View Full Version : Simple and Successful Birthday Celebration

1-10-22, 7:30am
Last Friday was my mom's 87th birthday. Our usual custom is to go to a nice restaurant, but we had decided against that due to the current Covid surge. We talked about preparing a meal at her house or doing some high quality takeout, but then there was also a big snowstorm on Friday. We ended up having pizza and a Market Basket chocolate cake (and of course I brought wine). There were 5 of us: Mom, Sis, Friend/caregiver, DH & me, and a good time was had by all. Mom's wish when she blew out the candles* was that she would be around to celebrate another birthday next year with the people she loved! This was from a woman who says on a daily basis that she wishes she could take a pill to disappear, wishes she had a gun, hopes she won't wake up tomorrow, wishes she was dead, etc. I actually think those are sensible desires given her Alzheimer's Disease and I'm sure those desires will continue, but her birthday wish does tell me that we succeeded enormously in giving her a Happy Birthday and she was experiencing true joy in the moment! Simple, frugal and successful celebration for the win!

*We did discuss the blowing of the candles during Covid, and decided that if anyone was going to be bringing Covid into that little gathering, Mom was the least likely vector.


1-10-22, 7:35am
Love this story! Sounds wonderful for mom and all. I am glad you have your mom around.
Dad did not have Alzheimer’s but he would point finger to head often after that age and pull trigger if I suggested anything to help. SO maybe this is common.

1-10-22, 8:02am
So glad your mom had a great birthday!

1-10-22, 8:14am
So glad that it worked out well for all.

1-10-22, 8:25am
So glad for you that your Mom took that joy in the moment!

1-10-22, 10:19am
Sounds like it was a wonderful birthday celebration for your mom and the rest of you! Thanks so much for sharing such a nice event.

1-10-22, 11:29am
What a lovely event to read about this morning. Thank you.

Teacher Terry
1-10-22, 12:36pm
Sounds like a good time!

1-10-22, 1:25pm
Very nice.

iris lilies
1-10-22, 2:47pm
Good show!

1-10-22, 3:12pm
Warmed my heart a bit reading about it.

early morning
1-10-22, 6:11pm
That sounds just lovely, rr!

boss mare
1-12-22, 9:59pm
That's awesome

1-14-22, 11:31pm
Well and thoughtfully done, Rosarugosa. (She has beautiful hair, as do you.)

1-15-22, 5:51am
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.