View Full Version : Who won the presidential election?

12-8-20, 12:59pm
So, there appears to be some debate over who won the election...

iris lilies
12-8-20, 1:08pm
So, there appears to be some debate over who won the election...
Bae! Do you need an opinion poll to tell you who won the election!?!

12-8-20, 1:23pm
Bae! Do you need an opinion poll to tell you who won the election!?!

Well, my neighborhood lacks the protestors surrounding the county auditor’s home, so it’s hard to tell.

iris lilies
12-8-20, 1:43pm
Well, my neighborhood lacks the protestors surrounding the county auditor’s home, so it’s hard to tell.ah ok, I figured it was an island thing.

Here in flyover mainland, the election is not a big deal bad thing, despite the media’s focus on stirring the pot. Of course our president likes stirring the pot as well.

But really, things are calm on the Great Plains. There are no militias marching. Much certification of elections have taken place. Others will follow.

12-8-20, 2:05pm
ah ok, I figured it was an island thing.

Here in flyover mainland, the election is not a big deal bad thing, despite the media’s focus on stirring the pot. Of course our president likes stirring the pot as well.

But really, things are calm on the Great Plains. There are no militias marching. Much certification of elections have taken place. Others will follow.

You, obviously, are living in your "own little world." Oh, that's right... you don't pay attention to the news or what is going on. Calm...huh

12-8-20, 2:07pm
You, obviously, are living in your "own little world." Oh, that's right... you don't pay attention to the news or what is going on. Calm...huh
It's calm here in my section of red, flyover country. Is it not calm elsewhere?

12-8-20, 2:09pm
It's calm here in my bunker, but I still have some free-floating anxiety. :D

12-8-20, 2:11pm
Gee, do you think CNN or RealClearPolitics will pick up our poll?

12-8-20, 2:14pm
It's calm here in my section of red, flyover country. Is it not calm elsewhere?

Calm when election official's lives are being threatened? How is that calm?

12-8-20, 2:15pm
It's calm here in my section of red, flyover country. Is it not calm elsewhere?

Well, the head of the county Republican organization here is forcing a manual recount of the precinct she and I live in, for the Governor's race. Which the insane GOP candidate lost statewide handily. Even if every single vote in our precinct (which was about 70/30 split, in favor of the Democrat candidate...) went to the GOP, it would change nothing.

But the GOP guy was the one who invaded our island with herds of maskless protestors for a photo op during the election, so that was fun.

I'm not sure what the point of the recount was, our County had perhaps the most transparent vote-counting system in the country, including live-streaming of the ballot handling/counting process from multiple camera angles, pre-election test counts observed by all who were interested, and so on. In the past, when we've had recounts, they oddly were basically identical to the machine counts, and we've had elections decided by a dozen votes here before.

What a waste of peoples' time.

12-8-20, 2:38pm
Calm when election official's lives are being threatened? How is that calm?It's a good thing your desire to see Trump shot didn't make the news isn't it?

12-8-20, 2:50pm
It's a good thing your desire to see Trump shot didn't make the news isn't it?

I think a far better "punishment" for Trump would be for him to live a long and healthy life, so he could spend a lot of time seeing how much people like him, and how enduring his legacy is.

12-8-20, 3:08pm
I think a far better "punishment" for Trump would be for him to live a long and healthy life, so he could spend a lot of time seeing how much people like him, and how enduring his legacy is.
Or a Philip Nolan ending.

12-8-20, 3:09pm
Well he may "see" that, surrounding himself with true believers like he did at Trump rallies, it's probably why he thinks he won, "I'm super popular, everyone loves me, it has to be fraud!" What they booed me at a ball game?!? Meanwhile. I doubt he can fathom the depths to which he is hated by many, and the legacy is of rot and destruction.

12-8-20, 3:24pm
It's a good thing your desire to see Trump shot didn't make the news isn't it?

Thinking something and actually doing are different things. Election officials were threatened in person!

12-8-20, 4:04pm
Thinking something and actually doing are different things. Election officials were threatened in person!I think there are three stages in yours and whoever's violent plans, thinking - expressing - doing. It looks you're both past stage 2.

12-8-20, 5:47pm
I think there are three stages in yours and whoever's violent plans, thinking - expressing - doing. It looks you're both past stage 2.

Crazy correlation.

Times are not calm .. no matter how much we would like them to be.

12-8-20, 6:35pm
I think a far better "punishment" for Trump would be for him to live a long and healthy life, so he could spend a lot of time seeing how much people like him, and how enduring his legacy is.

....And the media ignoring him.

12-8-20, 7:09pm
Even though I know Biden won legitimately and am confident he will be the next president, I still will feel better when the Trumps are gone, the White House has been disinfected, and the Bidens and dogs are in.

I hope whatever karma is due will find Trump in this lifetime so I can witness it.

12-8-20, 7:31pm
....And the media ignoring him.

It will be interesting to see how the Republican media landscape evolves. Trump’s regular bashing of fox is apparently hurting their ratings but others such as OAN are supposedly doing quite well filling the void Fox is leaving by not supporting trumo’s attempted coup.

12-8-20, 9:14pm
Even though I know Biden won legitimately and am confident he will be the next president, I still will feel better when the Trumps are gone, the White House has been disinfected, and the Bidens and dogs are in.

I hope whatever karma is due will find Trump in this lifetime so I can witness it.

Yep. Same here.

12-9-20, 10:03am
Maybe an exorcist should be in attendance, too. :devil:

12-9-20, 12:33pm
At least a sage burning cleansing ceremony.

The top story on my NPR web news claims a poll saying that just a quarter of Republicans accept the election outcome. That's just strange and I don't understand.

12-9-20, 12:38pm
I read that in NYT that my city, Colorado Springs, had the largest voting shift away from Trump. That really surprises me as it has been mostly a conservative place. There is quite an uproar though today over the appointment of Kellyanne Conway to the Air Force Academy advising board. And yes, I believe Biden won legitimately.

12-9-20, 1:18pm
I wish the Never-Trumpers would stand up and take back the Republican Party. I miss real Republicans.

12-9-20, 9:31pm
The top story on my NPR web news claims a poll saying that just a quarter of Republicans accept the election outcome. That's just strange and I don't understand.

At first glance I also find that strange. However, among the two facebook friends I have that have admitted to voting for trump at least one of them fits into the 3/4 who think biden's win was fraudulent. She simply can't understand why anyone would vote for someone as corrupt and insidery as Biden. (other than me since she accepts that a very sizable majority of gay people were going to support biden) My sample size is too small to draw any larger conclusions but maybe I shouldn't be finding it strange.

12-9-20, 9:35pm
My sample size is too small to draw any larger conclusions but maybe I shouldn't be finding it strange.As a Republican, I find it strange, so strange I had to do a little digging to see the poll. It makes a little more sense once I saw that it wasn't a poll of Republicans et al., it was a poll of congressional Republicans, most of whom seem to feel more comfortable letting this goofy challenge process work it's way to a conclusion before answering.

12-9-20, 9:57pm
Most of my Ohio and North Dakota relatives are GOP.

I'd say a good 1/2 of them seem to believe the "Trump's victory" logic-tree. The other 1/2 are more what I'd class as Eisenhower-era Republicans, and kinda thing the election squabble is silly. The second class is heavily-weighted towards the 70+ age range.

12-9-20, 10:14pm
As a Republican, I find it strange, so strange I had to do a little digging to see the poll. It makes a little more sense once I saw that it wasn't a poll of Republicans et al., it was a poll of congressional Republicans, most of whom seem to feel more comfortable letting this goofy challenge process work it's way to a conclusion before answering.

Maybe then I should find it strange that 3/4 of Republicans in congress are supportive of a fact free attack on one of our most important institutions, free and fair elections, instead of pointing it out for the attack that it is?

12-9-20, 11:32pm
As a Republican, I find it strange, so strange I had to do a little digging to see the poll. It makes a little more sense once I saw that it wasn't a poll of Republicans et al., it was a poll of congressional Republicans, most of whom seem to feel more comfortable letting this goofy challenge process work it's way to a conclusion before answering.

Not exactly comforting, but I can at least understand that. I reread the article and I think either we read different articles or we interpreted it differently. Perhaps the devil is in the details. Few couple of quips...

Unlike past presidents, Trump has refused to formally concede. That's something that two-thirds of Americans think he should do, according to the survey. Sixty-two percent of Republicans, however, don't think he should.

The survey was of 1,065 U.S. adults was conducted between Dec. 1 and Dec. 6 by telephone using live callers.


12-10-20, 8:13am
Not exactly comforting, but I can at least understand that. I reread the article and I think either we read different articles or we interpreted it differently. It was a different article, mine was from last week's Washington Post.

I guess I find it interesting that so many polls and news stories report things that don't seem to reflect what I see and feel from my admittedly small circle of friends and acquaintances. Forum friends excluded of course. ;)

12-10-20, 12:09pm
I guess I find it interesting that so many polls and news stories report things that don't seem to reflect what I see and feel from my admittedly small circle of friends and acquaintances. Forum friends excluded of course. ;)

In my amateur way I wince sometimes at the charts and figures the news uses. I suppose some of it is well intentioned, some sensationalism, or some my own error in judgement. Our local news every night shows a chart with number of cases since day 1. Maybe not totally useless, but with all the changes in the availability of testing and the number people getting tested it seems pretty biased. I think the figure that seems better and has become something of a standard is the percent positive of those tested. They also show hospital cases and fatalities, which seem like good numbers to use.

Today the local public radio said that there will be a problem if only 50% get vaccinated since herd immunity requires 70% immunity. I would think there is already some population immunity from those who have been infected, that any estimate of herd immunity is a bit of a swag, and the vaccine tests have not shown if the vaccinated group had asymptomatic spreaders.

The NPR article actually had a link to a long version of the study in PDF with the test methods and analysis, so at least there was some effort in being accurate. It also has some other interesting facts and figures.

12-10-20, 12:35pm
It seems to me that this mass immunization effort will have to be accomplished quickly, lest the first ones immunized revert to an unprotected state.

12-10-20, 1:47pm
Our state's attorney general has joined with others in Texas's suit against four battleground states. Good grief. As far as I can tell, Texas has no standing. Looks like a big stunt to get on Trump supporters' good sides. I did see where the Texas AG is under indictment for securities fraud; perhaps he's fishing for a pardon.