection and the fear that they might be an asymptomatic spreader.

iris lilies
12-5-20, 7:23pm
Oh I am sure President Biden will make some sort of meaningless action about being tough on masking, to make his constituents happy. I will view it as virtue signaling.

I don’t need the gubmnt to tell me to wear a mask.

I do wonder about all of the Biden supporters in my neighborhood who travel unrestricted for pleasure. Once he becomes President, do they then listen to guidelines? They ignore state guidelines,but will follow
federal? How does that work? We shall see.

12-6-20, 6:22am
Yes IL, starting with Democratic members of Congress. It would make more sense to me to shut down airports except for medical supplies, freight, and medical temps who travel to hot spots than make all other sectors of the economy shut down, but you better believe members of Congress want to travel back to their home states for Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of staying in Washington. The excuse (used by Joe Kennedy when he criticized Ed Markey for not traveling more in the pandemic) will be constituent service, but the real reason will be family gatherings.

12-6-20, 9:52am
I like a leader who leads, even if I don't "need" her/his particular advice. And I like one who sets a good example, rather than a shamefully bad one. So President Biden will be a pleasant change for me.

12-6-20, 10:17am
I like a leader who leads, even if I don't "need" her/his particular advice. And I like one who sets a good example, rather than a shamefully bad one. So President Biden will be a pleasant change for me.

That's what I was thinking. I certainly think that it's more of a shift in tone than anything else--a pointed departure from the inept disregard for health and safety of all Americans that we've been subject to. Saying 100 days of wearing a mask is important is a wildly different message than "it will poof go away like magic in the spring," "I had COVID and it was no big deal," and "I don't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing me wearing a mask."

12-6-20, 12:43pm
How long will yeppej whine and troll the forum about masks and other covid protections:

1) until she dies
2) until she gets professional help
3) trolls gonna troll

12-6-20, 12:59pm
I think this poll is flawed in that Biden will not 'force' anyone to wear a mask, he's simply suggesting that everyone do so. However, I do believe it much more likely that someone will report me for walking through a parking lot with mask in hand, ready to put it on as I approach others. That's gonna piss me off.

12-6-20, 1:39pm
Biden can't and won't "make" anybody wear a mask. My own understanding of how disease is transmitted is what will "make" me follow public health guidelines, and certainly I anticipate COVID won't be lessened throughout the winter, so about 100 days seems right..then we need to re-assess.

12-6-20, 1:41pm
I have and will wear a mask until I believe it is unnecessary via science and medical experts. My expertise in Infection Prevention rules my choices.

12-6-20, 4:55pm
I have and will wear a mask until I believe it is unnecessary via science and medical experts. My expertise in Infection Prevention rules my choices.

Similar to this except my expertise is basic common sense to follow what will assist myself and others as long as necessary.

12-7-20, 12:49am
Today I left the house without my mask. Got to the gas station ten miles from home and was like "f. me." Searched the glove box, the center console, etc, no mask. So I was the asshole that filled up his car with gas that wasn't wearing a mask. (instead of paying cash I used my debit card since I couldn't go inside the store) Then I drove home, got a mask, and went to a different trail to go hiking closer to home than I had planned. Until the numbers of infections and people in hospital go down I will continue to wear a mask. Hopefully by may/june/july things will be better. Whether that's 100 days or 150 or 200 I don't care. I just want people to not be getting sick and dying anymore.

12-7-20, 5:17am
Today I left the house without my mask. Got to the gas station ten miles from home and was like "f. me." Searched the glove box, the center console, etc, no mask. So I was the asshole that filled up his car with gas that wasn't wearing a mask. (instead of paying cash I used my debit card since I couldn't go inside the store) Then I drove home, got a mask, and went to a different trail to go hiking closer to home than I had planned. Until the numbers of infections and people in hospital go down I will continue to wear a mask. Hopefully by may/june/july things will be better. Whether that's 100 days or 150 or 200 I don't care. I just want people to not be getting sick and dying anymore.

Exactly. The numbers are going up exponentially here too so I just purchased a face shield to go with my mask. Haven’t tried it yet but, hopefully, it will work fine.

12-7-20, 8:54am
Technically speaking Biden cannot "make" people wear a mask, therefore the poll is nonsense. If he chooses to adopt Trump tactics, he can apply political and financial pressure on governors to enforce mask requirements. I think he can require masks in Federal buildings. In what I think of as red states people will continue to do as they please. I think it will get even more messy when people start getting vaccinated and think they no longer need to mask up, even though they may be asymptomatic spreaders. I don't think the science is clear on that yet. I see masks as good practice that most governments will encourage for the next year.

12-7-20, 1:15pm
In what I think of as red states people will continue to do as they please.It's been my experience, living in a red state, that people doing what they please includes about the same level of mask wearing as blue states. We just do it without governors and mayors forcing us to do so.

12-7-20, 1:29pm
I'm interested in seeing how long the vaccine-induced immunity will last. I envision an immunization like herding cats, whereby one cohort's vaccination wears off before the next group can be convinced to step up. And round and round we go.

12-7-20, 1:33pm
It's been my experience, living in a red state, that people doing what they please includes about the same level of mask wearing as blue states. We just do it without governors and mayors forcing us to do so.

I have thought it would be interesting to compare incidence or fatalities per capita in red vs. blue states as a reflection of proper and safe behaviour, although coincidence might not imply cause and effect. There's probably a bean cruncher out there who has done that.

Teacher Terry
12-7-20, 1:38pm
My son was working in Wichita for a month and said not many wearing masks versus here. Wisconsin is doing a crappy job except in Milwaukee and Madison.

12-7-20, 1:38pm
I have thought it would be interesting to compare incidence or fatalities per capita in red vs. blue states as a reflection of proper and safe behaviour, although coincidence might not imply cause and effect. There's probably a bean cruncher out there who has done that.

I've seen several comparisons, based on cities and/or counties mostly. The results are as you might expect. It's probably Googleable.

12-7-20, 1:39pm
I have thought it would be interesting to compare incidence or fatalities per capita in red vs. blue states as a reflection of proper and safe behaviour, although coincidence might not imply cause and effect. There's probably a bean cruncher out there who has done that.Yes there has been, although the results are probably not as satisfying as some would like. • U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/)

12-7-20, 1:44pm
Yes there has been, although the results are probably not as satisfying as some would like. • U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/)

Yay, Vermont! Rock bottom on the chart. Blue state/red Governor
Actually, I don't think that chart (or any without testing specific variables) would be a good surrogate for identifying cause/correlation with safe behavior. There are so many other factors, like population density and number of urban centers, which is probably why New Jersey, a decidedly blue state, is way up there.

12-7-20, 1:47pm
Yay, Vermont! Rock bottom on the chart. Blue state/red Governor
Actually, I don't think that chart (or any without testing specific variables) would be a good surrogate for identifying cause/correlation with safe behavior. There are so many other factors, like population density and number of urban centers, which is probably why New Jersey, a decidedly blue state, is way up there.
I agree, it's silly to frame it as red/blue, but I try to give people what they want.

12-7-20, 1:49pm
There are so many other factors, like population density and number of urban centers, which is probably why New Jersey, a decidedly blue state, is way up there.

It's probably because the east coast was hit early and hard, before they knew anything about treating covid, no treatments at that point (such as they are, I mean we don't have a cure), didn't know that not everyone needs the vent but many can just be turned over etc.. And no weren't told to wear masks then either. So the U.S. east coast is always going to be an outlier because it was hit so hard, so early.

12-7-20, 2:54pm
Wisconsin is doing a crappy job except in Milwaukee and Madison.

How do you know that’s the case?

12-7-20, 3:11pm
It's been my experience, living in a red state, that people doing what they please includes about the same level of mask wearing as blue states. We just do it without governors and mayors forcing us to do so.

Actually Kansas provided a good inadvertent study about this. The governor implemented a mask mandate but individual counties were allowed to opt out. 81 opted out, 24 chose to follow the mandate.

After the governor’s executive order, COVID-19 incidence (calculated as the 7-day rolling average number of new daily cases per 100,000 population) decreased (mean decrease of 0.08 cases per 100,000 per day; net decrease of 6%) among counties with a mask mandate (mandated counties) but continued to increase (mean increase of 0.11 cases per 100,000 per day; net increase of 100%) among counties without a mask mandate (nonmandated counties).


There are, of course, some people in red states who will wear a mask regardless. But when my cousin's wife showed up for teacher planning day in August at the small town Kansas high school where she teaches, she and her co-teacher were the only people in a crowded room full of teachers that were wearing masks.

12-7-20, 3:12pm
Considering we kicked off the whole event, more or less, Washington's statistics are pretty good. The whole West coast isn't doing as badly as other areas.

Teacher Terry
12-7-20, 3:52pm
I have friends that live all over the state of Wisconsin that’s how I know what’s going on.

12-7-20, 4:34pm
Yay, Vermont! Rock bottom on the chart. Blue state/red Governor
Actually, I don't think that chart (or any without testing specific variables) would be a good surrogate for identifying cause/correlation with safe behavior. There are so many other factors, like population density and number of urban centers, which is probably why New Jersey, a decidedly blue state, is way up there.

I don't think it would be totally misleading to extrapolate from the behavior and Covid incidence of the White House and staff as examples for their following. But indeed there are a lot of socio-economic factors that might be equally as important.

12-7-20, 4:49pm
I don't think it would be totally misleading to extrapolate from the behavior and Covid incidence of the White House and staff as examples for their following. Maybe not totally, but definitely very.

12-7-20, 5:46pm
Maybe not totally, but definitely very.

Well, there are the Trump rallies and contact tracing as behavioral examples the White House has promoted. I does get complicated though.

Stanford University economists estimate that President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies have resulted in 30,000 additional confirmed cases of COVID-19, and likely led to more than 700 deaths overall, according to a paper posted online this weekend.


12-7-20, 7:14pm
I have friends that live all over the state of Wisconsin that’s how I know what’s going on.

Do you view gossip as dispositive proof?

12-7-20, 10:59pm
Do you view gossip as dispositive proof?

It’s fascinating to me the idea that friends and family sharing their experiences are dismissed as ‘gossip’. I suppose you consider my cousin’s wife telling me that all her fellow teachers in the county she teaches in not wearing masks is just ‘gossip’? Or is my cousin’s wife more credible to you because it’s information from a specific person?

12-8-20, 8:27am
It’s fascinating to me the idea that friends and family sharing their experiences are dismissed as ‘gossip’. I suppose you consider my cousin’s wife telling me that all her fellow teachers in the county she teaches in not wearing masks is just ‘gossip’? Or is my cousin’s wife more credible to you because it’s information from a specific person?

I think when you make an assertion that this or that city has superior practices, you should be able support it with more than “my friends say so”.

Teacher Terry
12-8-20, 10:25am
Frankly that’s Just your opinion and who cares. I have friends all over the state and trust what they tell me. No it’s not scientific and I never claimed it was. Sadly Kenosha has turned red with the people that have moved in and are doing a shitty job of masking.

12-8-20, 11:25am
Right now, Milwaukee and Dane counties are experiencing about the same rate of COVID deaths as the state average. We aren’t seeing the sort of divine retribution for voting patterns people seem to be suggesting.

12-8-20, 12:38pm
I suspect distributions have changed since the summer, but the Washington Post had a detailed breakdown. Earlier in the year when there still were Trump believers that it was a hoax or would go away, and now it seems like it is community and family spread most everywhere. It seems to me like people are playing rather freely with charts and statistics these days, as an aside.

The shift of the coronavirus to primarily red states is complete — but it’s not that simple


12-8-20, 12:48pm
Then a couple of facts are in order. Scott county Kansas has had 7 deaths in a population of 4800. Marin county California has had 132 deaths out of 250,000 people. 1/3 as many per capita. So call it gossip if you want (admittedly that’s more dignified sounding than bleating FAKE NEWS!) but there’s a reason Scott county has such a sorry covid record. Admittedly it’s not just that lots of people don’t wear masks. It’s that their response has generally been really stupid like ‘quarantining’ likely infected school kids by having them wear a face shield while going about their lives normally including participating in team sports.

12-8-20, 3:45pm
Right now, Milwaukee and Dane counties are experiencing about the same rate of COVID deaths as the state average. We aren’t seeing the sort of divine retribution for voting patterns people seem to be suggesting.


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