View Full Version : Welcome, everyone!

12-31-10, 10:19am
Please take a moment to say hello, re-introduce yourself if you have a new name, and let the community know you are here! Have fun clicking around the place! :D

My user name has changed from Ellen Thomas to earthshepherd. :0

12-31-10, 2:08pm
Wow, this is so cool! Howdy, folks! I like these new digs!!

12-31-10, 3:04pm
Almost first . . . :) Will have to check out the new features!

12-31-10, 3:05pm
Hello everyone!

12-31-10, 3:05pm
Shadowmoss, the poster formerly known as Paula P

Simpler at Fifty
12-31-10, 3:06pm
Formerly Simpler at Forty here. Turned 50 this year and figured I should have a new name. Been on my decluttering, organizing, simple living quest for 10 years.

12-31-10, 3:07pm
Formerly stella23 here! As I'm going to be 33 this year I thought it was time to drop the 23 from my name. :)

12-31-10, 3:12pm
Here I am, formerly known as Chelhxi. That was a name from my childhood and hard to spell, so I've changed it.

So far the format looks good. I like new things. The poll feature should be fun too.

12-31-10, 3:21pm
Hey everyone. I was PippiLongunderwear at the old place, but I have the new name of Bootsie for the new digs.
Let the simplicity begin!

12-31-10, 3:26pm
Testing.... Hi everyone!

Bootsie is the most used nick-name of one of my cats. :)

Do we have smilies? (edit - apparently we do ;) )

12-31-10, 3:28pm
Whoo hoo! We're back, baby!

PS I was Iguana for a long time, but changed my handle to Bastelmutti (Craft Mom in German) a while back at the former site.

12-31-10, 3:35pm
Hey everyone. I am sugarbowlbaby, formerly known as sugarbowlbaby. Haven't been around at all and can't wait for the threads to start flowing with greatness!!!

12-31-10, 3:41pm
And I'm still herbgeek.

The herb because I love to grow and use them. Not the illegal kind, the kind you cook with.;)
The geek because the work I do for pay is in software development.
And because herbgeek was the first instant messenger name I used.

12-31-10, 3:46pm
Same old person. freeino5

12-31-10, 3:51pm
Hi everybody!
Good to see you all again!

12-31-10, 4:00pm
same old loosechickens no matter where......I've just crossed the road, that's all. ;-)

Welcome everybody!

12-31-10, 4:01pm
I'm in

12-31-10, 4:25pm
Image testing....

And a toast to everyone, past, present, and future who will enjoy and benefit from this forum.

What a fitting day for a new beginning.... :D


12-31-10, 4:44pm
I come over from SLN also. Can anyone guess who I was there?

12-31-10, 4:50pm
LOL, I can - I'm cixelsyd ;)

12-31-10, 4:51pm

12-31-10, 4:52pm
Hi my name was Anita in the old sln.I have not posted to much but.............sure like reading all there is here every day.

12-31-10, 4:55pm
Hi don't know what happened to my other reply.Sure have to find out how this site works.I never posted to much but sure like reading all there is every day.

12-31-10, 5:45pm
Hello and Happy New Years Eve to everyone! I was also Savannah on the old forums; didn't post much but was an everyday reader. So glad to see such a great new site. Thanks to all involved getting this up and running!

12-31-10, 5:46pm
Image testing....

And a toast to everyone, past, present, and future who will enjoy and benefit from this forum.

What a fitting day for a new beginning.... :D

http://www.spyontrends.com/wp-content/uploads/champagne-glass.jpgI'm just testing too - wanted to see if the image comes up with every reply. Nice Picture, Gina! :)

12-31-10, 5:47pm
Testing, testing 123

Hi to all, looking forward to a great new Simple Year.

Posted as Debios a few years back, am looking forward to getting to know each of you.

12-31-10, 5:58pm
Hi, Everyone. I was leslieann and still am. I used to lurk a lot; have been posting more lately especially in the last couple of weeks and also over on PDQ's new site. I feel some sense of responsibility to see that the forums, in whatever new incarnation they form, have my support. I didn't realize how important the SLN community was/is to me until I thought of what someone over there referred to as "going dark."

So I am glad to be here and delighted to see you here, and look forward to getting to know the new place. It feels very friendly already.


12-31-10, 5:59pm
Hello, was razz, formerly Danny, and now 2010razz so that I will remember when I joined these forums. so many times we would talk about when we joined and I had a only a rough guess.

Took a little while to figure out the signature but I searched around the profile to find it.
Nice bright digs!

12-31-10, 6:05pm
Greetings. Formerly known as Mrs-Mizerly, I am now Mrs-M. Thanks in part to all the past SL members who used the shortened form of my name to reflect a more "hip" Mrs-Mizerly, I liked it so much I decided to adopt it!

12-31-10, 6:13pm
Hello to everyone! Iwas seagull on the old forums and am now libby. It's great to be here!

12-31-10, 6:20pm
frugal-one here and there! Happy New Year!

12-31-10, 6:26pm
"Here we are again, happy as can be, all good friends and jolly good company"

Mostly, anyway. Glad to see everyone in the new digs.


12-31-10, 6:28pm
Hello, Tenngal checking in..............

12-31-10, 6:34pm
DuraMater checking in too! Not a big poster on the old site but a faithful member since 2007 (nothing compared to the long time members, I know!!). Hope this turns out to be the same great resource and community of SLN. Happy New Year folks.

12-31-10, 6:55pm
I'm probably not going to be as active (I posted way too much especially when the forum was going away, as if I had to stock up on posts or something :)). But I'm here. I'll be checking in from time to time at least if not more.

12-31-10, 7:01pm
Hi all,
ljevtich here and now, same as before. Easy for me to remember that way. And would love to know how to have a signature. Have a happy and safe New Year everyone!
Found the signature line, hopefully it will come up now.

happy with less
12-31-10, 7:03pm
used to be lurker happy-w-less, now happy with less. So happy that the forums are continuing. Like the look of the page!

12-31-10, 7:11pm
Hi, all - doing business with the same ol' name -- great to be here.

12-31-10, 7:23pm
Why do I feel like we are on Lost................. The plane went down and now we are all popping up in the water shouting "I'm here". Looking forward to moving on, new and improved in 2011. Glad to see the familiar names popping up :0)

12-31-10, 7:30pm
Hello, all!

AustinKat here, formerly known as JesterKat on the old forums (fora?), where I posted rarely and read nearly daily, since around 2002 or 2003, best I can recall. Since I recently moved to Austin, Texas (and am much happier than I was in Orlando), I thought it was time for a new name.

Wow, it's all slick and shiny here! This'll be fun. ;)

12-31-10, 7:43pm
hello--dltrkr here, was a member (mostly a lurker) on the old boards for the longest time ( 01?02?) Time for a new year and a fresh start :)

12-31-10, 7:46pm
Hi, Stacy here. I was also mostly a lurker on the old board. I'm not sure if I ever actually introduced myself.

12-31-10, 7:57pm
This does have the feeling of a science fiction type story where we're all meeting on the other side. doesn't it? Good evening, good to see you, and Happy New year's Eve to all!

12-31-10, 8:13pm
Hi all. Pretty new to all this, but taking some good steps. Looking forward to learning from everyone. J

12-31-10, 8:24pm
Hi Everyone! I was began2 at sln and I am began2 here. I mostly lurk and read - someone usually says what I would say, and I don't want to clutter up the forums with a "me, too." Good to be here, but I will miss the old site.

12-31-10, 9:52pm
Hi everybody--I am rodeosweetheart, formally known as gudsfred, and so nice to see everyone here--what a beautiful space! Good to be here.

12-31-10, 9:53pm
checking in with my new identity! How fun! I happily forfeit my previous post count. It's a relief!

12-31-10, 9:55pm
Check out the new smileys! Karen did it. cow-hi!pow!:~):confused::0>8)

12-31-10, 10:04pm
Glad to be here! Posting from a hotel room in Greensburg, PA.

What should a family of three do in or near Pittsburgh while waiting for the rain to stop so they can watch outdoor hockey?

12-31-10, 10:05pm
formerly Amy25... but like stella, i'm older now :)

12-31-10, 10:06pm
kib, is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster???? Or just an octopus... LOL
PugLogic here, still trying to figure out pug logic, so I guess it's still me.

Great to see you all!

12-31-10, 10:29pm
Well, one of the things I have always loved about the forums is how many new skills I have learned as a result of my participation, and learned another one tonight - cropping and resizing a photo to (hopefully) use as my avatar!! Now the test!

I am fidgiegirl and was before, too. In St. Paul, MN. I LOVE the idea of the personal journal. Will be starting mine soon.

So glad many of us made it over to this side. I look forward to continuing our wonderful discussions.

boss mare
12-31-10, 10:29pm
Boss Mare...Formerly known as Chip Girl I just sold my show horse of 10 years last week and her name was Chippy AKA Chip Girl

12-31-10, 10:40pm
Hi all ... Serendipity here ... formerly Francie ...

12-31-10, 10:45pm
Hello all - I'm still Tradd! :)

12-31-10, 10:46pm
I am new here, mostly. I planning on joining at the other location, just a couple of days ago, and then read about the move. I am hoping to learn here and maybe share some of my baby-steps.

As I was reading this thread and seeing all of the cool nicknames and the back story on them, I kind of wish that I had be more clever and used something besides my actual name. Oh, well.>8)

Happy New Year to everyone!

12-31-10, 10:55pm
Hello, List! New member here. Good way to start the new year, I think. :)

12-31-10, 10:57pm
Hi, Gimmethesimplelife checking in and glad to be part of the new digs! Also going by the my name which is Rob. Happy New Year to all! Will spend some time clicking around the new place here.

12-31-10, 10:58pm
Hi everyone! [:D]

dado potato
12-31-10, 11:01pm
Nice to see All-yiz. Happy New Year, and Happy New Forum!

12-31-10, 11:30pm
Hi!! Azure here. It's so good to see so many familiar faces. I'm Azure because I love blue. And azure is a really pretty shade of blue. lol Nothing too creative there. Happy New Year!

early morning
1-1-11, 1:01am
Hi everyone, and Happy New Year! - I'm so relieved to get here finally! early morning checking in - keeping the name, which is just another way to say my actual one, which is Dawn. (where's the jumping up and down and waving frantically emoticon??)

(edited for typos - you'd think I could manage the first post here correctly, eh? but not, lol)

1-1-11, 5:37am
Hello everyone!! It's great to be here!! :-)
No name change here - I'm still Wildflower.

Dharma Bum
1-1-11, 7:25am
This does have the feeling of a science fiction type story where we're all meeting on the other side. doesn't it? Good evening, good to see you, and Happy New year's Eve to all!

Better than LOST.

1-1-11, 8:49am
Coming home--feels good! Happy one, one, one-one, everyone!

1-1-11, 9:06am
Hi all, I posted as sunnyjoe on the old boards. Had been a member since 2001. I mostly lurk right now as our family has grown to include two little ones. Love the forum and am so happy to see them live on. I didn't get a chance to say "thank you!" to Dave Wampler before so saying it here.

1-1-11, 9:07am
Happy New Year, everyone! I'm still catherine, and I think I'm going to like it here!

1-1-11, 9:14am
Happy New Year and Happy New Forum from LionGail.

1-1-11, 11:24am
Hi all! I continue to be "jrb3" on this new incarnation of the fora. It's been twelve years or so, might as well keep it. cow-hi

1-1-11, 11:33am
Rusty here, been around a long time off and on, mostly lurking < looking around > this new place is really nice, lots of nifty new features to play with. Good to see everyone!

1-1-11, 11:58am
Hi... I am the one formerly known as MeMyselfAndI. I am changing my name to reflect one of my favorite Louise Hay affirmations:

"Life is Simple and Easy for Me"

1-1-11, 12:16pm
Grendel, here. I was also Grendel in the old forum, where I mostly lurked. Hope to change that in the new forum.

1-1-11, 12:45pm
SiouxzQ checking in here as well, having made it over the hump of the New Year!

1-1-11, 1:41pm
Well, I'm here with the same name, since it's my online personna, it's the mask I wear. >8)

I usually hang out in the spirituality forum but maybe I'll start diversifying my portfolio. :~)

1-1-11, 2:12pm
Well, I'm here with the same name, since it's my online personna, it's the mask I wear. >8)

I usually hang out in the spirituality forum but maybe I'll start diversifying my portfolio. :~)Oh, you're here! Or ARE you? :~) Welcome, Din.

Welcome to everyone else too, of course! :welcome:

1-1-11, 2:16pm
Hi everyone! Its me CathyA......still the same. Glad to see we didn't all fade into the sunset! :)

Float On
1-1-11, 3:40pm
Mostly lurked on the other site about once every few weeks. I'd like to be a little more involved here. Running a glass business isn't simple or inexpensive and I get frustrated because I desire a simple life. My theme this year is "Float On" - sometimes the only peaceful spot I can find is on my kayak at the lake. (Former KMGlass)

1-1-11, 3:54pm
Hi everybody! Jetlagged and back in Beijing, up at 4 am, and where is my first stop on the internet rounds but here? And happy to see that I am able to retain my small "l" in my username afterall. I was wondering how I would cope with being called Goddess several times a day :)


1-1-11, 4:04pm
Hey Everyone, I'm here...same username as the old place...will likely mostly lurk, but I'll try to post something useful now and again. Glad to see so many regulars have joined the fun here in our new home.

1-1-11, 4:06pm
Hello Everyone! Catwoman here formerly known as dana. Glad to be onboard with all of you guys.

1-1-11, 4:17pm
Wow, in just over 24 hours on a holiday weekend, 186 people have found their way here...

1-1-11, 5:53pm
Hi, just peggy here cause, well, apparently I'm not all that creative.:~) this forum looks nice. Very clean and brand new, like a new book!
I'm glad to see all the old faces here, but it will take me awhile to remember who became whom.>8)

I like these smileys too:cool:

1-1-11, 6:28pm
Happy One-One-One-One, from another returnee: Lainey. Hello, everyone!

Mighty Frugal
1-1-11, 7:18pm
Hello everyone! This new board seems very similar to the last one! Glad to see so many familiar 'faces'..and check out the moving emoticons....eek

ETA=oops...I used to be Frugal Mighty..but now Mighty Frugal!!!

1-1-11, 8:05pm
I am here...same name I had at the old board for the past few months. Before that I was brokestudent. I am excited to see the new forum!

1-2-11, 2:32am
Hi. I'm canadianrose before and since. It's great that this forum can continue at all, and a bonus that so many have made the leap! I mostly lurk, but I plan on being more involved this year. If this year is anything like last year, I'll need this oasis of rational thought and simple ideas.

ETA: The reason for my name: I loved the song. Also, I've moved too often, and this is nicely patriotic without being location-specific. Currently I'm 29, and I have lived in 3 provinces.

Eggs and Shrubs
1-2-11, 5:40am
I've never attended a School Reunion but I should imagine it is a little bit like this thread. Nice to be back.

1-2-11, 6:57am
Hello! Formerly YVR-Terri, now just Terri (since I moved from Vancouver to Australia earlier last year). I read more than I posted on the old board. Like canadianrose, I'm planning to change that this year. You all have been a great inspiration to me and I hope I can return the favour.

1-2-11, 7:43am
I had "hello'ed" in a different place, so thought I should do so again here. Still me, still looking for all the happy stuff I can find.

Anne Lee
1-2-11, 9:34am
Well, this looks comfy.

I used to be known as Blithe Morning II, the name of a Royal Doulton figurine that sat above my desk. When I was being prompted for a user name, I was drawing a blank, looked up and thought "it'll work." I never really did love the name. Anne Lee is a variation of my real name. Ann Lee was also the leader of the Shaker community. The Shakers settled near my childhood home. I believe Mother Ann is buried there. Since I admire aspects of the philosophy of Shakers (not to mention their furniture) I thought this name suits me.

1-2-11, 10:11am
Anne Lee - of Fruitlands in Harvard, MA?

1-2-11, 10:39am
I was MrsIncredible on the old forum, but I mostly lurked and hardly ever posted. I'm in the process of getting divorced, and Mrs. Incredible was what my ex called me on our better days.

So, to keep it simple, I'm just using my real name. I'm looking forward to reading what everybody has to say, and maybe I'll post once in a while!

1-2-11, 12:25pm

NetTurtle checking in here, formerly known as Pink Shakira.


Was just settling in to read the old forums and found the closed message. I knew it was closing, but hadn't found the time to read up on the last bits. Oh well. Just checking out the new digs.

1-2-11, 2:07pm
danna glad to be here still as danna
Best wishes to the new site and 2011!!!

Anne Lee
1-2-11, 2:25pm
Anne Lee - of Fruitlands in Harvard, MA?

'fraid not, Yppej. Lee isn't part of my name.

1-2-11, 3:28pm
So glad to still have a forum to come to when I'm feeling the need for a boost of SL! I'm Shannel from the old site, but decided to use my nickname, Nella, here, as that's what my friends from all over the world call me. Just plain 'ole Nella. Hope you all had a lovely holiday season!

Kathy WI
1-2-11, 5:08pm
I'm glad to see the new forums up. I've been visiting the Simple Living site for about 10 years, I think. Same name as before.

1-2-11, 5:31pm
Hi everyone,

Formerly Corrine in IL signing on as saguaro!

1-2-11, 6:02pm
Hi All! Not much of a name change--was just west before and now kwest. I love being able to see where folks are located on the profile.

1-2-11, 7:51pm
Hello! I was BunnyFan on the old forums. Sadly, all my bunnies have since passed on, so I picked a more watery name.

1-3-11, 12:07am
Hi, have been hanging around on the sln boards for a few years, but was quite the lurker. A good kick up the butt to get more involved!! Nice to see you all here!!

1-3-11, 5:11am
Happy to meet everybody again! Have a great 2011!

Spider In The Bath
1-3-11, 6:53am

Made my way over here from the old site. Like a few others I have a change of name too.

1-3-11, 8:19am
It's nice to see so many people from SLN.

1-3-11, 9:58am

Made my way over here from the old site. Like a few others I have a change of name too.

Ha ha. Love your new name. Does it have any meaning other than the literal?

1-3-11, 11:43am
I think we're going to love this new v.bulletin format! Avatars, the ability to share images....great! One of my other favorite message boards, The Fedora Lounge (http://www.thefedoralounge.com/index.php), runs on v.bulletin and it works quite nicely.

I just wish there could have been a way to archive all the old posts from the other board, but we shall start anew. :)

I'm Betsy, otherwise known as Gingerella and was Gingerella on the other board too. That's my username all across the interwebz.....I belong to too many sites to have different usernames for all of them! I'm looking forward to this great community continuing on. I lurked more than I posted on the other board but checking in with the Simple Living forums have always been a part of my daily routine!

1-3-11, 11:43am
Hi all! I was kat_wier22 on the SLN. Dropped the wier as it was part of my maiden name, and I've been married 7 years now. Dropped the 22 because I'll be 28 this month LOL

Love the look of this new place! So happy to see so many familiar faces, too!

1-3-11, 12:14pm
???!!!What??!! Where am I? I thought I got off the island and then there was a bright flash of light and here I am. I guess the pull of the island is just... too... strong....

Well I guess I missed the simple living community too much to stay away (addiction is a terrible thing to waste) so I am back as "Spartana" - the militantly mega minimalist frugalista - instead of "She-Rah". She died of an extreme case of over gloating and other natural causes. Long live She-Rah!

editted for spelling and to figure out how it works

1-3-11, 1:57pm
Wow, what a response! Glad to be here with everyone!!! Dropped the numbers after my old name. Call it decluttering. So glad to see so many of the old gang registered here.

1-3-11, 5:24pm
Greetings all and happy new year to everyone :)

1-3-11, 6:09pm
I'm Jinger coming on over from SLN to the new site.


1-3-11, 8:52pm
I thought I'd let Jane Hoyt (whoever she is) have her name back.
I like the avatars and picture uploading and donate button over here. I feel like we've traded our yurt for an Airstream or something.

1-4-11, 7:23am
Hello - I've finally managed to get my problems with password recognition resolved!
Same name as on the 'old' boards.

1-4-11, 8:04am
Ha ha. Love your new name. Does it have any meaning other than the literal?Well, it is a quote from one of the zanier Danger Mouse episodes... >8)

1-4-11, 8:39am
Hello - I've finally managed to get my problems with password recognition resolved!
Same name as on the 'old' boards.

Whooo hooo! I'm so glad!

1-5-11, 9:51am
Howdy folks! I'm persimmon from the old boards, reincarnated as daisy, which is both a flower I like and my dog's name. And to give the original Daisy some air time...



Miss Minimalist
1-5-11, 11:18am
Hi everyone! I was anja on the old SLN, now going by my blog name Miss Minimalist. I'm thrilled to see the new forum up and running, and so many members making the switch. Many thanks to NRM for the wonderful fresh start!

1-6-11, 6:32am
Glad you changed your name Anja, because I was always mixing up your posts with Ajna and the two of you have very different lives on different continents. It took me a long while before I realized you were 2 different people.

Spider In The Bath
1-6-11, 8:11am
Ha ha. Love your new name. Does it have any meaning other than the literal?

hello - yes it does.

It is from an old tv advert in the early 1980s when perspex plastic had just come out. It was a cartoon to sell new plastic baths and had cartoon spiders singing "Oh it ain't no fun scaring anyone when the spider in the bath's on perspex. Even eight-legged drive won't get you up the side when the spider in the bath's on perspex."

me and my older sister can remember the whole song and have spent 20 years sending spider things to each other through the post. She one sent me a card with a spider on the front of it for Christmas. So I scanned the card and then printed the picture out on an iron on transfer and then ironed it on to a t-shirt for her and sent it back.

1-7-11, 4:45pm
Hello everyone,

Complete newbie here, but I was reading along for a little while on the old board. I thought that now was a good time to join and start participating, as there's always room to learn something new.

So without further ado: cow-hi

1-7-11, 5:25pm
I like your cow!

pony mom
1-7-11, 10:54pm
Hi everyone!! I've been lurking and learning for years and years now and thought it was time to join---new year, new forum. I'm 'pony mom' cuz, well, I have a wonderful Arabian horse that I adore. Looking forward to learning more and contributing in some small way. BTW, my real name is Nancy and I live in NW NJ.

iris lily
1-7-11, 11:29pm
Welcome to you lurkers!!! I really really wish I could get some of that lurking gene, I need a little of it.

1-8-11, 6:49am
Welcome to you lurkers!!! I really really wish I could get some of that lurking gene, I need a little of it.

You're great they way you are.

1-11-11, 3:03pm
I just found this site and thought it looked pretty interesting, so decided to join. I'm totally new to all this stuff so forgive me if I goof up a bit while I'm learning. :)
Anyway, howdee from snowy British Columbia, Canada. cow-hi

Miss Minimalist
1-11-11, 3:43pm
Glad you changed your name Anja, because I was always mixing up your posts with Ajna and the two of you have very different lives on different continents. It took me a long while before I realized you were 2 different people.

You and me both. I don't know how many times I looked at a post by Ajna and thought, "Wow, I don't remember writing that..." ;)

1-12-11, 2:11pm
Well call me difficult, but I had originally been "Spartana" (She-Rah on the old boards) but changed it to my real name "Lazy Lindi" (yes, Lazy IS my first name ;)) but someone told me I shouldn't use my real name on an open forum since it's unusual, so asked KIB to change it back to Spartana again. So, dazed and confused as ever, I shall be "Spartana"! :confused:

1-12-11, 2:53pm
Finally checking in, I've been busy cleaning junk drawers & closets, organizing papers, tackling errands, backing up computer files and shoveling snow.

I changed my user name from housework (which just sounded odd) to h-work. Still a play on my last name but not so strange (hopefully).

1-12-11, 7:58pm
I'm back with the same name...not really sure how I added the 44, hmmm it as been SO long ago, maybe I was 44 when I joined?! And now I added my own avatar...but already tired of looking at my own face! Thinking of a change...

Glad to see many of the same names/faces. I was really bummed out about the change, I find myself having to be pulled kicking and screaming to any kind of change.
I like my routines. So it is nice to see everyone here. We are all so different - and that is what makes this a nice community to visit!