View Full Version : Summer HEAT

7-20-11, 12:40pm
I can't believe the reports of the summer heat most everyone is getting - EXCEPT us in the pacific northwest! It has been unseasonably cool, rain (we usually have fairly dry summers) - Sunday we got the normal rainfall that we get in all July and August combined! No A/C needed. No watering lawn needed. No sunblock needed.
No lemonade. etc. etc. >:(

How HOT is it where you are and how are you coping?!

7-20-11, 12:46pm
Yesterday was a typical day for summer monsoon where we live: Temperatures rise during the day to close to 90 degrees/sunny, the house gets blazing hot (we don't have A/C), then about mid-afternoon, the clouds bunch up, the lightning starts, the heavy rain and hail start flying, 'til evening. Come evening, we are cool and soggy and everything smells nice. It'll be like this well into August. Weird stuff!

7-20-11, 12:51pm
Right now we're sitting at typical traditional seasonal temperatures, in the low to mid 30's (on the Celsius scale). Our evenings have been cool and that is such a blessing, as the heat makes me sick, weak, and tired. Overall our weather (for the entire year) has been much colder than normal/average. A super heavy winter, a late cold and wet spring, a summer that got off to a slow and late start, and by all counts, we're due for another early fall/winter. Overall our summer (thus far) has been much more cooler and comfortable than in the past.

7-20-11, 2:11pm
Very Hot here in Mi. Feels like Texas instead. Have to get my biking miles in very early in the morning. Grass is brown and crunchy.
My question I ponder when I hear daily about the heat and how hard it is on so many people: Is how did the world deal with heat waves before AC? Were people dropping dead hourly? Is it different for people out west or down south when the temps hover over 90? Or is it just the northern states that cooling stations go up and warnings are issued?

Float On
7-20-11, 2:13pm
99 today. Expecting 101 tomorrow. Not going to break until next week. Thats not counting that it feels 10-15 degrees hotter due to humidity. Everything is crispy.

7-20-11, 2:17pm
Very Hot here in Mi. Feels like Texas instead. Have to get my biking miles in very early in the morning. Grass is brown and crunchy.
My question I ponder when I hear daily about the heat and how hard it is on so many people: Is how did the world deal with heat waves before AC? Were people dropping dead hourly? Is it different for people out west or down south when the temps hover over 90? Or is it just the northern states that cooling stations go up and warnings are issued?

Generally, passive cooling and smarter house placement helped back then (high ceilings down stairs, narrow windows, porch overhangs, south-facing, etc). Heat islands around metro areas didn't exist back then. And, it's not just the heat but the humidity as it hinders your body's ability to release heat by sweating (in dryer climes, your sweat evaporates and cools you).

And, yes, there were heat-related deaths back then as well although I don't see any stats on NOAA for heat-related deaths prior to 1980something.

It's the humidity that's killing me. I'm too fat and hairy for this dew point, man.

7-20-11, 2:20pm
Originally posted by Ctg492.
Grass is brown and crunchy.I hate that! Typically, come spring time (in our area), everything is lush and green, then a week into a June or July heatwave, and everything looks yellow, brown, and dried.

7-20-11, 2:20pm
It was 41 celcius here with the humidex included. We had a good rainstorm last night and that has cooled things down for the next few days. By the weekend however we are supposed to be back up to the low to mid 30's. We had a very long,cool,wet spring so the heat now is actually appreciated.

7-20-11, 3:04pm
Very hot here in SoCal in the inland areas but still cool and nice by the beaches and up in the mountains - both less than a hour drive from my house. I feel bad for you mid-westerners and east coasters who can't find relief anywhere.

7-20-11, 3:07pm
Its 95F here in central Indiana. Its just horrid. Its scary. I don't think I could survive this without A.C. My poor chickens. I sure don't seen many birds flying around now. The locust are buzzing, of course.
The last time it was this hot and without rain was just before Katrina. sometimes I think the ocean steals our moisture and uses it in its hurricanes. We'll see.

7-20-11, 3:08pm
It's the humidity that's killing me. I'm too fat and hairy for this dew point, man.

Indeed, that's why I had to eventually move away from MI (my childhood home). The humidity just pressed down on me like a big sweaty hand. The plants love it I'll bet, though.

7-20-11, 4:48pm
Well the one good thing to say about the heat is that it makes you appreciate the colder weather of winter (quit giving me the evil eye all you mid westerners ;-)!). When it's like this I spend all afternoon in the beautiful air conditioned library catching up on the simple living boards :-)!

7-20-11, 4:56pm
We finally put in an air to air heat pump to help DH with his breathing and keep it set at 78F and it keeps us comfortable when the temp gets up to 93F and over 100 with humidity. Supposed to feel like 111F tomorrow!
DGS has been with us this week and attending summer drama camp with 22 other kids. He is exhausted at the end of each day from all the playing and the heat combo.

The cool wet spring got everything going well for the wonderful strawberries and black cherries but the cereal crops and later fruit will suffer due to the drought that we are experiencing now.

I am up at 6am to get everything done early and then nap in the pm.

7-20-11, 5:33pm
It's in the low 90's on the North Carolina coast again this week--had been cooler last week-perfect weather...and yes, it's humid, but it's fine if you walk or pedal slowly...guess I've gotten acclimated to it but do look forward to the crisp days of Fall and wearing sweaters and sleeping under a blanket again...but we had a long lovely Spring, so it's not been a bad summer. The nights are so pretty-languid and tropical, warm breezes. Need some more rain, though.

Sad Eyed Lady
7-20-11, 5:38pm
Today was upper 90's, but the heat index was 113!

7-20-11, 6:19pm
It has been hot here but not too abnormally so (it's not as bad as what seems to be going on in the rest of the country for sure!).

I deal with it by fans (including ceiling fans which I run in my bedroom at night) and my window box AC when needed. I don't crave constant climate adjustment but nor have I been able to avoid all power consumption in a hot little apartment either (at least I buy green power, great taste - less guilty :~)).

7-20-11, 6:30pm
Indeed, that's why I had to eventually move away from MI (my childhood home). The humidity just pressed down on me like a big sweaty hand. The plants love it I'll bet, though.

The warm weather crops are humming along a-ok. We watered the tomatoes and cukes though just because they're producing right now and I understand they like consistent moisture. The cool weather crops are downright miserable. We watered the broccoli and cauliflower because they're so stressed right now. Some basil decided it was time to bolt so I cut their heads off (that'll teach 'em!)

I am incredibly thankful for A/C right now. It's sized right that we can keep the house at 79 and it'll still run long enough to suck the humidity out of the air.

7-20-11, 9:01pm
Our summer heat started in late May and hasn't let up. More than 30 days now at 100 or above and not a drop of rain where we live for weeks on end. I don't believe I have ever spent so much time inside but I can't stand being this hot and sweaty on a continual basis.

Miss Cellane
7-20-11, 9:29pm
It's been in the high 80s/low 90s (low 30s C) for a couple of weeks now, but the first really bad heat is supposed to arrive tomorrow and last over the weekend. They are starting to issue warnings and advisories.

I caved in this afternoon and lugged the window A/C unit up from the basement. I now have one cool room. One room where I'm not bathed in sweat constantly. It really is the humidity more than the actual heat that bothers me. It was getting harder and harder to cool the apartment down at night--the temperature was creeping up bit by bit.

I'm not a summer person. Cold weather wakes me up and energizes me. Heat makes me tired and cranky and gives me headaches and stomach aches. I'm much happier in a room heated to 55 than I am in a hot, sticky 87 degree room.

7-21-11, 2:25am
I'm in Winston-Salem, NC and it's been in the upper 90s with like 100% humidity. There have been a few nights where I'd go outside and the combination of the heat and humidity would fog up my glasses. Odd. I don't remember that happening before.

7-21-11, 7:24pm
I am incredibly thankful for A/C right now. It's sized right that we can keep the house at 79 and it'll still run long enough to suck the humidity out of the air.
Our A/C is running continuously to maintain 75 degrees, probably since the setback thermostat dropped from 78 at 3:00; it's 99 degrees outside at 7:20 PM. I turned up the dehumidifier a few minutes ago, and plan to turn the thermostat to 78 in a few minutes to keep the A/C from running continuously much longer.

7-21-11, 8:02pm
we are up in Canada Pacific Northwest and I have been complaining about the cool wet summer we have been having. I think I will stop complaining now, having read what all you down south are going too.

Funny thing, a few years ago we started getting tourists from the southern US coming up for the summer,just like Canadians who head down for the winter.

7-21-11, 8:03pm
The heat index here during the Ann Arbor Art Fair is around 113 degrees...those poor artists that have booths on top of the street black top! Business is REALLY slow at the shop I work in, and the streets were pretty empty as well. I am grateful for the AC at work but I don't have it at home ~ I am managing pretty good with fans and keeping the windows and shades closed during the day: however, I will probably sleep downstairs in the living room tonight!

7-21-11, 8:13pm
it is always hot and humid here this time of year. It has been a little worse the past few weeks. No way we could make it without AC......lows have been ranging from 73-78 degrees at night, not much cooling happening.

Miss Cellane
7-22-11, 7:43am
It "cooled down" to 78 degrees last night. With all the window fans, I managed to get the house down to 83. Yes, once again today I will be holed up in one room with the window A/C with the shades drawn so I'll be in darkness, making brief forays out to the kitchen for food at meal times. Even with the A/C, my computer was getting way too hot yesterday and I had to turn it off for a while.

I started out on my walk an hour early today, at 5:30, and I cut it short because with the heat and humidity, I was dripping with sweat and beginning to feel lightheaded. So I'm back home with lots of water.

Whenever I turn the A/C on, my cat jumps up on an ottoman that right in front of it, sprawls out in a most unladylike way and doesn't move for hours.

Mrs. Hermit
7-22-11, 10:07am
Real feel of 120 here today. Even with AC, my breathing is not what it should be. Am considering short term rentals in very northern (or very southern) places......

7-22-11, 10:39am
I haven't had the money to get the AC in my truck working so whenever I have to get out and go somewhere, it's absolutely miserable. I get out to work in the gardens either early am or around sunset. Even then, by 9 a.m. it's starting to get too hot outside.

7-22-11, 1:46pm
When you look at the US maps, most of the nation is blazing red while WA and OR are frosty blue. I'm in WA and I've been freezing. Still have the winter quilts on the bed, haven't opened the window, wear a sweater outside. I've been here all my life and have never seen such a cold, dark July. Didn't some Seattle blogger calculate Seattle has had 76 or so minutes of sun this year?

7-22-11, 2:10pm
We're spending the summer in southern CA this year, and we've had outstanding weather.....a week or so of temps hovering up into the low 90s, but always cooling right off when the sun goes down, and we sleep under blankets at night.....we're about 20 miles from the coast as the crow flies, and west of the lower Inland Empire areas, so it's been great. Right now, at 11 a.m., it's 72 degrees and low humidity. I really feel for all you guys in the humid areas....I can handle some heat, but when it's humid, my body just overheats really quickly.

I grew up in and around Washington D.C. in the days before a/c in schools, offices, homes, buses etc. (mostly only in "refrigerated" movie houses), and it never fazed me at all, seemed completely normal, but when I go back there now in the summer, it feels like walking around in a hot, wet washcloth.........

7-22-11, 2:52pm
The only weather map you need:

Yea pretty normal CA, further inland and so there is some heat, some temp control measures get taken when necessary (AC in the afternoon for a few hours sometime, fans at night in the bedroom sometime). It's bearable. I know darn well what type of hot months Aug and Sept can be here though!!! Almost always historically worse than July so, it could well get bad ...

7-23-11, 1:34pm
We cannot get mother in law to go to a cooling place or to somewhere with AC like a hotel. It was 86 in the house with fans going. She is 600 miles away so no running over to check on her. She just told us the neighbor is calling her each day to check too.

7-23-11, 2:23pm
I am in the Seattle area, too, and will pick a cool summer over a heat wave every time. This weekend, though it's supposed to top out around 80. Perfect!

7-24-11, 6:20am
In Scotland, we get sporadic days of summer, rather than weeks or months. The warmest it has been was maybe 25C (77F). We'll have a couple beautiful days followed by another few days of cold winds and downpour. You have to be prepared for every season at all times in this country! It's also NEVER warm at night, as it is in many other countries that have a REAL summer!

Miss Cellane
7-24-11, 5:42pm
In Scotland, we get sporadic days of summer, rather than weeks or months. The warmest it has been was maybe 25C (77F). We'll have a couple beautiful days followed by another few days of cold winds and downpour. You have to be prepared for every season at all times in this country! It's also NEVER warm at night, as it is in many other countries that have a REAL summer!

Well, clearly Great-Great-Grandfather made a mistake when he emigrated from the Outer Hebrides to Boston. Equally clear--I am genetically equipped to deal with summer temps in the 70s, not the high 90s as we've had the past week, with the delightful addition of high humidity. This explains my general crankiness and feeling of illness over the last week or so.

Also, clearly I need to move to Scotland or Seattle, and soon.

7-24-11, 6:32pm
105 here today. We left all the blinds closed for the first time and it really seemed to help a bit though living in a cave gets kind of depressing. Dh and I feel like prisoners in the house and are now actively looking for someplace cooler to retire to. We tried to do some outside chores at 9a this morning but both were pouring sweat within thirty minutes. This is not a good situation...

7-25-11, 8:45pm
105 here today. We left all the blinds closed for the first time and it really seemed to help a bit though living in a cave gets kind of depressing. Dh and I feel like prisoners in the house and are now actively looking for someplace cooler to retire to. We tried to do some outside chores at 9a this morning but both were pouring sweat within thirty minutes. This is not a good situation...

We have this conversation every year. Should we sell out? We both have spent a lot of our lives building, creating, and trying to establish our own oasis in this Central Texas heat. Over the last decade it has been tough. I always say - why put up with these rednecks and this heat , we can go anywhere we like. But then the real world issues surface - family, friends, we are getting older, and doggoneit we love our place.

From my fav weather man, Jim Spencer --- Here’s a date for you. There has never been a 100 degree temperature recorded in Austin after October 2nd. Doesn’t make you feel much better does it? I’m afraid the heat ridge is here to stay, at least through August. It typically takes a tropical storm or hurricane to dislodge it for any significant length of time during June, July and August. And, you are correct–there is no sign of an El Nino, in fact, just the opposite. While still in the minority, there are a few climate models indicating a return of La Nina conditions this fall. That could be catastrophic, with the possibility of this drought continuing for another year or more.

We can only hope that Austin is not going to turn into Lubbock? God, I hope not! Keep the faith and Keep Austin Weird!!


7-25-11, 9:57pm
Well, clearly Great-Great-Grandfather made a mistake when he emigrated from the Outer Hebrides to Boston. Equally clear--I am genetically equipped to deal with summer temps in the 70s, not the high 90s as we've had the past week, with the delightful addition of high humidity. This explains my general crankiness and feeling of illness over the last week or so.

Also, clearly I need to move to Scotland or Seattle, and soon.

You can add San Francisco to your alliterative list of places. No one here has a/c and we don't need it. Like the pac northwest our summer has been normal, or possibly even a bit cooler than normal. It's 7pm, yahoo says its 64 out, but that's probably downtown. We're out by the ocean so it's probably about 60 here. Windows open and breeze blowing through. I'm in sweatpants and sweatshirt. I'd be cold if I weren't.

We've lived here 2 1/2 years. Before that I was in NYC for 18 years and I have to say, while I don't like the relentless week after week of insane heat that seems to be happening now in much of the country I miss hot weather. We have a beautiful deck with a nice view of the ocean a mile in the distance but by the time I get home most evenings it's too cool/foggy to enjoy so it only gets used on weekend afternoons.

While I agree with posts about how houses used to be better designed for passive cooling, etc, they were still hot. I can remember my grandparents' 1890s farmhouse in rural SW Missouri. It had shade from trees, big tall windows, etc, but it still got HOT inside in the summer. One summer (maybe 1980 or so) after they'd retired they finally gave in and bought a little window a/c. Apparently they liked this so much that the next spring they had Dave Lennox come and install a full-on central a/c for the whole house! Because of the age of the house (before the a/c the entire house had one electric circuit. after the a/c it had 2) they had to have a new transformer installed out at the road to handle the additional load. But they lived there another 10 years or so before grandpa died and never regretted the cost for a moment.

7-25-11, 11:35pm
So, can you grow tomatoes there?

7-26-11, 5:38pm
100 plus for almost a month. Very little rain. Everyones cranky. The ac never stops. It blows non stop and still gets up to 80 in here. TEXAS

Square Peg
8-2-11, 1:07am
We live in eastern Washington. In July we were still waiting for summer. Then my family took off on a month long cross country (and back) trip. After spending 3 weeks in heat and humidity, I am so grateful for Washington! Which has warmed up finally. Nights are still cool enough to sleep though.

iris lily
8-2-11, 8:43am
The one good thing about this ridiculous heat wave and no rain is that it is baking the fungal disease right out of my iris.

8-2-11, 2:31pm
I was whining about 85 degrees just a few minutes ago, then saw the weather map......WOW......just would not want to be anywhere in the center of the country right now, for sure.......they are expecting 109 in Dallas today, according to a friend, and that's actual temperature, not heat index..........

8-2-11, 2:42pm
Supposed to hit 108 today in Austin and tomorrow and the next day...I think we are witnessing the desertification of Texas right before our eyes. We try to take walks around 9p but it is still so stifling that the air feels like suffocation. Last night before dark, I saw three screech owls bathing and drinking in the bird bath next to the house which is very unusual. Watching my plants die is distressing too since gardening has always been my joy.

8-2-11, 2:48pm
We can only hope that Austin is not going to turn into Lubbock? God, I hope not! Keep the faith and Keep Austin Weird!!
I too am in Austin (just passed my one-year anniversary, in fact). It's 101F right now, "Real Feel" of 108F. Humidity 29%. We're under a heat advisory until Friday. It's been like this for weeks now. I think we've had maybe three or four serious (as in citywide) rainfalls in 2011. (Oh, and it snowed once in February.)

I moved here from Florida. I thought I could handle heat, but this is nuts. I know it gets this hot every year, but the drought is a separate problem. The grass crunches. It's very weird.

I am daily thankful for our AC. The thing I miss is being able to have the windows open. I love fresh air blowing through the house, but if I opened the windows now it would be like opening an oven door. :0!

8-2-11, 3:18pm
So, can you grow tomatoes there?

We grow them here (WA State), quite successfully in fact. BUT this appears to be a green tomato summer. Last year at this time I was making/canning sauce like crazy---so far--just greenies. Not even my cherry tomatoes are red.

iris lily
8-2-11, 7:41pm
Tonight we have National Night Out (block parties to get to know your neighbor for crime identification purposes) and as usual, it will be the hottest night of the year.

I am watching my dogs very closly, they are no allowed to be outsdie for naything other than a quick poo, pee, eat dinner, and then they must scamper back into the house.

8-2-11, 7:50pm
Here in Northern IL, it's 93 with a 107F heat index. However, we've got some nasty t'storms coming through and hopefully it will help a bit. Probably not. Low is supposed to be 76 tonight - the LOW!

Today I said the heck with being frugal with the a/c and turned it down to about 70. I peeled off my soaked clothes (car a/c not working very well, plus I had two errands on the way home) as soon as I got in the door from work and got into a cool shower. Felt sooooo good!

8-2-11, 9:23pm
When I was a kid, in the humid St Louis 100+ degree days, (before air-conditioning) we would soak our sheets in the tub, wrap them around ourselves. When they dried out about 2-3am, we would repeat and sleep fairly well until 6-7am.