View Full Version : Trees…the enemy

iris lilies
7-2-23, 7:46pm

yesterday, in St. Louis, a woman was killed in the city when she was innocently sitting in her parked car. A tree limb fell down in the storm, hit her car, and killed her.

this happened in the neighborhood very near to where I lived. This is in the city of St. Louis and no doubt there will be a big legal battle over who owned the tree and were they responsible. Likely the city will be responsible. It’s not the first time a city tree has fallen and killed someone. Many years ago in a park, a tree limb fell and killed a child.

7-2-23, 8:11pm
Okay---That is VERY unfortunate, Faux. At least she wasn't attak an robd by thugs. BTW, do you have pictures of the victim you can post? But yeah---maybe you could attend her visitation, and see if they did a good job on her restoration. Sending Prayers.

7-2-23, 9:35pm
Okay----Part B. In Zurra, trees are a BIG prollem. See---what happens is--the tree you WANT to grow, and lovingly care for---die after you've wasted years caring and nurturing them. But then---they have these Zurra treees you DON'T want, that are just giant weeds that grow to 40 feet tall inside of ten years. Yup. Lotta them have thorns on them; ALL of them are prone to just falling right on something valuable during a sudden weather event. See? Typical life cycle is 50 feet high in 15 years and dead, shortly thereafter. But yeah--ya gotta be merciless with Zurra Trees.

7-2-23, 9:54pm
Is the Gulf of Mexico the enemy when it floods and kills hundreds of people? Or when lightening strikes and kills people? Maybe trees in the city are not being cared for properly. That's not the tree's fault. Tree-prejudice is like any other kind of bias. You attribute one negative thing, which harms only humans, to an entire race/kingdom. Trees are essential to life on the planet.

People are evil, too. (some)

iris lilies
7-2-23, 10:19pm
Is the Gulf of Mexico the enemy when it floods and kills hundreds of people? Or when lightening strikes and kills people? Maybe trees in the city are not being cared for properly. That's not the tree's fault. Tree-prejudice is like any other kind of bias. You attribute one negative thing, which harms only humans, to an entire race/kingdom. Trees are essential to life on the planet.

People are evil, too. (some)

why yes, the Gulf of Mexico*IS*the enemy when it is acting up threatening humans.

On another thread we are talking about threats to our houses from mother nature and other occurrences. I would remind everyone to keep in mind trees surrounding your house are a threat. Sometimes they are a benign threat. Often they are not.

7-2-23, 10:31pm
Nature is not the enemy. Nature is nature. Life is life and death is death. Trees are only the enemy if you see yourself as apart from nature, or above nature. Maybe civilization is the enemy.

7-2-23, 10:48pm
Okay---I get it. We humans are encroaching on land that was meant for Trees---even Zurra Trees---an so--Yeah--We are the enemy. Yup. Nope. Ha. So, anyway---the solution is obviously human population control, in order to reduce our numbers. Then, trees can live.

7-2-23, 11:20pm
Gov Abbott of Texas is paralyzed from a tree falling on him years ago. I love trees but they have been the devil here - the wind has taken down four of ours now. Common sense would say that the high and dry prairie has never been a place of trees but yet we humans keep planting them here. Me included.

7-2-23, 11:25pm
Where I live, trees crush cars, garages, and houses on a regular basis.

Just a couple years ago I had a pair of huge fir trees come down in a big storm, just barely missing all my cars/trucks, and coming to rest just on the peak of my garage roof, which miraculously was undamaged.

7-3-23, 6:12am
IL: I definitely thought of you when I saw that headline! Too bad Abbott's tree didn't take him out completely.

7-3-23, 5:45pm
Nature is not the enemy. Nature is nature. Life is life and death is death. Trees are only the enemy if you see yourself as apart from nature, or above nature. Maybe civilization is the enemy.

I agree. Humans try to change and manipulate nature/the environment instead of learning to live with and within it. I do believe and take some satisfaction in believing that - some how, some day, some way - nature WILL win out.

iris lilies
7-3-23, 7:41pm
Yet another death-by-tree in the St. Louis Region.


7-3-23, 11:59pm
Yet another death-by-tree in the St. Louis Region.


So I'll bet the poor tree is thinking those severe storms are the enemy. And what is a possible cause of all these severe storms? Climate change. And who is likely to blame for climate change? Human activity. So it all comes around to what I said earlier--people are the enemy. Don't blame the trees.

iris lilies
7-4-23, 10:47am
So I'll bet the poor tree is thinking those severe storms are the enemy. And what is a possible cause of all these severe storms? Climate change. And who is likely to blame for climate change? Human activity. So it all comes around to what I said earlier--people are the enemy. Don't blame the trees.

ABSOLUTELY the storm is The Enemy if you are a tree!

7-4-23, 12:26pm
Okay----summa the VERY idealistic Callyfornyans have so much respect for trees and other vegetation, that they clear out a spot just big enough to build their dream home in the country. Then, after a periodic drought, and a lightening strike or an arsonist, all that uncontrolled brush goes up in smoke, taking the nearby residences with it. I can't understand why they don't realize that they have to stay ahead of Mother Nature. See? But yeah---there's no reasoning with ideologues. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.