View Full Version : Ironing Poll. Like it? Hate it? Live with it?

6-20-11, 10:45pm
Just another poll in my series. :) How do you feel about ironing? Like it? Hate it? Or are you caught up right in the middle, smack-dab between the love and hate camps? Take my poll and share your thoughts on ironing with me.

6-20-11, 10:46pm
I hate ironing. I don't do it well either. But, I don't iron, as nothing I have needs it. I do like a bit of sizing if I do.

6-20-11, 11:10pm
What's ironing:) With the warmer months on us I've actually been appreciating the crisp feel and nice smell of hanging shirts on the line outside, wrinkles and all. About the only time I iron is for weddings, funerals, and Christmas dinners.

Sad Eyed Lady
6-20-11, 11:18pm
I don't do much ironing anymore - just if absolutely necessary. Like Rogar, I like the nice crisp feel of things dried outside - wrinkles and all!

6-20-11, 11:19pm
Do not tell my grandmother, but I have started to like ironing. God bless that woman she spent so many hours trying to teach me to iron. I hated it back then, but I started ironing because I embroider and it's starting to grow on me.

6-20-11, 11:53pm
Life's too short to iron. It's easier to learn to like wrinkles. !Splat!

6-21-11, 12:07am
Ironing? Ironing? What is this word, "Ironing"?????????? ;-)

6-21-11, 12:56am
Lol, I don't do ironing either, but I do have an iron that I haven't used in a long time (hope it still works) and a miniature ironing board. What can I say, it's about being prepared :)

6-21-11, 3:29am
I'm like Stella--I've grown into it. There's something really meditative about it. And somehow psychologically, taking the wrinkles out of a shirt or a napkin or whatever makes me feel like I can take the wrinkles out of anything in life. Sometimes I put on earphones and listen to a book while doing it, but sometimes I just go all zen and throw myself into the moment of enjoying the push, push, steam, press, fold, press, etc.

Here's a really embarrassing admission: I've been known to kiss freshly washed, freshly ironed little t-shirts of my kids--without anyone looking of course.

6-21-11, 5:30am
I didn't mind it until my ironing board broke and I have to iron with it on the floor. Haven't gotten around to buying a new board yet.

6-21-11, 6:45am
I like to iron. I iron almost everything, even paper currency if it is too wrinkly. I started ironing my father’s handkerchiefs as a child then graduated to his white shirts. My mom would sprinkle the clothes with water from a water bottle, roll them up, wait a while then unroll and iron. I have come into the modern age, however, I use spray starch. I'm still using my grandmother's ironing board that she gave me when I set up my first household. My ironing board is in front of a window, in our closet (9x18 walk -in), upstairs so I just relax and survey the property as I iron. So nice to see and wear crisply, freshly ironed clothing. My husband was in the military so he knows how but does not like to iron.

6-21-11, 7:49am
I avoid needing to iron clothes, but I consider pulling out the iron when I'm sewing (which is really rare) as it's hard to machine sew without some ironing.

Miss Cellane
6-21-11, 8:17am
Ironing is one of the few household chores I don't mind very much. For one thing, I'm not getting my hands all wet and grimy, and I'm not dealing with scrubbing or mopping. And it's quiet, unlike vacuuming.

There's something satisfying about taking a crumpled, wrinkled piece of clothing and smoothing it out and making it look nice and neat and tidy. Yes, I know as soon as I put on that crisply ironed shirt, wrinkles will happen. But there's a difference between the wrinkles from being dried and stored and the wrinkles that come with wear. And I have some old table linens of my great grandmother and grandmother, and before having company, I like to hand wash those and line dry them and iron them. It just looks nice. But I don't iron my sheets or towels. (I had an aunt who ironed her husband's underwear. If I were married to a spouse who wanted ironed underpants, he would be ironing those himself, I fear.)

You can turn on music while you iron. Or set the board up in front of the TV and do something useful while you watch the idiot box.

I don't iron everything. Certainly not my jeans and cotton knit shirts I wear around the house. But if I'm out and about in public, I tend to be wearing ironed clothes. I blame both Catholic school uniforms and the fact that my dad was in the military and was always starched and pressed to the nines for my compulsion to be wrinkle-free.

That said, I never notice wrinkles on other people's clothes.

6-21-11, 8:37am
I use my iron more for crafts than for clothing. I don't buy clothes that will require ironing.

6-21-11, 9:17am
I don't mind ironing and I don't really have much of it anyway. I really enjoy ironing my cotton pillowcases. No, I don't iron my sheets but I love having a nice, clean and wrinkle-free pillowcase.

6-21-11, 12:11pm
I couldn't answer the poll. I certainly don't love ironing, but I don't hate it either. I also don't ever do it. :) I don't buy/wear clothes that need ironing in general, and I make sure to take work clothes out of the dryer before they wrinkle. I line dry bulky items that don't need ironing anyway (jeans, sweatshirts, etc.).

If I ever do have something that needs ironing (like getting ready for a wedding or something), then my husband is happy to do it. He's good at it and he enjoys it.

My mom wasn't really into housework, so I wasn't raised in an ironing home. The first time I heard about someone ironing their sheets, I thought they were insane! OK, I still kinda think that's insane.


6-21-11, 2:08pm
I work from home and DW is more of a jeans sort of gal so there's not many clothes around here that actually need much in the way of ironing.

However, I iron her fabric when she's sewing. While I sometimes dread some of the longer lengths (like the 16 yards of natural cotton she picked up a couple years ago), overall it's an enjoyable experience... of course, that's when you're just working on not stretching the fabric and you have a few yards of expansive fabric in front of you with no folds, creases, or buttons to worry about ;)

We purchased a professional ironing table though and that's one thing that contributed to making it a more pleasurable experience.

6-21-11, 6:15pm
I don't do a lot of ironing. Some clothes dry for about 10 minutes and then straight to clothes hangers for the remainder of drying. The others are hung or folded as they come out of the dryer. I sometimes have to iron church clothes, husband's shirts, etc. I don't hate it, I just see it as a waste of time.

pony mom
6-21-11, 9:53pm
I love having ironed clothes but don't love doing it. Most of my clothes now don't need it and I usually take stuff out of the dryer before they're dry so they don't get too wrinkly.

However, when I did have lots of things to iron, like my summer clothes, I loved playing music and doing the entire lot all at once. Just the smell of an iron brings back memories of my mom ironing things in our basement.

6-21-11, 10:34pm
I voted for "totally love it"! And I really do! Believe it or not, ironing still takes place in the Mizerly household!


Now ironing (at least in our home) isn't what it used to be. Nowadays, ironing is mostly reserved for DH's shirts and pants, a few odd and ends that the kids ask me to do for them, or an occasional something that I happen to want pressed, but still, I enjoy the process of ironing immensely. I can do in my Sunday best, I don't sweat doing it, and I find there's something so soothing and relaxing about it.

6-21-11, 11:19pm
Since the only things I iron are what I am making while sewing, & because it's necessary in many of the steps for a well made garment, I guess I like it. Rather, I like the ease with which all the other steps happen as a result. I haven't ironed my clothing in years - I use other strategies to either keep or get wrinkles out, including wearing for work dress & going out some super fabulous, drapey silks that simply hang out wrinkles. I take lots of stuff out of the dryer while dam and hang them such that they don't wrinkle. Also, I wear clothing that just doesn't matter - jeans, knits, natural fibers like linen, silk, wool, & cashmere that look fine no matter what.

6-22-11, 6:32am
.....I find there's something so soothing and relaxing about it.

That's exactly it. Ironing for me is soothing, relaxing AND rewarding because of the final product. Having a good iron can also help make it a good experience rather than a chore.

6-22-11, 8:19am
Hi Redfox. So true. Clothing (for the most part) has come such a long way from say twenty or so years ago when all things cotton needed ironing. I'm anal when it comes to removing clothing from the tumble dryer (when I use the dryer) immediately, and that in itself makes such a big difference. However DH's shirts look so nice after a pressing and he never fails to thank me and tell me how good he feels wearing them. That in itself makes me feel good and in turn, it reflects my dedication towards ensuring the boys (husband included in the mix) all have neatly pressed shirts to wear, and for us women of the house, neatly pressed slacks and dressy tops.

Goldensmom. There are few domestic things I can think of that I am able to do without exerting myself, however ironing is one of them. It's like putting icing on the cake after baking it. I just LOVE ironing when I'm all caught up on my household chores and have a little down time, and if the house is quiet, that (by far) is my very favourite time to iron! Ironing never fails to help me forget about everything around me! I really get into my own little dream world doing it!

iris lily
6-22-11, 9:23am
I will iron tablecloths and napkins, and when I sew, I iron, but that's about it.

We don't have clothes that need ironing,well, we don't iron clothes, I should say.

Float On
6-22-11, 9:38am
I iron as needed because it needs to be done. If my husband had to wear dress shirts and ties daily I'd probably spring for pressing at a drycleaner - I hate doing men's shirts.
I do enjoy ironing as I sew - makes all the difference.

6-22-11, 10:55am
I hated ironing - but *loved* linen. So, I found myself an antique (electric) iron and ironing board, and now I adore it. I put on some lovely music and iron for hours. It's calming. And my clothes are gorgeously pressed!

6-22-11, 12:31pm
Originally posted by Iris.
We don't have clothes that need ironing,well, we don't iron clothes, I should say.This made me chuckle Iris! :)

Float On. I used to hate doing men's shirts too, the darting at the back used to drive me crazy, but my ironing ability has evolved exponentially over the years so darts and things don't even fizz me anymore. Believe it or not I actually dislike ironing while sewing. Imagine that... My guess is I don't like disrupting my sewing time with pressing.

Folkypoet. I remember you talking about you old antique wooden ironing board and iron! :) (Old-fashioned things make my heart skip a beat). Like yourself, I too put on music when I iron, but sometimes, like when it's raining out and it's open window season, I like to just listen to the rain.

Float On
6-22-11, 12:48pm
I do have to say that one of my sewing projects this year will be for a new ironing board cover (I recently burned a spot on the current one - my bad).
My ironing board hangs on a hook on the backside of my laundry room door - I only set it up as needed. The iron has a shelf of it's own above the washing maching. The only bad thing is I didn't think ahead when planning the laundry room and I should of added a wall outlet right by the laundry room door, as it is I have to either use the outlet in the hallway or use an extension cord from the outlet behind my sewing table.

6-22-11, 1:25pm
Don't do it. Don't even own an iron. I NEVER buy ANYTHING that needs ironing, professional cleaning, hand washing or anything that can't just be thrown in the wash with hot water together with everything else I have - heck I don't even seperate the darks from whites from colors - it all go in together!

6-22-11, 1:36pm
Ironing? Ironing? What is this word, "Ironing"?????????? ;-)


6-22-11, 5:20pm
I've found that a quick toss in the dryer, good shaking and very careful / creative stretching and pinning on the line eliminates the need to iron nearly anything, even dress shirts. The one thing I would like ironed in a perfect world but will never ever do myself is fitted bottom sheets. Those, I'll take off the line, toss in the dryer and then put on the bed all stretched out while they're still warm. Good enough!

6-22-11, 5:44pm
Sometimes I enjoy it, when you see those wrinkles being turned into crisp material. I also love the sound of the iron on material that has starch on it. I like using liquid starch that I put in the rinse cycle of my washer. Haven't done that in awhile, have to try that again.

Don't iike it when I'm tired or in a rush...UGHHHHHH

6-22-11, 5:55pm
Ooh, I could see hating it when I'm in a rush, too. I usually just iron when I've got a big chunk of time, and I do it all leisurely and carefully. You know, come too think of it, it probably is so enjoyable because of my lingering OCD. :o) Like Tussiemussies, I love to see those wrinkles disappear.

6-22-11, 9:27pm
Originally posted by Float On.
I do have to say that one of my sewing projects this year will be for a new ironing board cover (I recently burned a spot on the current one - my bad). Shame- shame- double shame! :) I've yet to do that but have caught myself a few times leaving the iron flat on the board surface while tending to one of the kids and it always scared the BEJESUS out of me after I realized what I had done. Thank goodness for Teflon! I sure do love your nifty hook on the back of the laundry room door for hanging up your board idea! DH is on the very cusp of finishing off my laundry room (I've waited over a year so far, not that I'm complaining), but once things are all in order I'm looking forward to finding a home for a lot of things (in the laundry room) that I have scattered all around. I keep telling myself, "it's coming, it's coming"...

Spartana. You are such a rebel! :laff: But I like it, although... your mixed laundry washing routine, hmmm... http://th159.photobucket.com/albums/t136/rukia26/Smiley/th_ththdcc47f051.gif

Florence. With any luck I'll be able to join you and LC and Spartana in another- ohhh....., 15 years! :laff:

Kib. It truly is amazing how neat and semi wrinkle-free one can do laundry just by carefully addressing each stage of the process. When I hang laundry on the line I never overlook "snapping" each item "good and smart". That helps so much in removing much of the washing wrinkles and crinkles, and then as you say, a little creative stretching and pinning goes a long way.

Tussiemussies. I have a really old iron, not an antique one or anything, just old. Like fast approaching 30 years old, so I really could use a new one, but my old one works just fine. Anyhow, I keep a small measuring cup full of water off to the side so I can periodically top it off, and I love the hissing and steaming sound it makes! Never thought of the sound thing before, but now that you mention it I'm going to have an ear out for it the next time I'm ironing! (Love the sights and sounds of all things frugal and simple)!!! P.S. I've really missed your company of the forum. http://th7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/navyfcbragg/smiley%20mood/th_lonely.gif

Folkypoet. Me too! Leisurely, casually, carefully, and meticulously! :) I'm thinking ironing and sewing are "about" the only two domestic things I do at a relaxed pace, everything else I do "in-time"!

10-12-12, 12:45pm

Any yet one more fun thread I just happened upon where I felt that a resurrection was in order!

10-12-12, 1:41pm
You left out a catagory - "don't do it". I don't even own an iron and have nothing that has to be ironed. Make sure whenever I buy clothing it's all wash and wear. Never use a dry cleaner either. But I hate ironing - even the thought of ironing - so I'll go into that catagory even if I don't do it.

10-12-12, 2:46pm
Most of my clothes are knits of some sort. I don't really enjoy ironing, but see it as a sometimes necessary evil, like most housework. I had to do the family's ironing as a kid, so grew to hate it. Hubby has always been particular on his stuff, but he's always done his own ironing. Only once I tried to do the good wife thing and iron a shirt, but it wasn't to his liking, so I never attempted again. :laff:

I do like pressed napkins and tablecloths, so I don't mind doing them as much.

10-12-12, 2:55pm
I iron twice a year and it is like having a whole new wardrobe to wear. The linens should last a good long time since I only get to wear them about 2 times a year.

10-12-12, 3:06pm
On average I iron 1 item every 4-6 months. Sometimes I go a few years w/o ironing anything.

But I do fold hot from the dryer. And I rarely wear blouses.

10-12-12, 5:11pm
I hate it! My cleaner adds a couple of hours onto her bill and does it.

Worth every penny, to me! Husband's shirts immaculate - and she even irons socks!

10-12-12, 5:21pm
I'm a member of the 47% (how ironic, lol) that dispise it. What a pain. I'd rather mow the lawn and believe me that's saying a LOT.

10-12-12, 7:56pm
I do not mind it, but have to admit that I own no clothing that absolutely needs ironing. A quick finger press and stuff dries just fine on the hangers.

I use my iron for sewing projects. :D

10-12-12, 8:06pm
I don't remember if/how I answered this before ... but I do enjoy ironing! I loved (in the "olden days") setting up the ironing board in front of the TV and ironing for "hours" (not really). What I don't like is having to set the iron/ironing board up for just one or two items. And DH doesn't like it if I leave it up, even tho it's in the spare bedroom and he's not likely to see it. He just doesn't like things sitting out. I have one shirt that doesn't "need" to be ironed, but looks and hangs much better when I do. So I don't iron very often, but enjoy it when I do.

10-12-12, 10:31pm
Super-great additions everybody! So happy to hear from you all!

10-12-12, 10:48pm
Originally posted by Kestrel.
I loved (in the "olden days") setting up the ironing board in front of the TV and ironing for "hours"I remember my mom doing such when we were kids, her cup of coffee and cigarettes sitting off to the side.

10-12-12, 11:05pm
Adding (I'm remembering all sorts of things tonight), that mom would call-out to us kids (when we were older) to come get our things and hang them up when she was done ironing them. So exciting knowing you had your favourite pair of pants or top to wear to school for the next day!