View Full Version : Does anyone not have internet at home?

7-31-11, 6:24pm
Does anyone not have internet access at home? If so, how do you access the web - wifi at library/coffe shop, on your lunch hour at work, or smart phone (or any combo of what I listed)?

Ditching home phone and DSL would save me about $55 a month. I have a smart phone where I do a lot of surfing/email. Home phone was just for an emergency. Io can easily go to library or coffee shop nearby if I need to be on laptop.

How do you handle things like software updates to your laptops if you're only using wifi at library/coffee shop?


7-31-11, 6:26pm
I use the library, grocery store, coffee shops, etc. Works fine. Also, my cell phone is just for emergencies and does not have any email or internet access. I can also take my laptop to work and access the wi-fi there if need be.

8-1-11, 2:03pm
I also don't have home internet access (or TV) and do fine. When I'm at home I can use my Tracfone to check e-mails and just use the public library for internet n- either use their computers or my laptop. Updates are automatic on my computer when ever I get online - same for security stuff. I don't do online banking, shopping or anything like that. Just surf the web, yap at this site, and other than the occasional motel or campsite booking, I don't use it much. I only go online about twice a week when I'm in my 'hood, but when I'm on one of my longggggggg vacations like now, I go on almost everyday just because I'm somewhere with free wi-fi usually. I use to have internet access at home and found it VERY addictive so am much much MUCH happier without it.

Wanted to add that it can often be a hassle if you are using wi-fi somewhere that there isn't an eklectric outlet. At this moment I'm currently sitting in my truck picking up wi-fi from an unsecured site from a Starbucks nearby and my battery will probably die soon - leaving me internet-less until I get somewhere that I can recharge it. THAT can be a pain sometimes.

8-1-11, 4:23pm

Spartana, I was specifically asking about software updates because sometimes those are rather large and can take 10-15 minutes or so to download on my basic DSL at home. I can imagine they'd take a while on wifi.

The Caribou Coffee and Panera Bread near me both have accessible outlets. Not sure about Starbucks. I know my Macbook won't let me do software updates (at least from Apple) without being plugged in.

8-1-11, 7:03pm
Isn't there a gadget you can plug into your vehicles cigarette lighter that gives you a standard plug? I know I've seen them but don't know what they are called.

8-1-11, 9:39pm
Isn't there a gadget you can plug into your vehicles cigarette lighter that gives you a standard plug? I know I've seen them but don't know what they are called.

I didn't know that. Like a cell phone plug-er-in-er-thingie? Maybe that's something I shoukl look into getting if they have them. Anyone know? My battery also doesn't last very long. At "high power" it goes in about 1/2 hour. At "power saver" mode it goes in about an hour. Seems like a short time to last. And no I don't have any programs, etc... running in the background.

Tradd, I remeber you do a lot of photography and other things on your computer so getting rid of home internet might really impact you alot. Maybe you can try to cut back on other things and keep the interent access instead. Or look for something cheaper. I don't have it because I get too addicted and don't want to spend that much time online. Easy to do when you're not working " Oh, I'll just check my e-mail this morning before I go out for my run". Next thing you know 5 hours have gone by and the only thing you've acomplished is winning a bunch of solitaire games :-)! If I didn't have that kind of problem I'd keep internet access at home.

8-2-11, 10:37am
Something like this:


8-2-11, 3:04pm
I have managed without an internet connection at home by using my netbook at coffee shops and desktops at the public library near to where I live. It works pretty well, although I spend sometime getting to and from the shops or library. It's a ten or fifteen minute trip to one of them.
We lost one of the coffeeshops which closed and the public library has cut its' hours of operation somewhat but all in all, the biggest disruptions have been holidays. There's a Starbucks within a mile and a half of me and that seems to be open almost constantly!

8-3-11, 1:56pm
I have managed without an internet connection at home by using my netbook at coffee shops and desktops at the public library near to where I live. It works pretty well, although I spend sometime getting to and from the shops or library. It's a ten or fifteen minute trip to one of them.
We lost one of the coffeeshops which closed and the public library has cut its' hours of operation somewhat but all in all, the biggest disruptions have been holidays. There's a Starbucks within a mile and a half of me and that seems to be open almost constantly!

I often still use the library or coffee shop or Micky D's when they are closed as you can usually get wi-fi 24/7 if you are parked or seated close enough. I run every morning in a big park which has a big library with free wi-fi 24 24/7 in it. So after my run, even though the library is still closed, I can get online while sitting out in the park stretching. It's very pleasant!

8-4-11, 8:53am
While I now have a connection at home and a laptop, I did go for about a year and 1/2 ago without either. I used the computers at the library. It worked out pretty well, the computer is still a luxury for me rather than a need, but with the one hour limit at the library it cramped my style when using it for a distant learning class.

Around the end of last year I was having some problems and so took my laptop to the library where everything worked just fine.

8-8-11, 1:48pm
Thank for all your input. I COULD cut out my landline. That would cut my AT&T bill in half. But I'll have to call AT&T and see what the installation cost for the DSL without landline would cost. I don't want to just do this over the web as I'm current customer changing service.

It's the same DSL speed as I have now, for $19.95 a month for a year, rather than the $30 a month I pay now for DSL with landline.

8-8-11, 2:41pm
Isn't there a gadget you can plug into your vehicles cigarette lighter that gives you a standard plug? I know I've seen them but don't know what they are called.

Power inverter - no recommendations since I don't own one, but there appears to be a lot of them out there - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_14?url=search-alias%3Dautomotive&field-keywords=power+inverter&sprefix=power+inverter

8-8-11, 7:48pm
In some large cities, AT&T only charges 14.95 per month for dry loop DSL.

8-9-11, 9:10am
I was going to suggest the dry DSL if you aren't entirely sure you want to give up the home internet. We have DSL (no home phone) and it is the $19.95 price. I've had it since May and its been just fine so far. I had cable internet before, which is supposedly faster, but I don't notice any difference.

8-9-11, 10:35am
Well, in my area if I went to dry dsl, it would be very slow, per AT&T. I've decided I'll keep my current service for now, but I can always drop it later.