View Full Version : Do You Miss Covid?

5-26-21, 8:52pm
A customer at work said he missed covid. He went to the coast over the weekend and the traffic was horrible the entire way there and back due to pent up demand for recreation. Last year he said by comparison hardly anyone was on the road.

I would imagine others enjoyed working from home, or not working at all and making more in unemployment than when they did work.

Personally I do not miss covid.

5-26-21, 8:56pm
yea the ridiculous world that doesn't exist where people enjoy unemployment (rather than spend the entire time worrying about where their next job is coming from and sinking into depression) yea right. the uncertainty about the future, makes that enjoyment impossible, unemployed is not some kind of equivalent to retired with a pension, it's unemployed and who knows where one will get money in the future and thoughts about future destitution etc. who enjoys that?


working at home, one might or might not like that, but noone likes unemployment, it sucks, it's hell, I would wish it on my enemies :), but only them

I'm pretty burned out now, as it's been work work work nonstop, and so it is, but when I got work after being unemployed near a year, working felt like vacation. Work was the new vacation. That's unemployment.

pony mom
5-26-21, 8:59pm
I work in health care so my life didn't change much. Kinda wish I had some time to spend at home; definitely would have buzzed my hair even shorter than I do now. From April last year to April this year I was dealing with my late cousin's house, clearing it out. It was nice not having any traffic on the hour drive down there. However, dealing with probate and trying to donate things was tough, as everything was closed or not open to public.

Several years ago during Hurricane Sandy we lost power for four days. I really enjoyed not having internet and television. We listened to a radio station from Ontario at night, played cards, Scrabble, read. I miss the simplicity of it.

5-26-21, 9:27pm
If it were gone I wouldn't miss it. But since it is still around and we continue to have 24,000 new cases and 695 deaths daily I hardly think it is gone.

Get a F&%*ing grip on reality. https://www.google.com/search?q=us+covid+cases&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS867US868&oq=us+covid&aqs=chrome.1.0i131i433l2j69i59j0i131i433j0i433l2j0 i131i433l4.2922j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Good to know you think it's gone. Your MO is consistent. Sigh..........>:(

Haagen Daaz Peanut Butter Chocolate anyone?

5-26-21, 9:39pm
Mango sherbet for me.

5-26-21, 9:53pm
For all the ice cream lovers out there I don't think Yppej is talking about the disease, but rather about its effect on everyday life. I'm happy to see restaurants allowing diners inside and school children being allowed back into classrooms and sports and entertainment venues return to business so no, I don't miss Covid's effect on society and our everyday lives.

As a matter of fact, I was somewhat annoyed during our annual Christmas at the beach outing when our normally quiet and serene 10 days on the coast turned into something resembling spring break. It seems that lots of people who were unable to travel as they might traditionally do rented RV's and went to the beach with us. The staff at last years campsite told us that it was their busiest Christmas ever.

iris lilies
5-26-21, 10:05pm
My B and B owning neighbor said the last 6 months has been his busiest in a long time. People who can’t go to the Caribbean go to Hermann, MO.

Jane v2.0
5-26-21, 10:05pm
I can see missing work from home if your company calls you back, or missing less traffic on the roads. I've heard introverts lament they won't have a ready excuse to avoid social events. I imagine a lot of people will try to incorporate a more laid-back attitude into their lives.

5-26-21, 11:51pm
Let see, Covid hit and business went UP, not down. For most, their hours went down, mine didn't. I offered to take time off, didn't happen.
So the owner/friend dies, and the brother/other owner, gives me his brothers salary (effectively a pay cut for me), I am asked to move into his house (take care of the cat), hours pick up some more and I start dealing with estate issues as well as taking over paying the bills, taxes, PPP stuff (and finding missing paperwork, etc). Now, people are going stir crazy for us to open back up, although they understand it will be a few more weeks (awaiting some supplies yet, as supply delivery services get back up to speed, vacations that were scheduled MONTHS ago, hits the weeks people are allowed to open, etc).
As so many, we are having help issues, and my hours are going to be going up.......
I could go on and on.....

I think I miss chocolate pie, like grandma used to make (chocolate pudding). Miss covid, no.

5-26-21, 11:52pm
It will take some getting used to crowds and traffic everywhere again. The tourist spots here are so full of people that we just stay away - not because of covid but just because it is unpleasant.

5-27-21, 7:57am
I am the afore mentioned introvert, so I did enjoy having a ready excuse for certain social events. Unfortunately, it went along with missing the pleasure of some others.

I have wondered if it might make certain people always on the go a little more introspective and value time spent at home or alone. Maybe appreciate healthy home cooking over routine restaurant dining. How to plan groceries for every week or longer instead of running to the store every other day. The reduction in various travels and work from home has maybe been a good practice to reduce carbon foot prints.

5-27-21, 8:52am
For all the ice cream lovers out there I don't think Yppej is talking about the disease, but rather about its effect on everyday life. I'm happy to see restaurants allowing diners inside and school children being allowed back into classrooms and sports and entertainment venues return to business so no, I don't miss Covid's effect on society and our everyday lives.

As a matter of fact, I was somewhat annoyed during our annual Christmas at the beach outing when our normally quiet and serene 10 days on the coast turned into something resembling spring break. It seems that lots of people who were unable to travel as they might traditionally do rented RV's and went to the beach with us. The staff at last years campsite told us that it was their busiest Christmas ever.

The question itself is infuriating in its disrespect. To answer it directly as Gardnr has done is to recognize that the disease has killed and continues to kill millions of people, required and continues to require enormous outlay of expenses for families and for which future generations will suffer the consequence, many lives were and are impacted NOW horribly especially the healthcare workers.

You have chosen to interpret it another way. I am sorry that in comparison to the above, your holiday was somewhat disrupted. The challenges of having to wear a mask, wash your hands and social distancing was and is an enormous burden, I understand completely. I am still doing it.

However, if the question was respectfully phrased such as: "how is the lifting of pandemic restrictions in your community impacting your life?", I would not have commented at all.

5-27-21, 10:02am
I wonder if there is another class of people who will miss covid because it gave them the opportunity to feel superior to their fellow citizens, to scold them, and to do what seems to fit their personality - get their panties in a bunch.

iris lilies
5-27-21, 10:08am
I wonder if there is another class of people who will miss covid because it gave them the opportunity to feel superior to their fellow citizens, to scold them, and to do what seems to fit their personality - get their panties in a bunch.

5-27-21, 10:17am
I wonder if there is another class of people who will miss covid because it gave them the opportunity to feel superior to their fellow citizens, to scold them, and to do what seems to fit their personality - get their panties in a bunch

Yes indeed! What are you going to do with all your free time now that you won't be calling the governor's office and scolding him for not wearing a mask or calling department stores and scolding them for not having their fitting rooms open for your convenience and all the time you spent poking holes in your mask to stick it to the man? You might be able to find a solution for world peace with all that free time.

I'll have a child sized pistachio please.

5-27-21, 10:24am
Personally I do not miss covid.

Well, where I live, in one of the best-performing counties in the country, COVID isn't over yet, so, um....

I'll just keep having ice cream as usual. Well, I would, but...

I do have a COVID rant however. I purchased at the beginning of the pandemic a HUGE amount of my favorite kind of ice cream and stuffed one of my freezers with it. It comes in 1/2 gallon cylinders. I finally ran out last week, and I purchased 2 new containers when I was at the Market (wearing a mask, as properly required by our Public Health Officer).

I got home and went to put them away, only to find they had been sneakily downsized during the pandemic to 1.5 quart containers. They maintained the same cylinder size, they just shrunk the length of the cylinder a bit. Kept the price the same though.

That's worse than not being able to use a changing room, let me tell you!

5-27-21, 10:30am
The question itself is infuriating in its disrespect. To answer it directly as Gardnr has done is to recognize that the disease has killed and continues to kill millions of people, required and continues to require enormous outlay of expenses for families and for which future generations will suffer the consequence, many lives were and are impacted NOW horribly especially the healthcare workers.

You have chosen to interpret it another way. I am sorry that in comparison to the above, your holiday was somewhat disrupted. The challenges of having to wear a mask, wash your hands and social distancing was and is an enormous burden, I understand completely. I am still doing it.

However, if the question was respectfully phrased such as: "how is the lifting of pandemic restrictions in your community impacting your life?", I would not have commented at all.

In this instance, I don’t see the original post as a case for the Sensitivity Police. I think the poster was asking if some people will miss the strange circumstances of the plague year in the sense that some people used to feel a certain nostalgia toward the Second World War.

5-27-21, 10:50am
They maintained the same cylinder size, they just shrunk the length of the cylinder a bit. Kept the price the same

I am going to use this situation as an argument for my kid that geometry does in fact have applications in the “real world”.

5-27-21, 10:52am
I wonder if there is another class of people who will miss covid because it gave them the opportunity to feel superior to their fellow citizens, to scold them, and to do what seems to fit their personality - get their panties in a bunch.


I keep wondering if you have learned ANYTHING, started actually using some common sense, increased your capacity for compassion, or lost any of your selfishness. I see the answer to all is "no".

Edited to add: I think I'll go for raspberry sherbet next time around! Although for some reason, a lot of places make it "blue" raspberry... I'm just not thrilled with blue food.

5-27-21, 10:56am
I purchased at the beginning of the pandemic a HUGE amount of my favorite kind of ice cream and stuffed one of my freezers with it. It comes in 1/2 gallon cylinders. I finally ran out last week, and I purchased 2 new containers when I was at the Market (wearing a mask, as properly required by our Public Health Officer).

I got home and went to put them away, only to find they had been sneakily downsized during the pandemic to 1.5 quart containers. They maintained the same cylinder size, they just shrunk the length of the cylinder a bit. Kept the price the same though.

That's worse than not being able to use a changing room, let me tell you!

I've noticed this with a lot of products lately - downsizing in product, but not price.

5-27-21, 11:30am
Bae, the downsize happened a while ago for my favourite ice cream, maybe a year ago. It is definitely cause for a rant. Mine is all in 1.5 litres containers at the same price although I have noticed that some other producers have reduced the container size to 1 litre.
It is a trial in one's life.

5-27-21, 11:37am
I wonder if there is another class of people who will miss covid because it gave them the opportunity to feel superior to their fellow citizens, to scold them, and to do what seems to fit their personality - get their panties in a bunch.

It's remarkable how consistently people pointing out that other people have suffered or are suffering for some reason due to the actions of others that the person doing the pointing out is accused of enjoying pointing out the suffering being caused. Believe me when I say that it gives me no joy to know that there's a segment of the American population who couldn't give a sh1t if their actions might cause harm to others or admit that others have suffered while they were lucky enough to have not suffered the same way.

5-27-21, 11:54am
The question itself is infuriating in its disrespect.


we not only have 600k deaths from covid, we have imagined cadilac welfare queens allegedly enjoying living off unemployment, rather than the reality of people out of work due to a pandemic, but who for once got benefits enough to survive on in the meantime (unemployment benefits usually require one to drain savings as well).

But it's not superior to think one is better than such largely mythical slackers apparently. Not at all, not at all. That isn't feeling superior to one's fellow citizens (the lazy welfare cheats that they are!) at all.

5-27-21, 1:40pm
There are certain aspects of the lockdown that I appreciated. Lack of traffic and noise being one of them. Extra wildlife in the backyard. Getting groceries delivered has been nice and most likely we will continue with it. My kiddo would have loved being homeschooled and would not have wanted to go back had it happened during his school years. I appreciate the opportunity to have a shift in understanding what is truly essential but not at the expense of lives and livelihood. I wish this massive trauma we have all experienced to different degrees would have brought us together instead of further apart.

5-27-21, 3:31pm
I ran a lot of errands today to stock up for a road trip and also shopped for clothing and shoes for the first time in a year. It was as if nothing ever happened with every store crowded, baskets full and most everyone maskless and enjoying themselves. It is very weird to go from hyper fear to now IMO.

5-27-21, 10:03pm
Believe me when I say that it gives me no joy to know that there's a segment of the American population who couldn't give a sh1t if their actions might cause harm to others or admit that others have suffered while they were lucky enough to have not suffered the same way.

+1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5-28-21, 1:38am
yea ultimately it leaves one really sad, and really distrustful of every institution (levels of distrust and lack of faith in anything off the charts), and rather pessimistic about humanity. But sure one somehow loves to be in that state, it's so fun to negotiate life that way (gah I don't trust and believe in anything!!). And one wasn't to anywhere near that degree before. But in the pandemic we saw how few institutions could be trusted, how few people in power were't corrupt and awful and incompetent (all levels of government). And how even so many fellow citizens didn't care about others but sure were brainwashed about freedumb which seemed to be 95% about getting a haircut and making one's barber come to work in a pandemic to give one one. And they made threats against public health authorities (yes even if they were rather incompetent it was pure thuggery)

I suppose life goes on until it doesn't, but one can't really step into the same river as late 2019, one's doesn't really like the veils that have been ripped off, it's hard.

As for liking being superior, it seems projection, and if I wanted to scold well maybe I'd talk about flying and climate change. I have no interest in scolding about student loans.

Teacher Terry
5-28-21, 10:52am
No I miss my friend whose dead as do his wife, kids and grandkids. Another stupid question!!

5-28-21, 7:36pm
No I miss my friend whose dead as do his wife, kids and grandkids. Another stupid question!!

Agreed. It just doesn't stop.

I'm so very sorry for all the loss TT.

5-28-21, 7:59pm
No I miss my friend whose dead as do his wife, kids and grandkids. Another stupid question!!

Since you identify as a teacher you might want to know the correct grammar is "I miss my friend who's dead..."

This is not the first grammatical error of yours I have noted, though I am not so mean as to call things you write stupid.

5-28-21, 8:02pm
Truly a piece of work.

5-28-21, 8:16pm
Since you identify as a teacher you might want to know the correct grammar is "I miss my friend who's dead..."

This is not the first grammatical error of yours I have noted, though I am not so mean as to call things you write stupid.

Your empathy for one who is grieving is appalling.

5-28-21, 8:18pm
Your empathy for one who is grieving is appalling.

Well, not being able to use changing rooms without a mask can really harden the heart.

5-28-21, 8:26pm
Since you identify as a teacher you might want to know the correct grammar is "I miss my friend who's dead..."

This is not the first grammatical error of yours I have noted, though I am not so mean as to call things you write stupid.


5-28-21, 8:52pm
Well, not being able to use changing rooms without a mask can really harden the heart.

Good point. Apparently my hoarding 2 pair of jeans and 1 capri is getting me through 2 years without my arse showing so no fear of closed changing rooms.

5-29-21, 10:37am
No I miss my friend whose dead as do his wife, kids and grandkids. Another stupid question!!

Again, so sorry for the loss of your friend, TT.

5-29-21, 10:49am
Good point. Apparently my hoarding 2 pair of jeans and 1 capri is getting me through 2 years without my arse showing so no fear of closed changing rooms.

Have you gained a quarantine 15 that makes your clothes dig painfully into your skin?

Are you able to do laundry more than once per week?

Do you sweat from an active lifestyle so that your clothes stink and have to be washed usually after each time you wear them?