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8-17-11, 9:00pm
This week as we drove home from our vacation we stopped at a Wendy's. The place was a mess. No one had cleaned the dining room, trash everywhere, it was pretty bad. It looked like they were short handed and it was all they could do to keep up with the orders.

These young adults came in - drove up with a trailer of dirt bikes - looked like they had been riding all day. One guy in his early 20's said, this place is a mess. He immediately started cleaning the trash off the tables, picking up fries off the floor,
straightening the salt & pepper shakers, etc. I just got a big kick out of seeing this kid do this. He was dead serious, not just joking around.

When I first walked in I immediately thought I should tidy this place up while we are waiting for our dinner, but I didn't. It was just reassuring to see others felt like I did and actually acted on it! :+1:

8-18-11, 12:02am
nice......ya know, so many deplore the youth of today, but honestly, I see so many young people like this, pitching in, helping others, giving of their time and energy, accepting others, working together across racial, religious, gender and sexual orientation......gives me great hopes for our future.

there is just something nice about someone who walks in, sees that something needs to be done, and kind of just pitches in to help solve the problem, just as a matter of course.

this brightened my day Greg, truly.

8-29-11, 6:18pm
What a nice story! Thanks Greg!

8-29-11, 8:48pm
nice......ya know, so many deplore the youth of today, but honestly, I see so many young people like this, pitching in, helping others, giving of their time and energy, accepting others, working together across racial, religious, gender and sexual orientation......gives me great hopes for our future.

there is just something nice about someone who walks in, sees that something needs to be done, and kind of just pitches in to help solve the problem, just as a matter of course.

this brightened my day Greg, truly.


Zoe Girl
8-29-11, 10:33pm
There are a lot of young people in my field, in fact in our last meeting of front line supervisors I was the oldest in the room at 45. So I see the good and the bad, but i see a lot of young people who really care about the kids we work with. Makes me happy