View Full Version : Went To Joplin, Yesterday.

5-20-23, 11:11pm
Okay---It was a wonderful trip. Saw and experienced things. But yeah---more on this, later. IU'm still trying to process it all.

5-20-23, 11:25pm
Did you have a bite to eat while you were out and about? Pictures?

iris lilies
5-21-23, 9:47am
Did you drive ‘n eat?

The only place more boring in Missouri than Springfield is Joplin. I am not surprised you would go from one to the other.

5-21-23, 12:27pm
Okay----Thanks for axxing mee those quesssions. But yeah----I had some bottled water in the car, but guess what? Had to make a quick stop at a DG on the way home for some crackers. Yup. Got the peanut butter munchies by Frito-Lay. But yeah--its all gone up in price! But, I got most of them left, as provisions for when I go over to my Tick Ranch to wage war on Vegetation. See---IU looked on G Maps, to get the location for my destination in Joppyland. But guess what? I made a turn too soon, exiting I-44, and got off-course a bit. But still---I was on the right road, just further out. Got to my destination in South Joplin, just fine, without any trouble. It was a guvvv'ment maintence shop, and good work, if you can get it! The 'ployees looked very content. It was quiet as a lirrrrarrry! Ha. So anyway---anya you kids ever been ta Joplin? I didn't think so. Ha. There were some wrecks on the interstate on the way, and repairs to guardrails that had been hit, which slowed traffic. So anyway---I took an alternate route back, which connected my to hwy 96. That way, I could make several stops. One, at the Tick Ranch, and Two. At the 'Chine Shop in Halltown. So yeah--I did that, too. Plus, the new DG(for crackers) which is now the retail anchor, there. But, thats good. Real good. They were busy, too. Also on 96, there's a vet clinic---I presume they treat small animals, too. Plus, I went through the notorious intersection of 96/39, south of Miller, where a car with 3 or 4 lady school teachers on board missed a stop sign, and went in the path of a fully-loaded semi carrying load of wood. That was in 1997. But, I did not see a roadside memorial. HWY 96 is in roughly the route of US 66, but not quite. remnants of 66 meander in and around the new highway. But yeah---taking a trip on old Rte 66 back in the day in your '42 Buick or Hudson or whatever, musta been a thrill, due to the narrow pavement, curves and hills. Yup. But yeah--I made it back, and unloaded the cargo from my cheap, wreckin' yard subcompact economy car. So anyway---more on this particular trip, later on. Zurra is VERY scenic and touristy. No need to sit on a plane & go to France or anything. Truth be known---people come allll the way from Europe, to explore old U S Rte 66! Ha. Hope that helps you kids. Thankk mee.

5-21-23, 1:12pm
Okay----At no time was I bored or disinterested, during my trip to Joplin and other places, en route. Nope. But yeah---maybe the last time I traveled to Joplin(or second to last), was in the aftermath of the Tornado of 2011, which tore a path through town, doing MUCH destruction. Yobama stopped & visited Joplin, to make a speech about how it looked like Dee-troit or wherever, after a civil disturbance. Hah. Not really. But he did make a speech, there. Then, off to ho-woya. So anyway---For weeks, semi's loaded with storm-damaged vehicles went by us, on the interstate. Some were even dropped off at wreckin' yards here in SFD. I really like visiting Joplin, though. It's like a whole other country. So, here's a photo post-tornado, taken of a Subbbarrrooo in Joplin. The force was so great, that it blew all the lefty slogan stickers clean off the back of it! You bet. But yeah---take a look. Thankk Mee.5465

5-21-23, 2:03pm
Okay---here's the crash site of the 1997 collision between a car & semi. The car missed the stopped sign(see photo) on 39, which gives traffic on 96 the right-of-way. About 2 miles ahead on 39 is Miller, Mo. But yeah--the truck was westbound on 96, loaded with wood from a sawmill, and the car crossed into its path and was pushed to the clearing at the NW side of the intersection. There was wood scattered, everywhere. Also, was a memorial there, but it's been 26 years, now, since the crash. But, never forget: Traffic is Murder.54625463

5-21-23, 8:32pm
Okay---I haven't even mentioned that on my way to Joppelin, I passed the site of the Sept. 1970 Tri-State Dynamite Truck Explosion. It's about 10 miles out from SFD., in the eastbound lanes of 44. So anyway---Tri State(outta Joplin) was on strike, and they had non-union replacement drivers. Sooo, a couple Good Ol Boys who were on strike and out doing some serious drinking, started harrassing the Tri state trucks, by taking shots at them with a "high-powered rifle". See---that's what the media called some guns used in high-profile crimes, before they got the hots for "assault rifles". I guess I took that zact same road on the way back, too. Drove right over the same spot it happened! But yeah---the truck was full o' dynamite, and just one littlebitty bullet caused the cargo(Dynamite) to blow the truck, trailer, and driver to smithereens. The drivers remains were gathered up & taken to the hospital in buckets. Plus, the concussion shattered the windshield in the shooters' car. And so on. Yup. All kinds of weird events take place, here. So, don't move here. Hope that helps you some.

5-22-23, 1:47pm
Okay---Here's a coupla 50's-era tourists, towing on vacation, prolly exploring the back roads o' Zurra, parking just wherever, to camp for the night. But yeah---take a look. Thankk mee.54675468

iris lilies
5-22-23, 2:01pm
Okay---Here's a coupla 50's-era tourists, towing on vacation, prolly exploring the back roads o' Zurra, parking just wherever, to camp for the night. But yeah---take a look. Thankk mee.54675468

That green motoring system is sweeeeeet!!!!!

5-22-23, 6:59pm
Okay----Zurra has a LOT of very(x4444) interesting stuff. For instance, on the eastern side of the state, there is this. Too bad nunya kids could afford to acquire THIS. It is a mini-Nsh. Yup. See photo.5470

iris lilies
5-23-23, 8:41am
Okay----Zurra has a LOT of very(x4444) interesting stuff. For instance, on the eastern side of the state, there is this. Too bad nunya kids could afford to acquire THIS. It is a mini-Nsh. Yup. See photo.5470

If I had garage space I would buy it!!!

5-30-23, 5:32pm
Okay----This isn't zackly Joppeland, but it is in Zurra, where my late perfesser, Sister Dorothy is also entombed. But yeah---one of her fellow sistahs made the news, due to being uncorrupted. How do you like that? Awesome & Amy-zeen, isn't it? See photo.54925493

10-21-23, 10:32am
Okay--Journeyed tA Joopeland again in Sept. It is gorgeous that time of year. Rode my trusty steed(just rehauled the motor in 1980),in spite of a brake fluid leak, pulling my trailer I acquired new in 1994. Destination: Dennis Weaver Drive, at the old airport terminal. Stopped at DG for crackers and Red Bull. on the way. To be continued...

dado potato
10-23-23, 7:07pm
I have not yet visited Joplin. I am interested in the community response to the tornado emergency of May 22, 2011.

The Empire Farmers' Market is year-round.

If I lived there, I probably would distill my drinking water. Drinking what?

Water for teas and coffee.

Rents in Joplin are among the lowest in the USA.

10-28-23, 10:27am
Yes,yes---low rent. But let's keep it a secret, shall we? Don't want it Californicated! Nope. You kids can see .y new van on Google maps on Dennis Weaver Drive. Yup.