View Full Version : Really nice holiday events in Hermann

iris lilies
12-11-22, 1:46pm
My holiday barometer is all about visuals. I like pretty winter decor, lights, charming Hallmark movie village scenes, you know, the typical stuff. Appropriate music helps set the scene but there’s so much Christmas music I dislike, that can be tricky. I’m not so much into food, alcohol, Christmas carols.

We’ve had three back to back such experiences in Hermann, and I expect this to be the last of our holiday celebration even though it’s coming early in the month.

The first experience is the tablescapes fundraiser in my town. Ladies decorate 1 of 15 tables and the historical society charges $5 to come in and view the decorated tables. Every table is done masterfully, decorated to the nines. I decorated a table this year in the theme “Christmas with the Addams family. “ These designers rachet up the glam and their tables are… Extra. I love extreme decorating!

Friday night we went to the “Beast Feast” at the winery down the block. It is a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It was very nice with lots of great decor. The old stone building where it was held was lovely, and the food was great. Each year they collect donations from hunters to complete the menu. We had beaver, raccoon, spoonbill, wild hog as well as the more staid venison and Turducken. We sat at a table with jovial people we did not know. It was fun.

Last night we went to a Christmas party at the home of the car club President. Their very nice house had 71 Christmas trees. Yes! No exaggeration! And it was nicely decorated otherwise, a nice house that had been, as is typical in Hermann, built onto. I got a couple of decorating ideas from it.

They built a very nice 1 bedroom apartment onto their modest split level house, built it for their autistic son. Of course they added a garage to this new structure because they are car enthusiasts. Anyway, it was interesting to see how they added onto their house.

so, a very successful Holiday week with the locals. There were tourist festivities going on throughout this weekend but I stayed away from that madness! Haha,

12-11-22, 1:49pm
Did you take any photos of your Addams Family Christmas table?

iris lilies
12-11-22, 2:07pm
Did you take any photos of your Addams Family Christmas table?

yep! The color theme was black highlighted with gold. “Thing” made an appearance. Morticia’s love of headless roses was represented. It was fun, and easy to do. You can do a lot with color.

Next year I am doing a Grinch theme, and I have other ideas cooking for subsequent years.

4999 5000 5001

12-11-22, 2:21pm
Very nice. And your photos didn’t post sideways! :moon:

iris lilies
12-11-22, 2:25pm
Very nice. And your photos didn’t post sideways! :moon:

I am surprised by that because I forgot to make the usual procedure which is to take a photograph, and then take a screenshot of the photograph. That screenshot always seems to post upright.

Teacher Terry
12-11-22, 2:59pm
Very cool!!

12-11-22, 4:18pm
I love the Addams Family table!

12-11-22, 6:02pm
Love the Gothic look of your Addams Family table.

12-11-22, 9:43pm
That sounds like so much fun! And right up your alley, too!

12-12-22, 9:27am
Nice job on the table! Sounds like it was a fun event.

11-10-23, 3:28pm
Okay--Faux, I am very curious about that car club. Are they actual skilled automotive restorers, or are the just "car buffs" who purchase a vintage car and use it to atend gatherings? Basically a form of car jocking much like affluent Iwah people who buy a huuuge SUV and deck it out with vanity plates of their favorite school and attend games and have tailgate parties. See?

early morning
11-10-23, 7:43pm
oooohhh, I love the table!! All of your festivities sound like fun. If you like little red sports cars and end up on Cape Cod, check out Toad Hall Cars outside Hyannis Port. http://www.toadhallcars.com It is some kind of wonderful!! He has a 53 Jag XK-120. And a bug-eye Sprite!! We had so much fun there. Called first, as the people who steered us there said it was a good idea - and asked the owner if his museum was open, as it was both late in the day, and way after season. He said - if you will come, I will be open! And he was, and I was totally floored by the lovely red cars. Which I know nothing about, but dearly love, lol....

iris lilies
11-10-23, 8:30pm
oooohhh, I love the table!! All of your festivities sound like fun. If you like little red sports cars and end up on Cape Cod, check out Toad Hall Cars outside Hyannis Port. http://www.toadhallcars.com It is some kind of wonderful!! He has a 53 Jag XK-120. And a bug-eye Sprite!! We had so much fun there. Called first, as the people who steered us there said it was a good idea - and asked the owner if his museum was open, as it was both late in the day, and way after season. He said - if you will come, I will be open! And he was, and I was totally floored by the lovely red cars. Which I know nothing about, but dearly love, lol....
Indeed, I love Austin Healey Bugeyed Sprites!

If Bobby was more polite, I would tell him about the guy in my car club who has wonderful English cars and works extensively on them, including a big Healy, but Bobby will just make fun of these English cars so why even bother.

11-11-23, 9:33am
Okay---I am in complete and total arg---er---agreement with Faux, on that. No sense discussing English cars here, because I will no doubt mock them. So yeah---let's move on. Hope that helps you some. Thanks mee.

11-11-23, 11:18am
Okay---I'm sitting here, waiting for my energy drink to kick in, so I can go to the wreckin' yard and pull a trailer hitch to use on my antique van. Plus, some steering column parts; it's always a fun thing to do. But yeah---does Herman, Zurra have a Cat Club? Not one a these cat clubs that is just a cover for a drive-n-eat society, but one where the members stay at home and spend quality time with their rescued strays? Just curious.

iris lilies
11-11-23, 11:43am
Okay---I'm sitting here, waiting for my energy drink to kick in, so I can go to the wreckin' yard and pull a trailer hitch to use on my antique van. Plus, some steering column parts; it's always a fun thing to do. But yeah---does Herman, Zurra have a Cat Club? Not one a these cat clubs that is just a cover for a drive-n-eat society, but one where the members stay at home and spend quality time with their rescued strays? Just curious.

Hermann has a very active “cat club “called “Ferals In Peril. “

It’s an organization that watches out for feral cats, forms colonies, and finds caretakers for them, etc. I gave a large donation to them this year. Plus I attended their fundraiser. In addition, I help the lady down the street who takes care of a colony by giving her money

iris lilies
11-11-23, 12:31pm
Okay---I am in complete and total arg---er---agreement with Faux, on that. No sense discussing English cars here, because I will no doubt mock them. So yeah---let's move on. Hope that helps you some. Thanks mee.

Oh, and OF COURSE the people in our car club work on their own cars, this is HERMANN, not Millwood or Fremont hills in your area of lalaland.

I only know the English car guy because we’ve had several conversations. He had the most pristine TR6 I have ever seen, and we were members of the Triumph club in St. Louis for several years so i have a good frame of reference. Last year I had a real yen for a kit car big Austin Healy which was in my price range, so he talked to me extensively about them. As it turns out his benefactor also loves the big Healeys and ended up buying an authentic one recently. His “benefactor” is an old guy who actually owns the cars and lets my car club friend work on them and drive them.

but most of the car club is made up of American cars, not so interesting to me.

12-4-23, 12:05pm
I wonder how much you'd like to organize an ALPHABET People Festival, there in your adopted hometown. An event like that might be a big tourist draw. You could lease the shop building down the hill from you, and redecorate it, and headquarter the event there as well as hold a parade through town. Yup

iris lilies
12-4-23, 12:40pm
Here are images from the Grinch table “Christmas in Whoville” table at the Tablescapes display in
Hermann. I look for items throughout the year at thrift stores to use. I have gotten so much use out if these green placemats and napkins, purchased several years ago from Goodwill.

Last week I found an Eiffel Tower sculpture just the right size at Goodwill ,for next year’s “Christmas in Paris” tablescape.




12-4-23, 12:53pm
Okay---yah, one a very few moo--versions I've went to was Grinch & Carrey was very entertaining and brilliant(like mee). But yeah--you sidestepped the question I axed, about you chairing a committee to establish an ALPHABET People festival in Herman. Thank mee.

12-5-23, 6:26am
I love the Grinch tablescape, IL!

12-5-23, 9:06am
Very nice, IL.

7-4-24, 12:44pm
okay----i'm just wondering if they have an annual "Fireworks Display" in Herman, Zurra, for the whole community, like they usta have here? but yeah---the whole clan loads up their car and crowds inta town out by the airport, sitting in a line of traffic ta get in. then, they all sit-n-watch colorful explosions in the sky, like it's hammas attackking Zurra. then, they all cram inta their cars, and sit in line, waiting to leave. but see---the city decided to discontinue the annual event due to the expense. but yeah---they decided the money could be better spent on other stupid stuff. (believe me---they have stupider stuff to waste $$$ on.) Ha. Yup. I may relocate ta Mass, home of Karen Read & Al DeSalvo. The good news is---fireworks are totally Eee-legal, there. Yup. (see photo)5974

7-5-24, 6:47am
okay----i'm just wondering if they have an annual "Fireworks Display" in Herman, Zurra, for the whole community, like they usta have here? but yeah---the whole clan loads up their car and crowds inta town out by the airport, sitting in a line of traffic ta get in. then, they all sit-n-watch colorful explosions in the sky, like it's hammas attackking Zurra. then, they all cram inta their cars, and sit in line, waiting to leave. but see---the city decided to discontinue the annual event due to the expense. but yeah---they decided the money could be better spent on other stupid stuff. (believe me---they have stupider stuff to waste $$$ on.) Ha. Yup. I may relocate ta Mass, home of Karen Read & Al DeSalvo. The good news is---fireworks are totally Eee-legal, there. Yup. (see photo)5974

They may be totally illegal, but you would never know it on the Fourth! It sounded like a war zone here last night too. The NH border towns have lots of fireworks stores, so they're easy enough to get.

iris lilies
7-6-24, 10:55am
Last night was the first time in a long time or maybe ever? That we sat on our deck and had a perfect view of fireworks in Hermann. I don’t know where we’ve been the past five years, but I think we’ve been in the city during fireworks time and then last year there were no fireworks due to drought and the year before well everything was under construction, so I wasn’t here.

Our deck is really really nice for viwing lots of things.

As for “war zone” you need to come to St. Louis 2 weeks before July 4th and about a week bedore Mew
years. Our neighbors shoot off guns. Lots of gunfire. And yes, bullets do rain down and do damage.

7-6-24, 3:31pm
We live downtown and used to be able to sit on our porch to see the fireworks in downtown Indy but the trees have grown huge in 24 years so now we need to move about 4 houses away. We were asleep this year.

iris lilies
7-6-24, 4:22pm
We live downtown and used to be able to sit on our porch to see the fireworks in downtown Indy but the trees have grown huge in 24 years so now we need to move about 4 houses away. We were asleep this year.
I’m not a huge fireworks fan but last night I was sitting in our sunroom reading and kept hearing explosions and then I looked up and saw all the fireworks. I could see them as easily from our sunroom here as I could out on our deck, but I just went outside because it’s more of an outdoor activity.

But Fireworks just Every few years is fine with me.

7-6-24, 4:40pm
okay---this is all very interesting. it brings to mind the VERY catastrophic "The Station" nightclub fire out east in Rhode Island 21 years ago. so anyway----a very lame traveling rock band that had been a one-hit-wonder(that was very stooopid)in the 80's was performing at this nightclub that had that white urethane foam board around the stage as a backdrop, and the groups manager set off fireworks(indoors)while the group was performing their "music"(ha), consequenly igniting the foam board, causing a fire in the crowded nightclub, killing 100 people and injuring another 200 or so. anyway--the site has been a vacant lot since then, but i see they(i don't know who "they" are) built a more permanent monument as a memorial. but yeah---a memorial to stupidity. and guess what? one o' my subjects(for study) is an iwah(nowhereville) drive-n-eat-buy-tickicks ta see some lame-ass old rock band that never was any good, and last year they wenta see that same crappy group that caused the fire 20 years ago. drove-n-ate a 250 mile round trip during the prime hours for impaired drivers, too. how do you like that? if you need to consult me about whether you should do stupid stuff, don't hesitate toi consult littlebittymee. i will do my best to talk you down from the ledge, though the world might be better off without any stoopid people. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.

8-16-24, 7:56pm
okay-----guess what? i have some terrible news for you---the front man for the rock band(noise) that was playing at the station, when it had the tragic fire, has suddenly passed into eternity. but yeah---it is all over the news, so you kids are prolly already aware of it. thankk mee anyway. yup.

8-17-24, 6:04am
okay-----guess what? i have some terrible news for you---the front man for the rock band(noise) that was playing at the station, when it had the tragic fire, has suddenly passed into eternity. but yeah---it is all over the news, so you kids are prolly already aware of it. thankk mee anyway. yup.

I read about that this morning. I'm not particularly knowledgeable about this band, but the guy was 63, and that seems so young (now that I am older!)

9-28-24, 5:41pm
okay-----Well, guess what? I was just informed that they had the Hermannstiva event, there in Herman, Zurra. Well, Iwoulda gone, had I: a) known bv) had my Aspire licensed and insured. But yeah--an Aspire---I've had one for over twenty years and bought at the wreckin' yard and drove--just D R O V E over 100,000 miles-----is really a second-design Festiva. Yup. So yeah---if they have the event next year in Herman, of course I will go. Sure will. Hope that helps you kids some.

iris lilies
9-28-24, 6:27pm
What is Hermannstiva?

there was a harvest festival today if that’s what you mean.

We are all happy that you didn’t come, we wouldn’t want you to strain yourself.

9-28-24, 7:51pm
What is Hermannstiva?

there was a harvest festival today if that’s what you mean.

We are all happy that you didn’t come, we wouldn’t want you to strain yourself. okay----Ha. Thanks for the pimpish remark. I'll bet Hermanstiva was Ahhh-summ & ah-may-zeen. Yup. But anyway---the Hermanstiva was mentioned on the Aspire owners group on F-book. See----(since you obviously don't know this, since they don't cover important stuff on Downtown Alley or whatever on Tee-vee), is that first Ford marketed a non-Ford but badged Ford made inKorea called the Festiva. Actialla, they marketed a Fiesta before that, but after the Festiva came the new, improved Aspire. They were a very very cheep and unimpressive car. non-prestige. Owners didn't even wave at each other. nope. But now, they're classics. Yup. See? Anyway, they are very, very, similar. I guess that a Festiva club held a small show up there in that little bitty burg up there. But yeah---if I'da known, i mighta drove up there. I have lots of parts for Aspires, I really do. Yup. Thankk mee. edited to add: photo of HermanStiva. Note that there's an Aspire in the photo, too.6051

iris lilies
10-1-24, 7:29pm
This will make bobby unreasonably upset, but today our car club had a wee caravan event. We drove through the parking lot and driveway area of our local senior citizen’s home. It was a gorgeous fall day and the seniors were sitting outside taking in the car parade and we all waved to each ither as we made 2 turns through the route. Then we parked and socialized. They gave us cookies.

The car club is one of the important social institutions in Hermann.

This Friday DH is driving 2 of the Homecoming Queen’s court in his convertible during the Homecoming parade.

Ah, small towns, ya gotta love ‘em.


10-2-24, 8:55am
They have such car shows, off and on throughout the summer, down the main street of the little town one of my siblings lives in. We'll go over every now and then just to walk around and look at everything. It's a nice way to spend an evening.

10-2-24, 11:16am
Ah, small towns, ya gotta love ‘em.

True! I happen to enjoy car shows--from the purely historical and design perspective. They tell such a story. So cool that your DH gets to drive in the parade! Would that be the Trump-bump car?

iris lilies
10-2-24, 11:37am
True! I happen to enjoy car shows--from the purely historical and design perspective. They tell such a story. So cool that your DH gets to drive in the parade! Would that be the Trump-bump car?
It is his gold 1979 Mercedes Benz.

I don’t know what a Trump bump car is. (edited to add: oh wait…no, DH bought this car 20 years ago, long before Donald Trump was President.)

10-2-24, 10:12pm
It is his gold 1979 Mercedes Benz.

I don’t know what a Trump bump car is. (edited to add: oh wait…no, DH bought this car 20 years ago, long before Donald Trump was President.)

I thought you bought a sporty little car, and said that you bought it with the bump in your investments during the Trump administration. You called it the Trump bump, or am I wrong?

iris lilies
10-3-24, 8:52am
I thought you bought a sporty little car, and said that you bought it with the bump in your investments during the Trump administration. You called it the Trump bump, or am I wrong?
oh, that would be *MY* red car. yes!

DH and I have separate convertibles. We are fancy car people.

iris lilies
10-5-24, 7:49pm
Here is DH in the Homecoming parade driving Homecoming Royalty. The parade was a full 3 blocks long full of town organizations, cheerleaders, football team, all,sports teams, parent and alumni organizations, fire Dept vehicles, vehicles and etc

DH shared that his car did fine n this parade “since it can only go 25 miles per hour” because it cannot go out of 1st gear. He has been tinkering with it for some weeks and it may be time to call in the big guns.


10-6-24, 9:36am
I love parades. And that's funny about first gear. LOL Glad it all worked out.