View Full Version : Too close to home...

9-1-21, 9:09pm
This fire is maybe 4 miles south of us. It's not windy at all and there's a residential neighborhood between here and there so we should be ok, but this is still just a little bit closer than I like...


iris lilies
9-1-21, 9:22pm
This fire is maybe 4 miles south of us. It's not windy at all and there's a residential neighborhood between here and there so we should be ok, but this is still just a little bit closer than I like...


That is CLOSE.

9-1-21, 9:23pm

9-1-21, 9:56pm
It's now about 80% contained after being just 20% contained 2 hours ago. We're lucky that this morning actually started a cold weather pattern here. It only got into the low 70's and is now down to 61 at 6:45pm. And there's not much wind. If this had happened saturday afternoon, when it got up to 102, instead of today, this could have been a very different story. And all afternoon the airplanes and helicopters flying past to take care of it have been relentless. The reality is that they are going to do absolutely everything they can to stop a fire in the middle of a 280,000 population suburban county. We just have one main 4/5 lane highway running north and south through the county. A large scale evacuation isn't a realistic option.

Jane v2.0
9-1-21, 10:02pm
Close call! I'm glad it's largely contained.

Teacher Terry
9-1-21, 10:49pm
So glad it’s under control. That’s really awful.

9-2-21, 5:42am
Have you done the emergency precautions in case you have to evacuate? Have important documents or copies of them safely stored? Have a bug out bag if you need to make a quick exit? Gas in the car, cash, provisions for animals, fresh water and so on?

unfortunately these fire, flooding and wind events seem to be happening with greater frequency and there are always people interviewed afterward in the news that did not plan for the worst. You cannot trust Mother Nature to follow a logical course. Wind, rain, lightening and so are out of our control. It must have been frightening.

9-2-21, 7:47am
Glad you are safe and that it is contained.

9-2-21, 7:52am
Glad to hear it is under control!

9-4-21, 8:49pm
And an hour ago a small fire started in the tiny wildlife park directly behind our development. 😳. Thankfully someone saw it almost immediatly and the park has easy road access for the fire trucks so it’s already out. Rain season can’t come soon enough…

9-4-21, 9:00pm
I have a friend from my National Park/seasonal waiting gig days that had been serving at Lake Tahoe, CA. Given the encroaching fire, she packed what she believed was important, got her dog and her small valuables together, and fled to Sacramento. Apparently the fire season this year has been merciless in CA. I am glad you are OK and that the fire has been mostly contained.

What an odd year! Usually this would be a concern for Arizonans,. especially those living between 4 and 6 thousand feet in altitude - high enough to get considerably more rain than Phoenix, but low enough for hottish summers that make the wet season growth into quickly ignitable dead plants come May and June. This year, however, we have had few fires and a very active monsoon - Tucson alone has had 12 inches of rain thus far and it's their third wettest monsoon. Phoenix not so much rain, just under 4 inches this monsoon. My point - for some reason we have been spared this year and CA took the brunt. Rob

Teacher Terry
9-4-21, 10:37pm
My son’s high school friend from Kansas has been staying with us the past week because of the Tahoe fire.

9-4-21, 11:36pm
This is the only news article I can find about the fire. It’s done, thankfully.

https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiV2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmtyb240LmNvbS9uZXdzL2JheS1hcm VhL2V2YWN1YXRpb25zLXVuZGVyd2F5LWR1ZS10by1maXJlLWJ1 cm5pbmctaW4tbm92YXRvL9IBW2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmtyb240Lm NvbS9uZXdzL2JheS1hcmVhL2V2YWN1YXRpb25zLXVuZGVyd2F5 LWR1ZS10by1maXJlLWJ1cm5pbmctaW4tbm92YXRvL2FtcC8?hl =en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen