View Full Version : The Help

Float On
8-18-11, 7:16am
I don't usually read fiction or popular 'best selling' books but this one was passed around in my group of girlfriends. We all went to see the movie together on Tuesday night (free popcorn night). Couldn't believe the number of 'girl groups' out and about that night.

It was nice to see a movie that stayed so true to the book. They did a really good job with it.

We had a late night coffee after the movie and talked about who we knew that were raised this same way. My husband was, they had daily help in their home in SC. He often talks fondly of the maid who basically raised him.

Have you read the book or seen the movie.

8-18-11, 8:39am
Read the book and loved it. I will have to see the movie.

So far the truest-to-book movie I ever saw was Gone With the Wind.

I think there are deep threads in The Help that continue through to today. When I recently visited Costa Rica one of the teachers there asked me why EVERY (now whether it really was "every" or it just seemed this way to her is another story) service type post in the Atlanta airport was filled by an African American. When you read The Help and think that it was set only 40-50 short years ago, it's not hard to think of why this might be. But now I've opened a can of worms. :)

I really loved the book.

8-18-11, 9:23am
I'm looking forward to the movie. I read an article that was pointing out that a tradition has developed of a high profile "women's" movie in mid-summer--A-list actresses, the kind of thing a group of women friends can go to together (for instance, Eat Pray Love, Julie and Julia, The Devil Wears Prada) and The Help is this year's installment. I decided this was going to be the summer I went to everything that looked good in the theater (yay, budget matinees) and I have to admit I am now tired of big-budget action movies even though I liked all the individual movies just fine. We have a family get-together next week and I am going to suggest a "girls movie day" to see The Help.

8-18-11, 9:56am
I saw the movie yesterday and was quite pleased. I thought it was beautifully done and not a "let's just have a happy time" Hollywood movie. Very thoughtful. If you are someone that likes fashion the costumes were also quite good. I also like Viola Davis and was happy to see her in this film.

8-18-11, 12:05pm
I also loved the book (and like the OP, I usually skip the hugely popular ones that everyone is talking about; I'm just contrary that way), and this is the first movie I have been looking forward to in a long time. Hope it comes to Netflix in record time! :) I'm so pleased to hear that those who liked the book also liked the movie.

I don't personally know anyone who grew up in that location and era, so the historical details fascinate me.

Side note: I hear it's even better as an audio book.


8-19-11, 5:07pm
I listened to it as an audio book and the voices added so much to it!! It was such a good book in so many ways. for one, showing the utter meanness of the Southern belle society women. Anyway, I saw the movie too and thought it came as close to the book as it could; time constraints meant that things had to be left out but on the whole, it was essentially true to the book.

8-19-11, 6:01pm
I listened to the book also. Very good for listening. Saw the movie this week. I think the casting was near perfect.

8-19-11, 6:28pm
Can someone please tell me what the musical score consisted of?

8-19-11, 8:00pm
I read the book last week and saw the movie on Wednesday. Since the story was still so fresh in my mind, I wondered why they changed some of the story lines, but overall I really enjoyed the movie. I was worried from the previews that it was going to be all fluff, but I thought it struck a nice balance between seriousness and humor.

As far as the casting, I thought Aibileen, Minny, Skeeter and Celia were all spot on. I didn't care for Cicely Tyson's portrayal of Constantine. In the book, Constantine was big and powerful and in the movie she was small and frail and I could barely understand anything she said.

Simpler at Fifty
12-18-11, 9:04am
We rented the DVD last night. This was one of the best movies I have ever seen. I did not read the book.

1-6-12, 12:40am
I enjoyed the movie. Best part was seeing Cicely Tyson as Constantin.

1-6-12, 8:40am
I read the book and thought it was one of the best of my year's reads. I'm looking forward to getting my Netflix movie, but it has a long wait.

1-6-12, 11:32am
I'm so glad this thread came back up because I really want to see this movie (loved the book) and somehow, I forgot to put it on my Netflix queue.
