View Full Version : My garden photos inspired by benhyr

7-19-11, 11:45am
Ugg, trying to load some photos, can't get them in the post but here they are, still a work in progress. First photo is a new blueberry bed I started this year and sunflowers I stuck along the edge, there are squash meandering down the middle. You can see the girls in the background, usually they are outside in
the fenced area roaming but I hadn't let them loose yet.

Second photo: By tomorrow I'll have green beans ready.....

Third photo, this is my large potato bed, this one was put in later so that I have storage potatoes, in the large bed I have a row of potatoes we have started digging, they were planted earlier for summer eating.

Fourth photo:This is my herb garden, a few days ago it was completely out of control. I had to beat it back and I have oregano and thyme in the dehydrator. Basil and parsley will be dehydrated tomorrow.

Last photo show some new raised beds we just put in this year. Still need to post the big gardens, working on it.

Float On
7-19-11, 11:52am
Thanks for sharing. Your girls have a very nice area, love the stone wall at your herb garden.

7-19-11, 11:55am

Ok, two photos of the big garden. First photo is melon patch looking down into big garden, we are growing moon and starts watermelons and crimson sweet along with Hales lopes. Big garden has some perennial veggies, asparagus and horseradish as well as green beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, zukes, cukes, eggplants, raspberries, basil, parsely, garlic, onions, corn and in the background the retaining wall herb garden.

Boy I need to weed. ;)

Grapes are growing on the trellis in the new area, strawberries are in a separate bed. Pumpkins and butternut squash meander where ever they like in the new garden area.

Fence around the perimeter has been expanded this year and isn't quite finished yet, DH still needs to cut the rest of the posts down to size. He quadrupled my growing space this year with a great fence.

7-19-11, 11:58am
Thanks for sharing. Your girls have a very nice area, love the stone wall at your herb garden.

Thanks, what shows in the photo is actually one half, there is a mirror image of this coop attached to the back. DH makes such fun of me, he built the first one and than we had to blow out the back to add an addition on, so it's actually twice this size, too many chickens not enough time.

7-19-11, 12:00pm
What a lovely property you have, everything is so lush and green.....and nice, open space. I'm envious! Glad to see you tucked a chair on-site, you need something to rest on or just to sit and enjoy your creations. Thanks for sharing.

7-19-11, 12:02pm
Sorry duplicate, still getting the hang of the photo inserting. :)

7-19-11, 12:10pm
What a lovely property you have, everything is so lush and green.....and nice, open space. I'm envious! Glad to see you tucked a chair on-site, you need something to rest on or just to sit and enjoy your creations. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much. I never thought I could have something like this, after 8 years of living here we add a little each year. It truly is my "happy place". I just need to retire so that I can spend all my days in there puttering around.

7-19-11, 12:13pm
Thank you so much for the pictures TMC! Just lovely! And the horseradish sounds oh so good!!! A favourite in fact!

7-19-11, 12:33pm
Wow that is one big garden. And the rolling grass around it, is that your land or other people's land. Either way, you have so much space around your place, it is gorgeous.

7-19-11, 2:56pm
Absolutely amazing garden! That chicken coop looks fantastic as well.

Trade houses? :)

7-19-11, 4:56pm
Thanks so much. We have 10 acres, so yes all the green you see is ours. It's fun to hear someone elses perspective on it. There is always something to be done, I need to step back a little and be proud of what we have accomplished so far.

The garden is really one of my favorite places to be. This year is a lot of fun in the garden because my DS suddenly took an interest, the corn is his. He planted it, waters it, weeds it and was all excited the other day to find silks forming. He has about a 8x6 square and he just is so proud of it. The grapes are DH's. DD is just happy to stand around out there eating the veggies. Spring peas are her favorite and hardly any made it to my kitchen this year, mostly in her belly while she was outside playing. :)

7-19-11, 5:44pm
What a great property. Someday...someday...
Can I ask what country/state you are in? I'm just so curious about other parts of the world. It's just so flat where I live. I'd give almost anything to see a hill once in a while - even a tiny one.

7-19-11, 6:32pm
Sure, Pacific northwest....the cold part......wait it's all cold....:)

7-19-11, 8:12pm
Very, very nice...

7-19-11, 9:45pm
Originally posted by TMC.
DD 10 is just happy to stand around out there eating the veggies. Spring peas are her favorite and hardly any made it to my kitchen this year, mostly in her belly while she was outside playing.Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, this was a favourite of us kids when we were growing up, and mom and dad were always so gracious in allowing us plenty! Great memories!

7-20-11, 12:08pm
There is always something to be done, I need to step back a little and be proud of what we have accomplished so far.

Well, the key to photographing a loved one is to never use so harsh a light that you show off their wrinkles. The key to photographing a garden is to never get so close as to show off the weeds ;) That's why my shots are from either really far away or really, really cloes :laff:

It's very obvious how much love and work has gone into your garden that the rest of us can plainly see and appreciate that. And, it's good that there's always something to be done... otherwise spring and fall would be dreadfully dull!