View Full Version : Emergency Preps for 2024

1-2-24, 6:46pm
Anyone concerned that 2024 may be more precarious than 2023? If so, what are you doing in response.
I've been invited to use someone else's land to grow on. Going to plant potatoes and field corn on this newly available plot.
Planning on some security purchases, that I would not have in years past considered.

iris lilies
1-2-24, 7:20pm
Field corn? For what purpose?

we have 1 acre and already grow truck farm levels of some edibles. We must have 30 winter squash stored down in our cool room. I have bags and bags of tomatoes in the freezer.

Have you grown potatoes before? They don’t do so well for us, we have too much clay. What’s the quality of your soil?

1-3-24, 9:03am
We already grow a lot of squashes and also potatoes. Tomatoes don't do well for us because it's cold here. Don't think we will do anything different this year.
If I were worried about food, I'd probably try to do things like smoke fish or dehydrate fruits and lay in things like rice and oatmeal.

1-3-24, 4:02pm
Field corn because I'm spending $80 every 6 weeks for organic feed for 16 chickens. Plus in bad times feed might not be available.
Potatoes don't grow well in my clay soil either. Have to prep soil really well.

early morning
1-3-24, 4:47pm
cx3, my prepper ex-physician grew potatoes in spoiled hay bales somehow. You might google it, if that would make your life easier, lol. I'm guessing your chickens eat all your veggie scraps etc - I'd be careful with the corn, it's a fairly empty-calorie chicken candy, in my experience. It's been a while since I've had chickens, but my kid's 4-H club had a lot of chicken projects, and I remember that. (Our chickens were mostly free-range - as in they had a pen, but seldom stayed there) YMMV :-)

1-3-24, 5:12pm
I am likely already overprepared for most things one could reasonably prepare for.

And for the unreasonable things, well, there are at least 3 billionaire "apocalypse bunkers" on the island that I am aware of, and the billionaire owners don't live here, so that'll be interesting to observe.

1-3-24, 6:41pm
I'm thinking I over estimated in the OP. Now that it's January, looks like $80 for 4 weeks not 6, as I just noticed the volume in my feed barrel.
Field corn does well here in Indiana. However, its labor intensive getting the seeds off the cob, and the chickens don't digest it well.
I prefer sunflowers, less labor and chickens digest better than corn. If I can just manage to get to the ripening heads before the birds do.Yes, my chickens free range and get our scraps.
Bae that's interesting on those bunkers.

iris lilies
1-3-24, 7:11pm
I am likely already overprepared for most things one could reasonably prepare for.

And for the unreasonable things, well, there are at least 3 billionaire "apocalypse bunkers" on the island that I am aware of, and the billionaire owners don't live here, so that'll be interesting to observe.

not to play one upmanship, But I will bet our family bunker is better than yours! Ha ha. DH’s Swiss cousin has a WWII bunker in the mountains.

1-4-24, 9:01am
I feel like of sort of "starting over" with preparations. We need to make some healthier eating changes, which means I need to work on the pantry. Not sure on a lot of things at this point, but definitely want to eat down a bunch of stuff.

1-4-24, 2:18pm
not to play one upmanship, But I will bet our family bunker is better than yours! Ha ha. DH’s Swiss cousin has a WWII bunker in the mountains.

I, um, must confess that I do not have my own bunker. I grew up in a time and place where we had fallout shelters/bunkers all over the neighborhood and the town. However, these days I believe safety in time of trouble comes from community, not from holing up in a bunker eating MREs.

Sure, I've got some contingency plans and such in place for a Cold-War style nuclear exchange, but a bunker isn't necessary for that, here. In fact, a bunker would be counterproductive to surviving one of our more likely events - the Cascadia Fault earthquake that will happen sooner-or-later.

I live partway up the side of the tallest mountain for ~60 miles, on an island in the ocean. This old fire watch tower atop the summit of the mountain is about a 15-20 minute hike from my door, or a 10-15 minute drive, and I have the keys/combinations to the gates and such in the park it is located in. The tower figures prominently in my anti-zombie plan, and in the event of the collapse of mainland civilization I expect it to be in use by the locals :-)

I routinely use the location for emergency communications drills, and with equipment I can hand-carry up there, I have nearly state-wide reach.


iris lilies
1-4-24, 4:48pm
That is a beautiful castle-like structure and location. What a great lookout.

1-4-24, 5:22pm
I, um, must confess that I do not have my own bunker. I grew up in a time and place where we had fallout shelters/bunkers all over the neighborhood and the town. However, these days I believe safety in time of trouble comes from community, not from holing up in a bunker eating MREs.

I agree. I am not much of a prepper... While not a churchgoer currently, I subscribe to Jesus's admonition to "Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." I believe my best assurance of protection against future evil will be my neighbors. DH and I are from NJ and never owned a gun (even though DH was a Marine sharpshooter). But my neighbors have a lot of them! As for basic needs, our communal skillset is very diverse. Because we all feel dependent upon each other, I am at peace with what the future will bring. Plus, I'm 71 and I'm not going to live forever so if some apocalypse comes, I'll be fine with bowing out.

1-7-24, 12:11am
I'll wait to see how much rain we get in the spring. If it's a good winter I am not worried. Otherwise I'll be taking steps to prepare for wildfires like having go bags in both of our cars etc.

1-27-24, 11:30am
I once served on a county government task force to plan for “Y2K”. One of the members started bragging about his stockpile of supplies. Another member, representing our Sheriff’s Department, put his gun on the table and said “You’re only mistake was telling us about it”.

1-27-24, 12:05pm
I once served on a county government task force to plan for “Y2K”. One of the members started bragging about his stockpile of supplies. Another member, representing our Sheriff’s Department, put his gun on the table and said “You’re only mistake was telling us about it”.

I was in a county disaster planning meeting a few years back, as a representative of our Port District.

The County emergency management guy laid out his plan to confiscate the fuel supplies at the airport for his vehicles and such. I pointed out to him, as gently as I could, that Port Districts in this state are municipal governments with full police powers, and he had best ask nicely if he wanted to use our resources, but that any attempt to "confiscate" our fuel supplies would be....discouraged strongly.... in real time. Especially as we had air power.

1-27-24, 3:23pm
I was in a county disaster planning meeting a few years back, as a representative of our Port District.

The County emergency management guy laid out his plan to confiscate the fuel supplies at the airport for his vehicles and such. I pointed out to him, as gently as I could, that Port Districts in this state are municipal governments with full police powers, and he had best ask nicely if he wanted to use our resources, but that any attempt to "confiscate" our fuel supplies would be....discouraged strongly.... in real time. Especially as we had air power.

My understanding was that emergency powers rested with the various state governors. Although I suppose in the event of a total breakdown, we could see various municipalities setting up as local warlords or bandit gangs. The image of Sheriff’s Deputies being strafed by Cessna 172s is striking, although it’s hard to see most public employees being willing to stand and die. Especially in unionized organizations.

I suspect in a real Mad Max situation, most violence would be ad hoc and personal, with criminal gangs taking on the role of medieval barons.

1-27-24, 5:40pm
Here is a pretty good list of things you may need in an emergency published on FB by a page I follow: Attainable Sustainable. I think it's pretty comprehensive. Any thoughts by you guys who are pretty well-prepared already?


1-28-24, 8:34am
I am involved in civic matters with fellow activists, including some Trumpers. If he takes over and imposes a dictatorship and starts killing his political rivals, I feel I will be safe.

1-28-24, 11:56am
My understanding was that emergency powers rested with the various state governors. Although I suppose in the event of a total breakdown, we could see various municipalities setting up as local warlords or bandit gangs. The image of Sheriff’s Deputies being strafed by Cessna 172s is striking, although it’s hard to see most public employees being willing to stand and die. Especially in unionized organizations.

Well, we have a fair collection of warbirds sitting in hangers here. A couple of P51s, a Zero, a Skyraider, Mig-21 and F-89, T6F/T6D Texans, a T-34, a Stearman, a Skymaster, Birddog, and Grasshopper, and a few others I am forgetting. All properly defanged at the moment. No jet fuel on-island for the Mig and such, but that's life.

The Sheriff's department has two outboard-powered utility boats.

1-28-24, 12:29pm
I think some people need to loosen the tin foil hat.

1-28-24, 1:55pm
Well, we have a fair collection of warbirds sitting in hangers here. A couple of P51s, a Zero, a Skyraider, Mig-21 and F-89, T6F/T6D Texans, a T-34, a Stearman, a Skymaster, Birddog, and Grasshopper, and a few others I am forgetting. All properly defanged at the moment. No jet fuel on-island for the Mig and such, but that's life.

The Sheriff's department has two outboard-powered utility boats.

I’m trying to picture an AFSCME local with a collection of rich people’s toys battling it out with cops over a fuel farm.

1-28-24, 3:09pm
I’m trying to picture an AFSCME local with a collection of rich people’s toys battling it out with cops over a fuel farm.

I have a significant supply of popcorn set aside for my viewing pleasure.

1-31-24, 6:17am
I think some people need to loosen the tin foil hat.

I agree. Although it’s interesting to read chains of comments in a masturbatory thread like this because we get to see people’s specific biases pop out, like Ldahl’s unprompted anti union comment.

2-1-24, 11:34am
I agree. Although it’s interesting to read chains of comments in a masturbatory thread like this because we get to see people’s specific biases pop out, like Ldahl’s unprompted anti union comment.

I suppose I should be grateful you didn’t bring up Trump.

early morning
2-1-24, 12:17pm
Ah, but YOU did. I think that's a point to JP. Not that anyone is keeping track of the score or anything. >8) Bae, would you pass the popcorn please?

3-23-24, 10:18am
Don't know if it counts as an "emergency prep", but I'm just finishing up the processing (dehydrating) of 12 pounds of ground turkey. It will be a decent restock on the pantry shelf.