View Full Version : I Quit My (Very) Part-Time Job Today

12-27-23, 10:00pm
I woke up at 3:30 this morning tossing and turning with the recurring sciatica pain that had me down for almost a full week earlier in the month, complete with a trip to the ER, it was that bad. I had a lumbar injection last Friday and was feeling pretty good by Saturday but all that went out the window after working at the gallery on Sunday sitting on the crappy wooden chair with my not-so-good cushions. I was in a bit of pain on Xmas day, then returned to work yesterday for a 5 hour stint in which I got more sore and disgruntled about being a gallery-sitter with an uncomfortable chair. So when I woke up I lay there tossing and turning for a few hours wondering why the hell I am torturing myself for $12/hour (plus commissions when I sell something expensive) job and basically just came to the conclusion that I am NOT going to do it anymore!

I texted my boss (because that's how we do it) and profusely apologized for the abrupt resignation but I finally got it through my thick head that my health is way more important. This is what I said:

Good morning K-----

I’m sorry to spring this on you so suddenly, but after two days back at work it is clear to me that I need to take more time off and properly heal. Sitting for 7 hours is again becoming quite painful for me, yet I can’t stand for very long periods of time either. I have decided to take a few months off to really focus on my health for once and do everything I can to get out of this pain cycle and become productive once again. Thank you for everything, and again, I apologize for the rather abrupt notice.

I do feel a little guilty about springing this on her so suddenly, but we are about to go into the really slow season for a few months and I was only set to work two days a week plus fill-ins here and there. Sometimes there comes a point that you just have to do what you know you need to do, right then and there. I feel good about this decision. I am going to spend the next two months focusing on my health and well-being. I'm still dealing with the left arm/shoulder issue, and now this sciatica crap. It never ends with me anymore. I'm astounded at how much I've aged in the past five years. I'm kind of at my whit's end and needed to do something drastic in order to start this journey of healing.

Thanks to my frugal living in the past, I have some money saved up to help me through a few months of little to no income. My husband is supportive of my decision. He is making good money these days so it will all work out in the end. What I really need tonight is deep, full sleep, the likes I haven't really had in a few weeks...

12-27-23, 10:18pm
I think you made a very good decision. Best wishes for better health in 2024!

12-27-23, 10:31pm
Good choice. And what was her reaction?

12-28-23, 8:42am
It seems to me that is a great decision!

12-28-23, 9:01am
I agree--this chair business has gone on way too long, and good for you for standing up for your health!

12-28-23, 9:51am
Good of you! Take the time off to take care of yourself. Maybe a better opportunity will turn up for you in the meantime.

early morning
12-28-23, 10:01am
Wishing you better health in the coming year! Take care of yourself, you're the only you you have, after all. And kudos for standing up for yourself! Not being permitted to use a comfortable chair that is helpful, instead of hurtful, is ridiculous. I get the form/function esthetic, especially in a gallery setting, but it should never be invoked at the expense of someone's well being!!

12-28-23, 11:56am
"Good choice. And what was her reaction?"

"O Man Sue, I'm sorry. WE are going away January 15-Feb 1st would you be able to fill in you think with a few weeks off or should we try to hire someone else?"

"I would like to think that I would be able to do that but at this point I just don't know how it's going to go, so I would say to cover the time you are away it's best to find someone else that can be a reliable replacement."

So, first of all, this was the first I'd heard they were going away for two weeks - I hadn't been asked to work extra or even if I had the availability to work extra those weeks. Then, say if I were took take the next two weeks off and started feeling better, worked extra to cover their time away, I would be right back to where I started from and having to spend out-of-pocket costs for more medical bills because I'll be in the new plan year. So none of it adds up for me to do this, and I stick by my decision.

Then she gave me the number for their chiropractor who they have raved about for a long time, but she doesn't take insurance and you have to send the bill to your own insurance, which means they won't cover it because she is out-of-network. Mind you, I really love these people in every way except for this issue. I guess I feel a little bit taken for granted at this point and finally had enough, for all my reasons mentioned. I don't wish them ill at all, and I hope they can find someone to replace me. To think all of this could have been alleviated by investing in something as simple as a ergonomically correct chair over a year ago!

12-28-23, 12:36pm

12-28-23, 5:22pm
I'm glad to hear you are taking care of yourself FIRST! And if they REALLY wanted you to work at all in the future, maybe mentioning to them that providing an ergonomic/more comfortable chair would definitely increase your consideration to return!

12-28-23, 5:31pm
Oh, I did. I asked for one over a year ago and was shut down pretty quickly because it wouldn't fit with the gallery aesthetic. Not even a modern-looking black ergonomic office chair. I was really bummed out for awhile after that, because I thought the owner of the gallery and I were sort of friends. I couldn't understand how she could prioritize aesthetics over comfort. She suggested I get some sort of special pillow for the chair. So I made do with some pillows I had, and a lumbar roll pillow with a strap I could slip over the back. Mind you, the look of my odd pillows on that chair were way uglier than any sleek black office chair!

12-28-23, 9:38pm
Don't look back. $12/hour is not enough to worry about their problems. You need to focus on your health, as you are. They may be nice enough people but they are also clueless.

12-29-23, 6:43am
Honestly, they sound a lot like my siblings. Some people use other people to get what they want, but they try to cover their selfishness with a veneer of charm. Insisting on the uncomfortable chair and putting their esthetics above your health--more than clueless, really, and seriously uncool.

12-29-23, 9:10am
I have a friend who has multiple injuries similar to yours and aggravated by her work. I've talked with her about retiring or at least scaling back her hours, but her lifestyle and liberal spending won't allow that. It's a good argument for living below a person's means and good you can afford to take some time off.

12-29-23, 12:06pm
That's what I keep going back to: it's only $12/hr! In the summer though I can make anywhere from $200 - $400 in commission on top of that just working three days a week but the gallery business is certainly fickle. This time of year starting a week after New Year's it get really, really slow until March and the thought of sitting there even just two days a week makes me want to cry out of boredom and pain, lol.

I'm just trying to keep it one day at a time and not worry about the money aspect. Silversmithing is still on hold but I have enough leftover work to get me through the next few months. I'm down to just two galleries where I show now. I could decide to start getting my Social Security but I am certainly not going to make that decision on the fly. I can buy myself some time, at any rate, before it comes to that.

12-29-23, 9:56pm
SiouzQ, I'm glad you made the choice you did.

12-30-23, 8:00am
I understand that you already discussed a good chair with them, SiouzQ. I only meant maybe a follow-up discussion if they really wanted you back... maybe making a GOOD chair part of a return to work deal.

Still wishing you the best and hope that you are feeling better since quitting!.

12-30-23, 8:01am
Duplicate post. Don't know why. Oh, well. LOL