View Full Version : Flu shot

9-27-23, 7:43pm
I had my flu shot a few days ago at the recommendation of my doctor. My upper arm turned red and became swollen sort of like I imagined the old Moderna arm. Nothing big, but it's still irritated and have felt a little worn down. Arm is better but still red. I've never had this happen with the flu shot before and have been curious if something is different enough this year to cause such a reaction. It's always been virtually nothing. I had Covid this spring and have wondered if my immune system has changed.

I may wait until colder weather and closer to the Holidays for my Covid booster. I'm sort of glad I didn't get both at once. I lost a little sleep as it was.

9-27-23, 8:32pm
I didn’t get any reaction to the flu shot. The covid shot gave me a sore arm the next day and a slight fever when I woke up the day after but that was gone by noon. I did both together since I have two arms…. But seriously it was just easier than trying to schedule two appointments.

9-28-23, 6:03am
I had the flu shot and RSV in my left arm on Sunday, then the new Covid shot also in my left arm on Tuesday. I'm a lefty, so I usually go with the left because they say moving your arm helps diminish any soreness, and I figure I'll move my dominant arm more without even trying. I had very slight soreness, but not a big deal. As DH says, I'm "tough as snails," lol.

9-28-23, 12:33pm
There are so many things that are added to vaccines and some of them bioaccumulate. Given the ever increasing number of shots people are told they need, it's not surprising there are side effects.

A five year old today will supposedly "need" 72 shots for covid-19 over the course of their lifetime, yet young people are at practically zero risk of any serious outcomes from covid. Young males, however, do have an increased risk of myocarditis from the shot, which is why many European countries do not administer it to young people. Of course, they have a single payer health system not based on profit.

9-29-23, 12:25am
We had our Covid and flu shots yesterday. Hubby accidently hit me in the arm rolling over - YOWZA! Both of us have red and swollen left arms today. We have been using arnica and it seems to be helping. Both of us felt kind of cruddy today but it seems to be wearing off.

9-29-23, 6:29am
My work was giving out free flu shots. I thought about getting it but didn't. Everyone I know whose gotten flu shots has ended up getting the flu. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never gotten the flu so I'll stick with that strategy.

9-29-23, 6:39am
My brother is convinced his flu shot gave him joint issues, and his doctor said not to get another one. That was last year's, though.

iris lilies
9-29-23, 8:37am
Yesterday I inquired at our small independent pharmacy here in town about the three shots.

The pharmacist will give the flu shot.

I need a prescription for Covid and for RSV.

In the years before I retired I didn’t get these preventative shots except one time when I was shamed into it at work. But my immune system dropped in 2019 when I was sick for most of the year. I think it’s built back up but who knows.

I will get Covid shot. I will probably get the RSV shot. Not sure about flu shot. I can space them out easily enough because I’m retired and can make multiple trips so I don’t plan to get all of them in one arm at one time.

9-29-23, 9:15am
It's been a week to the day since I got my flu shot. The injection site is still red and inching a little, but the slight pain, fatigue, and swelling are gone. I assume just my unique immune system reacting to one of the yearly flu variants they put in the vaccine. I'll expect that sort of thing with the covid shot, but that's a new reaction to me from the flu shot. No regrets about getting the shot. I had covid this spring (vaccinated) and was fairly sick for a few days. In the odd chance I could get covid and also one of the other respiratory virus floating around I think it could send me to the hospital. I'll take my chances with the shots.

9-30-23, 6:32am
That's interesting, IL. We didn't need any prescriptions.

9-30-23, 6:33am
Glad the side effects are wearing off, Rogar.

iris lilies
9-30-23, 9:25am
That's interesting, IL. We didn't need any prescriptions.
The pharmacist mentioned “ the protocol for these two is to get a prescription.”

I have no idea what “the protocol” means and who sets it.
