View Full Version : Turkey family Robinson

7-10-22, 8:20pm
This is the name I have given to a family of two mamas and ten baby turkeys. There’s a fair amount of wilderness space in our neighborhood including a 20-30 acre hill behind our house. There’s a surprising amount of wildlife (at least to a city kid like me) that lives in this fairly small space. In warm weather I like to sit outside and read in the evenings and keep an eye on what’s going on on the hill. A couple months ago a couple of mama turkeys and their tiny kids started wandering past every day munching on whatever they can find in the dirt. Last week we had excitement because a coyote was stalking them so all the kids flew up onto our roof for a bit and the mamas waited out the coyotes in the trees. Just now they all wandered past. The kids are getting big and I’m happy that all ten are still alive. These mamas did a good job.

7-10-22, 8:29pm
Animal watching is fun! A diving friend recently got video and stills of bluegill mating at a WI lake. I posted a link to Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On to his FB post. :D

iris lilies
7-10-22, 8:33pm
We have a turkey family that stays in our city neighborhood. It must be the same mama that comes every year with new hatchlings.

7-10-22, 8:33pm
That's pretty cool, I don't know that I've ever seen a family of wild turkey.

My only turkey story happened one fall day about a dozen or so years ago. I was watching Bengals football on a Sunday afternoon and heard a pecking noise at my rear door, looked over and saw a wild turkey through the glass looking in at me. By the time I found my camera it had lost interest in me and was just hanging out on the deck.

https://scontent.fluk1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/39555_1461409901355_1409595_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=g-6etxM7ad0AX8nsvEA&tn=o8lxsydBNXziJm-X&_nc_ht=scontent.fluk1-1.fna&oh=00_AT_r996hGVtNsegVHVUOMMGvpZRLtsXpkCF0BdNfXMBQ _g&oe=62F140AC


7-10-22, 9:10pm
We also have a bunch of deer. A mama with two kids that are now about grown, another female who seems to be a loner and two boys that are always hanging out together. From the size of their antlers I’m guessing both are a couple years old. Other than that we have a random assortment of squirrels that come by regularly since SO leaves dried corn on the fence and a family of geckos that live under our deck. And a variety of birds including a lot of hummingbirds since our next door neighbor has a feeder. I love them because they all come hover in front of me to check me out.

7-10-22, 9:32pm
I've seen deer, a coyote or two, rabbits, raccoons, quail, wild pigeons (big!) And the daily parade of biggish dogs and their humans.

7-10-22, 9:46pm
Here's some pics. Sorry that everyone looks like they are about to fall off the earth. Tilt your head or device and it will look normal...


8-28-22, 7:51pm
The turkey family Robinson just wandered past. Everyone’s still alive and the kids are now as big as the mamas so I can’t tell which are which. A couple of the kids are turning into massive Toms.

A week ago the turkeys were chilling just outside our yard with one of the male deer. They started chartering and he whipped his head around to see what they were talking about. Apparently it was important because he stood up and turned to directly face the problem. They all crowded behind him and kept talking. Apparently they were saying ‘we’d better move up the hill to safety’ because that’s what they all did. With mr. deer following behind while repeatedly looking over towards the problem. Clearly he had their back. Literally.

8-28-22, 9:41pm
It was probably that Avian flu, sneaking up behind you, type of thing.

8-28-22, 10:23pm
It was probably that Avian flu, sneaking up behind you, type of thing.

Lol. Given the demographics of our county you’re probably right. Republicans would be all ‘it’s like like Ghina there.’