View Full Version : Travel For Travels' Sake

10-15-24, 1:34am
okay----you kids already know about my value-set on travel as a tourist, and showing off. Like, wow--I'm impressed. Not. But yeah---here's a photo of a test subject, who is trying hard to impress everyone, by wasting MUCH time and money, visiting a well-known tourist trap. Totally foolish, Yup. Guess where? (See photo)6069

iris lilies
10-15-24, 9:09am
okay----you kids already know about my value-set on travel as a tourist, and showing off. Like, wow--I'm impressed. Not. But yeah---here's a photo of a test subject, who is trying hard to impress everyone, by wasting MUCH time and money, visiting a well-known tourist trap. Totally foolish, Yup. Guess where? (See photo)6069

I can assure you that no one travels to impress *you.*

10-15-24, 11:51am
okay---lilypad---you neglected to guess where the fools went to waste their time and money and everyones' resources, just to show how touristy they can be. So guess.

10-15-24, 12:42pm
okay----here's some fools from waaaaay up north in the middle o' nowhere. They drove-n-ate their way ta the coast, somewhere ta stand on a sandy beach, just for your benefit. Ha. (see photo). Do I envy/admire them? Are they "ahhh-summm" and "a-may-zeen"? Not hardly. They're lardballs and touristy fools, that can't find something worthwhile to do. See? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee. Yup.60706070

10-15-24, 12:49pm
okay----here's some fools from waaaaay up north in the middle o' nowhere. They drove-n-ate their way ta the coast, somewhere ta stand on a sandy beach, just for your benefit. Ha. (see photo). Do I envy/admire them? Are they "ahhh-summm" and "a-may-zeen"? Not hardly. They're lardballs and touristy fools, that can't find something worthwhile to do. See? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee. Yup.60706070

We take pretty much that same picture each year on our 2-3 month winter trips across the southern US including our annual 'Christmas on a beach' tour. I'd tell you how much we spent this past month upgrading our camper along with the heavy duty truck required to tow the new one, but impressing you wasn't the goal.

10-15-24, 1:12pm
We take pretty much that same picture each year on our 2-3 month winter trips across the southern US including our annual 'Christmas on a beach' tour. I'd tell you how much we spent this past month upgrading our camper along with the heavy duty truck required to tow the new one, but impressing you wasn't the goal.okay----oh, heck I wasn't referring to YOU in my thread about wasteful & extravagant travel; I'm surprised you even thought I was. But yeah----I was critiquing Those People from way-up-north who do this kind of thing, when they should have other priorities. That being said, I know that you and your wife are doing some exploring to various places, in order to learn all about them. Yup. Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.

iris lilies
10-15-24, 1:16pm
Am I supposed to know these people in these photos? If so, you are way off the mark, I have no idea who they are.

iris lilies
10-15-24, 2:23pm
For you specially bobby, just for you, to make you envious and impressed, here is a photo of me and DH in 2017 at Hogwarts. (Actually, a castle in Romania)
Eat your heart out!

10-15-24, 3:18pm
okay----you kids already know about my value-set on travel as a tourist, and showing off. Like, wow--I'm impressed. Not. But yeah---here's a photo of a test subject, who is trying hard to impress everyone, by wasting MUCH time and money, visiting a well-known tourist trap. Totally foolish, Yup. Guess where? (See photo)

People travel for different reasons, some good and some bad. I do think there are some retired people with money who are bored stiff sitting at home and travel just to break the boredom. I understand there are some places in Europe, like Italy, where tourism is so popular that the locals are protesting.

10-15-24, 3:41pm
okay-----just to let you kids know---I am NOT bored stiff, so there is no need ta alleviate boredom by going on some dumb trip, somewhere. There are plenty of adventures going on right in this area. But right now---I'm dealing with a crisis; my youngest catt(approx age 2+) has gone missing. My guess is that she slipped into the laundry room last night, and out the back door after that. So, I noticed she'd gone missing then. But, she hasn't returned. There is a $1 million dollar reward out, for her return(offer limited; some restrictions apply). Hopefully, she will tire of wandering and return. Yup. So, no--I'm not goin' ta France Ta eat snails & horsemeat or see the totally useless Eye-Full tower or whatever, just for something stupid to "do". Adolf went to Paris ONCE, posed for photos, and never went back. He didn't have time for that kiund of foolish stuff. . Nope.(see photo)6072

10-17-24, 12:45am
weeeell, okay------another one o' my case study subjects, who made a tour o' europe last summer but hasn't been out-of-town since, announced that she has to try out this new restaurant that just opened, where the gimmick is "Armenian-Style Barbeque". So yeah---you can go and have your choice of various meats-on-a-stick, and other special yummy stuff.(camel/horse/goat/whatever Haven't checked to see the menu for prices, but knowing my case, it prolly is no less than $50 per head, for dinner. Yup. That said, I just know summa you kids will say hey---that's pretty cheap"! or about how it's their money, so what do you care, lbb? Ha. Gotcha. Another thing is---good news---my missing kitty-cat turned up. Yup. Very hungry and thirsty, too.

10-17-24, 6:42am
Glad your missing kitty showed up!

iris lilies
10-17-24, 9:18am
Glad your missing kitty showed up!
She was traveling. Clearly, SHE values sightseeing even if her owner does not.

10-17-24, 12:02pm
Glad your missing kitty showed up!TYVM, RR. Okay-----I guess I shoulda revealed that she wuz right here at home, all the while. So, anyway---what happened(apparently) is that she musta jumped off the file cabinet next to the other bedroom(which is used for storage) and tripped the latch, so the door opened. THEN, when she entered the room to snoop around, she evidently knocked a bid package of paper towels I'm hoarded on the floor and against the door, which closed. See? Well, she prolly stayed occupied checking on this in there, and took looong naps, but last night about 10, I thought I heard a kitty cat. See---that cat is named "Mouse" but she's more like a squirrel. Yup. Anyway, she has a tiny little meow. Well, she prolly got hungry/thirsty, so decided to call it to my attention. I looked all over, until I found her. But yeah---she was glad to be found. Yup. She don't need no trips to Egypt, ta see the sphinx or whatever. Nope.

iris lilies
10-17-24, 12:50pm
You are wrong bobby, she needed to explore that whole other room that you do not allow her in.

I stand by my assertion that she was traveling to see new sights.

10-17-24, 5:06pm
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and go along with LBB here....I think I may know where he's coming from.

Case in point...My former boss. She's retired, was widowed, now remarried. She and her new man travel extensively locally, in the U.S. and some abroad. Holy heck. She is the epitome of an "over-sharer." I love her dearly, but her FB posts are 24+ photos which could be copy/pasted except for the location. Lots of close up selfies of them at breakfast-lunch-dinner, pictures of what they ate, separate photos of their drinks, many horizon shots, etc. Mostly selfies of themselves looking ecstatically in love and toasting each other.

Ok, rant off now.

10-18-24, 3:46pm
okay----KLR, gets the picture! Yup. So, anyway---here's a post from one a my case subjects' f-book. Said subject drives a 'Cedes SUV, is on her 4th marriage, and spends money like crazy on concerts, fancy restaurants & trips, everywhere. Is aso at least 50 lbs overweight. Yup. Yet--subject is employed in the mental health field! Ha. (see photo)6081

10-18-24, 7:02pm
I don't think you can make a blanket statement about travel. Yes, it's annoying to see people grabbing their bags and jet-setting off every season to some place or the other, just to be able to post on FB pics of their painted toenails and a glass of wine in the foreground and an eternity pool in the background.

But I was just reading Tim Ferriss today, and he has spent a good amount of time doing what he calls "vagabonding" which is basically just saving up enough to grab a backpack and go somewhere to get out of your self and discover something else.. think of Thoreau, Kerouac, London.

In my personal experience, I have learned something from every place I've visited. And when my young sons traveled, I was so happy because I knew they'd come back changed in some way. So I am definitely biased in favor of travel, but it has to be a certain kind of travel, by a certain type of person.

10-19-24, 3:13pm
I love to travel. Just got back from visiting 3 national parks with more on the horizon (hopefully). I love learning and change. Can't imagine always staying home. To me, variety is a must.

10-20-24, 12:21pm
okay----I am just sure you kids remember when Packy published his position paper on needless travel to Howoya, middle o' nowhere. (see photo). Well, another of my case studies spent 40+ years toiling in a hot, noisy, dusty autobody repair shop, and retired. Many people in that occupation don't LIVE long enough ta retire. Nope. But anyway---his avocation is ta sit-n-watch tee-vee sports, but evidently to please his old lady, he hadta escort her ta Ho-woy-ya, just last week! (see photos). They took the usual type o' photos, including that of the sunken ship eyesore that leaks oil & is filled with dead sailors. For me, sure not gonna waste $1000's to go see that bizarre show. Nope. I'm not that "patri-idiotic"(a term I coined).60836085

10-20-24, 12:42pm
okay----I considered traveling to Carthage, Mo. on Saturday, but guess what?: There was YARD WORK to be done; huge Zurra-style WEEDS 6-7 feet tall that grew in a very short time, and they had to be cut down. I might add that last weekend, I took my perfessional-grade Stihl 291 next door and cut down a dead tree that was about 50-60 tall. Well, Church guys boy was concerned it might fall on the house, but I cut it so it fell in the right spot. Then, I cut 'er up, so church guys boy and HIS boy could load it up in his old pickup and move it. So, no--I ain't got the time nor inclination ta waste tim-n-money ta go all the way ta ho-woy-ya. I never get bored, here. Nope. (see photo of bored couple who sat on a plane alllll the way to ho-woy-ya, so they can see a sunken ship full of dead sailors that leaks oil) Obviously--they are VERY patri-idiotic. Yup.

10-20-24, 2:14pm
wow... such excitement (NOT) ... cutting up a tree

iris lilies
10-20-24, 6:06pm
wow... such excitement (NOT) ... cutting up a tree
*MY* husband can both cut up a 40’ tree AND ALSO fly to Switzerland for an enjoyable vacation.

He can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan, ya know?

10-20-24, 6:38pm
Yeah, well i done a WHOLE lotta stuff, besides sitting on a plane ALLLLLL the frickin' way ta the middle o' nowhere. That's fer sure. Yup. But yeah---IWAH:The Meat State. Ha. Now that's boring. That said, I can't help it if other people are Pizzing their money away on touristy stuff. Nope.

10-21-24, 1:03pm
Bobby: Just to make you envious, I am attaching some of the more glamorous shots I took during our recent once-in-a-lifetime trip to magnificent Hatfield, MA.


All kidding aside, we did have wonderful week and it was a beautiful area and inn that I look forward to visiting again.

iris lilies
10-21-24, 1:14pm
I travel 4-5 times a year to garden club/plant society events and meetings. These trips lack real fun, they are a blur of unremarkable hotels, boring meals, and interminable highway driving.

i really should take the time at each trip to see at least ONE thing interesting. Last year I visited the
national Quilt Museum in Kentucky as a side trip from the main event and that was worthwhile and memorable.

10-21-24, 2:19pm
Just got back from White Sands National Park, Guadalupe National Park and Carlsbad Caverns. It was wonderful! May travel in a few weeks to see fall foliage here in TX. It is only a few hours away. There are other things to do in the area too!

10-21-24, 11:59pm
okay---I was looking at a y-tube video about the Centralia, Pa. underground fire. But yeah----it's been burning for 60 years, and it was necessary to vacate the town of 2000 on account of it. There are some things analogous to the Times Beach disaster, here in Zurra, and also the one that affected Picher, Oklahoma. One being that they are essentially man-man environmental disasters that destroyed small towns/villages. A point to ponder. But yeah---touristy: not. Though people usta visit centralia and graffitti-ed the road into town, until it was frilled in with dirt. <watch the video to see what I mean. But yeah---don't need to go there, now. Better to stay away. Yup.