View Full Version : Covid19 Pfizer booster

10-16-21, 2:47am
So I got the booster on Wed. Ugh! Soooo many side effects! fever, swelling, nausea, fluttery heart, arm is still throbbing, 55 hours later. First shot, sore arm for half hour the next day. Second shot, extremely low energy the next day. Third… horrible. I will not be getting another, no matter what.

10-16-21, 3:27am
My arm was sore for over a week from the booster… otherwise no problems.

10-16-21, 6:31am
I will not be getting another, no matter what.

The people in the Third World and the World Health Organization thank you. I wonder if there's some karma in this type of reaction to boosters, a payback as it were for American exceptionalism.

10-16-21, 6:39am
That was pretty nasty, Jeppy. I suppose we should also feel guilty for having enough to eat while children are starving in other countries.

I had the usual sore arm, but I also had a bit of itchiness and hives near the injection site that didn't last long.

10-16-21, 6:51am
That was pretty nasty, Jeppy. I suppose we should also feel guilty for having enough to eat while children are starving in other countries.

I had the usual sore arm, but I also had a bit of itchiness and hives near the injection site that didn't last long.

Oh don't worry, I don't expect to induce guilt in anyone for any of their privileges.

10-16-21, 7:49am
Oh don't worry, I don't expect to induce guilt in anyone for any of their privileges.

Just as no one expects you to ever acknowledge the privilege of living in a state that has taken covid seriously.

10-16-21, 8:27am
Just as no one expects you to ever acknowledge the privilege of living in a state that has taken covid seriously.

A state that is doing worse than Florida now according to the CDC - not exactly a privilege.

Where you live restrictions are being dropped. The positivity rate in my city is now below 5% but the zealots are becoming even more draconian.

10-16-21, 8:43am
My mother and a couple of my siblings got theirs with no issues that they mentioned. Isn't there something about making sure you get the same booster as you got the shots? For example, I got Moderna, so I should wait for the Moderna booster - not get the Pfizer booster. Thought I had read that somewhere.

10-16-21, 9:18am
The science seems to show that mixing vaccines promotes more robust immune responses. Stay tuned.

10-16-21, 9:42am
The science seems to show that mixing vaccines promotes more robust immune responses. Stay tuned.

Interesting. I imagine as more of the boosters are given out, while doing what they are supposed to be, they are still being studied.

10-16-21, 11:08am
Jane and happy, I heard some of that too, really recently in the past week, that mixing would be a good idea. It makes me wonder if I should get a Jansen booster, since it works differently. Someone was suggesting those who had the Jansen should get Moderna or Pfizer.

People could switch between classes if that was the case. But people are getting boosters now, so not sure whether advice will keep evolving...

10-16-21, 12:27pm
One of the TV medical correspondents recommended waiting a couple of weeks to see how it is decided.

Teacher Terry
10-16-21, 2:42pm
Europe mixed the vaccines using volunteers and they revealed the results a few days ago. My booster made me sick for 2 days. Better than last time. It’s unpleasant but beats dying.

10-16-21, 7:33pm
Now supposedly you need a J&J booster after just two months. Great for the pharmaceutical companies, but many Americans are saying, "Homey don't play that."

10-16-21, 8:06pm
I went through hell and high water to get my husband to get vaccinated with the J & J a month ago or so. Now they're saying he needs to get the booster right away. I don't know - all this info flying around doesn't boost my confidence and definitely not his either.

boss mare
10-16-21, 9:43pm
The people in the Third World and the World Health Organization thank you. I wonder if there's some karma in this type of reaction to boosters, a payback as it were for American exceptionalism.

Who Raised You ?!?!

10-16-21, 10:16pm
Europe mixed the vaccines using volunteers and they revealed the results a few days ago. My booster made me sick for 2 days. Better than last time. It’s unpleasant but beats dying.

Agree. I got my vaccines through the VA, so since they have my records, I will wait until I hear from my dr. I also agree that as time goes on, information may be confirmed and evolve.

10-16-21, 11:09pm
The science seems to show that mixing vaccines promotes more robust immune responses. Stay tuned.

I’m a little skeptical of that, I suspect Phizer is angling for a bigger share of the market, since their booster is approved and the others are not.

10-16-21, 11:29pm
I wonder if there's some karma in this type of reaction to boosters, a payback as it were for American exceptionalism.

I wonder what Karma will land, as payback as it were, for this type of nasty comment, and passive aggressive self-righteousness?

10-17-21, 5:20am
Our economy is already in bad shape. Imagine the few people willing to work having to take a bunch more sick days as they recover from boosters every few months.

10-17-21, 5:22am
I wonder what Karma will land, as payback as it were, for this type of nasty comment, and passive aggressive self-righteousness?

I'm already being punished with endless mask mandates though I live in the state with the second best covid statistics in the country after Vermont.

10-17-21, 7:11am
I'm already being punished with endless mask mandates though I live in the state with the second best covid statistics in the country after Vermont.

So ****ing move already. Your sad sack whining is pathetic.

10-17-21, 7:52am
So ****ing move already. Your sad sack whining is pathetic.

I will move when family circumstances permit and when the housing market returns to normal. There's no point in selling my house and then I can't find a new one to live in because I keep getting outbid. And a purchase based on the contingency of my house selling (rather than a cash offer)? Not gonna happen in my market.

boss mare
10-17-21, 2:02pm
Paint a stripe down my back and call me “dun”. pun intended

For the non horse people the horse coloring dun comes from the buckskin, they have a distinct stripe down their back , along with other characteristics.

10-18-21, 11:40am
I felt pretty lousy for a day and a half starting 24 hours after my booster. Headache, chills, fatigue. It took me by surprise because I had almost no reaction to my first two Pfizer shots outside of a sore arm.

No regrets. Although I live in a highly vaccinated area I continue to be careful -- masking and avoiding crowded places. Being cautious has served me well so far. My personal belief is that we'll be well into 2022 before we are back to anything like a pre-covid "normal."

iris lilies
10-18-21, 11:46am
I felt pretty lousy for a day and a half starting 24 hours after my booster. Headache, chills, fatigue. It took me by surprise because I had almost no reaction to my first two Pfizer shots outside of a sore arm.

No regrets. Although I live in a highly vaccinated area I continue to be careful -- masking and avoiding crowded places. Being cautious has served me well so far. My personal belief is that we'll be well into 2022 before we are back to anything like a pre-covid "normal."

hunh. I had my booster (3rd shot) yesterday at noon. Still feeling fine and I thought I was out of the danger zone for a reaction.

I also had no reactions to the first 2 shots.

I also continue to stay away from groups of humans indoors whenever possible. I have a 3 day indoor event coming up this week, so wanted this booster before entering that fray.

I see that Colin Powell died this morning from Covid. He was vaccinated. He was 84. Boy this virus hates old people and fat people.

10-18-21, 11:50am
I see that Colin Powell died this morning from Covid. He was vaccinated. He was 84. Boy this virus hates old people and fat people.

I didn't know until your post - I always like him. So sad.

10-18-21, 12:00pm
Boy this virus hates old people and fat people.

Also males and blacks are disproportionately affected.

10-18-21, 12:20pm
I see that Colin Powell died this morning from Covid. He was vaccinated. He was 84. Boy this virus hates old people and fat people.

I believe he was also dealing with some sort of cancer.

10-18-21, 1:19pm
I see that Colin Powell died this morning from Covid. He was vaccinated. He was 84. Boy this virus hates old people and fat people.
I spent two days with him in the late 90's on an executive protection detail, after his military career but before becoming Secretary of State. He was such a regular guy and I'm surprised at how deeply I felt when hearing the news this morning. My favorite memory is when I first met him and drove him from the airport to his hotel, I hit a curb making a left hand turn and he said "Drive much?". I responded, "Sorry sir, I was an Air Force E-4 and those stars of yours make me nervous", he replied "No problem Sergeant, I get that a lot. My name's Colin, what's yours?"

https://scontent.fluk1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/245336552_310199703817016_8086527801101095400_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=t1IX28QxhdkAX__eudt&_nc_ht=scontent.fluk1-1.fna&oh=657eb7fbd96f7fdd95f17e5733516602&oe=6192C04F

10-18-21, 1:25pm
Alan, great story and neat that you have a photo.

10-18-21, 1:33pm
Great story/memory, Alan!!! Thanks for sharing.

10-18-21, 1:35pm
Great story/memory, Alan!!! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing that!

iris lilies
10-18-21, 1:45pm
Great photo!

Teacher Terry
10-18-21, 9:57pm
Thanks for sharing Alan. He was one of the good guys! I read he had 2 types of cancer.

10-18-21, 10:53pm
Great picture, Alan, and great story! I agree--I was shocked when I read about his death--he seemed to be younger than his 84 years, although I haven't seen him on TV much lately. I really admired him.

10-19-21, 10:50am
Nice story about a good man. He had the character to admit when he was wrong--a rare, rare quality these days--and the courage to change his mind publicly.

He apparently had Parkinson's disease also; he didn't go down without a fight.

10-19-21, 11:06am
Very cool, Alan, and a sweet story.

iris lilies
10-19-21, 11:14am
I am now 48 hours post 3rd Pfizer shot and no illness. My arm was more sore than with shots 1 and 2, but by noon yesterday the soreness disappeared.

10-19-21, 11:27am
Glad all is well with your booster, IL.

10-19-21, 12:50pm
Got my booster after work yesterday. Arm sore at injection site but only when I press down on it. No extreme tiredness like after shot 2 in April. Other arm got the flu shot and it’s fine.

10-19-21, 5:14pm
Got my flu shot the 11th and the Pfizer booster on the 12th. Starting the afternoon of the 13th, I was feeling tired and a just a bit fluish. It lasted overnight and most of the next day. my arm was sore for a few more days.

10-19-21, 5:25pm
I may need to have surgery in the next month. Do you think I should think about getting the booster now?

iris lilies
10-19-21, 5:47pm
I may need to have surgery in the next month. Do you think I should think about getting the booster now?
Oh hell yes! Why wouldn’t you? Are you eligible?
Do you have underlying health problems that MIGHT be impacted by this vaccine?

10-19-21, 5:53pm
I may need to have surgery in the next month. Do you think I should think about getting the booster now?

I’d ask your doctors.

10-19-21, 5:54pm
Oh hell yes! Why wouldn’t you? Are you eligible?
Do you have underlying health problems that MIGHT be impacted by this vaccine?

Yes to both. I was so surprised by what doctor said I forgot to ask her about booster. I just thought I was sick for so long after the first two that it might put off surgery.

10-19-21, 5:55pm
I’d ask your doctors.

Thanks, bae, I will ask the surgeon.