View Full Version : Is this hypocritical? Given.....

10-19-22, 4:07pm
the nature of many of my posts over the years? I'm off today and am opening an investment account, independent of work, at one of the large nationwide investment firms with both a brick and mortar and online presence. I'm actually excited and have a sub $15 a share stock picked out with a PE of less than 12 AND a slightly over 3% dividend.

We'll see if I lose money like I have investing my points on the Drop App into crypto right before crypto winter.

But regardless, is this hypocritical? It feels so, but it also feels right at the same time as I do believe in this unnamed stock. Rob

10-19-22, 4:08pm
Why buy a single stock?

10-19-22, 4:15pm
Why buy a single stock?This particular stock I believe in plus it's money I've made on smartphone apps over the years that I can afford to lose. But yeah I get your point. Rob

10-19-22, 5:26pm
It just dawned on me.....things do change sometimes. I never thought I'd use the expression money I can afford to lose and above I did.

10-19-22, 6:29pm
My mother owned one share of stock in something or other until she died.

You're not a hypocrite--you're playing the only game in town. The days of earning interest on savings are long gone. Besides, those investment apps look like fun.

10-19-22, 6:46pm
You're not a hypocrite--you're playing the only game in town.

I find nothing less meaningful than charges of hypocrisy, talk about world's most meaningless term. There might be a scale where it is very modestly (not all that even then) useful in the purely individual choices realm (the preacher gives a sermon against adultery and keeps a mistress). But being part of society is not that. And it's almost never used in a meaningful sense anymore, so I say we retire it. If you believe the company you are investing is is uniquely malevolent I could see avoiding it, but otherwise nah.

10-19-22, 9:42pm
the nature of many of my posts over the years? I'm off today and am opening an investment account, independent of work, at one of the large nationwide investment firms with both a brick and mortar and online presence. I'm actually excited and have a sub $15 a share stock picked out with a PE of less than 12 AND a slightly over 3% dividend.

We'll see if I lose money like I have investing my points on the Drop App into crypto right before crypto winter.

But regardless, is this hypocritical? It feels so, but it also feels right at the same time as I do believe in this unnamed stock. Rob

This sounds more like ethical investing, then investing.

iris lilies
10-19-22, 10:34pm
I might buy a single stock for shits and grins, But not as an investment strategy.

10-20-22, 6:00am
I don't see anything hypocritical about it as long as it's a company that isn't inconsistent with your values.

10-20-22, 2:20pm
I don't see anything hypocritical about it as long as it's a company that isn't inconsistent with your values.Thank You. I am very picky about where I will invest. I did find this unnamed US company stock with some display of ethics, less than $15/share, 3% dividend and a P/E ratio of less than 12. Other than that, I will likely invest in socially responsible mutual funds. Rob

10-20-22, 2:22pm
This sounds more like ethical investing, then investing.No snark - just curious what it is I have displayed that classes this as ethical investing? I ask because I am indeed a believer in socially responsible investing. Rob

10-20-22, 2:25pm
No snark - just curious what it is I have displayed that classes this as ethical investing? I ask because I am indeed a believer in socially responsible investing. Rob

Well, it's probably not as environmentally deleterious as crypto.

10-20-22, 3:56pm
No snark - just curious what it is I have displayed that classes this as ethical investing? I ask because I am indeed a believer in socially responsible investing. Rob

Your not buying a mutual fund, which spreads the risk. Buying into one company, when it isn't a benefit (the old days when my father worked for IBM, stock options), IMHE tends to be either insider trading, gambling (day trading), or ethical investing (supporting a company you believe in).

10-20-22, 4:13pm
I long ago decided I wasn’t smart enough to consistently trade individual stocks profitably. I just buy index funds and take what the market gives me. I would think it would be even trickier if I had to superimpose some idiosyncratic ethical template over my decisions.

10-20-22, 9:21pm
My one big dive into investing in individual stocks was about 2 1/2 years ago. I had a chunk of change from my annual bonus that I normally would have put into an index fund. But since we were in the early days of a viral pandemic and the stock market had just cratered I thought to myself ‘JP, what companies might profit from a pandemic?’ And the answer I came up with was medical testing companies. So I took that money and split it between Labcorp and Quest diagnostics stock. Some months later the stock market had rebounded but those stocks had not exploded up. It turned out that neither company was interested in ramping up covid testing to develop a new stream of income. Perhaps a smarter investor would have thought of that before investing and would have instead found some scrappy startup(s) that would also likely profit from a pandemic. Maybe one that was in the business of developing new vaccinations that hadn’t yet been tested in the real world but had the potential of becoming a brand known by people worldwide…. In any case, I sold labcorp and quest at the end of 2020 once they had both fully recovered from the earlier stock meltdown. I did slightly better than any of the index funds I’m invested in but probably not enough to make the added risk worth it.

10-22-22, 12:44pm
Update: So far I'm really impressed with this discount brokerage and I now own shares of this company I believe in. Rob