View Full Version : What is up with this photo shoot?

7-12-11, 12:53am
Ok - I know it's been suggested that I seek 12 step help for my Palinoholism, but I have just got to ask you guys...

What in tarnation is Palin aiming to accomplish with this photo shoot for Newsweek?

(click through all 8 pix)

I mean really - she never fails to amaze me.
Yeah, it's attention grabbing, but is this almost MILFish photo shoot (yes, I just typed that :|() really the kind of attention you want as someone who keeps teasing to run for the leader of the free world?

I know there are people out in the country that take her seriously, but I just so don't get it.

7-12-11, 1:13am
The point is that image is everything and she knows it.

7-12-11, 1:19am
But what in that image of the photo shoot says 'presidential'?

Or is that the point - that she's not presidential and could win (according to her)?

7-12-11, 6:54am
feeling nervous about Michelle Backmann? Or, the same old "do anything for attention"?

7-12-11, 7:19am
We're getting ready to take off on our family vacation for the summer and the wise-a** part of me is tempted to decorate my car with posters of the constitution, liberty bell, statue of liberty, etc
and a big sign "ON FAMILY VACATION" ala Palin

She's laughing all the way to the bank for sure! Maybe she is the real Stephen Colbert!
For someone that purports to hate the lame stream media so much (her oxygen-along with folks like me who are foolish enough to waste their time typing about her :S ), wikipedia says that's what she studied in college - Journalism/Communications.
She obviously studied well.
It's funny too that Bachman was a tax lawyer for IRS (or something like that, check my hearsay)

I'm becoming like Buck (does anyone remember him from this board a long time ago?) -- "Oh, there's Mtnlaurel going nuts over Palin again!"
I can't remember what Buck's key points were, other than it was like clockwork --- x discussion, cue Buck

7-12-11, 8:25am
She looks like she is modeling the clothes. Perhaps she is thinking of coming out with a line of sweatshirts? :D I agree with Tenngal. She just wants to be the center of attention so she is going to milk this will she/won't she thing for all it's worth.

7-12-11, 8:31am
Somehow, I don't see a male candidate posing like this. An official portrait or some candid shots, but these look artificial.

7-12-11, 9:16am
Maybe she's really a performance artist and that work is entitled "Presidential Tease" ?

7-12-11, 9:36am
Grey sweater to indicate gym, ready to fight, etc. Jacket and casual pants to show off that she's an average person, etc. Moose antler to remind you she's from the wilderness and is pro-hunting and pro-gun.

Mission accomplished, she has people talking. If/when it comes time to run, she has mindshare and these photo shoots won't be a deal-breaker.... heck, attractive, conservative huntress from the frontier is probably a decent pitch to a good base of potential constituents while everyday clothes, not being overly provocative, and a middle-aged house mom would appeal to the rest of that base.

I have no opinion on if she'll run or not, but I think she's doing a great job of staying in the limelight which will only benefit her in either a career as a reality tv star or president of the united states (heaven help us all)

7-12-11, 10:05am
Or maybe she's lobbying to be the spokesperson for new product line ...... Cabela's GlamourShots

7-12-11, 11:32am
My boss told me of a recent meeting he attended with some stodgy, old, white conservative men at a prominent foundation board meeting. They sat around and talked about what a "fine-looking" woman that Sarah Palin was. He said it was just unbelievable as they went on about her various physical attributes and how nice it would be to gaze upon her if she was president.

7-12-11, 12:36pm
I don't know that her photos are that much different from much that we've seen from Mitt Romney, unless, of course, one is simply more inclined to think of a man as being presidential than a woman. People are, I think, more inclined to be critical of a woman, as far as their looks, what they wear, etc.

7-12-11, 7:51pm
I think that photo makes her look old. That said, her age has absolutely nothing to do with her inability to garner my consideration for any office, even my local town council.

7-12-11, 11:26pm
Ok - I know it's been suggested that I seek 12 step help for my Palinoholism, but I have just got to ask you guys...

What in tarnation is Palin aiming to accomplish with this photo shoot for Newsweek?

If Newsweek, or any other major magazine does a cover story on you, is it unusual for them to take photos of their subject?
Better yet, if Newsweek did a cover story on someone else, would it be unusual for someone here to start a thread about the accompanying photos?

7-12-11, 11:30pm
If Newsweek, or any other major magazine does a cover story on you, is it unusual for them to take photos of their subject?
Better yet, if Newsweek did a cover story on someone else, would it be unusual for someone here to start a thread about the accompanying photos?

The question wasn't "does Newsweek take pictures of people?" but "What does Palin hope to accomplish with a photoshoot in this style for Newsweek?"

Since, for example, one alternative would have been a more executive style of dress in a more executive setting.

iris lily
7-13-11, 12:43am
Somehow, I don't see a male candidate posing like this. An official portrait or some candid shots, but these look artificial.

I think they look artificial because she's not a professional model. They look like amateur poses because, guess what--she IS an amateur model! She looks outdoorsy--wrinkled pants, a little unkept hair, tight but thoroughly covering sweatshirt. These ARE sweatshirts, ya know. Not spandex and there is no booty hanging out.

Boy you people get all aflutter about nuttin'.

What was the editorial intent here?

7-13-11, 9:40am
The question wasn't "does Newsweek take pictures of people?" but "What does Palin hope to accomplish with a photoshoot in this style for Newsweek?"

I'll go with her once again garnering more attention than warranted from women who are intimidated by her.

On a side note, it's amusing to see the impact conservative women in general have on liberals. If the current Bachmann threads and the ongoing Palin threads here are any indication of the interest in them in the real world, it's easy to see that they are forces to be reckoned with. I think the run-up to 2012 is going to be very interesting on the Public Policy board.

7-13-11, 10:01am
If the current Bachmann threads and the ongoing Palin threads here are any indication of the interest in them in the real world, it's easy to see that they are forces to be reckoned with. I think the run-up to 2012 is going to be very interesting on the Public Policy board.

I think it is quite sad that people like the above mentioned are taken seriously in any manner. They are clowns seeking public attention and I certainly hope that our country has not sunk to the level to admire such people. However, after living through the last decade and seeing how successful this type of person can be - I'm not holding my breath.

I’d rather eat red beans with a pitchfork that live like these people envision America!


7-13-11, 12:30pm
I think the run-up to 2012 is going to be very interesting on the Public Policy board.

Meh, I don't vote so I'll just tune out at that point.

Mangano's Gold
7-13-11, 11:40pm
Yeah, it's attention grabbing, but is this almost MILFish photo shoot (yes, I just typed that :|()

She's a total MILF. Heck, she's even a GMILF*, which sounds kind of gross but isn't it Sarah Palin's case.

* her daughter had a kid.

7-14-11, 1:44am
Why on earth would any clear-thinking woman be intimidated bt Palin?

7-14-11, 4:21am
My first thought was: those photos are all wrong for a woman of that age. Then again on some level it is nice to see an older woman portrayed as sexy by anyone!

It is almost like those Dove ads where women with less than media ideal bodies are portrayed as attractive. It is NOT what you are used to seeing images of. Yea, there is a feminist message maybe even in the Palin shoots, stuff like that is probably why she is popular as a media figure, there are layers here (and they may be incredibly deliberate) that appeal to people. What better image to appeal to a getting a bit older in years, and insecure about it, republican woman .....

Yea, but who you like as a media figure and who should really be in charge of running things are entirely different things.

7-18-11, 3:25pm
Why on earth would any clear-thinking woman be intimidated bt Palin?

Why on earth would any clear thinking woman be intimidated at all? Heck, with a little organization women could easily (officially) rule the world.

7-19-11, 10:01pm
My first thought was: those photos are all wrong for a woman of that age. Then again on some level it is nice to see an older woman portrayed as sexy by anyone!

I'm not a woman, but I'm within 3 years of Palin's age and I've gotta say, I don't think of myself as older by any stretch of the imagination. Like Palin, I think I still retain what I would consider to be my youthful attractiveness. I don't still have the twinkish cuteness I had in my 20s, but I wouldn't hesitate to pose for flirty photos like these. Unless I were running for president. If I were running for president I'd probably adopt a more 'serious' persona rather than a casual 'everyman' style. But then, again, I'm a guy, so the rules are different.

7-20-11, 4:44am
There's no cutoff date for sexy in my opinion. Men and women of all ages can be very sexy, although it is rare that the media portrays that.

But if I was running for President I wouldn't be aiming for a sexy look in a photo shoot....

7-20-11, 7:47am
Since sexy is in the eyes of the beholder, could it be that casual can also be sexy?

7-20-11, 10:35am
Somehow, I don't see a male candidate posing like this. An official portrait or some candid shots, but these look artificial.

JFK looking rakishly handsome in his casual boating clothes or while playing family football. Reagan atop his horse in his finest cowboy attire. Carter in his "I'm a down to earth farmer" threads. Obama in shorts and sweats or tank top while playing BB or vacationing in Hawaii. Dick Cheney in full hunting garb, rifle by his side and foot planted atop whatever Secretary of State he shot that week. All "photo-ops". All men of power and position. All in nothing different then the type of clothes Palin is wearing. The only difference is that we as a society still sexualize attractive women. If she looked like Barbara Bush or Ann Richards in the same clothes and same poses we wouldn't be having this conversation because we don't view them as sexual objects. Heck, if a male politicvian wore similair clothing in the same setting we wouldn't find anything wrong with it. While I personally don't like Palin and would probably be the first to ship oars to Canada if she became Prez., I find it maddening that we still view attractive woman as sexual objects rather than the intellegent and accomplished people they can be. It seems that unless they are covered head to toe in a drab grey suit, hair pinned back in a bun, and acting in a prim and subdued manner that people feel they are being exploitive and using their looks to get ahead. Do you think they want to be oogled by their fellow politicians or by the public just because they are attractive? An attractive man is seen as more powerful and intelligent while an attractive woman is diminished and seen as some kind of self-serving bimbo who's never taken seriously, never given a chance because, well, we don't want them to worry their pretty little head over such things.