View Full Version : So we just adopted this little guy

5-12-21, 3:45pm
This is the newest addition to our family; he just arrived last night! The rescuers called him Yeti because he is so big boned, and we are re-naming him Raymond. We actually think he is very small, because we obviously overfeed our cats and cannot for the life of us perceive a ten-pounder as big. (We're going to do our best not to overfeed this guy).
He's only about 1-year-old, and I figure it's been about 25 years since we had anyone this young in the family. He seems really sweet and friendly. We currently have him separated from Ogden, but Oggie knows he is here and doesn't seem too bothered by it, so I'm hoping for a fairly smooth integration. He must be tested for intestinal parasites before we can put them together, so it's going to be several more days. He gets lonely when nobody is with him, and it breaks my heart when I hear him crying.
It is interesting to read how the demand for animals to adopt has skyrocketed during Covid. I read that one rescue used to get 10-15 requests a week and now gets 50 per hour - that's just crazy! I hope everyone still wants their pets after things return to normal.
I had a phone interview and a Zoom interview, and I felt like I had won the lottery when I was approved. I think he's going to be a really good cat!


5-12-21, 3:52pm
Congratulations on the Raymond, the new member of your family! (I love animals with people names--it's so cute! My mother was once married to a man named Spike and she had a dog named Andy. It confused a lot of her friends!)

5-12-21, 4:11pm
Oh sure he's "big boned" is he? jk :laff:

5-12-21, 4:15pm
Squeeeeeeeee! So adorable - glad he went to a loving home.

5-12-21, 4:20pm
Well, he looks very content there in the pic! Is he one of those kitties with the extra toes? I had one of those once; he had six toes on each foot. He looked a lot like Raymond.

5-12-21, 4:31pm
What a handsome boy! Congratulations to all of you!

And for those needing a kitten fix, may I submit:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsxfz_SYSwU

iris lilies
5-12-21, 4:47pm
He is very cute! So cute!

Here it is the opposite, the shelters are full and they’re not taking any more. I guess the Covid bump is over. It’s actually what I feared during Covid but it was just the opposite —people stayed home and wanted pets. Now they’re starting to leave and they’re dumping their animals.

5-12-21, 5:30pm
I'm thinking Everybody Loves Raymond.

5-12-21, 5:32pm
LOVE LOVE LOVE. I hope you have a Purrfectly fantastic first week with your new purr monster:)

5-12-21, 5:40pm
Thanks everyone!
He doesn't seem to have extra toes, although his paws are quite big.
We have always given our cats people-like first names. It just feels right for some reason. Now a husband named Spike, that is unusual!

5-12-21, 6:17pm
What a handsome dude.

5-12-21, 6:21pm
He's adorable!

5-12-21, 6:44pm
Enjoy your new addition and discovering his unique little quirks that make pets so much fun!

5-12-21, 7:19pm
Cute kitteh!

Teacher Terry
5-12-21, 10:20pm
Raymond is very cute!!

dado potato
5-13-21, 12:31am
In the picture, Raymond looks like a "Rum Tum Tugger". Rock On!

5-13-21, 10:08am

5-13-21, 11:24am
He is very cute! So cute!

Here it is the opposite, the shelters are full and they’re not taking any more. I guess the Covid bump is over. It’s actually what I feared during Covid but it was just the opposite —people stayed home and wanted pets. Now they’re starting to leave and they’re dumping their animals.

We don't seem to have a major problem with that here, if Wings of Rescue provides a clue. They regularly fly pets from overcrowded shelters up here to the Seattle area, where they quickly find homes. Our spay and neuter charities are very active too, which helps.

5-13-21, 3:01pm
We don't seem to have a major problem with that here, if Wings of Rescue provides a clue. They regularly fly pets from overcrowded shelters up here to the Seattle area, where they quickly find homes. Our spay and neuter charities are very active too, which helps.

Even before Covid, it is my understanding that the northeast was bringing pets up from southern states for adoption.

iris lilies
5-13-21, 5:17pm
Even before Covid, it is my understanding that the northeast was bringing pets up from southern states for adoption.
Yes, that tends to be the path.

We have many good old boys and get a folk who like breeding their household pets.

early morning
5-14-21, 10:00am
get a - that's funny! Is that the newest PC version, lol?

Your new kitty is adorable, RR. May you have lots of years of purrs together!

iris lilies
5-14-21, 10:44am
- that's funny! Is that the newest PC version, lol?

Your new kitty is adorable, RR. May you have lots of years of purrs together!

naw, that is my dictation software. But ya’ll get the message if you say it out loud rather than read it.

5-17-21, 11:01am
Raymond all settled in and adjusted? Again, such a cutie.

5-18-21, 7:29am
Thanks, Happy. He is settling in quite well and Oggie is starting to come around. We have two issues at this point. Ray is always hungry and wants to eat Oggie's food too (Oggie is a very laid-back eater), and Ray wants to play with our feet in bed at night (kind of hunting and pouncing on us under the covers), which means he must be banished from the bedroom at night for now so that we can sleep.

early morning
5-18-21, 9:34am
But ya’ll get the message if you say it out loud rather than read it. Oh, I got it, that's why it was funny lol.

Rosa the boys are really cute! Glad they seem to be getting along. I understand the bedroom banishing. We often banish cats from the bedroom during the fall -harvest season. We generally have an influx of mice then, and our big boy loves to bring the little live beasties upstairs. He then lets them loose on the bed, with us in it of course - tangled sheets and blankets seem to make an ideal "hunting ground" for catch & release cat and mouse games. NOT a pleasant way to wake up at 2 AM.

5-18-21, 9:38am
Too funny with the mice! One of my cats also likes to "hunt my feet" under the covers, so I understand the banishing as well. Hhmmm.... no suggestions on the food, but good luck.

5-18-21, 11:27am
That is both funny and interesting about the mice being brought into the home and the games. Never had an inside cat so hearing some of your interesting experiences is fun.

Teacher Terry
5-18-21, 2:21pm
We had a cat that liked to bring a mouse to the basement and put it in a box to play with later.

5-18-21, 6:05pm
We've had cats catch mice in the cellar, but thankfully they never saw fit to bring them into the bedroom!

iris lilies
5-19-21, 8:20am
Once my friend’s cat brpught a bat into bed.ugh!

rosa, the little giynwill thrive with you.

5-19-21, 7:01pm
Thanks Iris. I certainly hope so!
Our current challenge is feeding him appropriately. Our vet says he is a good weight and we should keep him there, and we're like "oh no, this is the skinniest cat we've ever seen!" This just proves that we overfeed our pets and raise fat cats, and becoming a fat cat seems to be Raymond's sole aspiration in life. He seems to always be hungry. He inhales his food and is instantly looking for more, and we have to protect Oggie's food so that he gets to eat too.
Ray did let us sleep in peace last night so we didn't have to banish him. That was good. :)

Jane v2.0
5-19-21, 8:03pm
Geez, he's a growing boy. Of course he eats like a little horse!

5-19-21, 9:18pm
Overfed pets seem to be an issue at present. My dog food supplier today sent out an email cautioning about the number of overweight pets and the consequences plus the need for daily exercise. They even mentioned the number of treats based on weight. I take the dog biscuits and cut them into 1/4's.