View Full Version : Another attempt at a "no clothes shopping for a year" challenge

10-25-21, 9:36pm
I moved from the northeast to the southwest a couple years ago and needed more warm weather clothes and fewer cold weather ones. I now have enough. I have enough to get me through the year without buying more. Heck, I have enough to get me through 5 years, I'm pretty sure.

Now comes the challenge of resisting tempation. I found some printable PDF charts to track my progress. I really want to succeed at this. Any encouragement is welcome. Also, has anyone else done this? Can you share your successes? I actually did this successfully about 15 years ago, but haven't been able to do it again. I keep failing and giving up. I want to succeed this time.

Teacher Terry
10-26-21, 12:23am
I haven’t tried this but being retired I rarely go clothes shopping. I did lose 50lbs over a year ago and bought some new clothes. I also got lucky and my best friend lost weight too so she gave me a ton of really nice clothes. Maybe give yourself a pass for any absolutely needed item for example if you need a new pair of shoes because your old ones wore out provided of course that you don’t have a bunch more.

10-26-21, 4:53am
When are you starting the challenge?

10-26-21, 7:15am
I haven’t tried this but being retired I rarely go clothes shopping. I did lose 50lbs over a year ago and bought some new clothes. .

I knew you lost weight, but I didn't realize it was that much! Congratulations! You deserve those new clothes!

For me, my best move to avoid buying clothes is to avoid Facebook ads. They have me pegged in shooting me ads that reflect my style. Last year I was attracted to one site and bought 3 items. There's another site that I really like where have to fight temptation to buy their stuff. Otherwise, out of sight, out of mind.

I'm not a clothes horse at all. I wear a "uniform" every day. When I have to replace things I go back to those same sources. I live in an area where most people aren't "stylish." So it's not a challenge for me in general to resist buying clothes unless I truly need something.

10-26-21, 9:55am
Good luck, Molly! I've never done it, but don't like clothes shopping to begin with. I've recently lost weight and, except for a few pieces, am just using a belt until I'm sure the weight will stay off. LOL. Again, wishing you the best of luck.

early morning
10-26-21, 10:17am
When I stopped working in April of 2020, I decided I had no need of any more clothing. Since then, I've bought one pair of house-shoes for $5, and then ended up giving them away. I've received 4 new t-shirts and some holiday socks as gifts, and had three more second hand shirts given to me. I don't like to shop for clothing, and - pandemic!- so this has been an easy one for me. I have two pair of jeans I now fit in to (woo-hoo on losing weight, everyone!!) once I hem them, so that will keep me going for a bit. I will probably need undies at some point, but for now I'm good. Molly, what specifically tempts you? Can you update what you already have by mixing accessories, changing the details, using a dye-bath? Do you want trendy, or new, or do you just enjoy the shopping experience? For other areas of my life, knowing WHY I "want" helps overcome that want....

10-26-21, 12:53pm
When are you starting the challenge?


10-26-21, 1:16pm
if shopping for clothes is an issue with the OP, then the challenge is worth it. I very rarely buy new clothes so resisting ads or shopping is not hard for me. I do go thrifting occasionally looking for good quality clothing items as the old ones wear out. I think I am what is called "low-maintenance."

10-26-21, 1:50pm
Yes, shoes are the only exception. I have bunions and falling arches and there are only a few styles that fit. I really only have two pairs of shoes that I wear. However, I have a couple of duplicates in storage which I purchased when the styles were being discontinued. So I should be good for the year.

10-26-21, 1:53pm
Good luck, Molly! I've never done it, but don't like clothes shopping to begin with. I've recently lost weight and, except for a few pieces, am just using a belt until I'm sure the weight will stay off. LOL. Again, wishing you the best of luck.

Thanks! As Joe Dominguez would say, clothing is my gazingus pin. I don't gamble, don't drink alcohol, don't like eating in restaurants. Those things aren't hard to stay away from. But clothes shopping....sigh.

10-26-21, 1:54pm
I haven’t tried this but being retired I rarely go clothes shopping. I did lose 50lbs over a year ago and bought some new clothes. I also got lucky and my best friend lost weight too so she gave me a ton of really nice clothes. Maybe give yourself a pass for any absolutely needed item for example if you need a new pair of shoes because your old ones wore out provided of course that you don’t have a bunch more.

Yes, shoes are the only exception. I have bunions and falling arches and there are only a few styles that fit. I really only have two pairs of shoes that I wear. However, I have a couple of duplicates in storage which I purchased when the styles were being discontinued. So I should be good for the year.

10-26-21, 1:58pm
When I stopped working in April of 2020, I decided I had no need of any more clothing. Since then, I've bought one pair of house-shoes for $5, and then ended up giving them away. I've received 4 new t-shirts and some holiday socks as gifts, and had three more second hand shirts given to me. I don't like to shop for clothing, and - pandemic!- so this has been an easy one for me. I have two pair of jeans I now fit in to (woo-hoo on losing weight, everyone!!) once I hem them, so that will keep me going for a bit. I will probably need undies at some point, but for now I'm good. Molly, what specifically tempts you? Can you update what you already have by mixing accessories, changing the details, using a dye-bath? Do you want trendy, or new, or do you just enjoy the shopping experience? For other areas of my life, knowing WHY I "want" helps overcome that want....

Interesting questions. I'm a classic type, think L. L. Bean. I am aware that I tend to buy similar looks over and over. So it must be the shopping experience. I spent some time researching this and discovered that I'm probably looking for a dopamine hit. Some people have suggested that I shop at thrift stores when I want something new, but that really doesn't solve the problem. The problem is always wanting something new and I've got to figure out a way to redirect.

10-26-21, 2:02pm
I knew you lost weight, but I didn't realize it was that much! Congratulations! You deserve those new clothes!

For me, my best move to avoid buying clothes is to avoid Facebook ads. They have me pegged in shooting me ads that reflect my style. Last year I was attracted to one site and bought 3 items. There's another site that I really like where have to fight temptation to buy their stuff. Otherwise, out of sight, out of mind.

I'm not a clothes horse at all. I wear a "uniform" every day. When I have to replace things I go back to those same sources. I live in an area where most people aren't "stylish." So it's not a challenge for me in general to resist buying clothes unless I truly need something.

How do you avoid the Facebook ads without avoiding Facebook? You're right, they've got me pegged and I've gone down that rabbit hole too many times. I'm actually thinking of getting off Facebook for a few months just to avoid those ads.

10-26-21, 2:04pm
I am intensly competitive, and if I knew someone else was doing this challenge, it would be a huge motivation for me to maintain it. Does anyone know if there are any online challenges I can join? I did some googling, but didn't find anything quite right.

10-26-21, 3:06pm
How do you avoid the Facebook ads without avoiding Facebook? .

I don't! That's the problem. The only solution is to minimize FB time. But like you, I'm thinking of quitting FB, too.

10-26-21, 3:16pm
Sheesh. Wish you lived near me.. You could go shopping for me. I absolutely HATE clothes shopping. It would solve both our problems. I did go shopping recently and found a few tops to replace the rags I was wearing. I should throw even more out but can't force myself to go shopping again.

Hey.. maybe that could be a side gig for you... shopping for someone else? Would that feed your need to shop?

10-26-21, 3:22pm
Haha I know. Like clothes shopping to me almost feels like a virtuous thing to do (pats self on head: you got some clothes, good girl). Ok clothes may not be particularly environmentally sustainable of course, but it's keeping myself presentable to the world, rather than the rags I would almost default to and sometimes do.

A good challenge for me might to be to keep the existing clothes I have in good condition (probably should hang dry them inside more often) for as long as possible, so I only have to buy clothes infrequently, and yet don't end up wearing near rags.

10-26-21, 3:41pm
Hey.. maybe that could be a side gig for you... shopping for someone else? Would that feed your need to shop?

No, I'm afraid that would be like asking a recovering alcoholic to buy liquor for someone else. Too many temptations! But I appreciate the suggestion. :)

10-26-21, 6:58pm
Molly, there is often a "No New Clothes in 20xx" challenge on the Mr. Money Mustache Forum. You might want to keep an eye out. I'll try to remember to report back here if I see one started.
I can't imagine doing no new clothes, but I am planning to try for less in 2022. This year I am currently at 29 in and 29 out, and that seems like a lot of churning for someone who is retired and hasn't changed sizes and has quite a lot of nice clothing already.

10-26-21, 7:34pm
Clothes used to be a gazingus pin for me also. The pandemic changed that (not being able go try things on) and when I could again I just didn't have the same desire. I bought some things, and as with a diet I think not having a sense of deprivation is important, but it was only things I really needed.

The other thing that really helped me was changing my peer reference group. I am the only female at my work site now and the guys don't care about clothes. Even if they did I doubt they would compliment me on mine due to the whole Me Too movement. Are you consciously or unconsciously comparing yourself to other people or competing with them over dress?

10-26-21, 7:37pm
This year I am currently at 29 in and 29 out

I think I may be at 5 in this year, wow is the year almost over, it seems it barely started. 3 shirts I think, one pair of shorts (and yes that was replacing one that wore out), one pair of gym pants.

During the year of our pandemic 2020, I think I was in 3 shirts, maybe a pair of shorts, 3 pairs of shoes (shoes were biting the dust on me, I needed them), some bras and underwear I think. I don't only wear shorts (but working from home ...). It's just my pants aren't new.

You see what I mean, when I buy clothes, because I don't do that that often, it's: "good, I'm doing what I should, I look a little less 'down and out' ...", it's almost like when I do my taxes "good, I filed on time this year, no extension"

10-26-21, 9:55pm
Molly, there is often a "No New Clothes in 20xx" challenge on the Mr. Money Mustache Forum. You might want to keep an eye out. I'll try to remember to report back here if I see one started.
I can't imagine doing no new clothes, but I am planning to try for less in 2022.

Thanks! That's just what I'm looking for. As I stated earlier, I'm competitive and if others are doing it, that's the drive I need.

I successfully completed a no new clothing challenge about 15 years ago and posted updates on the Simple Living Forum on a monthly basis. But I just haven't been able to do it again. I'm hoping the Mr Money Forum will have one. Maybe at the beginning of 2022.

10-26-21, 10:01pm
Are you consciously or unconsciously comparing yourself to other people or competing with them over dress?

Good question. I've been retired for many years now, and while I don't dress up, I like good quality clothing. I have one chambray shirt, but it was embarrassingly expensive. I have a "fewer, better" philosophy. My closet is a revolving door though. Buying, returning, or selling on eBay. I want to get off this merry-go-round.

10-27-21, 5:18am
A lot of what I purged were items that had been given to me or that I bought at thrift stores. My sister really loves to go thrifting, so I think I often end up going as a social thing, but then I buy things I don't even really want. I've tried to redirect more of our activities this year to things that don't involve shopping.
I've also been having a harder time lately finding shoes that are a perfect fit, but I think I'm in a good place with shoes for now.

10-27-21, 9:09am
Shoes have definitely been an issue for me. With the last two job being continuously on my feet, I've been on the hunt for comfortable and supportive shoes. In the current job, I also need shoes that are non-slip (wet bathroom floors!). So, I currently have more sneakers now than I've ever own at any point in my life!

10-27-21, 1:04pm
thrifting...but then I buy things I don't even really want. I've also been having a harder time lately finding shoes that are a perfect fit, but I think I'm in a good place with shoes for now.

That's why I'm also excluding thrifting during my challenge. I find I buy things I don't want or that don't fit correctly because they are so cheap. Also, I'm trying to break the habit of always wanting something new, and to find satisfaction with what I already have.

Shoes are another story, but since most don't fit right, I own very few. I have a normal size foot but with bunions. The toeboxes in most shoes are too narrow, even wides. And wides tend to slip off my heel. I've decided there is nothing wrong with my feet - it's the footwear industry. They base their sizes and styles on certain fit models that only cater to the middle.

One shoe saleswoman pointed out that our feet have depth as well as length and width, which is why the Brannock measuring device is only a starting point.

I think every town needs a cobbler. Someone to makes shoes to fit people's unique foot shapes. This makes so much more sense than the footwear industry churning out shoes trying to guess what people want and what will fit. Too much ends up in landfills.

10-27-21, 5:46pm
"One shoe saleswoman pointed out that our feet have depth as well as length and width, which is why the Brannock measuring device is only a starting point." That is so interesting that you mentioned that, Molly. My beloved Merrell clogs don't seem to fit me anymore, at least the new ones don't, and it's like my foot is too tall to fit into the opening comfortably. So either my feet got taller, or Merrell changed the fit, and I suspect it's probably the latter. I recently had some luck with Skecher's, and I got house shoes that I totally love from Keen, plus they are wicked cute! I got the black plaid:

10-28-21, 6:06am
I didn’t have a problem with buying unnecessary clothes due to not enough time for shopping.
Until it came. Going out to buy some bread and milk and coming back home full packed with new clothes (some not even worn once after that).
Once or twice a year for new shoes and small things now.

I started to think three times before buying something and avoiding the malls. ‘If you want to lose weight don’t go to the pastry shop.’

I moved and my new wardrobe is smaller:) So I could get rid of unnecessary clothes.

But if we put technology here:

It is possible to track yourself on the map (any GPS supported by smart gadgets) and check the most visited places and routes. You might avoid some routes that especially keep your eye on glass cases.

Don’t browse the internet for any related news and ads. Try with any hobby searches, technology news, educational programs and so forth, so that they will appear and disturb you. We spend at least 4 hour in daily searching and watching things that we actually do not want.

Make a motivation saving point, going to space?

10-28-21, 1:01pm
My beloved Merrell clogs don't seem to fit me anymore, at least the new ones don't, and it's like my foot is too tall to fit into the opening comfortably. So either my feet got taller, or Merrell changed the fit, and I suspect it's probably the latter.

I'm guessing Merrell changed the fit, too. I never considered deep toe boxes until I started having problems finding shoes that fit. A lot of orthopedic shoes advertise toe boxes that are deep as well as wide.

10-28-21, 2:45pm
Well, spank me...I walked into a JC Penney's looking for pillowcases and walked out with new clothing. I had forgotten how they have very basic 100% cotton tops and sweaters so I splurged. At some point, I question the amount of time spent at thrift stores searching for those things so it made sense to buy a few new things. Now I'm done and will refrain. However, I did get a little endorphin rush with having some new things so I get it now.

11-3-21, 1:58pm
I'm losing weight and so far have been able to shop my closet. However, after another 20 pounds or so, I will have to buy a few things at a time. I will always look at pre-owned first. Our local thrift stores are ok, but I d have pretty good luck on Poshmark.

11-4-21, 4:19pm
I'm losing weight and so far have been able to shop my closet. However, after another 20 pounds or so, I will have to buy a few things at a time.

I've learned my lesson there. When I first joined Weight Watchers 30+ years ago, the common advice was to get rid of your larger size clothing once the weight came off to motivate you to keep it off. Ha! I've gained and lost the same amount of weight over the years and got tired of buying new clothing that fit. Now I keep a small amount of different sizes in storage to accomodate my weight fluctuations. Mostly basics like pants, sweaters and tees that never go out of style.

Sometimes when I put on (or lose) some weight, I will shop eBay or Poshmark for one of my favorite items of clothing, but in a different size. Sometimes I'm lucky, sometimes not.

I'm definitely shopping my closet during my no new clothing challenge. I've already pulled items out of my "rarely worn" stack and have even pulled a few items off of my eBay listings. I'm trying to get as much use out of what I already own.

Teacher Terry
11-4-21, 6:06pm
That’s great Becky about losing weight!

11-8-21, 8:50pm
I haven’t tried this but being retired I rarely go clothes shopping. I did lose 50lbs over a year ago and bought some new clothes. I also got lucky and my best friend lost weight too so she gave me a ton of really nice clothes. Maybe give yourself a pass for any absolutely needed item for example if you need a new pair of shoes because your old ones wore out provided of course that you don’t have a bunch more.

Years ago a good friend of mine lost about 75 lbs which got him back to the weight he had been when he was in college in the late 70's. He had held onto a bunch of clothes from then in the hope that he would once again be that weight so he started wearing them again. It was quite dreadful because, well, 1970's fashion...

Teacher Terry
11-9-21, 1:04pm
That’s funny JP!

12-16-21, 1:49pm
Hello, I am new here and stumbled upon this forum as a result from searching about doing a no buy/low buy year, especially when it comes to my clothing shopping addiction. If you are still interested in some accountability, I'd be looking for the same! Thanks!

12-16-21, 1:51pm
Hello, I am new here and stumbled upon this forum as a result from searching about doing a no buy/low buy year, especially when it comes to my clothing shopping addiction. If you are still interested in some accountability, I'd be looking for the same! Thanks!

Hello and welcome to the forums! I hope you find someone to share accountability. Personally, I really dislike clothing shopping immensely, so I would only be able to post "didn't buy any clothes today" pretty much every day. LOL.

pony mom
1-5-22, 9:24pm
I am shooting for a No Buy Year, and clothes are one thing I really don't need to buy. So no more thrift stores for me, because I can't pass up a good deal on anything LL Bean or Lands End. However, I've gained eight pounds in the past year so most of my pants are quite uncomfortably snug on me (menopause sucks!). There are quite a few things that I need to buy during the year to replenish but my best bet is to stay out of stores and just buy what I need without looking at anything else.