View Full Version : Do You View Travel Differently Now?

7-2-21, 10:13am
Just as I asked above, do you view travel differently now?

Not just due to covid related hassles and cancellations and uncertainties. I'm also thinking of the recent 121F in British Colombia (still have a hard time wrapping my head around that one) and 116F in my beloved Portland and also Salem, Oregon.

I personally am a firm believer in global warming, with numerous culprits - among them being air travel. I've wanted to do some real travelling - long term style - at some point in my life but now I'm thinking I might not be roaming the same distances as I had hoped to.

I realize that there are completely valid reasons to get on a plane even in light of what I have posted above - but I am taking heart in the reduction in business travel said to be taking place - do we really need that level of emissions to jet businesspeople around the planet for face time at one hour meetings, regardless of their status and stature?

I also realize that the above is very easy for me to post - one of the perks of living in Arizona is that I can be sweating in Phoenix and in less than three hours, be in Flagstaff in freshly fallen snow. There is a great deal of diversity in this state in terms of vegetation and scenery and landscape, climate and altitude. Such makes it easier to be content with roaming less far.

But I digress - where do you stand on travel at the moment? And what shapes your choice? For those travelling less - is this because of the reasons I have posted, or ? I'm really keen on other people's motivations for both travelling less and for making no changes. No controversy, no judgement from me. Rob

7-2-21, 11:14am
I have a goal to travel closer to home every year. This has been due to environmental concerns, difficulty of traveling with my son (won't even try this year), the desire of my brother in the area to do things locally (he is super green), the cost savings of not staying in hotels, and the fact that I spend less time traveling and more time enjoying my destination.

Last year I was down to 2 hours, this year for Father's Day I went somewhere with my parents and brothers 1 1/2 hours away (and even that necessitated multiple pit stops), and now my goal is to stay within a one hour radius of my home.

I found a website that will draw you a map of distances from your home that I use:


7-2-21, 11:39am
In the past, my travel has pretty much always been based on costs, time and opportunity. I actually have airline tickets in hand to fly to see my mother. Since I have limited time between the current and new job, flying is the best way to see her and spend a decent amount of time on the actual visit versus travel time, and the saved UE bonus is paying for the ticket.

I actually want to travel more in the future. While I'm still working, most of those trips would be local and probably by car. However, I would still like to get to Hawaii and Alaska one of these years.

Hypothetical question - I wonder what the difference is of one hundred people on a plane flying to the same destination versus those 100 hundred people getting in their cars and driving to that destination?

7-2-21, 12:05pm
In the past, my travel has pretty much always been based on costs, time and opportunity. I actually have airline tickets in hand to fly to see my mother. Since I have limited time between the current and new job, flying is the best way to see her and spend a decent amount of time on the actual visit versus travel time, and the saved UE bonus is paying for the ticket.

I actually want to travel more in the future. While I'm still working, most of those trips would be local and probably by car. However, I would still like to get to Hawaii and Alaska one of these years.

Hypothetical question - I wonder what the difference is of one hundred people on a plane flying to the same destination versus those 100 hundred people getting in their cars and driving to that destination?

Typically you would not have 100 cars traveling because many people travel with someone else, especially for leisure travel.

7-2-21, 12:35pm
Typically you would not have 100 cars traveling because many people travel with someone else, especially for leisure travel.

Key word - Hypothetical. Look it up.

7-2-21, 12:38pm
It's complex but flying is generally believed to be worse

Here's the article I was looking for, planes may have a greater impact on warming the climate than just their greenhouse gas emissions.


I have not actually been on a plane in over a decade. Yes, that is why. But really our personal impact is complex and we need so much more than that.

7-2-21, 12:44pm
Thanks, ANM. Very informative article. It does say that there are things that can be done with flights that will effect change. If flying is going to persist, it would be nice if these alternatives and adjustments were made.

7-2-21, 12:45pm
Still too close to the pandemic to travel very far.

7-2-21, 12:55pm
Key word - Hypothetical. Look it up.

No need to be snarky. You aren't acting like a HAPPY person HAPPYstuff.

7-2-21, 12:59pm
I hope that business travel will be replaced much more by online meetings. At a previous job, there were many trips that I viewed as largely useless. One hour meeting? Do it online.

7-2-21, 1:04pm
No need to be snarky. You aren't acting like a HAPPY person HAPPYstuff.

I'm quite happy, thank you. *Snarky* is how you chose to interpret.

7-2-21, 1:11pm
I'm quite happy, thank you. *Snarky* is how you chose to interpret.

I obviously know what the word hypothetical means, as does everyone in these forums. None of us need to look it up. You were definitely being snarky. Why can't you just be honest and admit it?

7-2-21, 1:18pm
I obviously know what the word hypothetical means, as does everyone in these forums. None of us need to look it up. You were definitely being snarky. Why can't you just be honest and admit it?

Ahhh... because, again, you know everything. LOL.


Teacher Terry
7-2-21, 1:29pm
No not really. I want to go to Europe a few more times and there’s places on the East coast I want to see. Because of the pandemic I am waiting until next year to travel.

7-2-21, 1:36pm
I haven't been on a plane since 1994 because they banned smoking on planes. I stopped smoking 9.5 years ago, but for whatever reason, I still haven't made it back onto a plane. DH and I got passports in 2019, so maybe we will take a bigger trip one of these days, but we're generally pretty satisfied with local travel. We might like to see the Netherlands, but it isn't a burning desire. I definitely agree with Jeppy on this benefit of local travel: "I spend less time traveling and more time enjoying my destination."

iris lilies
7-2-21, 2:30pm
I haven't been on a plane since 1994 because they banned smoking on planes. I stopped smoking 9.5 years ago, but for whatever reason, I still haven't made it back onto a plane. DH and I got passports in 2019, so maybe we will take a bigger trip one of these days, but we're generally pretty satisfied with local travel. We might like to see the Netherlands, but it isn't a burning desire. I definitely agree with Jeppy on this benefit of local travel: "I spend less time traveling and more time enjoying my destination."BUT THAT’s why I like to fly to Europe. Both bookended travel days are miserable, but it is only one day at either end of a 2-3 week visit.

Besides, I keep saying I will save the nearby stuff for when I am really old.

Teacher Terry
7-2-21, 2:42pm
IL, you are right! Europe is not compatible with physical issues at all. I climbed to the top of many places 10 years ago that I probably couldn’t do 10 years from now. I have been to many places close to me. I want to see far away places while I can. People that never see Europe are really missing something wonderful. So different from the states. It’s magical to actually be there versus seeing it online.

7-2-21, 3:09pm
IL, you are right! Europe is not compatible with physical issues at all. I climbed to the top of many places 10 years ago that I probably couldn’t do 10 years from now. I have been to many places close to me. I want to see far away places while I can. People that never see Europe are really missing something wonderful. So different from the states. It’s magical to actually be there versus seeing it online.

I've seen Europe and it was interesting but it didn't wow me, and I think someone like Thoreau who only travelled domestically did pretty well. This author agrees:


Teacher Terry
7-2-21, 4:07pm
I don’t know where you went but the 4 places I have been are nothing like the states. I have been in the Coliseum, ancient ruins, the Cistine chapel, Salt Mines in Poland (extremely cool statues/chapels/carved out of salt and sitting in a ancient town square watching people of other cultures interact surrounded by ancient architecture.

7-2-21, 4:48pm
In the past, my travel has pretty much always been based on costs, time and opportunity. I actually have airline tickets in hand to fly to see my mother. Since I have limited time between the current and new job, flying is the best way to see her and spend a decent amount of time on the actual visit versus travel time, and the saved UE bonus is paying for the ticket.

I actually want to travel more in the future. While I'm still working, most of those trips would be local and probably by car. However, I would still like to get to Hawaii and Alaska one of these years.

Hypothetical question - I wonder what the difference is of one hundred people on a plane flying to the same destination versus those 100 hundred people getting in their cars and driving to that destination?

Think the Rome2rio app would answer your question!

7-2-21, 4:59pm
Still too close to the pandemic to travel very far.

I feel the same but have been collecting info on places I would like to go when possible to do so. Also want to check out ATW air ticket (around the world) and try to figure how that would work??

Just received a packet from Idaho today and have sent for "stuff" from Texas, South Dakota, Iowa and various other states. For the time being, we will stay closer to home but plan on venturing to foreign lands when we feel it is safe to do so. Life is getting shorter by the day so we need to "make hay".

7-2-21, 5:24pm
I don’t know where you went but the 4 places I have been are nothing like the states. I have been in the Coliseum, ancient ruins, the Cistine chapel, Salt Mines in Poland (extremely cool statues/chapels/carved out of salt and sitting in a ancient town square watching people of other cultures interact surrounded by ancient architecture.

There are ancient ruins in the US (Mesa Verde, Cahokia mounds, etc). I suppose if one defines ancient ruins Eurocentrically then those "don't count".

There is a Sistine Chapel in Vatican City which many world class museums in the US would outshine in terms of the size and variety of their collections, but I am not familiar with a Cistine Chapel so cannot comment on it.

You can find awesome sculptures carved out of sand in summer and ice in winter in New England, and there are salt mines in Nevada.

And if you want to watch people of various cultures interact America is a great melting pot.

I wonder how much consumerist conditioning goes into people deciding that local places are not good enough. One can tour the mines in Nevada:



I have toured the Lackawanna Coal Co mine in Pennsylvania and enjoyed it.

Wherever you go, there you are.

7-2-21, 5:43pm
Just received a packet from Idaho today and have sent for "stuff" from Texas, South Dakota, Iowa and various other states. We've been in Idaho for the past couple of days and will be visiting Craters Of The Moon National Monument tomorrow. We also spent nearly 2 weeks in South Dakota during last summer's meander, lots to see and do around the Rapid City area.

There are ancient ruins in the US (Mesa Verde, Cahokia mounds, etc).
We first visited Mesa Verde about 10 years ago and visited again 2 weeks ago. It's an amazing place, although on our first visit we were allowed inside the ancient structures, this visit we weren't.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/203797207_10219959368669872_7796260514654225797_n. jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=HRu-2tauJuUAX_z6wiV&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=9f03170d569676a81ded122525c9da5e&oe=60E455F4

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/201494588_10219959367989855_6056037835905563775_n. jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=UOjqquFHLN8AX9YqRaL&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=ae1e5f05995a74d86339b6884f9afb83&oe=60E4BF6D

7-2-21, 6:17pm
Neat spot to visit, Alan. I would love to read a novel set in that time period that will explain the emotions, government, building layouts, stresses, etc., of the residents of that time period and why they lived there. A novel like that would read similar to the Rise and fall of the Roman Empire. There is so much history waiting to be explored in the people of the Americas of long ago.

7-2-21, 6:34pm
We've been in Idaho for the past couple of days and will be visiting Craters Of The Moon National Monument tomorrow. We also spent nearly 2 weeks in South Dakota during last summer's meander, lots to see and do around the Rapid City area.

We first visited Mesa Verde about 10 years ago and visited again 2 weeks ago. It's an amazing place, although on our first visit we were allowed inside the ancient structures, this visit we weren't.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/203797207_10219959368669872_7796260514654225797_n. jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=HRu-2tauJuUAX_z6wiV&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=9f03170d569676a81ded122525c9da5e&oe=60E455F4

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/201494588_10219959367989855_6056037835905563775_n. jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=UOjqquFHLN8AX9YqRaL&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=ae1e5f05995a74d86339b6884f9afb83&oe=60E4BF6DInteresting.....I almost waited tables there for a Season in the early 2000's and then turned around and worked at Lake Powell, Bullfrog Marina, instead. I've always wanted to check it out and from what you are posting, it's worth the time and effort to get there.....and hey it can be done realistically for me without a plane given that I live in a state that technically borders Colorado at the Four Corners. Win/Win! Rob

7-2-21, 8:15pm
Looks as though you are having a wonderful trip, Alan! Hope it continues!

iris lilies
7-3-21, 7:50am
Alan and mrs Alan: nice photos! The cliff dwellings are so interesting.

jeppy, I live close by to Cahokia mounds. I can’t say that they are especially interesting they are just big hills. You have to go through the Interpretive Center to understand the Cahokia civilization and what the hills mean.

7-3-21, 10:09am
We live a few miles from Garden of the Gods which is a spectacular place to check out. So crowded with tourists though that we no longer go. Thinking about visiting the Black Hills area in the fall.

7-3-21, 11:26am
Thanks for sharing the pics, Alan. Nice that you were able to go in on a prior visit now that they don't allow it. Continued safe and fun travels to you both.

7-3-21, 12:04pm
and sitting in a ancient town square watching people of other cultures interact surrounded by ancient architecture.

my fondest wish is just that those things continue to be there, regardless of whether I can see it, but the intertubes, yea I have the intertubes to see it now, *shrug*. Well the architecture might be there no matter what short of bombing, but my wish is that people can still live there, aren't made climate refugees etc.. That ancient human habitations continue to be habitable to humans. That botanical gardens continue to be, and things that simply won't be in all likelihood: redwoods, northwest forests etc..

7-3-21, 12:12pm
Looking at the app and articles, and also found this article. I'll take it as a decent answer to my hypothetical question.


7-3-21, 12:30pm
Happystuff, that is a very interesting site to explore and yes, it does answer a frequent hypothetical question very well. Thanks.

7-3-21, 1:39pm
I guess my car is better than train, plane or automobile as I tend to do leisure travel with others and routinely get 50 mpg which is what a lot of hybrids get. My new record in this car is 55.5 mpg. I love to hypermile.

7-3-21, 3:17pm
Happystuff, that is a very interesting site to explore and yes, it does answer a frequent hypothetical question very well. Thanks.

It's interesting that the best mode of transportation can vary dependent on different variables. I found this very interesting:

Further complicating the picture for planes is that they produce vapor trails and emit tropospheric ozone, which have big — but not long-lasting — climate impacts. CO2 from your car’s exhaust, by contrast, will stay in the atmosphere for centuries.

7-4-21, 9:48am
If we are comparing cars to planes for travel, by definition we aren't talking transatlantic travel. Noone in the U.S. is driving to France. The comparisons don't even exist for things like that because you can't drive across an ocean. OF COURSE that's high emission. Shorter plane travel is more inefficient per mile than further away plane travel, but still of course is less emissions overall. Such articles easily gloss over the fact that planes allow people to travel distances cars don't and make it easy.

Some of the plane travel's impact like the vapor trails is very short term, of course there is also the CO2, but personally I suspect paying more attention to medium term emissions like methane might be the only worthwhile thing to do now. Because the medium term emissions will tip us into further long term climate change due to feedback loops (that can not easily be controlled) and if it was stopped it's quick bang for the buck because it much more quickly clears from the atmosphere! And we're in a crisis right? I mean we are. So if you can quickly stop the bleeding at least ... These are purely my musings. But it's not like experts have any currency to change our course anymore than I do. So we have decades of screaming into the void there.

7-16-21, 10:05am
Back from vacation and had a relaxing and good time visiting mom and siblings. Did think about this thread - planes to and from were full to capacity, but were not "uncomfortable". EVERYONE over 2 years old wore masks - no arguments, drama, or anything else either on the planes or in any of the airports. It was really nice to see everyone being considerate of those around them.

Realization for myself - I definitely need to take more vacations! :D

Teacher Terry
7-16-21, 1:02pm
Glad you had a good time Happy!

7-16-21, 1:53pm
Back from vacation and had a relaxing and good time visiting mom and siblings. Did think about this thread - planes to and from were full to capacity, but were not "uncomfortable". EVERYONE over 2 years old wore masks - no arguments, drama, or anything else either on the planes or in any of the airports. It was really nice to see everyone being considerate of those around them.

Realization for myself - I definitely need to take more vacations! :D

Life flows when all make an effort to thoughtfully consider others. Sounds like a lovely break after a very busy time. Glad it all worked out well. Wishing you well in your new job.

7-16-21, 3:44pm
Back from vacation and had a relaxing and good time visiting mom and siblings. Did think about this thread - planes to and from were full to capacity, but were not "uncomfortable". EVERYONE over 2 years old wore masks - no arguments, drama, or anything else either on the planes or in any of the airports. It was really nice to see everyone being considerate of those around them.

Realization for myself - I definitely need to take more vacations! :D

So glad you had a good time!!

7-16-21, 4:03pm
I posted on this thread earlier and then didn't like it and deleted it, but I do want to comment on the bottom line and the questions posed by the OP. I do think of travel differently now. First of all, I'm so close to retirement, maybe by a couple of years. I have a million-plus miles in the air, and I have enjoyed immensely the opportunity to see all the places I otherwise wouldn't have seen if I had had to pay for them myself.

COVID may have put a hard stop to these business/personal adventures. My last plane flight was in January of 2020, to Buffalo, NY of all places. I'm still working solidly, but all from the comfort of my own home, and I sometimes wonder, is this it?? No one has asked me to go to another city to do market research since COVID.

So then I think about what do I WANT to do? DH is happy here. I really have no desire to fly at this very moment, subject to change. I'll do a road trip, for sure, but I really don't know if this sea-change in my worklife will determine my opportunities for travel in the future. Is it over? And if it is, I think I'm OK with that.

7-16-21, 4:24pm
I posted on this thread earlier and then didn't like it and deleted it, but I do want to comment on the bottom line and the questions posed by the OP. I do think of travel differently now. First of all, I'm so close to retirement, maybe by a couple of years. I have a million-plus miles in the air, and I have enjoyed immensely the opportunity to see all the places I otherwise wouldn't have seen if I had had to pay for them myself.

COVID may have put a hard stop to these business/personal adventures. My last plane flight was in January of 2020, to Buffalo, NY of all places. I'm still working solidly, but all from the comfort of my own home, and I sometimes wonder, is this it?? No one has asked me to go to another city to do market research since COVID.

So then I think about what do I WANT to do? DH is happy here. I really have no desire to fly at this very moment, subject to change. I'll do a road trip, for sure, but I really don't know if this sea-change in my worklife will determine my opportunities for travel in the future. Is it over? And if it is, I think I'm OK with that.

That's wonderful, but I sense from your post that your decision to be "ok" with no more air-travel is due to things other than JUST Covid.

7-16-21, 4:54pm
That's wonderful, but I sense from your post that your decision to be "ok" with no more air-travel is due to things other than JUST Covid.

You must have read my other post prior to my deleting it. ;)

7-16-21, 6:17pm
For me as I think about it, it is still too early to consider traveling outside the province, too many unknowns. It's as though my trust that people will conduct themselves with common sense and compassion for the 'other' around them has been tested and found wanting to some degree.

7-17-21, 1:04am
I am retiring in 2 weeks. For months DH and I have been trying to purchase a used tent trailer pop-out type as we'd like to do some U.S. travel. We don't really want to buy new, although I suppose we could. The thing is, when we contact someone regarding their advertised tent trailer, they are gone already, usually within a day or so, or same day.

It's almost like the real estate market here. No one has to wait longer than a week, if that, to sell their home. My daughter's next door neighbor sold theirs in one day and the buyer offered 50K more than the asking price.

I wonder what's going on with the camping industry? Are people buying all the used ones to live in part-time? I did not anticipate having this much trouble buying a tent trailer.

7-17-21, 4:25am
Yay!!! Congrats on your impending retirement!!!

The same housing situation here. One neighbor sold their house within 4 hours of showing and another within a day. A realtor here said sometimes people are getting up to 60 offers for their house…. there is such a shortage of homes for sale. I also heard that more people are camping because they don’t want to stay in hotels but rather their own accommodations because of COVID and also biting on the bit to travel after being isolated at home for so long. When does the rent moratorium end? Could be that people are looking for other living arrangements??? Wonder if it would be prohibitive to rent a camper in the interim?

7-18-21, 7:22am
Congrats on your upcoming retirement! Hope you find a trailer.

7-18-21, 11:39am
Campers and trailer trailers are much in demand due to covid. Has little or nothing to do with people needing them to live in. People don’t want to stay in hotels, couldn’t travel to a lot of usual places, so are turning to camping. The Tab tear drop trailers I was posting about a few months back had at least a 6 month lead time, if not more.

A friend in Michigan sold his older pop-up camper for stupid money last summer. Said he posted it on Craigslist and it was gone very quickly.

Teacher Terry
7-18-21, 2:41pm
Sold our motor home a year too early:)). Although it doesn’t matter because we felt sorry for the 2 older divorced sisters with 3 rescue dogs and sold it much cheaper than we could have gotten even then. The chi cuddling me and snuggling his head in my neck sealed the deal.

dado potato
7-18-21, 8:54pm
I would love to see different people and places, but I am hesitant to make lengthy trips. I am not terribly worried about being infected by COVID, because DW and I are vaccinated, and so far the "breakthrough" infections are few, and rarely result in hospitalization. However, the spread of COVID in some of the places I would like to see is about 30x worse than my home county (and most of the other counties in northern WI). So I believe that if I traveled to such places for a visit, I would find people stressed out... locals and fellow-travelers alike! Additionally I expect local people to be stressed out by drought and wildfires (and smoke).

So unless there are some dramatic improvements in conditions, I am likely to stay close to home, and let the Curmudgeon of the Garden keep one eye on me.


7-18-21, 9:54pm
I wonder what's going on with the camping industry? Are people buying all the used ones to live in part-time? I did not anticipate having this much trouble buying a tent trailer.

It might not be universal, but our local news has had features on service workers in popular tourist towns who are camping out on public land, since local housing is unaffordable. It prossibly makes more sense that it is the same phenomena as used pickups or recreation equipment in general. Pent up demand and shortages in the supply chain for new.

7-18-21, 10:16pm
I wonder what's going on with the camping industry? Are people buying all the used ones to live in part-time? I did not anticipate having this much trouble buying a tent trailer.
We've been on the road since the first of June and so far have visited 8 states and stayed in 14 RV parks which seem to be near 100% occupancy daily. In the dozen or so years we've wandered around the country in the summers, we've never seen the volume of RV'ers that we have this year.
I think a lockdown year and inability to travel abroad has changed peoples idea of vacation travel and visiting new places while still living in your own home has become much more popular.

iris lilies
7-18-21, 11:28pm
I just talked to my Hermann neighbor who runs a Bed and Breakfast Inn. He has been full up most if the summer, not just weekends.

7-19-21, 1:58pm
We're jam packed on the Islands. There's nothing available. I know, because we had to book my son/DIL/GSs a rental for their 10 days here in August. We couldn't find a thing for them, and then we spotted something in our local online "paper" and drove directly to the house to check it out without calling the owner. He happened to be outside and let us see it, and there were two other cars behind us.

7-21-21, 7:33pm
well, dang it. This doesn't bode well for my retirement road trip.

7-21-21, 8:15pm
The AirBnBs in our budget for a quick Colorado road trip are booked through September. I checked on rental cars just out of curiosity and what used to be $280 a week is now double that.

7-22-21, 11:04pm
In Nogales, Arizona, my favorite hotel just increased it's room rates by 30 percent!!! Next time I make a run for the border I will be staying at the next door motel - not quite as nice but now 1/2 the room rate of my favorite hotel. At least I can afford these border runs and at the moment, this is about as exotic as I am comfortable getting as far as travel. Rob

Teacher Terry
7-23-21, 12:40am
Read today that Reno may be short of jet fuel in a few days and flights may have to be canceled.

7-24-21, 10:57am
Was reminded of this thread as the neighbors just drove off pulling their new-to-them camper/trailer for their first weekend get-a-way.

iris lilies
7-24-21, 11:10am
I am thinking about a March airplane trip, March 2022. We shall see.

The American Iris society is meeting in March in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I am strongly ambivalent about going because I went there in 2017 and it was the worst vacation I can think of other than a bad one in the 80s. On the other hand, in New Mexico I could see lots of arilbred iris, a variety that does not thrive around these parts where I live.

We drove to New Mexico on that vacation and it was awful, way too much time in the car and the landscape is depressing.. I really do not think I will attend this convention if I can’t fly there.

7-24-21, 12:15pm
Anyone have experience with, or know anyone with experience with, those SUV tents? Like an attached tent for your SUV?

7-24-21, 12:39pm
I’m active on a big diving forum. Cozumel is having a massive surge of cases right now, but people are still going for trips. I just don’t get it.

Teacher Terry
7-24-21, 1:04pm
My kids were extremely paranoid before getting the vaccine and now are traveling to Poland to see my DIL’s parents. The whole point of getting the vaccine was to get our lives back so I wonder why some vaccinated people are so cautious.

iris lilies
7-24-21, 1:16pm
My kids were extremely paranoid before getting the vaccine and now are traveling to Poland to see my DIL’s parents. The whole point of getting the vaccine was to get our lives back so I wonder why some vaccinated people are so cautious.
Vaccines don’t cover us 100%. That is why.

the Thought of being in a foreign country and sick gives me pause.

7-24-21, 1:23pm
My kids were extremely paranoid before getting the vaccine and now are traveling to Poland to see my DIL’s parents. The whole point of getting the vaccine was to get our lives back so I wonder why some vaccinated people are so cautious.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but the fact that the vaccine is NOT a miracle prevent-all against covid and any variants, I still do not want to get sick or make anyone else sick. Also, having lost extended family members to covid as recently as 2 months ago is a good enough reminder to me that this virus and its variants are definitely still around. It's just that simple.

I AM going out and living my life, but I'm still taking easy, simple precautions to protect both myself and others.

Teacher Terry
7-24-21, 1:33pm
In Poland the kids would just pay for private health care which is cheap. I lost a good friend to Covid before the vaccine came out. I know they aren’t 100% but the odds are you won’t die from it if vaccinated. Unless things change drastically and vaccinated people start dropping like flies I am going to enjoy the time I have left. I have lost 5 friends to cancer in their 50’s and 60’s. If states shut down of course I will follow the rules. If I lived with someone immune comprised it would be different. I think everyone now can make their own decisions based on their individual circumstances. I am not judging what anyone chooses.

7-25-21, 7:20am
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but the fact that the vaccine is NOT a miracle prevent-all against covid and any variants, I still do not want to get sick or make anyone else sick. Also, having lost extended family members to covid as recently as 2 months ago is a good enough reminder to me that this virus and its variants are definitely still around. It's just that simple.

I AM going out and living my life, but I'm still taking easy, simple precautions to protect both myself and others.

This is exactly my take on it.

7-25-21, 7:28am
I AM going out and living my life, but I'm still taking easy, simple precautions to protect both myself and others.

Exactly my dcision as well.

7-25-21, 1:26pm
I AM going out and living my life, but I'm still taking easy, simple precautions to protect both myself and others.

It's a reasonable approach but it doesn't really lend itself to moralism and absolutism as it's by definition imperfect.

I was at the breaking point of psychologically accommodating to living with the threat of this disease 6 months in probably less, but I also REALLY didn't want the disease nor to give it to vulnerable people I knew, so kept on in a broken stumbling on the endless road, going on even though I was beyond exhausted, in the pandemic that might never end and that I tried to accept might never end. But with vaccines it is an entirely different territory. But even if we didn't have them, everyone is so tired.

7-25-21, 1:41pm
It's a reasonable approach but it doesn't really lend itself to moralism and absolutism as it's by definition imperfect.

I was at the breaking point of psychologically accommodating to living with the threat of this disease 6 months in probably less, but I also REALLY didn't want the disease nor to give it to vulnerable people I knew, so kept on in a broken stumbling on the endless road, going on even though I was beyond exhausted, in the pandemic that might never end and that I tried to accept might never end. But with vaccines it is a different territory. But even if we didn't have them, everyone is so tired.

I'm so sorry that you have had such a rough time. I'm glad the vaccine, and your method of handling things going forward, is working for you.

And, of course, it's imperfect. Life is imperfect. I'm fortunate in that not "everyone" I know is tired, but have learned to adapt, adjust and continue. For me, it is an ever-changing process. For me "back to normal" today will never be the same as "normal" 1.5 years ago, nor was THAT normal the same as my "normal" 1.5 years before that. For me, life is ever-changing and I'm willing to adjust and change and do what I can moving forward; and - for me - that also includes continuing to do what I can for myself AND others.

And, because folks seems to be a bit sensitive across the forums lately - the above is how *I* am seeing and handling things - NOT a criticism/judgement of anyone else!

7-25-21, 7:15pm
I am sorry too, ANM. The pandemic & shut-down was definitely more difficult for some people:
Those who live alone
Those who have troubled or difficult relationships with their housemates
Those who live in apartments or smaller confined spaces without an outdoor space
I count myself as fortunate on all of those points. I don't say this with an attitude of smugness, rather an attitude of being grateful and acknowledging my privilege.

iris lilies
7-25-21, 7:28pm
I am sorry too, ANM. The pandemic & shut-down was definitely more difficult for some people:
Those who live alone
Those who have troubled or difficult relationships with their housemates
Those who live in apartments or smaller confined spaces without an outdoor space
I count myself as fortunate on all of those points. I don't say this with an attitude of smugness, rather an attitude of being grateful and acknowledging my privilege.

me too. It was a nice vacay for the non-working introvert.

7-25-21, 7:44pm
I never cried more in my life this past, miserable winter. I will not stay here again. Headed south this year no matter what happens….. at least we can social distance outside then if need be.

Jane v2.0
7-25-21, 8:43pm
The lockdown has mostly been a non-event for me--some minor inconvenience, but other than that...

My peripatetic friends have chafed at their semi-confinement some, but have managed to cope pretty well with day trips and the like, and everyone is fully vaxxed in an area where well over 70% are vaccinated as well. Nobody I know (admittedly a small, small cohort) is exhausted or depleted at this point, as far as I know. One friend is ecstatic that her library has reopened; a closed library was the worst part of this for her.

7-25-21, 8:49pm
I am worried that the Delta variant will soon make even domestic travel problematic. I'm off again for four days mid August and will be going down to Nogales again. Will cross the border for lunch with the family and also to stock up on Mexican soap, deoderant, shampoo, and spray on cologne. Who knows how serious Delta will get and if the border truly will be closed - as far as US citizens entering Mexico (which you could by foot this whole time). Going to stock up - also on valerian root. Rob

7-25-21, 9:10pm
Jane, I was happy to see our library open as well. But, I also managed to do a couple of virtual events they offered when I lost my original job.

Rob, I haven't thought about the need to stock up on some items again, but you have me thinking. Definitely will make sure I have meds on had - bot OTC and prescription. Otherwise, I'm thinking we are okay.

Again, I'm sorry for those who have had a tough time of it and hope that things are improving.

iris lilies
7-25-21, 9:31pm
A grocery store has been out of sambol oolek for two weeks. I don’t know if this portends shortage or not.

Jane v2.0
7-25-21, 9:59pm
A grocery store has been out of sambol oolek for two weeks. I don’t know if this portends shortage or not.

I've stocked up on provisions I can't live without. Sambal oelek is one of those--try Amazon Fresh.

iris lilies
7-25-21, 10:50pm
I've stocked up on provisions I can't live without. Sambal oelek is one of those--try Amazon Fresh.
Haha After writing this post I added two containers of it to my next Amazon order.

7-26-21, 6:48am
Read today that Reno may be short of jet fuel in a few days and flights may have to be canceled.

When I drove past the Safeway near us yesterday I noticed that they were out of gasoline. I have no idea if that was a fluke or a sign of something bigger.

Teacher Terry
7-26-21, 11:27am
Good thing that it takes me 4-6 weeks to use a tank of gas.

7-26-21, 12:33pm
Visiting with family event this week for the first time in two years due to covid disrupting the usual get-togethers. Despite Facetime and regular phone calls, I did miss them.

I had something to look forward to every day, visited with friends properly masked and spaced, walked 5 km with dog every day, took online courses and read online a lot; attended church services via zoom and will continue this. I love working in my garden, enjoy the flowers every morning and evening lounging on my patio, busy processing winter supplies. I have everything I need.
In fact, I am and was content.
Those who struggled through the winter have my sympathy because that can feel very restrictive.

dado potato
7-26-21, 1:36pm
The New York Times website has an interactive tool that can be used to see the New Daily Confirmed Cases Over the Last 7 Days per 100,000 Population by County.

As a arbitrary rule of thumb, I would avoid planning to travel in a county where the number is greater than 25 per 100K. Formerly in OR (and perhaps other states -- I don't know) 25 was deemed to be a "tipping point". More than 25 triggered the advice to stay at home.

With the roll-out of vaccines most state governors have declared victory over the virus, and they tell people not to be hesitant to get the shots... and they may also tell parents to "strongly consider" having their children vaccinated (if old enough) before going to school in the fall.

The uneven uptake on vaccine has resulted in certain states (UT comes to mind, but there are many others ) where more than half the population is unvaccinated, and public health spokespersons warn that they are acting as though there is no virus to be concerned about.

So, another rule of thumb could be the percentage of a state population that is fully vaccinated. My DW would like to limit travel to states where it is greater than 70% (ye olde "herd immunity"). By this standard, DW will be staying at home until a lot more people go for the vax. ME and MA are the closest states at 63%. Then comes CT at 62%


7-26-21, 5:52pm
A grocery store has been out of sambol oolek for two weeks. I don’t know if this portends shortage or not.

What do you use this in ... just one thing or a number?

iris lilies
7-26-21, 7:08pm
What do you use this in ... just one thing or a number?

I add it to anything with a tomato sauce.

7-26-21, 7:15pm
I was thinking today that I hope come September that paranoia goes up but restrictions do not. That way I can go places on my vacation week and they might not be so crowded from pent up demand.

Jane v2.0
7-26-21, 8:18pm
Sambal oelek is made of ground chilis, vinegar, and salt, and there's an alternate version with added garlic. I use it in everything from eggs to sauces to most savory dishes. It's a staple in many Asian recipes. Marion's Kitchen on YouTube can provide lots of ideas.

7-26-21, 8:34pm
I've never heard of sambal oelek before. Based on the various recipes I looked at online, dh would love it - as he really likes "hot". Me, not so much. Looks good, though.

7-27-21, 2:53pm
A grocery store has been out of sambal oolek for two weeks. I don’t know if this portends shortage or not.

We had some carpet restretched so I had to take all my books out of the bookshelves. I decided to cull the books before putting back on the shelves. I came across a book of spices and it told how to make sambal oelek. I thought it was interesting what is in some of the commercial products too. YLMV

Jars of sambal can be bought in many Oriental shops and in some delis, but it is quite easy to make your own, especially with a food processor. This is the most basic sambal. To make other sambals, ingredients as trassi or blachan (a firm paste made of rotten shrimp) and candlenuts are added to the mix.

To make your own:

Sambal Oelek
8 oz fresh red chilies
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soft brown sugar

Heat a heavy frying pan and put in the chilies after 2-3 minutes.
Dry roast over a medium heat for a few minutes. Cool, then chop finely and pound to a paste with salt and sugar.
The chili seeds may be taken out, or left in if you want a really fiery relish. The sambal will keep a week or so in the refrigerator.

*IMO you could freeze in ice cube trays.

Jane v2.0
7-27-21, 4:32pm
I've seen aromatic pastes made in a simple mortar and pestle. Ginger/garlic is a classic.

7-28-21, 1:02pm
We had some carpet restretched so I had to take all my books out of the bookshelves. I decided to cull the books before putting back on the shelves. I came across a book of spices and it told how to make sambal oelek. I thought it was interesting what is in some of the commercial products too. YLMV

Jars of sambal can be bought in many Oriental shops and in some delis, but it is quite easy to make your own, especially with a food processor. This is the most basic sambal. To make other sambals, ingredients as trassi or blachan (a firm paste made of rotten shrimp) and candlenuts are added to the mix.

To make your own:

Sambal Oelek
8 oz fresh red chilies
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soft brown sugar

Heat a heavy frying pan and put in the chilies after 2-3 minutes.
Dry roast over a medium heat for a few minutes. Cool, then chop finely and pound to a paste with salt and sugar.
The chili seeds may be taken out, or left in if you want a really fiery relish. The sambal will keep a week or so in the refrigerator.

*IMO you could freeze in ice cube trays.I am totally going to try making this! I'd never even heard of this before running across sambal oelek on this post. Doesn't seem all that hard, either. Rob

7-28-21, 1:54pm
Please let us know how it turns out Rob.

iris lilies
7-28-21, 2:45pm
I wish everyone luck in making their own sambol oelek,, but I will continue to throw money at Huy Fong foods, bless them!

7-31-21, 8:29pm
I just threw my $2.69 at Huy Fong Foods. Looking forward to adding a little zing to my eggs tomorrow morning!

Jane v2.0
7-31-21, 8:41pm
I am totally going to try making this! I'd never even heard of this before running across sambal oelek on this post. Doesn't seem all that hard, either. Rob

Its beauty lies in its simplicity. ;)

iris lilies
7-31-21, 8:46pm
I just threw my $2.69 at Huy Fong Foods. Looking forward to adding a little zing to my eggs tomorrow morning!
That is excellent, we must keep them in business.

7-31-21, 10:35pm
That is excellent, we must keep them in business.

I like to add zing to everything I cook. (I'm the guy who made the mistake of pan frying some veggies to go in a burrito and then putting my face directly over the pan right after I'd poured in a bunch of surracha sauce at the end. Pro-tip, don't do that...) I will do my best to make sure that no maker of hot sauce that I like goes out of business.

8-1-21, 8:05am
jp1 - you sound like my dh. No matter what he eats, it gets hot sauce of some kind added to it. LOL.

8-1-21, 12:07pm
I like to add zing to everything I cook. (I'm the guy who made the mistake of pan frying some veggies to go in a burrito and then putting my face directly over the pan right after I'd poured in a bunch of surracha sauce at the end. Pro-tip, don't do that...) I will do my best to make sure that no maker of hot sauce that I like goes out of business.

Did you check to see if one of the ingredients was rotten shrimp?... check above

Jane v2.0
8-1-21, 12:40pm
No shrimp in it, but I regularly use Thai fish sauce, which I think has fermented anchovies.

iris lilies
8-1-21, 12:43pm
No shrimp in it, but I regularly use Thai fish sauce, which I think has fermented anchovies.
I always have fish sauce in my refrigerator too but I have not managed to taste any difference between the brands. My taste buds are rather stunted, so it I guess that’s why I like hot stuff. My but fish sauce is stinky and yes, fermented dish.

Jane v2.0
8-1-21, 1:01pm
In general, I'm not fond of fish, so I only add a bit for umami. That bottle should last awhile...

8-1-21, 1:08pm
Did you check to see if one of the ingredients was rotten shrimp?... check above

I certainly hope the sirracha didn't come with rotten shrimp in it. I don't think that's usually one of the ingredients! No, my problem was having a wave of steamy spiciness get in my eyes.

Jane v2.0
8-1-21, 1:43pm
Huy Fong has run afoul of their neighbors re chili fumes--but they prevailed, and they're still providing us with seedy goodness.

8-1-21, 2:50pm
I certainly hope the sirracha didn't come with rotten shrimp in it. I don't think that's usually one of the ingredients! No, my problem was having a wave of steamy spiciness get in my eyes.

As noted earlier ... trassi or blachan (a firm paste made of rotten shrimp) is the ingredient to look for.

8-2-21, 11:57am
As noted earlier ... trassi or blachan (a firm paste made of rotten shrimp) is the ingredient to look for.

I just checked. The ubiquitous green lidded bottles of Huy Fong Sirracha do not contain either.

12-22-22, 5:02pm
Okay----Maybe I'll travel to some faraway place, that nobody ever goes. to be con'td.....ETA: Okay---I'm back. But yeah---if you kids would fund the trip, and look after my pets, I might make a trip to spend some time in Birobidzhan. Yup. Thing is, I wonder if I should fly West from here, or East? It might be closer to go the western route. I looked at the weather, and it's a few degrees warmer there, than here. Ha. There's no way I would consider driving, as there are no highways going there. Nope.

Portuguese John Here
12-27-22, 5:47pm
You said to share opinions, even those controversial, so here's mine;

I've never got on a plane in my life. You think that's crazy? Keep reading.
I've never travelled more than 300 km, let's say 200 miles. It gets worse.
That was more than fifty years ago. It gets even worse.
I'm only twenty-seven years old.

I'm like the Hobbitses, I like my peace, my quiet, I don't want to see new places.

Thoreau once said: Only that traveling is good which reveals to me the value of home and enables me to enjoy it better. If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

I only leave the village to experience alienation, distress, and when I'm driving down the road and seeing the mountains I rejoice once again.

My friends all travel, India, Switzerland, Morocco, they come to me to tell them which place to visit next, because I see many films, I search about a lot of places, I talk with people from many places, I'm curious about how they live, what they eat, what's their tradition.

I believe the greatest tragedy is not to see what's around you where you live. I see so many people passing by beauty without looking, seeing beauty it's an art. How many went to the Grand Canyon, looked, took a picture and left without seeing? They looked but didn't see, the colors, the dept, the shadows, that's a background for their picture of themselves. People lost contact with nature altogether.

I guess my point is: if you know how to see, everything is new, everything is fresh, I see new things everyday, and it’s considered I’m seeing the same things for the last ten more years.

iris lilies
12-27-22, 6:25pm
Portuguese John, I really love that point of view of yours and I won’t try to talk you out of it! To each his own, and I respect that point of view.

I don’t ask anyone to change their life’s goals to see what I want to see in the world. I do just ask that we all respect each other’s desire for travel. Some people do not! Funny I was just talking about that this week when one of my garden club friends stopped by to drop off some stuff. She has a “10 year travel plan “that she’s had to reduce to 8 years because Covid lopped off two years of it.

If only I could clone myself that’s so that I stay home and take care of pets and gardens and at the same time travel to the long-distance places I want to see, that would be great!

Teacher Terry
12-27-22, 8:06pm
Speaking of travel in June I went to Ireland and in April 23 and 24 I am going to Europe. These 2 trips will complete my bucket list for Europe. I still would like to see a few eastern states that I haven’t been to. I have been to most states as well as numerous national parks and 6 cruises so have been lucky to see so much.

My kids have been to many more places and I think my Dil has been to 20 countries. Considering that I didn’t start until I was 43 you have lots of time John to change your mind:)). Luckily I have my kids and a good friend that will move into my condo and take excellent care of my dogs.

12-27-22, 8:53pm
After seeing all the Christmas travel mess, I am very glad we chose to stay home. I have never had the urge to travel all over the world like so many do. A cruise does not appeal at all. I am a bit like Port John in that I actually prefer to stay close to home and find the new where I am. An occasional road trip is good enough. And yes, plants and pets are not easy to leave behind for days on end.

12-27-22, 9:00pm
To each their own…. For me, the amount of new sights, sounds, people, landscape plus the thrill of adventure make travel worthwhile. Covid has put a damper on it and has forced me to stay home. I have been to places nearby that I have not been to before near home but it was not the same. It was like.. same old, same old. You can’t radically change the scenery or have the thrill of meeting others so different from yourself. There are those who do not enjoy being “out of their comfort zone”. For me, that is what makes life worth living and interesting.

12-28-22, 11:21am
Okay---Read this, and wise up. What you do is visit places like Birobidzhan and Cambridge Bay for a week or two. NOT Can coon or Accapella or some warm, sunny place like that, during winter. But yeah---when you return from Cambridge Bay or Barrow, Ak.(for example), you'll appreciate how balmy and mild the winter weather is in KC, by comparison. See? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.,

12-28-22, 11:59am
Okay---one iof my case studies has a case of yuppie-itis, having earned a valuable degree in mid-life. She came from a modest, but not impoverished background. But anyway, she's awarded herself a prestige car, many many restaurant meals, and vacation trips in the USA. But now---for no good reason, she has taken her daughter and two male companions on a trip to Africa. After spending 28 hours sitting on airliners and in airports and multiple landings, they've reached their destination. They find themselves cloistered in their hotel, due to security concerns and illness. Yup. Sound like fun, to you? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee. But yeah---read this.5046

12-30-22, 12:19pm
Okay---one iof my case studies has a case of yuppie-itis, having earned a valuable degree in mid-life. She came from a modest, but not impoverished background. But anyway, she's awarded herself a prestige car, many many restaurant meals, and vacation trips in the USA. But now---for no good reason, she has taken her daughter and two male companions on a trip to Africa. After spending 28 hours sitting on airliners and in airports and multiple landings, they've reached their destination. They find themselves cloistered in their hotel, due to security concerns and illness. Yup. Sound like fun, to you? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee. But yeah---read this.5046Okay---This just in. My case subjects were escorted over to a park that has wildlife native to Afffrika, as exhibits. You can actually SEE a real, life Giraffe eating lunch, from several hundred feet away!(see above photo) OMG, OMG,OMG. Ha. Thing is, I can bike 2 1/2 miles to the local zoo, pay $5 or so, and observe giraffes eating lunch, up close and personal. like--an arms length away. O' course, they have a glass partition, to keep local idiots from doing something stooopid, then trying to get a big sedddelmint outta the city zoo. But yeah---No need to sit on a plane to see girafffes. Nope. Thankk mee.

12-30-22, 4:46pm
It is awesome to see animals in their natural habitat, whereas, seeing them prisoners in a zoo is pathetic.

1-2-23, 6:51pm
SO and I would like to visit Bogota. Given that I making better money now, this seems doable. One huge hindrance? The chaos in the airlines industry now. And it's not just US carriers that suck - these issues are worldwide. Former highly esteemed airlines such as Emirates, EVA, and Cathay Pacific are all train wrecks now with mountains of lost luggage and frequent cancellations with no real customer service.

We will until such a day as the airline industry is saner and more stable. Rob